Riverside police

Chapter 764 Does it matter?

"Linghai Cargo 306, what did I tell you? Why didn't you stop when I asked you to?"

"Comrade Harbor Supervisor, I want to move the ship to the side first!"

You have a tweeter, and I have the same on my boat.

Han Shen has been sailing since he was a child, and he knows very well how to respond when encountering a port supervisor.

The anchor can only play a positioning role and cannot fix the hull. If they stop and anchor in the middle of the river, the hull is likely to hit other ships under the influence of current and wind.

More importantly, they only told the car to stop and break down, but did not say where to stop and break down. If you foolishly stop and break down, they will say that you are blocking the channel and use this as an excuse to fine you.

Han Shen put down the loudspeaker and turned the steering wheel lightly. While steering the boat to the river, he took out his mobile phone to call his younger siblings.

Old Han didn't want to trouble the second bride, but the Hong Kong Supervisor here was too difficult to deal with. He pretended not to see it, opened his briefcase and sorted out various certificates.

Ji Xiaohong had participated in crew training and knew very well what to do when the ship was anchored. She found the black ball and prepared to hang it on the mast.

Luo Yanfeng put on her gloves and ran over to arrange the cable.

When the anchor is dropped, at least two cables must be tied to the shore. Only in this way can safety be ensured.

Yang Sanwang was stunned for a moment, then raised his walkie-talkie to call his colleagues who were inspecting in front: "Lao Wang, you are responsible for inspecting the small boat. Lao Chen, Xiao Xu and I will inspect this big boat."

At the same time, Han Xiangning didn't care about eating anymore and asked Sister Zhu to help take care of Xiao Hanhan. He quickly walked out of the restaurant and raised his mobile phone to ask: "Brother, it was too noisy in there just now. I didn't hear clearly. Please say it again."

"Xiang Ning, we are in Wujiang. There are several checkpoints in this section of Wujiang. The port supervisor here is unreasonable..."

Han Shen briefly told the story, turned off the host, turned around and looked at the small motorboat that was slowly approaching. After thinking about it, he said with a grimace: "You know my dad's temper. He is really angry. I'm worried that something will happen. !”

As a senior water traffic law enforcement manager, Han Xiangning is not surprised by local maritime fines.

Because local maritime affairs in some places are actually making money in the name of law enforcement, there are a series of institutional contradictions behind them. Local maritime agencies, including the Linghai Local Maritime Affairs Department, are all self-financing public institutions. They do not receive financial support, and their wages are entirely reimbursed through fines.

The refund ratio is generally 70%. The more the penalty, the more refund.

The local government is also happy to see this, after all, it can bring in more revenue.

This kind of revenue and expenditure arrangement objectively leads to the use of fines to maintain management and law enforcement to make money, and the widespread overload of water transportation makes fines possible.

Although I have heard crew members complain more than once before about how severe the fines are on the Xinghu Shen Line and the Grand Canal, I never expected that maritime affairs in those places would impose fines on even ships that are not overloaded.

My father-in-law was a sailing captain of the Linghai Shipping Company, and he was very powerful on the river in recent years with complete licenses and complete equipment. Whenever I see a boat that doesn't obey traffic rules or behaves erratically, I scold them on the radio, or even report it to the traffic control. It's been a long time since I've suffered a loss, and I haven't been wronged for a long time.

Han Xiangning was worried that something might happen to her father-in-law because of his violent temper. If he got into a fight with Wujiang Maritime Affairs, what was reasonable would become irrational.

She weighed it quickly and said eagerly: "Brother, you must keep our dad calm!"

"Those people are here just for the fine. Let alone my father, I can't even calm down."

"You have to calm down even if you can't calm down. If you have something to say, talk it over and reason with them first."

"The key is that they are unreasonable!"

"They are unreasonable, and there is room for reasoning. If they really impose arbitrary fines, we can go to their superiors or even apply for administrative review."

"How to find it?"

"It's me, brother, don't worry, just listen to me..."

Han Xiangning explained everything in detail, and Han Shen nodded repeatedly.

By this time, three local maritime law enforcement officers had climbed aboard Lao Han's boat.

Han Shen hurriedly found the Walkman that he bought when he was doing wholesale business in Sanxing Home Textile City, which can play tapes and record. He pressed the record button to confirm that recording had started. He immediately put it in his pocket and ran over to whisper something to the old man. sentence.

Lao Han immediately gained confidence and decided to give the Wujiang Port Supervisor who was looking for trouble a courtesy first and then to attack.

"Comrade, smoke."

"Don't smoke."

Yang Sanwang pushed Lao Han's arm away, looked at the coal in the cargo hold and said, "You are overloading. Overloading is very dangerous. According to regulations, you will be punished!"

Lao Han asked with a confused look on his face: "Comrade, are we overloaded?"

"It's not like it's overloaded."

"You're not pretending much, comrade, what's your surname?"

"My surname is Yang. I am Yang Sanwang, the deputy director of Luxu Maritime Station. Please see clearly. This is my ID."

Old Han looked at the two law enforcement officers beside him and asked, "What about these two?"

The crew members of big ships have all seen the big world, so it is normal for them to be difficult to deal with.

Yang Sanwang looked back and said coldly: "These two are co-administrators of our Marine Department."

