Riverside police

Chapter 708 Race against time!

In order to speed up the construction of the "landing site" and transport the materials needed for the ferry to the leakage point as quickly as possible, Wu Haili ordered the floating crane ship to continuously carry the stones and sandbag cages transported by the transport fleet to the "landing site" embankment. Throw it into the water outside the section, and then hang it to the inside of the embankment after throwing it outside.

Stones are not valuable, but they are very precious to Jingzhou now, and they are reluctant to use them in ordinary dangers.

We don't care about that much now. When there are only one-third of the stones left in several transport ships, let the pilots drive the ships forward to help the People's Liberation Army soldiers and militiamen plug the pipe leakage points.

All the crew's quilts were requisitioned, because it is more effective to block leaks when wrapped in quilts. As for what to cover when it gets cold in the next few days, we’ll talk about it later.

At the same time, Vice Mayor Zhong also transferred three boatloads of stone and six boatloads of rice from the other side!

Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey.

Food is very precious, but now we can't take care of that much. If we want to protect the main embankment of the Yangtze River, we can only use all available materials.

At this time, Han Yu followed Commander Qian into the headquarters in the shack.

When Vice Mayor Zhong saw Han Yu arriving, he finally relaxed a little and said eagerly: "Captain Han, you came just in time..."

Han Yu didn't care to listen to what he said, picked up the pen and paper on the broken table, leaned over and drew while saying: "Mayor Zhong, I just saw the scene, and I think the only way to ensure that nothing goes wrong is to rush to build a cofferdam. "

"Okay, you're a professional, how do you plan to build it?"

"Repair from here to here and enclose the pipe outlet. Our engineering and technical personnel are laying out the lines. Our earthwork construction team and earthwork transportation team will be ready for battle in fifteen minutes at most."

While marking on the hand-drawn diagram, Han Yu continued: "So now we have to divide our forces into four groups. The leaks on the water side of the embankment must continue to be plugged. The overflowing and breached sub-dikes must race against time to raise and block them. In view of the fact that too much water in the embankment is not conducive to earthwork construction, we must seize the time to organize people to dig drainage ditches and carry out earthwork operations at the same time.”

Vice Mayor Zhong asked: "How long will it take to build the cofferdam?"

"The top priority now is to block the water. The quality of the project is not unimportant, but we don't have time to think about it so much. What we have to do now is to organize the forces to repair and fence it as quickly as possible! The first team has arrived, and the second team is coming. On the way, we should be able to enter the battle in another two hours, and it will take us about five and a half hours to build the 600-meter-long cofferdam."

"Okay, that's it, Mr. Qian, how about we divide the work..."

Once you have a relatively safe emergency protection plan, you will know what to do.

The temporarily established military-civilian joint rescue command took action in just five minutes and was divided into four teams: plugging leaks, plugging and raising sub-dyke breaches, draining water, and repairing cofferdams.

The Minister of Armed Forces of Shishou City was responsible for organizing and commanding the militia and some officers and soldiers of the 60th Division to plug the leak. Commander Qian organized and commanded his men to guard the embankment. The deputy director of the Shishou City Water Conservancy Bureau and several township cadres organized the militia and the masses to seize the time to dig drainage ditches.

Han Yu was responsible for repairing the cofferdam.

Vice Mayor Zhong takes charge of the overall situation.

The troops of the 175th Regiment of the 60th Division were divided into two groups, one to support trench digging and the other to assist the "Hong Kong Garrison" in construction.

Yao Lirong led a deputy captain and waded through knee-deep water. As he walked forward, he said eagerly: "Deputy Captain Huang, it's getting dark. We don't have time to solve the lighting problem. We can only ask you to make arrangements." The officers and soldiers serve as road signs for our earthmoving unit!"

"As a road sign?"

"It's all water here, and the road can't be seen. The driver doesn't know where to drive the car. From here to the earth-borrowing point, there is a person every seven or eight meters to direct our earth-moving vehicles to pass."


"I'll find a hundred flashlights for you later, and ask your people to guide the earth-moving vehicles through while ensuring the road conditions on each road section. In other words, check whether there are any potholes under the water at any time. Especially in the front section, there is a hole on the left Fish ponds, always pay attention to whether the road collapses into the pond.”

"Got it, we promise to complete the mission!"

As soon as the arrangements were made here, the officers and soldiers of the 127th Regiment of the 402nd Division came running through the turbid floods with red flags.

Commander Zheng was about to ask where the headquarters was when Political Commissar Yang came to greet him.

"Old Zheng, you are here just in time. The headquarters orders you to assist our commando team in repairing the cofferdam!"

"How can I help?"

"Li Shousong!"


"You take Commander Zheng over there, and the 127th Regiment will be under your command from now on."


Let the regiment commander accept the command of a battalion commander and also be the battalion commander of the recruit training battalion.

Captain Zheng was stunned for a moment, but still said: "Okay, we will listen to you."

At 4:24 p.m., all the construction machinery and transportation vehicles of the No. 1 earthmoving construction team and the No. 1 earthmoving transport team came ashore. Under the guidance of Zou Xiangyu and more than a dozen officers and soldiers from the 2nd Battalion of the 132nd Regiment, they were driven ashore in the flood water that had entered the embankment. , slowly drive to the soil borrowing point.

Nearly a thousand People's Liberation Army soldiers and militiamen responsible for "draining waterlogging" are digging drainage ditches, but digging drainage ditches takes time. Even if the trenches can be dug in a short time, they want to drain the floodwaters that have entered the embankment to about 1.3 kilometers. The inland river outside also takes time.

