Riverside police

Chapter 322 False testimony!

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was blazing.

There are obviously no trees on the riverside, only patches of reeds, but the cicadas still keep calling.

The weather is hot. The decks of "old antiques", barges and floating cranes are so hot that they can fry eggs, and the bulkheads are so hot that they cannot be touched with hands. Naturally, it is impossible to work at this time, otherwise it is easy to suffer from heatstroke.

Captain Fan, Zhu Baogen and a dozen workers from outside were all huddled in the conference room on the second floor of the barge and taking a nap while the air conditioner was blowing on. Zhang Ping, Chen Zikun and two "interns" Liu Wenju and Guo Zhengguo were sitting around in the command and dispatch room. Hit upgrade.

Just like yesterday, I have to wait until about 3:30 when the weather is not so hot before going to work.

And before starting work, you need to use the water gun on the barge and 001 to spray water to cool down the working area, otherwise you still won't be able to work.

There are more people working, and the construction equipment for water operations is more complete than before. The Port Supervision Bureau even sent a deputy section chief to direct the emergency repairs, but Han Xiangning is busier than before.

Now I don’t have to worry about repairing the boat, and I don’t have to help boil water and buy food anymore, but I have to take care of the children!

The children finally waited for the summer vacation, so naturally they had to visit relatives and play at their homes. It can be said that this is a Binjiang tradition.

After winter vacation, I went to Sanxing for ten days. I got tired of playing at my uncle and great-uncle's house, so I wanted to come to my second uncle's place to play.

The second uncle is not at home, and Han Xiangning, the aunt, must receive him.

Han Shen's son Han Xiaoxun is seven years old this year. Seeing that his cousin is coming to Bailong Port, he insists on coming with him. As an aunt, she must also welcome him.

Xu Mingyuan and Zhang Lan's daughter Xu Yuan is also six years old. Their family has few relatives and the little girl has no place to go. Her mother Zhang Lan heard that Uncle Xianyu had two children who were also clamoring to come.

So starting from the day before yesterday, Han Xiangning became the leader of the children's group, taking care of three children at the same time.

Fortunately, Dongdong is twelve years old this year and can help take care of her younger siblings, otherwise she wouldn't have to do anything else.

Reception work is very important. The bureau works hard to repair the ship in order to meet the inspection by superiors. We can't slack off in welcoming the children of relatives.

Children all have their say. Whose family is good and whose family is bad will tell their families when they return home.

I have to buy two large watermelons a day, ice cubes or cream popsicles in the afternoon, soda in the evening, and the best food in the canteen of Bailong Port Ferry Terminal. After dinner, I planned to take them to Sichang Town to watch a movie and help them buy new clothes for each of them.

Compared with taking care of food, housing, play, and even helping them wash clothes, supervising them to study is more troublesome.

The three little guys thought it was too hot outside, so they ran into the 001 command module again.

The air conditioner was blowing, eating ice bricks, and lying on the command platform playing military chess.

Han Xiangning walked into the command cabin, closed the door and asked with a smile: "Dongdong, you will be in the sixth grade in the second half of the year. The sixth grade is the graduation class, which is very important. When are you going to do your summer homework? Your mother just called again. Asked, if I don’t do a good job after I get back, it’s not my fault if I get spanked by my mother-in-law.”

"Auntie, let me play for a while. I'll do it tonight."

"Don't you want to watch a movie? How can you have time to go to the Fourth Factory to watch a movie in the evening?"

"Then do it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow comes tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows. Can't put it off any longer, do it now!"


"It's useless for you to call me aunt or uncle, otherwise I'll be angry."

"Okay, I'll finish this set."

Seeing his aunt looking at him, Xiao Xunxun hurriedly said: "I have no homework!"

The little girl also giggled and said, "I don't want to do my homework either."

"You don't have to do your homework, but you can't interfere with your brother's homework. Come on, I'll play in the crew cabin below."

"Let me finish this game."

"You don't know how, you're just playing around."

"I can."

"Okay, okay, put the chess away. I'll play with you when you go down."

Dongdong really didn't want to do her homework, so she started to change the topic again, pretending to be pitiful and asked: "Auntie, when will the second uncle come back?"

Han Xiangning smiled and said, "I don't know."

"I haven't seen my second uncle since I've been here for two days. Why don't you help me talk to my mother, and I'll go home after my second uncle comes back."

"I also have to wait until uncle comes back before leaving."

The three little guys played like crazy. They ate, drank and played here, but they didn't want to go home.

Han Xiangning was completely convinced. He was about to say that no matter when Han Yu came back, he would play with them for a week before sending them back as promised before. The faint roar of a marine diesel engine could be heard in the distance. When he looked up, he saw that it was Supervisor 41. came back.

Han Xiangning subconsciously raised the walkie-talkie and asked: "Jin Da Jin Da, has the accident been handled?"

"It's been taken care of. It's not a big accident, just a little collision."

"Just take care of it. It's hot on the supervisory boat. You must be too hot to bear it. You must drink some Huoxiang Zhengqi water after you get on board, otherwise you will easily suffer from heatstroke."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

There is no air conditioning on the surveillance boat, so the cabin is hotter than outside.

