Riverside police

Chapter 380 Fighting between gods

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, I officially go to work after the holiday.

In order to have a new atmosphere in the New Year, Shi Shengyong first organized the police to assist the police in cleaning, and then held the first meeting of the New Year.

Be loyal to others when entrusted by them.

After the meeting and arranging the work for the next few days, I returned to the office and called Principal Gu of No. 4 Junior High School. I asked Principal Gu to call Han Yu quickly.

"I made an agreement with Principal Gu that I can borrow him to study without having to transfer to another school. Transferring is too troublesome."

"What about the high school entrance examination?"

"Your sister and brother-in-law just came to Bailong Port to escape the limelight, and they won't stay in Bailong Port for a long time. When the limelight is over, they will be transferred back and send the children back to continue their education."

"That's right. It's impossible for them to stay in Bailong Port for three years, and their superiors will not allow Bailong Port to become my Han Yu's family business."

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Shi Shengyong, the Political Commissar of the Fourth King, heard about the conflict between the Port Authority and the Changhang Shipping Branch as early as the first month of the first lunar month when he returned to Linghai. He couldn't help but smile and asked: "Xianyu, how was the investigation of the fire accident at Binjiang Port?"

Han Yu held up the phone and looked at the Baishen passenger ship that had just slowly left the dock. He smiled bitterly and said: "The cause of the investigation is clear. The wood on fire was spontaneous combustion. It was not caused by someone setting off fireworks, nor was it an electrical fire, nor was it caused by anyone. Arson.”

"Spontaneous combustion? Are you mistaken? How could it spontaneously combust when it's so cold!"

"It was really spontaneous combustion. I did not participate in the investigation, but I called and asked, and the leader of the city fire brigade said that after cleaning up the ashes, you can clearly see a big pit in the middle of the wood, and the fire burned from the inside out."

Han Yu paused and added: "It was not the logs that caught fire, but the processed imported wooden cubes. The saws produced during the processing of the wood were not cleaned, and they were pressed very tightly when bundled, and the middle was basically dense. Airtight.

During the shipping process, these wooden blocks themselves will generate friction due to bumps, and the heat generated by the friction cannot be dissipated in time, so smoldering occurs inside. After being hoisted ashore from the freighter, the stacking was very tight. Although they were stacked in the open, there was still no ventilation, which eventually led to a fire. "

This is the first time I heard that wood can spontaneously ignite.

Shi Shengyong thought for a while and asked: "This result was investigated by the city fire detachment?"

"Not only the fire detachment of the city bureau, but also experts from the Changhang Public Security Bureau Fire Brigade came. They not only surveyed the fire scene, but also organized the police to repeatedly interrogate hundreds of dock workers, ruled out other possibilities, and combined with the survey results came to the conclusion conclusion."

"So you don't have to pursue the responsibility even if you want to?"

"Some chased him."

“Who should be held accountable?”

They all say that family scandals should not be publicized, but this matter has become such a big deal that it is impossible to hide it even if you want.

Han Yu sighed secretly and said helplessly: "The leaders of the Port Authority thought that we were slow to send out the police. It took more than an hour from the discovery of the fire to the official fight. He thinks that if we could start the fight as soon as possible, the damage caused would The economic loss is definitely not that big.”

Shi Shengyong mused: "It's really unreasonable to watch the fire burn for more than an hour before starting to put out the fire."

"Shisuo, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"What's the meaning."

"First of all, there was a reason why we were slow to call the police. Secondly, and most importantly, so many wooden cubes spontaneously ignited from the inside. When the workers on duty at the dock discovered the open flames, the inside of the wooden cubes piled up like a hill was already like a big furnace. , coupled with the strong wind on the riverside, the fire was already very fierce. Even if the personnel and equipment of the Binjiang Port Police Station Fire Squadron were in the port area, they could not put it out."

For fear that the neighbors would not believe it, Han Yu continued: "The offshore displacement of the 001 external firefighting system after the upgrade has reached 3,600 cubic meters of water per hour, which means that one ton of water is provided to the water cannons on the shore every second. .

Coupled with the water pumped from the river by two fire trucks of the Binjiang Port Fire Squadron and the fire-fighting water provided by the municipal pipe network used by reinforcements from more than a dozen units, we used more than 12,000 tons of water in one and a half hours. Put out the fire. "

What is the concept of more than 12,000 tons of water...

Shi Shengyong couldn't imagine it for a while, so he simply asked: "Are you saying that although the police were not dispatched in time enough, it did not have much impact on fighting the fire?"

"It takes time to drive 001 from Bailong Port to Binjiang Port, it takes time to recruit fire fighters and equipment from various units along the river, it takes time to request the 119 command center to dispatch reinforcements, and it also takes time to make a series of preparations before the general attack."

Han Yu pulled up his chair and sat down, and added: "In the words of an expert from the Changhang Public Security Bureau Fire Corps, it is a miracle that we can extinguish such a fire in just three hours. In other places, it can be extinguished in one day." It’s not that easy.”

Shi Shengyong asked with a smile: "So, how have you guys passed the test?"

Talking about what was happening in the Binjiang Port area, Han Yu felt very uncomfortable and said with a wry smile: "He Bureau not only passed the test, but he is also fighting back."

"Fight back?"

