Riverside police

Chapter 325 Partnership

We had promised to provide preferential policies before, but at that time, we mainly considered that the jurisdiction of Bailonggang Police Station was very small, the passenger flow was getting smaller and smaller, and there were fewer cases of various types. Even if there were any, they were small cases such as pickpocketing, which was unlikely. How much was seized and forfeited.

Who would have thought that the fish helping people find their children would lead to a major case.

He didn't even say anything about how to use the confiscated fines and refunds that might be obtained in the future, but the fish blocked his words.

He Ju was extremely depressed. He hung up the phone and said coldly: "What kind of attitude is this? Did I ask him for money? It seems that in his mind, I am the kind of person who is blind to money. I am simply a villain." The heart is open to the heart of a gentleman!"

Have you ever thought about asking for money...

Political Commissar Jiang slandered, hesitated and said, "Hey, don't be angry. This is his habitual thinking, or he is afraid of the well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years."

"What's the meaning?"

"Xianyu is actually not difficult to get along with. Compared to some comrades, he is as simple as a blank slate. He will not delve into flattery, will not stir up trouble, and will not be arrogant just because so many unit leaders value him. He will not even be arrogant. He doesn't really care about progress, he only thinks about the boat, or whether someone will take care of anything that happens on the river."

"Lao Jiang, I know everything you said, I mean his attitude towards his superiors!"

"He Jie, there was something wrong with his attitude just now, but you can understand it if you think about it from his perspective."

He Ju asked unhappily: "Understand?"

Political Commissar Jiang couldn't help laughing and said: "His master used to have differences with the leaders of the Linghai Public Security Bureau on the use of funds. As long as he had some money, he would spend it on ships, and even cut it off first and then report it later. He later went to the Maritime Branch and was assigned to the Yingchuang Port Marine Police. The squadron leader had another disagreement with Lao Peng over the use of funds.

After his term of employment expired, he returned to the Fourth Factory Police Station to serve as the Marine Police Squadron Leader. He also had conflicts with the Fourth Factory Police Station regarding the use of funds. Last year, guns were stolen from the Public Security Section of the Fourth Factory. He caught the gun thief and recovered the stolen pistols and bullets. At that time..."

Ding Dang Sheng from the No. 4 Police Station was so poor that he finally took a chance and helped Xianyu make a wedding dress.

That fish used a tiger's skin as a banner, and used the guise of the Changhang Branch and the Baishen Passenger Ferry Police Team to get 200,000 yuan. After he was officially transferred to the Changhang Branch, he brought the money but did not hand it over to the branch. Instead, he entrusted The Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau purchases fire protection equipment.

It turns out that not handing over the money is actually the tradition of "the first sentry on the Yangtze River"!

Bureau He came to his senses and asked dumbfounded: "Lao Jiang, if I ask him for money, he will be as naughty as before. He will pat his ass and ignore it, and then secretly share the money with the Linghai Public Security Bureau. ?”

"Boats are his lifeblood. Without money, he can't build new ships, so he can really do it."

"Will Linghai Public Security Bureau cooperate with him?"

"He Bureau, if he is now a police officer in Linghai Public Security Bureau, if this happened in Linghai Public Security Bureau, would you help him?"

"I understand, his bad habits are all caused by you guys!"

"This is not something we are accustomed to, but something we learned from his master. The reason why we helped them in the past was actually to help ourselves. Back then, so many people illegally caught eel fry, and the river was full of eel fishing boats, and cargo ships could not enter or leave the port. , passenger ships were suspended, the entire Binjiang Port was almost paralyzed, and the daily economic losses were millions. If they had not united several units to attack, and even invited reporters to expose it, the economic losses would have been even greater."

"That was then and now is now."

Bureau He was silent for a moment, then continued: "He was transferred to our bureau and wore the police uniform of our Changhang Police, but he did not regard himself as a Changhang Police in both actions and thoughts!"

The existence of salted fish seriously affects the authority of the director.

Moreover, the director's visit to the Binjiang Branch can be said to be "an order in times of crisis". He is here to rectify the team and carry out regular construction.

Political Commissar Jiang could understand the director's mood and said meaningfully: "Lao Peng didn't like salted fish in the past. He once complained to Director Zhang when he was drunk. Director Zhang said something to him, and from then on Lao Peng never looked back. I didn’t mention anything about salted fish.”

"What did Lao Zhang and Lao Peng say?"

"Director Zhang said that Binjiang is so big, can't it accommodate even one salted fish?"

Political Commissar Jiang thought for a while and then smiled and said: "Our branch was the first to cooperate with the Yanjiang Police Station. Later, the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau wanted to cooperate with the Yanjiang Police Station. The old director of our branch once joked with the then Director of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau that Xianyu's master Xu Sanye is a good neighbor, but he can only be a neighbor.

So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, Xu Sanye is no longer here, and his apprentice Xianyu was actually transferred to our branch, no longer our neighbor, but became our subordinate. This is called the tide of change. What the leaders of the Linghai Public Security Bureau and Shuangshui Branch have experienced, we must also experience it. "

The implication of his partner's words could not be clearer.

First of all, everything Xianyu does is not for personal gain, but taking the overall situation into consideration, not wanting to see what happens on the river left unattended, and all of this has tradition and inheritance.

