Riverside police

Chapter 390 It’s a big case to solve!

At dusk, Political Commissar Jiang and Political Commissar Wang Wenhong of the Shuangshui Branch rushed to Bailong Port by car.

Although the two of them can see the Yangtze River every day, the Yangtze River here is completely different from the Yangtze River in Binjiang, or it can be said that there has been almost no change in these years. Especially in this area where the barge is anchored, there is still no human habitation for several miles around. .

The river beach is covered with reeds. When a gust of river wind blows, the reeds sway with the wind like waves.

The river embankment is full of wild flowers. The flowers are dotted in the weeds. The flowers are red like fire, white like snow, and pink like clouds. They are colorful and fragrant.

Standing on the river embankment and looking far away, the setting sun is like a huge red agate hanging in the sky, covering the entire river surface in a layer of faint light.

The colorful clouds reflect the light like rubies. Groups of river gulls flew up and down in the unpredictable glow, complementing several small cargo ships sailing on the river.

The river, dusk, colorful clouds, sunset... blend into one, making people feel so close to nature.

Compared with the busy Binjiang Port and the increasingly depressed Bailong Port Passenger Terminal, this place really feels like a paradise!

Returning to his old place, Political Commissar Wang couldn't help but think of the scene when he first came to the barge, and he couldn't help but think of Xu Sanye.

Political Commissar Jiang thought of the old leader Zhang Junyan and that Zhang Junyan had participated in the water crackdown organized by Xu Sanye and the Fish Bureau when he was the director of Bailonggang.

The water-based crackdown was very fruitful. More than a dozen water bandit gangs that had been committing crimes on the river for a long time were eliminated in one fell swoop, and they became known as the "first sentry on the Yangtze River".

In that severe crackdown on the water, Changhang's police only played a supporting role, while local police were the main force.

As Xianyu was transferred to the Changhang Branch, there was a role reversal this time. Changhang Public Security was the main force and local police became a supporting role.

It is no exaggeration to say that such a crackdown is the first time for the Changhang Aviation Branch.

The director pinned his hopes on a severe crackdown on the water. Political Commissar Jiang was wondering whether Xianyu could make a name for himself like his elders. Han Ning quickly walked up the pontoon to meet him.

"Hello Political Commissar Jiang, hello Political Commissar Wang!"

"Where's the salted fish?"

"I just came back and am studying the case."

"Come on, take us to see it."

"Two political commissars, please come this way."

As soon as Political Commissar Jiang and the heroic Han Ning stepped onto the pontoon, Political Commissar Wang asked curiously: "Xiao Han, I heard that Xiao Yu is back, where is Xiao Yu?"

Han Ning said quickly: "Report to Political Commissar Wang, Xiaoyu is familiar with the situation on the river, and he is on Liu Xinpei's boat."

"What did he do on Liu Xinpei's ship?"

"It is necessary to patrol and stay on guard on the shore, and the same is true on the river. There are several anchorages in the waters of Yingchuang Port, and many boats are anchored. Law enforcement boats will become suspicious when law enforcement boats approach the water. Liu Xinpei does business on the river, and his boat In the past, you could do business while observing the conditions at the anchorage nearby.”

Political Commissar Wang subconsciously asked: "Is the security at the anchorage bad?"

Han Ning explained as he walked: "After nearly a month of thorough investigation, we found that the security situation on the river has changed dramatically compared to before. When we mentioned whether the security situation on the river is good or not, the first thing that comes to mind is whether there are water bandits or boat tyrants. , are there any gangsters who are robbing or even killing people on the river? There are very few violent crimes now, and there are more and more cases of theft, especially theft of property by people under surveillance."

Political Commissar Jiang also asked curiously: "Is it possible that you are stealing by being a prisoner?"

Han Ning hesitated for a moment and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Actually, committing theft is nothing new. Anyone who relies on mountains and rivers to rely on has always taken advantage of the cargo owner. For example, when I was a child, I was on a boat. Sweep the bilge as soon as the cargo is unloaded.

If it's grain that's being transported, at least a hundred jins can be swept away. If you are transporting coal, you can also sweep out several large snakeskin bags. The goods that were swept out and left on the ship were sold to people on the shore if they could not use them up. It's just that the cargo owners know these things, and they don't care. "

The cabin must be cleaned every time the cargo is unloaded, and the cleaned items belong to the ship owner. This is indeed normal.

Political Commissar Jiang thought for a moment and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"From what we know, there are many ship owners who are bold enough to take advantage of the loopholes of ports and cargo owners in not weighing cargo during lightering and unloading. They steal during the transportation process and steal tons of transported goods."

Han Ning led the two leaders to the stairs, took out the key and opened the security door installed not long ago, and added: "By tracking and monitoring oil dealers, we even found that some crew members of large ships, under the temptation of profit, guarded stolen ships. of oil.”

The displacement of large ships is at least tens of thousands of tons.

The oil tank of a 10,000-ton cargo ship is larger than that of 001. It can burn a gas station's oil in a day, and there will definitely be no less oil stolen and sold.

