Riverside police

Chapter 736 The real big case!

The water smuggling operation, which was originally planned to take place for a month, came to an end after only twelve days.

The reason why it ended early is that all the coastal provinces have been cracking down, and the East China Sea has been cracking down for nearly two months. The "oil rats" who used to be active in Wusongkou waters have all disappeared. Those smugglers know not to hit the target with a gun. In words, they are all trying to avoid the limelight. If the massive water smuggling operation continues, there will not be much gain.

Moreover, as the main force in combating smuggling, customs not only combats water smuggling, but also combats other forms of smuggling.

The superiors were very determined to crack down on smuggling and requested a three-year review of the import and export trade. You can imagine how heavy the workload was.

In addition, many problems were discovered during the rigorous investigation some time ago, including those who falsely reported prices for imports, those who cheated on taxes on exports, and those who even had no goods imported or exported at all and directly forged documents to cheat taxes and foreign exchange. The customs must concentrate its efforts. In investigating and handling these cases, we have no energy to participate in water smuggling anymore.

It is worth mentioning that superiors are more determined to fight corruption in the customs system.

Superiors requested that the anti-smuggling struggle be continuously deepened and that the fight against smuggling be well combined with strengthening the legal system, rectifying order, strengthening supervision, and punishing corruption.

Jiangcheng Customs sent a working group, and Binjiang Procuratorate and Binjiang City Ji W also went to the customs every three days.

I want to talk to this person today and to that person tomorrow. I want to know whether the leadership team of Binjiang Customs is honest. Is there any situation in Binjiang Customs that does favors, handles favor cases, collects favor taxes, and inspects favor goods? In the words of General L, the customs It should be an "iron door", not a "rotten" door!

Dong Maosheng, Xu Mingyuan and Xu Haoran, who had just been assigned to the customs, had to handle cases during the day and study at night. They were so busy that they were dizzy.

Since Han Yu had not yet been transferred to the customs, he naturally did not need to participate in the rectification of the customs system, so he was suddenly free.

Zhou Huixin is still very busy.

Although the "Notice on Strictly Combating Smuggling Criminal Activities" from superiors stated that an anti-smuggling police team will be formed, no one knows when it will be established. Smuggling crimes that are worthy of criminal liability are still investigated and dealt with by the public security organs.

His division of labor among the members of the Municipal Bureau Party Committee is to combat smuggling, and he must continue to organize forces to conduct in-depth investigations into various smuggling cases. As of yesterday afternoon, more than 30 criminals suspected of various types of smuggling have been arrested.

Since Han Yu couldn't help him as he was specialized in the art, he simply used this opportunity to focus on forming a team of crew members for the anti-smuggling boat.

I originally thought that many of the cadres and soldiers who would retire this year would have served in the navy.

After Zhou Huixin arranged to go to the Municipal Military Transfer Office and the Civil Affairs Bureau, she found out that there were very few cadres and soldiers who had retired from the navy.

What’s even more ridiculous is that there are only a dozen people who have never been on the ship!

Some used to be logistics personnel at naval bases, and some used to work in a navy warehouse, which was far away from the sea and had never even seen the sea. There are also some who were demobilized and demobilized under the background that the army was strictly prohibited from running enterprises and doing business.

The file information of two of them impressed Han Yu deeply. One was a regular cadre at a farm of a certain navy, and the other was a volunteer at a gas station operated by a certain navy.

A navy that has never been on a ship is not a navy. Even if it is recruited, it will not be able to help.

Han Yu had no choice but to call and report to Deputy Commissioner Zeng.

"No one meets the requirements?"


"It's normal if you think about it. Those who can board the ship are all carefully selected. Since they are a carefully selected army, they will not easily let people change jobs and retire."

A century-old navy, there is some truth to this.

Not to mention whether there are advanced ships, just whether there are so many crew members is a problem.

Han Yu was sitting in the command and dispatch room on the second floor of the public security barge. He held up the phone and looked at the river and asked: "Zeng Guan, what should we do now? Why don't you ask Xu Guan? There should be more retired soldiers in Jiangcheng than in Binjiang. Let's see if we can We can’t recruit people from Jiangcheng.”

Deputy Commissioner Zeng said without hesitation: "Don't worry about Jiangcheng. People in Binjiang don't like to go to Jiangcheng. Those who can change jobs and be resettled in Jiangcheng are unlikely to come to work in Binjiang. We should think of other ways."

Han Yu smiled bitterly and said: "I can't think of any other way. I finally know why the superiors asked some naval units to be converted into public security border defense when the Coast Guard was established, because it was difficult to form a Coast Guard team for a while."

What is being formed now is an anti-smuggling boat crew team, not an anti-smuggling police team.

