Riverside police

Chapter 763 Buying money for traveling!

Just when Han Yu and Xiaoyu were driving the 001 to escort the cargo ship that had just been delivered to the ship owner by COSCO Shipyard to the main channel, Linghai Cargo 306 was slowly following a dozen two- to three-hundred-ton machine barges on the Xinghushen Channel. Drive slowly.

The Xinghushen Channel is the main water transport trunk line in northern Zhejiang and southern Jiangnan. It starts from Xingchang County in Zhehai Province, passes through Huzhou in Zhehai and Wujiang County in Guzhou City in Jiangnan Province, and enters the Huangpu River in Donghai City.

Stones and building materials used in Donghai, Guzhou and Wuxi are basically transported from the mountainous areas of northern Zhejiang via the Xinghushen Waterway, and coal, oil and other energy sources from northern Zhejiang are also mainly transported from this way.

This river of more than 170 kilometers can be called the water artery of the East China Sea, southern Jiangnan and northern Zhehai Province. It is known as China's Little Rhine!

The winter in the south of the Yangtze River is not as cold as in the north. Flowers bloom on both sides of the river and ships come and go in a hurry, but Lao Han feels very cold in his heart.

This line used to run a lot when I was driving a small boat.

Later I changed ships and mainly traveled on the Yangtze River and rarely came here.

Later, we changed to a larger ship, but this busy channel was only suitable for navigation by machine barges with a weight of less than 500 tons. Due to the water depth, we never crossed this line again.

As a senior ship boss, Han Zhengxian heard from his colleagues more than once that the fines imposed by the port supervisor in Wujiang County, Guzhou in the past two years have been very severe.

Now it is no longer called the Harbor Supervisor, but has been renamed Maritime Affairs.

It's just that the maritime affairs here are different from the maritime affairs of the second bride (daughter-in-law). They belong to the local maritime affairs, which is the former Wujiang County Transportation Bureau Port and Shipping Supervision Station. They are under the control of Wujiang County Transportation Bureau, not the Ministry of Transportation.

It doesn’t matter who is in charge of it. What’s important is that they are not plucking the feathers of wild geese, but just like a robbery. As long as you pass by them, you will be fined, regardless of whether you have violated the rules or not.

Under normal circumstances, Comrade Lao Han would never do this business, which is not only easy to be stranded, but also may result in a fine.

There are three main reasons why I took this trip.

First, I haven’t found a suitable source of goods in the past few days.

Second, the freight rates offered by cargo owners in the East China Sea are high enough, and after transporting the 500 tons of coal on board to Xingchang Power Plant, they can load the building materials back to the East China Sea without waiting, and there is no need to worry about not being able to get the goods on the return trip.

Furthermore, our own ship has complete procedures and complete equipment.

The second bride used to be the director of port supervision, but now she is the chief of the security inspection section. She checks every time she gets on the ship, and checks it carefully inside and out!

The Ministry of Transport and Harbor Supervisor of the Second Bride can’t find fault with her, so what faults can the local Harbor Supervisor find?

It turns out that's not the case, or that not all Hong Kong supervisors enforce the law impartially like the bride. The port guards in Wujiang are similar to the vicious water bandits, they only care about money!

Yesterday afternoon, I entered Wujiang County from the East China Sea. After sailing for a while, I encountered a water inspection and toll station.

Those port supervisors issue fines as soon as they board the ship!

At first it was said to be overloaded, but then after looking at the certificate and load line, I found that the Linghai Cargo 306 carried a thousand tons of cores, but in fact only carried 500 tons of coal. They were very critical and said it was because of speeding and failure to pay sanitation fees.

After arguing with them, they actually claimed that they would seize the ship and seize the certificate, saying that they had no time to deal with it now and would have to wait until after New Year's Day.

This is an operating ship. You have to pay so many fees a year. The various fees are dizzying. Moreover, this ship was built with a loan from a bank. The loan must be repaid every month. One day withheld is a day's loss. Who knows? Dare you wait there?