As the political commissar of the Changhang Branch, *** knows that Jiangshang's cases are difficult to detect due to the high mobility of criminals, but as long as they can be solved, the cases involved will never be small.

Political Commissar Wang also realized that since Xianyu had grasped the clues, he should be sure to solve several major cases, and was confident that the Shuangshui Branch could pass the municipal bureau.

Not to mention that the gang of security guards from the Port Authority only caught dozens of people who slipped into doors, picked locks, and fought. Even if they caught dozens more, the total amount involved in the case would not necessarily be as large as the amount involved in a water case.

He was secretly looking forward to it when he saw Han Yu, Lao Jia and Xiao Gong standing up at the same time.

"political commissar……"

"Sit down, you continue."

"We are almost done. Political commissars, how about I report on my work first?"

A security door was installed at the entrance of the stairs, and a huge picture of the Yangtze River waters was hung in the conference room. The conference table was piled with case materials. The three comrades looked haggard, and Lao Jia's eyes were even bloodshot. It can be seen that this is a veritable water attack headquarters!

Political Commissar Jiang was very satisfied, opened his briefcase and took out five wads of hundred-dollar bills.

"Xianyu, why is this what I brought to you? A total of 50,000 yuan."

"This is a timely help, thank you political commissar, thank you He Bureau!"

"You're welcome, this is what you should do. You are dealing with a major case, and the branch really can't spare more people to support you. Funds must be guaranteed."

Nothing can be done without money.

Thinking that everyone hadn't had dinner yet, and that the two political commissars would definitely not enjoy the meal if they didn't listen to the report, Han Ning simply took the money: "Political Commissar, I'll order some first, and I'll give you a receipt after ordering."

Political Commissar Jiang turned around and said with a smile: "Okay, be careful."

When Han Yu saw his sister going to the command and control room with the money, he simply sat down and said: "Political Commissar Jiang, Political Commissar Wang, I will seize the time to report. After the report, we will have dinner together. After dinner, I will go to No. 4 Anchorage to stay guard."

"Okay, let's get started."

Political Commissar Jiang knew that the young man was very busy, so he immediately took out a pen and paper.

Political Commissar Wang smiled and nodded, and took out his notebook from his bag.

Han Yu picked up a transcript and said succinctly: "After nearly a month of thorough investigation and mobilizing the masses, we have collected more than 200 clues to water crimes. We are confident that seven of them will be solved in the near future. I will report one by one.

The first clue was just grasped this afternoon. Comrades from the Ship Inspection Section of the Port Supervision Bureau passed by the Changyu Ship Repair Factory when they went to inspect a cargo ship. They accidentally discovered that an inland river cargo ship being dismantled did not look like a scrapped ship... "

There are people stealing bicycles, motorcycles and even cars on the shore, and there are also people stealing boats on the river!

Political Commissar Jiang regained his composure and asked in surprise: "How big is that boat?"

"The specific tonnage needs to be calculated by the ship inspection department, but it looks like it should be a thousand tons. It would cost at least 1.2 million to build a cargo ship like that. If it is transferred, it can be sold for 800,000 to 900,000 according to the current market price of second-hand ships. "

"So you can be sure that the way you came from is not the right way?"

"Yes, in the name of the Maritime Branch, I have ordered the Changyu Ship Repairing Plant to stop dismantling. The disassembled main engines and other equipment have been ordered to be sealed. I have also ordered the person in charge of the Changyu Ship Repairing Plant to arrange for special personnel to guard them."

Theft of a ship was the first time Political Commissar Jiang encountered it.

Political Commissar Wang had never encountered it before. Thinking that the boat was worth at least eight or nine hundred thousand, he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Xianyu, how do you plan to investigate this case?"

Friends from the Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau were of great help this time!

Han Yu never expected such an unexpected gain, and grinned: "Ning Ning just helped me contact the issuing department to verify the authenticity of the ship certificate. There should be feedback by noon tomorrow at the latest, but the certificate can basically be confirmed. It's fake.

Once the issuing department has feedback and finally confirms that the certificate is fake, we will contact the Public Security Bureau and Port Supervision Bureau in the coastal areas of Zhejiang and Jianfu to ask them if any ship owners have 'lost' their ships and if they have gone to them. Report the crime. "

That boat was worth nearly a million dollars, and it suddenly disappeared. There was no way the owner would not report the incident.

Political Commissar Jiang nodded, and Political Commissar Wang raised his head and said, "Didn't the person selling the ship sign a sales agreement with the ship repair factory? The agreement contains the name and ID number of the ship seller. This is also a clue, and you can also arrange for someone to check it. check."

"Political Commissar Wang, we can't spare any people or funds for the time being."

Han Yu paused and continued: "Actually, this case is not complicated. It is very likely that the thief or an acquaintance committed the crime. As long as we can find the real owner of the ship, we can figure out the true identity of the person who stole the ship and sold it, and then organize Strength to capture.”