It is impossible for superiors to retire some qualified naval forces from active service as they did back then, and it is impossible for customs to recruit personnel from academies that specialize in training public security and maritime police officers.

Deputy Commissioner Zeng was busy cooperating with his superiors to reorganize the cadre team, and he really couldn't care about it. He simply said: "You can go to a navigation school to recruit, such as your alma mater. Isn't it a crew? It shouldn't be difficult to recruit."

"This involves establishment, and employee establishment is also establishment."

"We are short of people and are expanding our numbers. We only have a dozen crew members. The establishment can be easily solved."

"I'm just going to go to school to recruit?"

"I will report to Liu Guan later and ask Liu Guan to arrange for comrades from the Human Resources and Political Engineering Department to recruit. You go with them and you are responsible for checking."


What we are recruiting are employees, not cadres.

And what we want to recruit is not ordinary employees, but seafarers!

No matter how high the wages of customs employees are, there is no way to make much money by running a ship. Senior seafarers with a college degree or above will not be considered at all. It seems that they can only recruit from their alma mater as Deputy Commissioner Zeng said.

The alma mater was once very prosperous, and graduates were assigned to cadre status regardless of whether they were assigned to government agencies or port and shipping companies.

Although it has been upgraded to a shipping college, it no longer has technical secondary school classes but only junior college classes. However, graduates from junior college no longer have to be assigned, but instead provide talents to corresponding shipping companies, such as senior crew members to Zhang Asheng's shipping management company.

Compared with other universities, the employment rate is still very good, but it is impossible to produce cadres like before. It is said that some alumni who have taken leadership positions are no longer proud of their alma mater and have studied in various ways to obtain more beautiful diplomas. .

Is it shameful to graduate from the former Binjiang Water Transport School or Binjiang Shipping School?

It was difficult for Han Yu to understand the thoughts of those alumni. Just as he was about to call the leaders of his alma mater, Xiaoyu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Okay, when did you become so polite and know to knock on the door when you come in?" Han Yu raised his head and teased.

"I knock on the door every time I come in. Didn't you notice?"


"I was like this when I was in the police academy."

"Really?" Han Yu asked back, smiling: "Aren't you going back to Bailong Port? Why did you come back again?"

Xiaoyu pulled out his chair and sat down. He looked back at Ma Jintao, who had just followed him, and said happily: "Wu Youming's fast food restaurant has opened. It's called 'Veteran Fast Food'. It's soft opening today. He called us to come for dinner." !”

Wu Youming was a cook when he was in the army, and he was a cook squad leader when he was in the reserve service.

This time to support Beihu's flood fight, the brothers in the cooking class had a really hard time. They had to make four meals a day, including midnight snacks, and had to work two shifts.

Sometimes we even have to cook for the troops assisting in the construction. There are more people eating, so there are more meals to cook, which makes the brothers in the cooking class as tired as dead dogs.

Previously, Lao Ge was unable to arrange jobs for them due to their academic qualifications.

Zhang Erxiao and Mr. Wu didn't want their comrades to come back to work after fighting the flood, so they provided money to support them in opening a store.

The store is located on the edge of the road along the river, not far from the camp area, and the area is relatively deserted now.

When the new ferry of Lingda Automobile Ferry is completed, their store will be right next to the new ferry. With so many buses and trucks queuing up to cross the river every day, the fast food business will definitely not be bad.

The brothers had something to do, or to be precise, they had a career. Han Yu was happy from the bottom of his heart and asked with a smile: "Are Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wu coming?"

"They came here early, bringing firecrackers. The store is small and there is no room to sit down. They planned to go to Uncle Ding's place to play cards, but Uncle Ding kicked them out."


"Uncle Ding said that the Martyrs Cemetery is no other place. Playing cards in the Martyrs Cemetery is disrespectful to the revolutionary martyrs."

"It makes sense, they should be kicked out."

As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, Ma Jintao took up the conversation: "After they were kicked out by Ding Suo, they wanted to go to the 'boss lady' to play cards, but they were kicked out by the 'boss lady' again. The 'boss lady' said that the Hong Kong Supervisory Office was Law enforcement units should not play cards and smoke and create a mess."

The senior sister definitely didn't want her colleagues from the Hong Kong Prison Office to clean up for them. Han Yu couldn't help but smile and asked, "Where have they been now?"

"Right now, everyone is watching Captain Cao practice driving on the road."

"Captain Cao bought a new car?"

"I bought it back and picked it up at Donghai yesterday. Those auto trading companies in Binjiang are really shady. The same dump truck is several thousand more expensive than Donghai!"

It is normal for Binjiang people to go to Donghai to buy cars. After all, cars in Donghai are indeed cheaper than in Binjiang.