“Before the Spring Festival, the Binjiang Port Police Station conducted a major fire safety inspection in the port area. During the inspection, it was discovered that there were potential safety hazards in the wood yard at Pier 3, because according to regulations, the height of the wood stored in the open air should be less than 8 meters, and a gap of 1 meter should be left between the wood piles. Click the 5-meter channel for inspection.

Fire escapes should be left between stacks. If such a large amount is stacked, they should be stored in groups. The area of ​​each group should be less than 1,000 square meters, and a distance of more than 15 meters should be left between groups. A rectification notice was also issued on the spot. "

Shi Shengyong was stunned and asked, "Didn't the dock take it seriously?"

"Those lumber should have been directly hoisted up, loaded onto trucks, and taken away. Because the Chinese New Year was approaching, the cargo owner could not find so many large trucks, so the dispatcher asked the dock workers to pile them up like this. I thought they would have to take them away after the holiday when they work. Therefore, it was not rectified as required.”

"It's their own responsibility to mess around. The leaders of the Port Authority must be embarrassed."

"Secretary Miao is very embarrassed that Bureau He is holding on to him."

"Why do you guys hold on to me?"

"I heard that a ticket will be issued and a heavy fine will be imposed."

"If you dare to fine the Port Authority, he won't worry about the Port Authority not paying you wages!"

"In the words of the He Bureau, one code is the same. We cannot not enforce the law impartially just because the funds come from the Port Authority. As for the funds of our branch and the salaries of our police officers, if the Port Authority does not provide them, the He Bureau can go to the superiors."

This is equivalent to the fine fined by the Linghai Public Security Bureau to the Linghai Municipal Government!

Shi Shengyong had never encountered such a funny thing before, and said with a bit of schadenfreude: "We are obviously a family, why does it have to be like this?"


Han Yu sighed helplessly: "He Bureau treats me well, and Secretary Miao also cares about me. They are fighting with gods, and I am a little brat caught in the middle. I don't dare to go back to the city now."

Shi Shengyong could understand the young man's mood at this moment and advised: "Don't think so much. Besides, the leader has never thought of letting you stand in line. Otherwise, your branch will not transfer your sister to Bailong Port, and the port authority will not do the same." Bring your brother-in-law here."

"I know they don't want me to be in the middle, but the more they do this, the more uncomfortable I feel."

"As long as you do work, you will definitely encounter conflicts of one kind or another. You are just a deputy department now. When you get to a higher leadership position in the future, there will only be more and more things like this. So you don't need to think too much, otherwise your work Do you want to stop working or not? It’s hard to get through life?”

"That's true."

"And we have more important things to do."

Han Yu reacted and stood up subconsciously: "Shi Suo, are you making any progress?"

Shi Shengyong looked outside and said with a smile: "Yesterday afternoon, the comrades from the bank called and said that someone transferred 80,000 yuan to that account!"

"Where did it come from?"


"Where is Zhehai?"


Han Yu asked eagerly: "What about the 80,000 yuan?"

Shi Shengyong lit a cigarette, calmed down his excitement, and said with a smile: "As you expected, within an hour after the 80,000 yuan was transferred from a bank in Ningbo, it was withdrawn from several banks in Donghai. It was taken away from the machine more than a dozen times.”

"What should we do now?"

"It's hard to find the person who withdraws money, but it shouldn't be difficult to find the person who transfers money to that account. As soon as I received a call from the bank yesterday, I asked Jiang Hai to take people to Ningbo. He arrived in the morning, and now I'm asking for help from my colleagues in Ningbo, and we should be able to find the person who transferred the money soon."

"You must keep an eye on it and don't alert the enemy!"

"Don't worry, if something goes wrong on my end, I'll be responsible. The rest will be up to you."

Smuggling cases are difficult to investigate, and it is equally difficult to catch them.

How could Han Yu fail to hear the implication of his neighbor's words? He muttered: "I happened to go to Ningbo, and I have a few friends there."

Shi Shengyong asked in a low voice: "It's no use just having friends, we need a boat."

"Think of a way. We should be able to borrow a boat. The key is that we don't have law enforcement rights over there."

"We have jurisdiction once we file a case."

"Shi Suo, this matter is not as simple as you said. The sea is different from the shore. Strictly speaking, your local police and our industry's public security have no law enforcement rights at sea."

"This is your business, you should quickly find a solution."

"Now we only know that someone is paying the smugglers in Ningbo, but we cannot be sure that the smugglers will organize people to smuggle people out to sea from Ningbo."

"That's true, but you have to be prepared for stowaways to board the boat from Ningbo."

"Okay, I'll find a way right now."

There is progress on the neighbor's side, but we can't let ourselves slip at the critical moment, and no one knows when the smuggler will take action.

Han Yu ignored the ongoing fight between Bureau He and Secretary Miao and immediately dialed the number of the former Binjiang Port Supervision Director.

Director Feng figured out the whole story and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Xianyu, you don't take care of the waters of the North Branch enough, how can you take care of the sea and illegal immigrants?"

"It's nothing if you don't know. If you know, you can't ignore it."

"I do have a few friends in the navy, and they are all leaders. But they are a military force, and their ships cannot be mobilized at will."

Han Yu asked with an embarrassed look: "Where is the Marine Surveillance Bureau?"

Director Feng smiled and said: "I used to be a port supervisor, not a maritime supervisor. Although they are both in the transportation system, I have never dealt with them. Otherwise, I will help you contact friends in the army first. They are familiar with the maritime supervisor. Please They helped ask if they could borrow a law enforcement boat if there was an emergency."

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