Riverside police

Chapter 735 Looks familiar!

The criminals involved in smuggling at sea have proven to be cunning.

The fishery administration ship rushed to the sea area where the smugglers were caught smuggling cigarettes at night. The cigarette smuggling ship had long since disappeared.

Han Yu was a little depressed. The customs officers and border inspection station officers and soldiers who came with Han Yu were even more depressed. Looking at the endless sea, they were not even in the mood to have breakfast.

Vice Captain Shen was not surprised. While drinking porridge, he advised: "Don't be discouraged. Several guys were arrested during the night. They know my family and have their contact information. Those guys on the ship can escape." Monks cannot escape from the temple unless they never return to their hometowns in their lifetime."

"Uncle Shen, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"What's the meaning?"

"The ones caught are only small fish and shrimps, and those on the ship may just be horses. The real big boss will not show up easily. As for the contact information I have now, I guess it is of little use."

"Combating smuggling is a long-term task. As long as there is trade, there will be smuggling. It is difficult to stop it."

Vice Captain Shen pointed to the sea outside the window, thought about it and said: "Don't talk about the high profits of smuggling, let's talk about fishing at sea. The superiors have repeatedly ordered fishermen not to block the waterway, but do those fishermen listen?"

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "Uncle Shen, do you have a mission?"

Deputy Captain Shen said helplessly: "The Marine Surveillance just contacted us and said that another cargo ship hit the fishing boat."

I got nothing, but I can't just go back if I want to.

The fishery administration has the task of fishery administration, and Han Yu can only follow the boat to rescue the fishing boat that suffered a maritime traffic accident.

The contradiction between fishing rights and navigation rights is vividly reflected outside the Yangtze River Estuary. Fishing boats are afraid that cargo ships will scratch the trawl nets and refuse to give way to cargo ships.

The cargo ship was too late to adjust its course and hit the stern of the fishing boat.

The fishing boat capsized, but fortunately there were no casualties.

The Marine Surveillance's law enforcement boat had arrived long ago, and the fishermen had already transferred to the Marine Surveillance's ship.

Traffic accidents between fishing boats and cargo ships must be investigated and handled by the fishery administration and maritime surveillance together according to regulations.

Deputy Captain Shen arranged for the fishery law enforcement officers to board the cargo ship, investigate and collect evidence together with the maritime surveillance law enforcement officers, and make notes for the captain, first mate, second mate and other crew members of the cargo ship.

Then take the fishermen to the fishery administration boat and make notes for the fishermen.

I was busy from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, and finally I could return.

Han Yu stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the fishermen squatting at the stern smoking, and asked curiously: "Uncle Shen, what should we do next?"

"We have dedicated personnel to handle the matter. We first define the liability for the accident, then compensate when necessary, and use insurance when necessary."

“Is the fishing boat insured?”

"Yes, but as you just heard, fishing boats have a greater responsibility."

As a fishery law enforcement officer, Deputy Captain Shen wanted to help the fishermen fight for their interests, but the fishermen did have a greater responsibility in this accident. He felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, the Binjiang Agricultural Bureau was entrusted by the fishermen of Dongqi, Linghai and Sigang to give lectures on the safety of fishing operations at sea, but in the end, it was unclear whether they would listen to them.

Han Yu was silent for a moment and whispered: "There are too many fishing boats. There are not as many fishing boats in so many countries around the world as there are in China. Some places are still building hard, and there are fewer and fewer fish in the offshore. I really don't know." Why build so many fishing boats?"

"It's okay to rely on the sea and eat from the sea. It's not that easy to change your mind."

"Don't talk about this, Uncle Shen, I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to take a nap."

"Go to sleep. I'll call you when we get to Wusongkou. We'll take you to the passenger terminal. You can take the high-speed ferry back then. It's faster to take the high-speed ferry."


The fishery administration ship is returning. The fishery administration wharf is on Fuxing Island in the Huangpu River. Han Yu cannot go to Fuxing Island. He can only go to Wusong Wharf and take a high-speed passenger ferry back to Binjiang.

As soon as I walked to the door of the crew cabin, I suddenly spotted a cargo ship of about 5,000 tons passing by in the distance.

"Xianyu, what's wrong?"

"That sea ship looks familiar."

"Which one?"

"The one in front, with the Panama flag."

Vice Captain Shen looked at the direction of Han Yu's finger for a while and asked with a smile: "Do you suspect it is the mother ship that smuggles cigarettes?"


"Then what are you looking at?"