Han Yu thought about it and asked: "Did Captain Cao go to a driving school? Why are you practicing driving on the road?"

"It's a lot of trouble to go to a driving school. They go directly to Taizhou to sign up and get the certificate."

"They didn't learn. They bought their driver's licenses in Taizhou!"

"We didn't go to a driving school back then. Why don't we drive just like we got our licenses?" Xiaoyu didn't think there was anything wrong with buying a driver's license and muttered: "The certificate they issued is a real one, not a fake one. Besides, they I have driven a trailer for so many years, so I have a basic foundation and can get started quickly.”

Our counterparts at the Taizhou Public Security Bureau are notoriously efficient in organizing examinations and issuing motor vehicle driving licenses. As long as you pay, the licenses are issued, and it is said that no one needs to go.

Because their service attitude is so good, it gives driving schools in various districts and counties in Binjiang a headache.

They are cheaper than you, they include certificates, and they are faster than you. Where are you going to recruit students?

In order to compete for students, those driving schools used various methods to promote it, saying that Binjiang's driver's license was very tough and that the national traffic police recognized Binjiang's driver's license! The driver's license from Taizhou is not valid. If the traffic police from other places see the driver holding the driver's license from Taizhou, they will check and fine him.

In fact, as long as the driver's license is the same, there is no such thing as a "hard" license and a not "hard" license. As long as you break the rules and get a fine, you will not be punished lightly just because you have a Binjiang driver's license. However, due to the unremitting publicity of Binjiang's driving schools, some people actually believe it.

Han Yu was thinking about going to see Lao Cao's new car, and by the way, he told Lao Cao to learn traffic rules and pay attention to safety when driving. Ma Jintao smiled again and said: "Mr. Hao, Mr. Yang, and Gong Yao will be here soon. Mr. Hao is calling." The caller said that Mayor Shen might be coming."

"Congratulations on the opening of the veteran restaurant?"

"Well, Mr. Hao also prepared a flower basket!"

"Then what should we give?"

"I'm just about to discuss it with you. Wu Youming will definitely not accept the money as a gift. It's too late to find someone to make a plaque now."

It would be inappropriate not to give something as a gift when someone opens a business, but for a while I couldn’t think of anything to give.

Han Yu racked his brains and thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Let's just give him nothing. He and we are not only comrades-in-arms, but also neighbors in the future. We can just take care of their business more in the future."

Xiaoyu subconsciously asked: "How to take care of it?"

"Let's go eat."

"Dried salted fish, do you have money?"

"I'm not saying we should eat by ourselves. Our little salary is not enough to eat fast food every day. What I mean is that if superior leaders come to inspect or visit, and it happens to be meal time, we will take the superior leaders to them."

"That's a fast food restaurant. Although it also has a private room, it's still not the same as a restaurant!"

"Yes, their place is only suitable for eating, not for reception."

Ma Jintao felt that Xiaoyu's words made sense, and wanted to take the leader to a fast food restaurant. The leader would definitely not be happy.

Han Yu thought it was nothing, and said confidently: "We are all pre-appointed officers of the Linghai Reserve Battalion. We have the reception task to take care of the business of our comrades in the battalion. What's wrong? Besides, it is a 'veteran restaurant', which is for veterans who have participated in flood fighting and rescue operations." It’s so meaningful to invite the leaders to the store we opened to have flood relief meals!”

Things are different now. There are a lot of inspections and inspections now.

Ma Jintao was no longer an ordinary policeman, but the captain of the Third Marine Police Brigade. Thinking of the small amount of funds in Zhang Lan's safe, he suddenly realized that what Han Yu said was very reasonable, and grinned: "Okay, just If you do this, no matter how big the leader comes to inspect the work in the future, as long as he eats here, he will get it all from Wu Youming!"

When Xiaoyu was about to speak, Ma Jintao patted him on the shoulder: "Xiaoyu, you are the fish institute now, and you will also have reception tasks. If there is more money in your institute, you can take the leaders to a big hotel. Our third brigade Being poor, we can only spend our money to treat our leaders to fast food.”

Xiaoyu suddenly reacted and laughed loudly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier that our institute is poorer than you? I will tell Professor Chen later that when leaders inspect the work in the future, I will also treat the leaders to fast food!"

Han Yu reminded with a smile: "It's not fast food, it's the flood-fighting meal we had when we were fighting floods in Beihu."

"I understand, I understand!"

Anyone who has worked at the Yanjiang Police Station is not generous, and is stingy like a small fish.

But rather than inviting superior leaders who might come to inspect for a "flood-fighting meal", Xiaoyu was more concerned about the next work of dried salted fish and asked curiously: "Dried salted fish, you really want to be transferred to the customs."

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