Riverside police

Chapter 707 A last-ditch battle!

The flood peaks of the Yangtze River are connected end to end, one peak after another, one peak is higher than the other, and each peak is more dangerous than the other. The water level rises again and again, and historical records are broken again and again!

The seventh flood peak was more fierce than the sixth. Before it reached Shashi upstream, dangers were everywhere in Shishou.

Danger is an order!

Han Yu led the engineering fleet to the Tiaoguanji embankment section as quickly as possible. The floodwaters had overflowed several embankments and were pouring into the embankment like a waterfall.

If only the sub-dyke overflows, even if the sub-dyke breaks, the superiors will not let emergency rescue commandos come to protect it. Not only is the flood flowing over the sub-dyke here, there is also a piping with a diameter of about 2.8 meters outside the sub-dyke!

There is a river beach here. To be precise, there is a gentle slope of nearly 200 meters long outside the main embankment. Outside the gentle slope is the river beach. In the past ten years, crops have been planted on the slopes outside the dry embankment, but now they are all underwater river beaches.

Due to the existence of a gentle slope underwater, the engineering fleet has a deep draft and cannot get close to it.

Han Yu could only ask 001 to use the underwater surveying and mapping system to seize the time to go nearby to help the fleet find a "landing point" that can lean on the embankment, and then ask the earthwork construction team to come around for protection.

He, Zou Xiangyu, Yao Lirong, and Sun Youyi took an iron boat to the side of the embankment that was not flooded, and climbed up the muddy embankment with the help of two soldiers from the 60th Division of the 200th Army.

"Secretary Han, let's go down first to check the situation."

"Okay, move quickly!"

Han Yu stood firm and looked forward, only to see a dozen soldiers and militiamen blocking the leak with reeds, sandbags and stones in the raging flood. All these materials used to plug the leak were used by the officers and soldiers lined up in a row. Passed by both hands.

The water was chest deep, and a wave hit them, soaking their upper bodies, which made people cry.

On the sub-dyke, at least 500 PLA ​​officers and soldiers and militiamen were building sandbags to raise the height of the sub-dyke. Some were driving wooden piles, erecting racks, throwing stones and throwing sandbags to protect the slope outside the sub-dyke.

The People's Liberation Army soldiers and militiamen behind the embankment quickly shoveled and bagged the soil and transported it up the embankment.

They ran up the slippery embankment slope, and many soldiers rolled back to their original position to save time. The muddy water was mixed with sweat, and the sweat soaked through their clothes. It was clear that several soldiers had sprains, but they still got up and continued to carry sandbags with a limp.

The soil borrowing point is in the farmland under the embankment, and the overflowing water rises quickly.

As soon as the shovel was shoveled down, the mud and water stuck to the shovel and it couldn't be shoveled away. So they went down to dig up the soil with their hands and put it in the bag!

Up and down the embankment, in the water and on the shore, everything you can see are "mud figures". Not only are their clothes, pants, and shoes covered in mud, but they are also covered in mud on their faces and hands...

Overflowing of the embankment is very dangerous, but as long as the military and civilians work together, and as long as there are enough emergency supplies, they can be blocked with sandbags sooner or later.

Piping surges are different. Piping surges are a precursor to dry embankment failure and are also the focus of embankment consolidation.

Regardless of the breach of the Yangtze River main embankment in Jiujiang, or the breach of Anzao embankment, Paizhou Bay, and Mengxi embankment, they were all caused by the failure of timely detection or failure to provide timely protection and gradual expansion of piping surges.

Han Yu couldn't care less and raised the portable speaker: "Mr. Qian, Mr. Qian, I am Han Yu. We are here to support you. Where are you?"

"I'm here!"

Under the embankment, a "mud figure" straightened up and waved to the embankment.

Han Yu stumbled down the muddy and slippery embankment slope and asked eagerly: "Mr. Qian, I saw the leak. Where is the outlet of the pipe?"

Commander Qian's three regiments were all fighting floods in Shishou and had been dealing with the "Hong Kong Garrison" for half a month. When Mengxiyuan collapsed, the automobile company was requisitioned by Han Yu.

Old acquaintances have neither need nor time to be polite.

He handed the shovel to a soldier and led Han Yu forward in the knee-deep flood water. He pointed to the front and said: "In the rice fields, water is pouring in like a fountain. We don't care about the well filtration." If you use it, you can only block it outside!"

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

What is pouring water and sand into the embankment is a super big "Baotu Spring"!

Han Yu had never seen such a large pipe outlet. Looking back at the embankment, he saw that the overflowing water was still pouring down like a waterfall. There was water outside, above and below the embankment. The embankment was cracking or slowly collapsing. Completely invisible to the naked eye.

This is a dangerous situation involving dike overflowing and severe piping collapse. The level of danger is far greater than that of the dangerous section of Yangliu Village that was rescued before!

The embankment may collapse at any time, putting thousands of soldiers and civilians at the scene in danger.

Once the levee breaks, everyone will be washed away by the incoming flood.

Han Yu took several breaths of air and asked nervously: "Mr. Qian, where is Mayor Zhong?"

"He's on the embankment out front."

"It's a bit far to walk over, I'll call him."

"Stop fighting. We can't get through. You'd better think of a way quickly."

Mr. Qian was anxious and clutched Han Yu's arm: "Xianyu, we will do our best, but now we can't hold on to the embankment with our best efforts. Now it all depends on you. You are professional rescuers. You must have a way. !”

Vice Mayor Zhong is the commander-in-chief of the ten Yangtze River embankments for flood control. Han Yu has seen how busy Vice Mayor Zhong is.