Jin Weiguo stood on the hot stern deck, holding a walkie-talkie and looking at 001 from afar, saying: "Ning Ning, when we were handling the accident just now, we checked their crew certificates and found another fake certificate."

There have been cases of crew members using false certificates in the past, but not as many as this year. This month alone, six were found.

Han Xiangning was not surprised and was about to ask if he had been punished. Jin Weiguo continued: "This fake certificate is very strange. We accidentally discovered it during the inspection."

"Why is it weird?"

"It's not theirs, and it's useless to them. Judging from the name and place of origin on the fake certificate, it should have been issued for a crew member from Jianfu Province."

"What did they say?"

"They didn't know what to say. They said it might have been left by a crew member who worked on the ship before. But this fake certificate looked very new, and judging from their expressions and reactions, they knew it was a lie."

The crew member involved was not present, and the crew members did not use the seized false evidence. The only thing they could do was to confiscate it, which would not be punishable.

Han Xiangning didn't know what to say, but the surveillance boat was slowly approaching 001.

Jin Weiguo helped tie the cable, jumped on 001 with the seized fake crew certificate, and walked into the command module.

Han Xiangning took the fake certificate and looked at it carefully, then raised her head and said, "The workmanship of this fake, especially the steel seal, looks familiar."

"It should be from the same source as the books we seized some time ago."

"The key is the date of issuance. For such a new certificate, the date filled in is from three years ago."

Jin Weiguo looked at Dongdong with his big eyes flashing, and said with a smile: "So it's very strange."

Han Xiangning once again studied the false evidence that had just been seized, and said thoughtfully: "The books we checked some time ago are also very new, and they were taken out by the crew members who were interrogated by us and had no choice. They didn't do anything at the beginning. I plan to use it, what does this mean?”

Jin Weiguo analyzed: "They are probably planning to exchange fake certificates for real ones."

There are positions on the ship. If a crew member does not want to remain a sailor and wants to become a third mate, a second mate, a second engineer, a second engineer or even a chief engineer, he must take an upgrade or even a promotion exam.

Compared with the most basic and strictest ordinary seaman certificate, subsequent upgrades and even upgrades are much easier. As long as you meet the service years of the corresponding positions on the ship, in some places you don’t even need to take the exam in person, the shipping company you belong to can help you. The Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau renewed the certificate.

In fact, it is not difficult to take the most basic seaman's certificate test. The main reason is that many people who run boats have low education levels and may even be illiterate. They cannot pass the test no matter how simple it is.

Thinking that there are many units that have the right to issue ordinary crew certificates, but not many units that have the right to organize upgrade examinations, Han Xiangning smiled and said: "These certificates seized were all issued by pretending to be from our Binjiang Port Supervision Bureau. I will wait for you." I'll call my brother, the Port Supervision Bureau, and ask if there are many people using the crew certificates issued by our bureau to renew their certificates during this period."

"But we not only seized several fake inland waterway ship crew certificates, but also seized two fake seagoing ship crew certificates."

"Then call and ask the department that has the authority to change the seafarer's certificate. Anyway, they all have the same system. They should be able to help. Besides, it doesn't take much to make a call."

"Okay, I'll give you the certificate."

"Actually, you can ask the crew members."

"They don't want to talk about life or death. Lao Jia and Chen Zikun didn't follow them just now. What can we do against them?"

"If you encounter this kind of situation in the future, you can't let them leave. You must ask clearly."

This girl looks more and more like the captain...

Thinking of her youthful appearance when she first came to Bailong Port alone, Jin Weiguo secretly lamented how time flies and couldn't help but ask: "Did Xianyu call today?"

"We were beaten at noon. He and Xiao Gong had just arrived in Shenzhen. He said the case was not complicated, but it would be troublesome to investigate thoroughly. To be precise, it was more sensitive. He probably wouldn't be back in ten days and a half."

"How sensitive?"

“They regard deceiving outsiders for training as an industry and engage in local protectionism. There are many departments involved and the interests are complicated, so it is more difficult.”

"Is he confident that he can take down those crooks?"

"There should be some certainty, otherwise we wouldn't have traced it all the way from Gaozhou to Shenzheng."

Dongguang is the window for reform and opening up, and its economy is developing well. However, so many people go to Dongguang to work or even do business, and the public security is relatively chaotic.

Jin Weiguo was a little worried and murmured: "How can he check if he is unfamiliar with the place?"

Han Xiangning was not worried and couldn't help but smile: "Although San'er has no acquaintances there, he has friends. Didn't Liangzhuang Building Materials Machinery Factory have a deputy director here last year? San'er helped introduce business to others last year. Lu from Liangzhuang The secretary kept this in mind and asked the project manager of Liangzhuang Construction Station to receive us."


"Liangzhuang not only has an engineering team there, but also a military leader and a director of the Shenzhen Office of a city in Hui'an Province. San'er and Xiao Gong live in the Shenzhen Office of that city. To go to the special zone, you need to apply for a border defense permit. , I was helped to apply for the border defense permit.”

"So the secretary in Liangzhuang has great powers!"

"Liangzhuang produces talents, and there are many local cadres and army leaders out there. Everyone respects Secretary Lu. If Secretary Lu makes a call, they will definitely help."

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