The excavator of Linghai Road and Bridge Company can only dig soil in the water, and the large dump truck, like the eight tractors, can only transport earth in the water.

A bucketful of earth was excavated and put into the truck bucket, and muddy water flowed everywhere.

Large dump trucks are slightly better, after all, the cab is high enough.

The tractor was different. Lao Cao took a mud bath before he started working.

Han Yu felt uncomfortable looking at it. He held up a portable speaker and asked, "Captain Cao, are you okay?"

"It's okay, as long as you don't turn off the flame, you can do it!"

"Okay, let's get started, be safe."


Lao Cao held the steering wheel tightly and took the lead, driving the tractor straight to the place where the cofferdam was being built.

The officers and soldiers of the 60th Division of the 200th Group Army of the Jinan Military Region who served as road signs for the "Hong Kong Garrison" suffered a serious crime. The transport vehicles passed in front of them. The muddy water flowing down from the truck bed and the muddy water brought up by the wheels not only splashed on them, but also splashed on them. All over their faces and even splashed into their mouths.

But it was related to whether the earthmoving convoy could pass safely. They couldn't hide, they had to stick to their position and direct the vehicles to pass.

The same goes for the "safety officers" from the 2nd Battalion of the 132nd Regiment. Especially when directing earth-moving vehicles to turn around and unload earth, they have to take a mud bath.

If this continues, it will be easy to contract schistosomiasis, but who cares about schistosomiasis now!

"Master Yang, Master Yang, we need sandbags for the Leizi Embankment. There is no way to fill it with soil. Put this truck of soil over there!"

"Li Shousong, you not only have to build a sandbag wall, but you also have to cover it with geotextile. You can't use sandbags filled on site to build a sandbag wall. You must use sandbags that we have filled. Organize people to carry them to the landing site, and you have to move quickly!"

Han Yu ran around in the turbid flood, giving orders frequently, and became a clay figure.

At 5:17, 001 used the modified fire-fighting system to assist in "draining water" from the embankment. They put the water pumping pipe temporarily installed by the mechanical maintenance team into a pond that the officers and soldiers had just dug in the embankment to pump water outside the embankment.

At 5:26, electricians from the power support team connected the "ship power" ashore.

Since the cable is not long enough, it cannot illuminate the soil borrowing point, but it can at least illuminate the sub-embankment and the cofferdam area that is being repaired.

At 6:48, the engineering fleet of the second detachment arrived 15 minutes earlier than expected.

The situation here and the emergency rescue plan had long been reported on the high-frequency radio. As soon as Hao Qiusheng landed, he ordered the No. 3 excavator to follow the officers and soldiers who came to guide them to assist the "drainage team" in digging drainage ditches.

The No. 2 earthwork construction team and the No. 2 earthwork transportation team went to the earth-borrowing point selected by Han Yu early. Just like the dangerous situation of protecting the Yangliu Village embankment section, they worked with a team of earthwork construction teams from both ends at the same time.

At 7:15, good news came from the front. Although the leakage point was not completely blocked, the speed of water pouring into the embankment and turning sand was controlled. The big "Baotu Spring" turned into a small "Baotu Spring". If you are not careful, Look, you can't even see that water is pouring into the embankment.

At 7:38, the second good news came from the front. With the joint efforts of more than 3,000 soldiers and civilians, several breaches in the sub-embankment were blocked, and the overflowing parts of the sub-embankment were also raised.

Just because the previous waterfall is gone doesn't mean everything is safe.

The water level outside the embankment is still rising, and there are still many leaks in the "White Great Wall." If more than 3,000 soldiers and civilians on the embankment and below the embankment continue to fight, the water must rise and the embankment will rise!

Just like the paratroopers who are repairing the cofferdam, they first spread the colored strips of cloth, bite the two sandbags tightly together like building a wall, build up five or six layers of sandbags, and then roll up the colored strips of cloth. Come up and press the last layer of sandbags on the top so that the colored strips of cloth can tightly wrap the sub-embankment to form flood control capabilities.

This means that they have to continue working in the floods, and they have to fill all the necessary sandbags themselves and carry them up from the bottom of the embankment. They carried the sandbags and trotted all the way, their clothes and pants wet with mud and sweat and their skin abraded without stopping.

"Secretary Han, Secretary Han, we have a soldier fainting here!"

"Hurry up and contact the health team and transfer him to the ship!"

As soon as Han Yu put down the walkie-talkie, Commander Qian came up to him and asked, "Xianyu, how many sick and wounded are there in our division?"

There are now nearly ten thousand soldiers and civilians on and off the dike. Commander Qian has the largest number of soldiers. They are fighting in four places at the same time. It is normal for him to not know how many sick and wounded he has.

Han Yu didn't know either. He only knew that Liang Xiaojun and Dongdong had been busy. He immediately raised the walkie-talkie and tuned it to the frequency of logistics support and asked: "Xiaojun Xiaojun, can you receive it? I'm Han Yu."

"Roger, what's the matter?"

"How many people were injured?"

"There are more than 40 soldiers and militiamen. The 60th Division has the most wounded. Several of the soldiers are suffering from high fever. I am too busy here. I just asked Yangtze River Public Security 110 to transfer them to the other side."

"Is there anyone on the other side to help you?"

"Yes, Secretary Wang and Staff Officer Dai are on the other side. We have also contacted Shishou City People's Hospital. They will transport the sick and wounded to the hospital as soon as they land."

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