Riverside police

Chapter 391 The real big case!

There are three cases involving suspected oil theft that are certain to be solved!

Political Commissar Wang was very happy and couldn't help but ask: "Xianyu, you just said you were going to stay at the anchorage at night. Just now your sister said that Xiaoyu was also staying at the anchorage. What exactly are you staying at?"

"Yes, the police force is so tight, I don't think you can fight an uncertain battle." Political Commissar Jiang was convinced and looked at Han Yu with interest.

Han Yu did not answer directly, but asked: "Political Commissar, did the comrades from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiangcheng Branch accompany a deputy manager of Jiangcheng Port to Binjiang two months ago?"

Political Commissar Jiang thought for a while, took out his cigarette and said, "There is such a thing, but they are here to see the port authority. It seems that there is a shortage of several thousand tons of iron ore being transported."

"Thousands of tons of iron ore!"

Political Commissar Wang was shocked when he heard about it for the first time.

Political Commissar Jiang explained: "This matter has little to do with our branch, or even the port authority. Thousands of tons are piled up like a mountain. If you want to steal so much iron ore, you must use heavy machinery and a crane." , trucks or ships are also needed for transfer.

But whether a truck wants to enter the dock or a ship wants to enter the port, it must have a pass. The possibility of internal and external collusion among terminal officials and employees can be completely ruled out. After all, this cannot be accomplished by one or two people, and several terminals have installed closed-circuit television surveillance. "

Thousands of tons of iron ore were lost, which is appalling.

Political Commissar Wang regained his composure and asked: "How did you lose it?"

"As for how it was lost, I don't know, but I'm sure the problem won't be in our Binjiang Port. The terminal will transfer as much as the ocean ship brings from Australia to the inland river cargo ship. The person in charge of the terminal, the cargo owner and the shipping agent are all present during loading and unloading. The inland river port There are load lines on cargo ships, and the total number of tens of thousands of tons was clearly calculated at that time, otherwise the seagoing ship would not have been allowed to leave after unloading the cargo."

Political Commissar Jiang put out his cigarette and continued: "Tens of thousands of tons of imported iron ore are transferred to Jiangcheng Port. When the goods are unloaded on the shore, the dock manager of Jiangcheng Port is present as well as the owner of the goods. If the iron ore unloaded on the shore cannot be counted, they will Inland waterway cargo ships will not be allowed to leave either.

The ore had been unloaded long ago and was even sent to Jiangcheng Steel Plant one by one by the cargo owner. It had been more than ten days since the incident. They said that there was a shortage of more than 2,000 tons and they had to ask Jiangcheng Port to compensate for the loss. This is the same as going to the bank to withdraw money. The money has already been withdrawn, or even part of it has been spent. You go back to the bank and say that the amount of money is wrong! "

The more I heard about this, the more strange it became.

Political Commissar Wang frowned and asked: "Every link was fine, but in the end it was discovered that more than 2,000 tons were missing. What was the problem?"

"Who knows."

"Could something go wrong during transportation on shore?"

"It's unlikely. This matter is a big deal in Jiangcheng. Last time I called Director Zhang, Director Zhang said that they had investigated the fleet carrying iron ore. Every large truck entering the yard is weighed and how much iron is loaded. The ore must be weighed when it leaves the stockyard, and it must be weighed when it is delivered to the steel mill. The total number of tons pulled from the dock and the number of trucks delivered to the steel mill are all counted."

Political Commissar Wang asked in surprise: "So the problem lies in the waterway transfer from Binjiang to Jiangcheng?"

Political Commissar Jiang emphasized: "Old Wang, didn't you just say that the number of cargoes loaded from sea-going ships to the cargo ships at Binjiang Port is the same as the number of cargo ships that arrived at Jiangcheng Port and unloaded at the dock."

"This is strange. You can calculate it with very simple addition and subtraction. How could more than two thousand tons disappear?"

"Two political commissars, we contacted our colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Jiangcheng Branch. We agreed with them that the problem should be during the waterway transfer."

Compared with the previous cases, this is the real big case.

Political Commissar Jiang was stunned and said eagerly: "Xianyu, please be specific!"

"There are actually countless waterway barges, or there are loopholes in the number of barges."

"What loophole?"

"It was not weighed during transfer at Binjiang Port, but the load line was looked at. When it was transferred to Jiangcheng Port for unloading, it was also checked at the load line, but it was not weighed either."