Han Yu became more and more strange as he looked at it. He asked the deputy squadron leader of the border inspection station surveillance squadron, who was working together to combat smuggling, to borrow a telescope from the bridge. While observing the freighter in front of him, he explained: "The boats running in the river all have their own characteristics. Yes, for larger ships, we know where the ship is from, which shipyard it was built by, and even the year it was launched just by looking at the ship type.”

This is normal.

Not to mention water law enforcement officers like Han Yu, even crew members who often run on the river know this.

Vice Captain Shen asked: "Do you know this Panamanian ship?"

"No, there's no way it could fly the Panama flag!"

"what happened?"

"I know this ship. I also assisted the port supervisor to board the ship for inspection. It is not a foreign trade ship, and it is not called that name. If I remember correctly, it is a domestic trade ship of a shipping company in Hanwu."

"Did the ship change hands and register?"

Han Yu pointed the telescope at the stern of the ship, looked at the obviously newly painted ship name, and muttered: "It's possible."

Changing ship registration and switching to foreign trade is not a big deal. Vice Captain Shen urged: "Go and rest quickly, you haven't slept all night."

Xu Haoran and Lin Xiaoqin have settled down in Binjiang and have jobs, but they are not really Binjiang people yet.

This morning, the police arranged by Wang Bureau led me to the Hong Kong branch to settle in. It took a while to get the ID card, so I first applied for a temporary ID card.

I can’t stay in the hotel where I stayed last night again tonight.

The dormitory was empty except for a few sets of bedding brought by Yuzhen.

After lunch at Han Gong's house, the young couple went to the furniture market with Han Gong to buy a cart of furniture, asked someone to help move it into the dormitory and set it up, and then went out to buy a bunch of pots, pans, spoons and daily necessities.

I cleaned up and continued to decorate. I was busy until 4:30 in the afternoon, and the new home finally looked a little bit different. Just as I was thinking about buying some groceries and having dinner at my new home in the evening, Han Gong came again on his bicycle.

"Let's start the party tomorrow and have dinner at my house tonight."

"Uncle Han, we just went there at noon and we won't go in the evening."

"San'er is back. Ningning is back after get off work. You haven't seen San'er yet."

"Salted fish is back!"

"Well, I didn't know what his mission was at first. I just found out through Ning Ning's call that he went for a ride on the sea and took a high-speed passenger ferry back from Wusong Pier. He must have arrived home by now."

"He went to sea?"

"The anti-smuggling team seems to have missed the boat and missed the smuggling boat."

Xu Haoran just found out last night that Xianyu was also going to be transferred to the customs. He really wanted to meet Xianyu and talk about his future work. Besides, the Korean workers had come on bicycles to invite them, so he simply locked the door and took his wife to go to the Meteorological Bureau with his family members. district.

When I rushed to Han Gong's house, I saw that Xianyu was back and was riding a horse for Xiao Hanhan in the living room. Xiao Hanhan was riding on his back happily.

Xiang Fan was busy in the kitchen and complained: "San'er, don't spoil Han Han so much. You've spoiled Han Han."

"Okay, I won't ride anymore, Hanhan obeys me."

"Hello uncle, hello aunt!"

When Hanhan saw Xu Haoran and Lin Xiaoqin coming in, she called for them obediently.

Han Yu quickly stood up: "Brother Haoran, sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I had an urgent mission last night and couldn't pick up the wind for you."

"It doesn't matter, we are not outsiders."

"Sit down, you guys sit down first, I'm going to wash my hands."

Since Han Gong became a distinguished professor at the National Meteorological Institute, his family status has improved significantly, and he no longer has to help with cooking.

Lin Xiaoqin was a little embarrassed and hurried to the kitchen to help Director Xiang.

After Han Yu washed his hands, he sat in front of the coffee table and chatted with Xu Haoran.

"You want to go to work tomorrow?"

"It feels uncomfortable to be idle. Besides, I don't know Binjiang very well. I don't even have a few acquaintances."

"What should you do with your sister-in-law at work?"

"She also goes to work. She first goes to the school to familiarize herself with the environment. Whether she wants to teach or not depends on the arrangements of the school leaders."

Others can visit relatives and friends when they change jobs and return to their hometown. He doesn't have many relatives and they are all in Linghai. The couple stay in Binjiang with nothing to do. It is better to go to work early.

Han Yu nodded, hugged his daughter and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll call Uncle Zeng later to report. I will go with me to Sanhe to arrest smuggling tomorrow morning. We are short of people there."

"I'm really busy, and I'm really short of people?"

