Riverside police

Chapter 326 Ghostly Ghosts

The Qing'an Municipal Office in the Special Administrative Region is not an office like several offices, but a hotel.

There is a counter selling Qing'an specialties in the lobby, there are promotional posters about Qing'an, and even the meals provided in the restaurant are Anhui cuisine.

The hotel not only receives staff from the Qing'an Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and various bureaus and commissions who come to the Special Administrative Region for business trips, but is also open to the outside world.

Consumption in the Special Economic Zone is high and everything is expensive.

Others cost 120 to stay in a standard room for one night, but Han Yu only needed 50, and he didn't even need to pay the 50 out of his own pocket. The manager of the Special Zone Project Department of Liangzhuang Construction Station had an agreement with the hotel and had already informed the front desk to charge it to their account.

Han Yu was very embarrassed and made up his mind to return the favor after returning, such as helping Liangzhuang Enterprise introduce more business.

If you don't have such connections, you can look for Bureau Zhou. After all, they are not only helping you, but also helping the joint task force.

But he couldn't care about that now. Under He Bureau's reminder, he was busy calling Bureau Zhou in the room.

"Director Zhou, only giving me 20% is too little. Next, I will not only overhaul the barge and 001, but also save money to build a new ship."

"Building a new ship, 001 can no longer be used?"

"It can be used now, but the age of the 001 ship is there, and it will only take a few years to repair it. I must make plans in advance, so that there will be no supply and no ships available."

Zhou Huixin did not expect that Xianyu actually thought the allocation ratio was small, and said with a smile: "Xianyu, let me tell you the truth, the leaders of the Taoming Public Security Bureau are not very interested in this case. They are mainly worried that they will be embarrassed if they can't get it. , but without their participation, we lacked the confidence, so we could only make some compromises in distribution."

The new director in his hometown was very angry. Han Yu actually regretted being transferred to the Changhang Branch. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Director Zhou, it's okay to compromise, but you can't give my share of compromise to others."

"I didn't think it through well. I didn't discuss it with you beforehand. Now I've agreed to it. What do you want me to do?"

It is unrealistic to ask the old unit to give up 10%. After all, the old unit has invested so much financial and police resources.

Han Yu flipped through the list of deceived people sent by Shi Shengyong via fax machine and grinned: "Director Zhou, I saw a child from a fisherman's family on the list faxed by Shi Shengyong at noon. He has a floating household registration. In theory, The Water Branch also has jurisdiction.”

"You mean to let the Water Branch join the joint task force?"

"Linghai Public Security Bureau, Taoming Public Security Bureau, Binjiang Public Security Bureau Water Branch, plus our Changhang Branch, the four agencies have joined forces to investigate. This way we have more confidence."

"You can consider it, but you have to make an agreement with Director Peng first."

"There is no problem with Director Peng and Political Commissar Wang. Besides, there is no need for them to arrange additional police officers to participate in the investigation. They only need to let Chen Zikun participate."

"Okay, I'll talk to the Taoming Public Security Bureau again and see if we can divide it into four parts. But in this case, we will lose money, from 40% to 25%. We can only gain so much from making such a big move, right? I can’t explain it to you.”

"Zhou Bureau, your side is still 40%. Anyway, you have the final say no matter how it is allocated."

"Obviously, the four families share it equally, but privately, I am four, you get 35%, and Tao Ming's side gets 25%?"

"That's what I thought."

"No problem, that's it."

This kid is so clever that he deserves to be Xu Sanye's apprentice.

Zhou Huixin couldn't help but laugh, and after thinking about it, she added: "My hometown is racing against time to investigate and collect evidence. Two talents from the Legal Affairs Department and the Procuratorate have also studied the results and agreed that this is a fraud and we have jurisdiction.

You, a member of the CPPCC, are of some use. The CPPCC attaches great importance to this matter. Not only has it been contacted by the Education Bureau but also by the Labor Bureau. A working group set up by the Education Bureau, Labor Bureau and our Public Security Bureau will set off tomorrow, with a maximum of four You can arrive at Gaozhou in a day.

Next, it depends on your side. The working groups of the Education Bureau, Labor Bureau and our Public Security Bureau can only put some pressure on the other party, but it is not enough to make the other party assist us in the arrest. Local protectionism is no joke. If the other party doesn't nod, we can't even think of arresting people, let alone bringing them back. "

This case is not complicated. What the scammer school did is almost public. The key is local protectionism.

If the local government does not agree, the local public security bureau will not only fail to assist but may even obstruct it.

If you can't arrest people, seal doors, or check accounts, then everything you do before and now is in vain.

Han Yu had already been mentally prepared and had already thought of a countermeasure. He couldn't help but smile and said: "The main criminals are easy to deal with. We don't necessarily have to go to Gaozhou to arrest them. We can completely divert the tiger away from the mountain."

Zhou Huixin asked subconsciously: "Trapping?"

"Well, trick them into coming to the Special Administrative Region. We ask our colleagues in the Special Administrative Region to help us arrest them in the Special Administrative Region. Once we catch them, we will escort them back."

"Are they going to D.C.?"

"They are obviously not formal, but they are trying to make themselves very formal. The 'teacher' who sent the students to work a few days ago is looking for cooperation with enterprises here in the special zone."

Zhou Huixin asked with a smile: "What kind of cooperation is he seeking?"

Han Yu held the phone tightly and explained: "They are recruiting students in a steady stream, and there is a steady stream of graduates. It can't be arranged by just a few agencies, so I want to cooperate with employment companies in the special zone.