Political Commissar Jiang asked in surprise: "There is something wrong with those inland river cargo ships. The ship owners have tampered with the load line?"

Han Yu nodded and said slowly: "There are a total of twenty-six ships participating in the barge. If one of them steals 100 tons, it means 2,600 tons."

"It takes up to thirty hours to transport iron ore from Binjiang Port to Jiangcheng Port. Those ships are not big, and there are only two or three crew members on board. It is not easy for them to steal a hundred tons in such a short period of time. It happened. Moreover, piles were formed in the cabin during loading. Photos were taken after loading. They unloaded a hundred tons, and the piles must have been deformed. It would be difficult to restore them to their original shape in such a short period of time."

"So it's not just the ship owner and crew involved, but others."

Han Yu cleared his throat and added: "There is almost certainly a gang that specializes in this. They have ships, can find floating cranes, and have channels to sell stolen goods."

This is no small matter.

Political Commissar Jiang stared at Han Yu and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

"There are two main reasons why Jiangcheng Branch failed to find any clues about this case. The first one is what you just said. Calculating the tonnage according to the load line can match the number. No one became suspicious at the time. After the matter was over and something was wrong, it would not happen again. It’s too late to look for him anymore, and it can be said that there is no evidence.”

"What about the second reason?"

"Second, the mobility of ships and crews is high. The twenty-odd ships finished unloading their cargo in Jiangcheng and then went to other places to continue hauling cargo. It was not easy to find them for a while."

"I know this. What I want to ask is why you are so sure!"

"I've seen two of the boats, and those are the two the little fish are looking at."

Han Yu grinned and continued: "My dad has also seen a few of them, and he met them a month earlier than Xiaoyu and I."

Political Commissar Jiang asked: "So what if you see it? Can you confirm that there is something wrong with the tonnage of the nuclear load?"

"Actually, when my dad told me about it a month ago, I thought it was very strange."

"What did your dad tell you?"

"There was a sea-going ship that imported tens of thousands of tons of coal from abroad, but it actually turned to a self-propelled ship like mine to transship it instead of looking for a train or a pushing fleet. I thought it was strange, so I asked the Second Port Patrol Brigade to inquire, and it turned out that The freight rates quoted by those ship owners are very low, and it is even more cost-effective to go to them than to go to the fleet.”

"How can it be?"

"Yes, how is that possible? There is almost no profit based on their quotation."

Han Yu paused and continued: "After mobilizing the masses, especially those who ran boats, we realized that there were many ships taking advantage of the load line on the river. Thinking again that Jiangcheng Branch had approached the Port Authority because of the loss of iron ore, Call Bureau Zhang to find out the situation.

Director Zhang asked his comrades from the criminal investigation detachment of his branch to fax the case materials. He didn’t know it until he read it, so he asked his friends from the Port Supervision Bureau to pay attention to the twenty-six ships carrying iron ore. I thought that a few of them actually dared to come back, so solving crimes sometimes really depends on timing. "

"What's on your mind?"

"I asked Ning Ning to help me check. Although the twenty-six ships were registered in different places, the owners and crew members were all from Yuanhuai County, Hui'an Province, and from the same township. Most of them even came from the same village. village."

Political Commissar Jiang asked: "What does this mean?"

Han Yu looked back at Comrade Lao Jia and said with a smile: "The Water Branch learned a situation while arranging waste collection ships and waste collection points on the coastline of the jurisdiction."

His subordinates had gained something, but Political Commissar Wang didn't know it. He couldn't help but ask: "What's going on?"

"Several owners of waste collection boats reported that since August last year, there were suddenly several Sanwu boats from Hui'an operating in our Binjiang waters. Maybe our Binjiang is only part of their scope of activity. The leader is a person named Juan. Women in their thirties, they specifically look for fellow villagers on the river, mainly at the anchorage."

Han Yu took a piece of material from Jia Yongqiang and said with a smile: "The bosses of several scrap collection stations in the Shuishang Branch also provided a situation. The Hui'an woman named Juan once asked them whether they collect coal, iron ore. ores and even copper concentrates.”

"Can we find out the true identity of this Juan?"

"Uncle Jia, this is the discovery of your branch. Please report it."