"Why are you lying to me? Many seagoing ship captains know that we are conducting inspections. They are worried that there will be no anchorage to anchor and queue up. They are drifting on the sea and dare not enter the Yangtze River."

"At dinner last night, Chief Liu said that our smuggling problem in Binjiang is not serious. Why are you so busy?" Xu Haoran looked confused.

Han Yu let go of his daughter and explained with a smile: "We had to wait for the water level to drop before we could return after fighting the flood in Beihu. Many people in my hometown thought that the reason why big ships could not sail to the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River was mainly because of the Jiangcheng Yangtze River Bridge and The Han-Wu Yangtze River Bridge is not high enough.

In fact, this is indeed a factor, but it does not have a great impact on the navigation of 10,000-ton cargo ships. What really affects navigation is the waterway.

Let’s put it this way, the waterway from Wusongkou to our Binjiang River is 12.5 meters deep and can pass all-weather ships with a draft of about 11 meters.

Measured in terms of bulk carriers, they are basically 40,000 to 50,000 tons. If a tidal height of 2.5 meters is added, bulk carriers of 80,000 to 100,000 tons can be navigated by the tide. Sea-going ships of larger tonnage must reduce their load to enter and leave the Yangtze Estuary. "

Xu Haoran reacted: "Can large ships sail to Binjiang?"

Han Yu smiled and nodded: "So many cargo ships have to transfer goods to river ships at Binjiang Port or Shuzhou Port and Zhangjia Port on the other side for transfer upstream. In other words, many import and export goods have to be handled here. Entry and exit procedures. We have to guard the country's gates, and you can imagine how stressful the investigation will be."

Xu Haoran thought about it and asked: "Is the upstream channel very shallow?"

“The waterway from Binjiang to Jiangcheng is less than 11 meters, and it is even shallower from Jiangcheng, with some places being less than 6 meters deep.”

"But I heard that many river ships are also very large."

"The ship types are different. River boats have flat bottoms and are relatively wide, so the draft is relatively shallow. In recent years, many shipyards have been building or modifying river-sea direct ships, taking into account the water depth of the waterway."

"I understand, it turns out that our Binjiang is the transfer station and distribution center for river and sea freight."

"So our Binjiang Port is the largest port on the Yangtze River."

"Xianyu, I don't understand anti-smuggling, you have to teach me."

"I don't understand either. I am just a ship operator. My future task is to send customs officers to the ships to be inspected and at the same time ensure the safety of customs officers performing inspection tasks."

If you don't understand business, it will be difficult to achieve success in a new unit.

Xu Haoran said with expectation: "Xianyu, why don't you tell Chief Zeng and let me go with you? I can't sail a boat, but I can learn. Mingyuan can't sail a boat either, and he doesn't even know how to sail. He has actually been on a seagoing ship, but he has already passed the seaman’s certificate exam.”

"What he got was a new, unopened certificate."

"I don't care what certificate he gets, as long as he can get it, I can get it too."

"It's very hard to get on the ship. It's so hot in the summer and so cold in the winter. You and I on the ship are really not as good as learning how to detect smuggling from the senior brother. The job he does is more challenging than my job, and it's better than what I do." Work is fulfilling.”

"I can't do anything else, I just can endure hardship!"

The work on the ship is relatively simple, and it is easier for the crew to get along with each other.

Han Gong felt that it was more appropriate for Xu Haoran to board the ship than to follow Xu Mingyuan on anti-smuggling operations. After all, Xu Haoran had been working in the army before and had little social experience. He smiled and said: "San'er, just let Haoran get on the ship with you."

Xu Haoran was full of expectations, and his father-in-law also said the same. Han Yu could only agree: "Okay, our crew just lacks someone who can operate a machine gun. Brother Haoran, this should be very simple for you."

"Machine gun?"

"We don't have one now. We will have one when we receive the anti-smuggling boat. Then we will go shooting at sea together. You can teach us how to shoot."

"I can shoot on the shore, but I have never done any shooting at sea. Not only have I never done target shooting at sea, I have never really been to the sea."

"It doesn't matter. There will be plenty of opportunities to go to sea in the future, but I'm afraid you will get seasick."

"I'm in good physical condition, so I shouldn't get seasick. Besides, my dad took me on 001 when he was here."

"The wind and waves on the river are incomparable to the wind and waves on the sea. Brother Haoran, you must be mentally prepared for seasickness."

PS: My health is not good and I have a severe headache. There are only two chapters today. I will resume the third update when I feel better.

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