A case involving nearly a million dollars is not considered a major case here, and there is no plan to arrange special personnel to investigate...

The two political commissars couldn't believe their ears and were stunned for a moment.

Han Yu didn't know what the two leaders were thinking, so he picked up the second case material: "In this water crackdown, we first started with the oil dealers who were selling low-priced oil on the river. According to the clues collected by Captain Fan, he mobilized the masses , we formed three investigation teams.

The first team is Comrade Zhang Ping from our station and Comrade Dong Bangjun from the Fourth Squadron of the Marine Police of the Water Branch. They are responsible for tracking an oil dealer named Zhao Guofu. After nearly half a month of tracking and monitoring, they found that Zhao Guofu’s oil should be From Zhangjiagang.

There are various signs that Zhao Guofu will take action in the near future. Therefore, we need to seize the time to communicate and coordinate with the Changhang Guzhou Branch, and be prepared to collect the net in Zhangjiagang waters at any time! "

The branch really needs a turnaround...

Political Commissar Jiang asked excitedly: "What action will Zhao Guofu take?"

Han Yu said with a smile: "He doesn't have much oil left. Zhang Ping found that he was frequently calling the crew of a shipping company in the East China Sea these days. Yesterday morning, he was busy inspecting the oil pump on his small oil tanker. .”

Political Commissar Wang asked curiously: "How did Zhang Ping know that he contacted the crew of the shipping company?"

"He had a mobile phone, but the phone ran out of battery the day before yesterday. He made a call at the public phone at Liuhe Port Pier 2. After he finished the call, Zhang Ping also went to make a call, pretending not to know how to operate it and redialing for a while, dialing the number on the meter. It showed that it was a mobile phone number and I wrote it down.”

Han Yu smiled and added: "After I got the mobile phone number, I asked my senior brother to help me go to the Linghai Post and Telecommunications Bureau to check the address. The comrades at the Post and Telecommunications Bureau said it was the number of Donghai. Then I asked Shao, the deputy captain of the Baishen Police Team. Lei made a call from Donghai, pretended to make a mistake, and chatted with the other party for a while, not only finding out the other party’s workplace, but also his name.”

"It turns out that Xu Mingyuan and comrades from the Donghai Branch helped."

"Political Commissar Wang, there is no other way. After all, we don't have conclusive evidence on hand, so we can't just go to the East China Sea and ask the Post and Telecommunications Bureau to help with the investigation. Even if there is conclusive evidence, I can't find people now, let alone that much funding. Go check it out."

"Well done to create conditions without conditions, what about the second group?"

"The second group is Comrade Ma Jintao from the Fourth Marine Police Squadron and Comrade Yang Yuan from the Third Marine Police Squadron. They are not watching the oil dealers, but are squatting at a small dock at the junction of Gaoru and Xingtai waters."

"What are you squatting for?"

"Several crew members of Linghai Shipping Company's fleet provided a clue. When they sailed there two months ago, a small boat of 50 or 60 tons docked with a tanker of 5,000 to 6,000 tons. It was late at night. , that area of ​​water is not an anchorage, and tankers will not anchor there under normal circumstances. In short, there must be something wrong with the two ships being sneaky."

"Do you know the name and number of that tanker?"

"In the middle of the night, the crew of the shipping company didn't see clearly. They only knew that the oil tanker belonged to Hanwu."

"What happened two months ago, what can we do if we go to guard it now?"

"Political Commissar Jiang, when you have no other choice, you can only use the stupidest method."

Han Yu took a sip of water, thought about it and smiled bitterly: "Compared to the stowaway case we jointly investigated with the No. 4 Police Station, what is the point of arranging two comrades to stay there?"

Political Commissar Jiang was stunned and subconsciously asked: "Is there any progress over there at Ningbo?"

"Not yet. We have been watching for half a year. We can only continue to watch and cannot give up halfway."

"Okay, what about the third team?"

"The third group is Comrade Yang Yong and Comrade Yuan Peng from the Water Branch. They are targeting an oil dealer in Changzhou. Unlike Zhao Guofu, who is targeted by the first group, the oil dealer in Changzhou collects oil from the river and carries it to the shore. We even opened a small gas station next to Binling Highway."

Han Yu pulled out a riverside map, found the location of a small gas station, and said with a smile: "His behavior of collecting gas is almost public. He printed a lot of business cards. If he had nothing to do, he would go to several small docks along the river and hand them out to the crew when he saw them.

We also learned through interviews and inquiries that in April this year, a Xijiang-registered cargo ship was being repaired at the Antai Shipyard in Yingchuang Port. Shipyard workers once saw a crew member who was staying on the ship and asked the ship he hired to take it away. At least ten tons of diesel fuel were taken. "

"Why not catch him?"

"The shipyard workers only saw that the cargo ship left after being repaired. Although the owner of the ship was able to be contacted, it had been several months. The crew member who stole the oil and sold it to him may not have been on the ship. The evidence is insufficient. It’s not the right time to seize it now.”

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