Old Jia calmed down and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence. On March 21st this year, the Marine Police No. 1 Squadron inspected their ship at the anchorage six kilometers west of Gaoru Port while patrolling and enforcing law enforcement at the Joint Harbor Supervisory Authority. They were found to have no certificates and were punished on the spot. Our branch mainly punished them for not having crew certificates."

Political Commissar Wang asked eagerly: "Have you seen her and know her identity?"

"There are inspection records and their ID cards have been registered. They are all from Yuanhuai County."

Lao Jia handed over a copy of the inspection record and added: "This Chen Xiaojuan is operating at the Yingchuangang anchorage, and Xiaoyu has been watching her for two days. She is not alone, she has several accomplices, the captain of the Fourth Marine Police Squadron By following and monitoring her accomplices, Comrade Luo Wenjiang has already traced the clues and found their two three-no boats anchored in a branch port."

Han Yu raised his head and said: "To ensure nothing goes wrong, and considering our lack of police force, I also asked the Linghai Public Security Bureau's Criminal Investigation Squadron No. 4 to arrange for two criminal police officers to visit their hometown. With the assistance of their colleagues in Hui'an, we conducted a side investigation It was discovered that their gang and the owners and crew members of the twenty-six ships mentioned earlier have made a fortune by running ships in the past two years."

We are now cracking down hard. The Changhang Branch has strike missions, the Water Branch has strike missions, and the Linghai Public Security Bureau also has strike missions, and the tasks are heavier than those of the Changhang Branch and the Water Branch.

No need to ask, everyone knows that Xianyu is helping his second senior brother complete the mission.

Thinking again that Xianyu was originally from the Linghai Public Security Bureau, and the branch was jointly investigating the illegal immigration case with the Linghai Public Security Bureau, Political Commissar Jiang was not unhappy because another family was involved, but smiled and asked: "What are you going to investigate next? "

"This gang has a large number of people, they come from the same place, and many of them are related to each other. In other words, they are very united. If you want to destroy this gang, you must do something about it."

"Will they commit a crime next?"

"Definitely, otherwise they wouldn't have come from upriver, and they wouldn't have risked being inspected by the Port Supervisory Office to bring two three-no boats over. As long as we can catch the current situation, we can open a breakthrough."

Han Yu thought about it and smiled: "I almost forgot that the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiangcheng Branch is not idle either. They are visiting and questioning the steel plants in Jiangcheng and surrounding Jiangcheng. More than two thousand tons of iron ore are only needed by the steel plants."

Political Commissar Jiang asked in a low voice: "Large steel mills will not ask for ores of unknown origin. Only small steel mills dare to ask for it. Even if they go to them, they may not admit it?"

"Ore can be identified, such as its iron content, whether it is the same batch, and whether it comes from the same place. It can be completely identified."

"So you want to join forces with Bureau Zhang?"

"Political Commissar, the cases on the river are different from those on the shore. The boats and people on the river are too mobile."

"That's what I said. It's a good thing to be able to unite with the old leaders." Political Commissar Jiang smiled and asked: "Identify several cases at the same time, and may even close the network at the same time. Do you have enough manpower here?"

"It's definitely not enough, Political Commissar Jiang, Political Commissar Wang, if you two don't come over tonight, Uncle Jia and I will report to you tomorrow. I have already contacted the boats needed to collect the net. What we need now are people."

The Changhang Shipping Public Security Bureau and the Maritime Public Security Bureau specialize in investigating cases related to long-distance shipping and maritime transportation.

If these cases can be solved successfully, not only will the task be exceeded, but they will also be of extraordinary significance.

Political Commissar Jiang became more and more excited as he thought about it. He stood up and said, "Don't worry about the manpower. I will go back and report to the He Bureau. The branch police, including the agency police, will be on standby 24 hours a day starting from tomorrow, ready to participate in closing the net at will."

Political Commissar Wang patted Han Yu on the arm: "The same goes for our water branch."

Thinking that the leaders of the Port Authority and the security guards of the Port Authority were watching the branch's joke, Political Commissar Jiang said meaningfully: "Don't make too much noise when closing the net. Those criminals will be taken directly back to Bailong Port after being arrested. Anyway, there are plenty of passenger terminals." place."

Political Commissar Wang had also noticed that the security guards at the Port Authority were displeased with him early on. He smiled and added: "We will interrogate him at Bailong Port first. After the interrogation is complete, he will be sent to the Linghai Public Security Bureau Detention Center. I will inform Director Zhou about this matter."

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