At the same time, I want to remove the tiger skin as a banner, establish some kind of school-enterprise alliance, and plan to sign student employment agreements with employment companies. If you sign here and take a few photos, no matter whether they accept their graduates or not, you can put up a school-enterprise alliance sign when you go back and publicize it in newspapers. "

Zhou Huixin reacted and asked with a smile: "As long as the big companies in the special zone have intentions in this regard, a few principal criminals will rush over to sign agreements with them and hold signing ceremonies?"


"Are there any big companies that have any intention in this regard?"

"Their reputation is so bad, who is willing to cooperate with them? Even if they need skilled workers, they will only go to regular public technical schools to recruit them."

"Then how do you plan to trap?"

"I have several fellow villagers here, and one of them happens to be the vice president of the branch of Shenzheng Construction Company. I can ask for help."

"Will anyone help me with this?"

"I've been told that it's no problem."

"But this is something that offends people, and even if those bastards can be found guilty of fraud, they probably won't be sentenced to more than a few years. It's hard to say whether those bastards will retaliate after they come out. We have to consider their safety."

Han Yu admired the director from his hometown for being able to think of this, and said quickly: "We don't let those bastards know that they are setting up a trap for me, and they pretended not to know them when they arrested me. And I, a fellow villager, am a demobilized infrastructure engineering soldier. He Most of his employees are infrastructure engineering soldiers. In his words, they are just a few liars and have nothing to be afraid of."

This kid, like his master, has a very wild way.

You can find fellow villagers when you go to Gaozhou, and there are fellow villagers who can help you when you go to the Special Economic Zone.

Zhou Huixin couldn't help but smile and said: "Since you have thought about it and there will be no sequelae, then I will do as you say. When will the main force set off?"

"It will take a few days. Reporter Wang is still investigating. We have to wait until Reporter Wang has completed the investigation before taking any action."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news. Considering that it will take three days at the earliest to get there, you must plan ahead."

"You can fly. The folks who are doing construction here said that Binjiang Airport has direct flights to the Special Administrative Region."

"Go by plane. Are you kidding me? I've never flown on a plane!"

"Director Zhou, I'm kidding you. Air tickets are so expensive. Who can afford to fly?"

"Those who do engineering work can afford it. They have money."

Zhou Huixin smiled, gave a few more instructions, and then hung up the phone.

Political commissar Sun Jiawen sat across from him and heard clearly. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "Trapping is a good idea. No matter how strong local protectionism is, it can only be protected in Gaozhou."

"If everything goes well with Xianyu, there will be no obstacles to catching the main culprit, but other work still needs to be done, and we cannot take it lightly. After all, our goal is not just to catch a few people."

"That's true. After checking the accounts, freezing or even recovering the stolen money, you will eventually have to go to Gaozhou."

Zhou Huixin was thinking about more than just this case. She took the cigarette from Sun Jiawen and said with a smile: "The city has made the construction of Linghai Port a top priority. Secretary Ye personally went to get the approval. He went to the municipal committee meeting in the morning. I heard that he went to the province again. Contact the Department of Transportation.”

Sun Jiawen sighed: "Building a port is similar to building an airport. The procedures are not easy to complete. I probably won't be able to complete it within three to five years."

"At the last enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee, Secretary Ye said that Linghai cannot afford to delay, and requires us to emancipate our minds, be bolder, take bigger steps, and have the spirit of daring to be the first in the world."

"Director Zhou, you are saying that Secretary Ye is very determined and will probably get on the bus first and then buy the ticket."

"What goes up works and what goes down works, that's what Binjiang does. What's wrong with him?"

Zhou Huixin asked back, and then said: "Several standing committee members have their own division of labor. Secretary Ye is personally responsible for project approval, and Mayor Xu is responsible for attracting investment for port construction projects. It is said that there are several Hong Kong merchants, and there are two large companies in the East China Sea that are interested in the port. Interested in the project."

Sun Jiawen asked in surprise: "Are any big companies and merchants willing to invest?"

"You can introduce foreign investment or domestic investment, which is an investment of hundreds of millions. As long as the procedures can be completed, the city's output value will increase all of a sudden, and how many people can be employed."

Zhou Huixin smiled and added: "If the port is built, companies that rely on water transportation will invest near the port area. How much money can it cost to expropriate land from ordinary people, and how much money can be made from selling it? The city It’s all planned, and the Lingda Automobile Crossing area will be turned into an industrial zone.”

Sun Jiawen asked with a smile: "What does this have to do with us?"

Zhou Huixin knocked the ashes and said with a smile: "If the municipal finance is rich, we will have money. If the current plan can become a reality, we will set up a Linghai Port branch there."

"It would be good to set up a branch. The district and county public security bureaus across the river will all have branches. Then we can compete with the city for the establishment of several deputy departments."

"If Secretary Ye's blueprint can really be realized, we will definitely strive for the establishment of the establishment, and the city will definitely support it. After all, it is a cash cow for the city, and public security must be maintained."

Zhou Huixin paused, then smiled and said: "Although this is all still on paper, I have already thought about the candidate for the director of the Hong Kong District Bureau."

The director actually took it seriously.

Sun Jiawen couldn't help laughing and asked: "Who?"

Zhou Huixin said without hesitation: "Xianyu, the situation in the port is different from that in other towns. There is no one more suitable than him. When the time comes, we will do his job and find a way to bring him back."

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