Lao Han regretted it so much that he gritted his teeth and asked the bride, who had just boarded the ship, to pay the fine. Unexpectedly, she was fined 800 yuan!

The more Han thought about it, the more something was wrong. After asking a colleague last night, he learned that there are three inspection and toll stations in Badu, Pingwang and Luxu on the short 45-kilometer route in Wujiang County. Among them, Pingwang Inspection Station It is only 10 kilometers away from Luxu Checkpoint.

What’s even more frustrating is that paying a fine once does not mean that you can travel unimpeded. You may still be fined at the first two checkpoints.

There is only one way to ensure unimpeded traffic, and that is to give them a one-time prepayment of a quarter's "overload fine."

After paying the money, no matter how overloaded or illegal, as long as there is no water traffic accident, you will be allowed to pass. Otherwise, the boat will be detained, the main engine will be dismantled, or even the joystick of a small boat or the steering wheel of a large ship will be removed.

The amount of "overload fine" paid in advance is not clearly marked. It depends on their mood and the quality of the relationship with them.

If you are willing to give them gifts, treat them to dinner, or invite them to the karaoke bar, they will be merciful. For a ship of two to three hundred tons, the overload fine for a quarter may only cost one or two thousand. If they are in a bad mood, or the relationship with them is not good, it will cost three to four thousand.

My own boat is not a small boat. According to their standards, the "overloading fine" per quarter would be at least tens of thousands. And you have to find scalpers first and give them some benefits through scalpers.

Old Han was very angry and didn't want to pay the money.

After this trip, I don’t want to take this route again, so why should I pay them a quarter’s “tolls”?

Because of this, in order to avoid the next fine, Lao Han anchored in the river for a long time, calculated the time, and planned to rush through the inspection and toll station while the inspectors were eating!

It turned out that he was not the only one who had the same idea. Many ship owners who had not paid a quarter's "tolls" in advance also thought the same way.

On the originally deserted river, there were suddenly more boats.

Dozens of ships suddenly scrambled to cross the border, causing congestion in the waterway. Looking ahead, there were ships all over the place. Lao Han did not want to cause a traffic accident, so he had to slow down.

Han Shen was afraid of bumping into other people's boats, so he stood on the bow of the boat holding a pennie.

Ji Xiaohong stood on the left side of the bow, looking nervously ahead.

It was lunchtime, and Luo Yanfeng was sitting at the door of the living cabin, picking vegetables absentmindedly. From time to time, she looked outside, secretly praying that Wu Jiang, the port supervisor, was on holiday and would not impose fines in front today.

They were not the only ones who were nervous, but also the people in the boat in front and those in the boat behind.

At this time, a 200-ton boat overtook it, but due to the blockage in front, it could only move forward slowly in parallel with Linghai Cargo 306.

The boat girl was just as worried about collision as Han Shen, so she hurried to the left side of the boat and picked up the pennies.

When Luo Yanfeng saw that the other party was a ship from Zhejiang Province, she couldn't help but ask in Linghai Mandarin: "Sister, has your family paid an overloading fine?"

"I paid it in the first half of the year, but not in the second half."

"Why not hand it over?"

"There were floods everywhere in the second half of the year, and many docks were flooded. Either we couldn't pull the goods, or even if we could pull them, there were no docks to unload them. In July and August, my family went on one voyage, and the fees we had to pay couldn't be less." They are almost losing money, how can I have the money to pay them overload fines!"

Floods occur in July and August, which have a great impact on shipping.

Luo Yanfeng sighed secretly and said with a frown: "We used to run this line a lot. It wasn't like this before, and there weren't so many checkpoints before."

The boat girl on the boat put down her pennies and said bitterly: "It started at the end of last year, mainly in the section of Wujiang. The port supervisors in the East China Sea are more disciplined than here, and the port supervisors in our Zhejiang Sea are not as shady as them. They know it." Even if you’re fined, you won’t be afraid of giving birth to a child without a butthole!”