Especially when facing the peak of the flood, Vice Mayor Zhong's two mobile phones kept ringing alternately, and flood information came to him one after another: where is the danger, where is the shortage of woven bags and stones, where is the house falling down and injuring people, where is the flood situation? A cadre collapsed on the embankment and is being rescued...

Vice Mayor Zhong has to direct the mobilization of manpower and material resources and direct the ongoing fierce battle. It is indeed difficult to get through on his mobile phone.

Extremely urgent!

Even a minute's delay will cause all the previous efforts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to be wasted.

Han Yu did not dare to hesitate any longer, looked around and asked: "Mr. Qian, including you, how many people are there here?"

"There are about 6,000 people now. The 127th Regiment of the Airborne Forces and the Second Detachment of Jingzhou Armed Police are rushing here."

"How many people do you have in your division?"

"The division directly added two regiments, 2,826 people, including me!"

"Arrange five hundred people to assist us in the construction."

"No problem." Teacher Qian agreed immediately. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask: "Xianyu, how do you plan to fight for protection?"

"The piping mouth is so big that the bottom of the dry embankment is probably emptied by floods and piping. Even if we can plug the leakage outside, we can't ensure that it is foolproof. Now we can only fight against the odds and build a cofferdam, but we need your help and the help of the militia Let’s buy time!”

"Are you planning to bring in construction machinery worth tens of millions?"

"Other than that, I can't think of a better way. Besides, compared with the entire Jianghan Plain and Hanwu, our few construction machinery are nothing." Han Yu also doesn't want to take risks, but there is really nothing else right now. Method.

Teacher Qian didn't expect that the extremely stingy Xianyu would risk everything, and patted his arm: "Well done, I will try my best to assist you. Even if both groups are exhausted, I will still buy you time!"


Han Yu took a deep breath and raised the intercom: "Wu Chu Wu Chu, I'm Han Yu, please answer when you receive it!"

"Copy that, Secretary Han, please speak."

"Have you found the landing site?"

"Found it. Just found it. We are putting down the sandbag cage. It will take about twenty minutes for the equipment to come ashore."

"It's too slow. I can only give you ten minutes. You must move quickly!"

Han Yu turned around and looked at the precarious embankment, and continued: "One more thing, the officers and soldiers of the 60th Division are plugging the pipe leakage point outside the embankment. The sandbags and stones used to plug the leaks are passed by hand, which is too slow and inefficient. Gao, you guys should think of a way quickly, let the transport fleet unload some of the supplies, and see if you can get over there and throw them on the river as soon as possible."

Wu Haili realized that the situation was urgent and said without hesitation: "Yes!"

"Mr. Zou, Mr. Zou, please ask more people to go ashore and quickly survey the circuitous routes of construction machinery and transportation vehicles. There is no time to consider any construction shortcuts. Danger waits for no one. All we have now is, we can only, we must work through the water!"


"Gong Sun, there is no other way. Quickly put the line on the water and prepare to build the embankment!"

The engineering fleet is performing rescue missions, and the logistics support fleet is still anchored at the "base."

Secretary Wang and Zhao Jiang were silent after receiving the news from the front line.

When Han Gong learned that his son-in-law was leading a team to fight against the odds, he hesitated to speak.

Deputy Mayor Shen was startled when he received Huang Yuanchang's call. He was stunned for a while and then solemnly said: "This is not just a last-ditch fight, but also a fight to the death."

Lao Ge took out his lighter and wanted to light a cigarette, but his hands trembled involuntarily and he lit it three times.

He took several puffs in succession, looked at the surging flood outside the window, and whispered: "Gong Xi said that the Military Commission ordered all troops on both sides of the Yangtze River to go up the embankment. Now the number of front-line troops on the embankment has reached 178,000. This is the first time since 1949 when we crossed the river." Since the battle, our army has made the largest deployment of troops in the Yangtze River Basin."

How could Deputy Mayor Shen fail to hear the implication of Lao Ge's words? He slowly sat down and said worriedly: "Now that the situation has come to an end, we can only fight with our backs against the wall!"

"Don't worry, Xianyu and the others will be fine."

"Well, I'm sure everything will be fine."

Although Deputy Mayor Shen said this, he was very worried in his heart.

There are more than 60 Linghai soldiers on one of the engineering fleets. They are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If something happens, how will they explain it to their relatives after they go back?

He thought of Han Xiangning, Zhang Lan, and Han Ning who had been transferred to the East China Sea. He immediately raised his head and picked up the landline phone and quickly dialed the mobile phone of Wu Haili, the commander-in-chief of the water team.

"Mayor Shen, I'm sorry, I'm a little busy..."

"Wu Chu, I know you are very busy. I only have one sentence. Ask someone to ask if Dongdong has landed on the beach. If Dongdong and Xianyu have landed on the beach, call Dongdong on board immediately!"

Wu Haili was stunned, and suddenly realized what Deputy Mayor Shen was worried about, and hurriedly said: "Yes!"

I don’t know if I don’t ask, and I will be surprised when I ask.

The more than 800-meter-long sub-dyke in front was overflowing with water in more than a dozen places, and the sub-dyke breached in two places. Some sections of the dike were emptied by the river and could collapse and breach at any time.

More than two thousand officers and soldiers of the 60th Division have been fighting to the death with the Flood for more than two hours. Some soldiers were pierced through the soles of their feet by nails on the wooden boards under their feet. Some soldiers fell on rocks with their knees exposed. Fainted after fighting hard.

Dongdong, together with three health workers from the 2nd Battalion of the 132nd Regiment, were carrying the sick and wounded on stretchers to the fleet under the command of Liang Xiaojun.

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