Secondly, one cannot really treat Xianyu as a subordinate. The relationship between him and himself, the director, is not a superior and subordinate relationship, but a cooperative relationship, and he and his master have been cooperating with the branch for many years.

Then when Xianyu and his master were affiliated with the Linghai Public Security Bureau and the Water Branch of the Binjiang Public Security Bureau, although they had differences with their superiors on the use of funds, they ultimately agreed that the funds would be freely used by their master and apprentice.

And the "third parties" including the Changhang Branch have always been on the side of their masters and disciples.

You were their mentor and apprentice and watched their jokes.

Nowadays, people will still help you and watch your jokes.

All in all, no matter how much Xianyu can get from confiscated fines and refunds, none of it will reach the bureau. It will only be used for ship repair, shipbuilding and the purchase of water fire-fighting equipment. This is the consensus reached by almost all river-related law enforcement units over the years. .

Thinking of this, He Ju smiled bitterly and said, "It's too big to lose."

"If there were people taking care of things on the river, and there was no unclear authority and responsibilities like now, this situation would definitely not happen."

Afraid that the director would not understand, Political Commissar Jiang added: "In our view, Xianyu goes his own way and is unorganized and undisciplined, but in fact he is under great pressure and has a heavy burden. He must inherit his master's legacy and do even more good.

If Jiang Shang had someone taking care of everything, he wouldn't have to work so hard, he wouldn't have to make his superiors unhappy all the time, and he wouldn't even have to work as a police officer anymore. He is the chief mate of an ocean-going ship and has a pilot certificate. As long as he is willing, he can be transferred to the port authority's pilot fleet at any time. His income and various benefits will be much higher than they are now.

If he wanted to sail a boat, he could be transferred to the newly established fishery administration detachment and become deputy detachment leader. If he wanted to advance within the public security system, he didn't have to go to Bureau Zhang. He could go to Yu Xiangqian, the former deputy captain of the Public Security Corps of the Jiangnan Public Security Bureau and now the deputy director of the Huaiyin City Public Security Bureau. "

If you want to make progress in the public security system, if you have the conditions, you must work in the local public security system. After all, compared to the industry, police officers are "regular troops."

Bureau He couldn't help but ask: "You mean he can go and join the first director of Shuishui Branch?"

Talking about Yu Xiucai, Political Commissar Jiang sighed: "Everyone thinks that Xu Sanye only has two apprentices, but in my opinion, there is more than that. In fact, both Yu Xiangqian and Zhang Ju are Xu Sanye's apprentices. It is no exaggeration to say, Without Xu Sanye, Yu Ju and Zhang Ju would not be where they are today."

Why was Zhang Junyan transferred from the corner of Bailong Port to Binjiang to serve as the former Binjiang Port Public Security Director? Many people thought that the then director was transferred because of the Seamen's Club case, but in fact he was qualified to take over as director. a lot of.

The reason why Zhang Junyan was able to stand out from so many competitors was related to a series of achievements he achieved when he served as the chief of Bailonggang Police Station, and almost all of those achievements were achieved in conjunction with the Yanjiang Police Station.

Thinking again that Zhang Junyan is a good person, and that the superiors also need a "local faction" like Zhang Junyan for the stability of the team, He Ju mused: "Lao Jiang, you are right, since everyone can tolerate a salted fish, we It also needs to be more atmospheric.”

"Actually, it's all about work."

"Well, for work."

Bureau He nodded and continued: "It's already entered the second half of the year in a blink of an eye. Please take the time to help with the placement of the two cadres transferred from the military to the Binjiang Fire Detachment and the volunteer. Lao Zhang promised, we can't do it because of I won’t take it seriously if Lao Zhang is transferred away, let alone do the trick of letting people go to cool down their tea.”

This is a very realistic matter that is also very important to the two transferred military cadres and the volunteer soldier.

After all, it is too difficult to find a good position after demobilization. People place their hopes on the Changhang Branch. If there are changes in the branch due to leadership adjustments, it will be too late for them to find connections and find connections.

Political Commissar Jiang was really worried that the director would not accept them, but he did not expect that the director would take the initiative and said quickly: "Those three comrades performed well and were very professional in the firefighting business. We need such talents. I will go to the Port Affairs Bureau early tomorrow morning." The bureau is looking for Secretary Miao."

"Furthermore, the bureau won't take advantage of Xianyu's little money, but we can't let him set up a small treasury privately. You can go back and do his ideological work. If there is any money confiscated and returned, the bureau can help him open a building." Special account for new ships.”

"Okay, I'll talk to him when he comes back."

Political Commissar Jiang agreed with his mouth, but in his heart he was thinking that you are still trying to get the salted fish money after all this. After all, the construction of new ships will be ten years later. As long as the money is deposited into the so-called special account, the bureau can then misappropriate it under various excuses.

The worst case scenario is that I write a blank check to Xianyu and say I will pay you when a new ship is built.

It's a pity that the director's wishful thinking is difficult to realize. You must know that Xianyu is Xu Sanye's apprentice and has rich experience in dealing with this kind of situation.

If he really has money, he will definitely spend it as soon as possible, and spend it so much that you will be speechless.

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