"It seems that this line cannot be run."

"I can't run, I really can't run, eldest sister, my family won't run this route after this trip."

The boat girl on the boat felt more and more uncomfortable as she thought about it. She held on to the roof of the cockpit and started to calculate: "My family took a trip to Wuxi from Huzhou last month, and the overload fines added up to death. In Badu, I was fined 600, 200 square meters. Wang fined me 500 yuan, Fenshui Dun fined me 500 yuan, Baodaiqiao fined me 400 yuan, Hengtang fined me 500 yuan, Xushuguan fined me 400 yuan, Wangting fined me 500 yuan, Xin'an was fined 800.

They all say that you can kill six generals in five levels, but we were better off. We were fined eight times for passing eight levels, and in total we were fined 4,020. It was a trip in vain, and I spent hundreds of dollars on gas. If you can't afford to offend me, you can't afford to hide. This is the last trip. I'll go home after unloading the goods. I won't leave this line again even if I die! "

A small boat of 200 tons was fined 4,200 for one trip. If your big boat failed to pass every checkpoint, how much fine would you have to pay?

Luo Yanfeng was secretly anxious, and the boss of the small boat asked puzzledly: "Sister, why does a ship as big as yours run this line? It would be great to run on the Yangtze River! There are many ships on the river, and the freight is not high, but on the Yangtze River According to the rules of the port supervisor, if a boat like yours runs on the river, it will pay hundreds of thousands less in fines a year!"

"My family has not been able to contact me for the time being. The boss who came to transport this ship of coal is a friend I have known for many years. I thought I was idle, so I might as well help him out. Who would have thought of a port without a river? The Supervisory Committee is so dark."


"Who's coming?"

"The Port Supervisor is here! These bastards won't even rest on New Year's Day."

I am really afraid of what will happen.

Luo Yanfeng put the vegetables into the basket, stood up and took a look, and was surprised to find that the harbor inspector was really here, driving a small motorboat, and it seemed that he was heading straight to his own boat.

Han Shen also saw it. He put down his pennies and ran along the side of the ship. He held the cab door and asked eagerly: "Dad, what should I do?"

"This is endless!"

Old Han was furious, holding on to the steering wheel and gritting his teeth: "You take the helm, and I'll go meet them."

At this time, a broadcast came from the big loudspeaker of the harbor supervisor's launch.

"Please pay attention to the ships in front, please pay attention to the ships in front, all stop and anchor for inspection, all stop and anchor for inspection!"

"Dear ship owners, please note that please prepare the ship visa book, ship inspection certificate, ship ownership certificate, nationality certificate, safety inspection book, business transportation certificate, water transport license, crew competency certificate, engine logbook..."

"Check your size!"

Old Han cursed, opened the door and got into the living cabin, and took out the briefcase given to him by the second bride.

This bag was given to Han Xiangning by his superiors when he went to Hanwu for a meeting. On the outside of the bag were the words Yangtze River Port Supervision Bureau of Transport, and there were a lot of certificates in the bag.

Yang Sanwang, deputy director of Luxu Maritime Station, has been enforcing the law on the river for several years and has never seen a ship as big as Linghaihuo 306.

He put down the microphone of the tweeter, motioned for the driver to come closer, and laughed with several assistants: "Xiao Xu, Lao Chen, I said you didn't work overtime in vain, you still don't believe me, look, there's a big fish coming! "

"I haven't seen this before, Suo Yang, they must not have paid the overloading fine."

"Check it carefully later."

PS: There are a lot of national reading activities in the past few days. Several activities cannot be postponed and the updates are unstable. I would like to apologize to all my brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, all the activities that cannot be postponed are over, and three updates will resume from tomorrow. I sincerely ask all brothers and sisters for your continued support. Lao Zhuo would like to thank you.

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