What kind of co-management, isn't it just a temporary worker?

As for you, the deputy director, it looks like you are not a regular law enforcement officer based on your ID. The ID is stamped with the seal of the Wujiang County Transportation Bureau, not a certificate issued by the Department of Transportation.

Old Han decided to listen to the second bride and explained with a smile: "Director Yang, this is a thousand-ton ship. It only contains 500 tons of coal. Why is it overloaded?"

"Only five hundred tons?"

"If you don't believe me, you can look at the load line, maybe the waybill and the loading list at the port."

There are actually ships that are not overloaded...

Yang Sanwang suddenly realized that the river was not very wide, and the water was relatively shallow during the dry season. A large ship like this would easily run aground even if it was fully loaded, let alone overloaded.

It seems impossible to pass overloading fines.

Yang Sanwang did not believe that there were ships in the world that did not violate regulations, and said coldly: "We will talk about overloading and overloading later. Check the certificate first."

"Okay, I'm ready."

Old Han invited the three law enforcement officers into the living room of the living cabin, opened his briefcase and took out a pile of certificates.

Ship visa book, ship inspection certificate, ship ownership certificate, nationality certificate, safety inspection book, business transportation certificate, water transportation license, crew competency certificate, engine logbook, ID card, household registration book, ship citizen certificate.

It has everything it needs!

And judging from the safety inspection book, this ship has not violated regulations or been punished for a long time.

Yang Sanwang felt like the sun was rising from the west. While checking the authenticity of the certificate, he asked: "Have you paid the inland waterway maintenance fee?"

"handed in."

"Show me the receipt."

"Okay, Han Shen, hurry up and get it. Get the receipt and invoice for the payment."


Han Shen reacted and hurriedly went in to get a lot of payment receipts.

Inland waterway maintenance fees, ship port fees, cargo port fees, waterway transportation management fees, ship and marine product inspection fees, industrial and commercial management fees, gate fees, trunk waterway tolls, waterway port reporting fees, security fees, health fees...

Whatever Yang Sanwang can think of, Linghaihuo 306 can provide it.

What Yang Sanwang didn't expect, Linghai Goods 306 also had.

Old Han looked at Yang Sanwang's surprised look, took out his cigarette again, patted the briefcase given to him by the second bride, and said with a smile: "Director Yang, what else do you want to check?"

Only then did Yang Sanwang notice the words Yangtze River Port Supervision Bureau of Transportation on the briefcase, and realized that the ship boss in front of him should have something to do with the Yangtze River Maritime Safety Bureau.

But so what if there is a relationship?

The Yangtze River Maritime Safety Administration belongs to the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs and can only manage the Yangtze River, not here.

Moreover, the Yangtze River Maritime Safety Bureau is different from the previous Yangtze River Port Supervision Bureau. After the structural reform, the southern section of the Yangtze River is no longer under their control.

In short, Yang Sanwang didn't want to let Linghai Huo 306 go.

He racked his brains for a long time and suddenly thought of a reason. He raised his head and said, "The ship's minimum safe manning certificate is here. Show it to me."

"There is also a manning certificate, here it is." Old Han took out the certificate slowly and handed it over with a smile.

Yang Sanwang took the certificate and glanced at it, then put the four crew certificates of the Han family in front of him, and said very seriously: "Boss Han, although your procedures are quite complete, they do not meet the minimum safe manning. We want If your ship is temporarily detained in accordance with the law, you will be punished according to regulations. After the punishment, you will have to wait until you have all the crew members and meet the minimum safe manning standards before it can be released."

Rather than being fined hundreds of dollars, temporarily detaining the ship is their trump card.

Old Han secretly cursed a bastard, lit a cigarette and asked: "Director Yang, I, Han Zhengxian, am both an old driver and an old party member. I support the national policy the most. The policy stipulates that there are a minimum of four people. We are four people. We are all I have a certificate of competency, so why don’t I meet the minimum safe manning standards?”

"Boss Han, do you understand the policy or do I understand the policy?"

“That’s what the policy says!”

"Don't quibble with me, quibbles are useless."

"Why am I so quibbling? Director Yang, you said that I do not meet the minimum safe manning regulations. You must have a policy basis and not just talk nonsense."

"Want to see the documents?"


"Okay, I'll convince you!"

Yang Sanwang had never encountered such a rough-and-tumble ship owner. He immediately raised his walkie-talkie and called his colleagues who were checking ahead in local dialect.

After waiting for about five minutes, three more assistants came up and brought a document.

"Boss Han, have you seen this? This is the "Minimum Manning Rules of the People's Republic of China" promulgated and implemented in 1997. According to the regulations, for an inland waterway cargo ship like yours with a weight of more than 600 tons and less than 1,600 tons, the deck department must have a captain, first mate, second mate, There is one mate and one third mate each, and three sailors. The engineering department must have one chief engineer, three engineers, and three engineers!"

As soon as Yang Sanwang finished speaking, a short co-manager scolded: "Did you hear that, the minimum safe manning requires fourteen people, and you only have four people on board. You are seriously violating the minimum safe manning rules!"

Old Han was amused, looked at them with a smile and asked: "Director Yang, are you a maritime worker?"

"What do you mean?"

"Since you are involved in maritime affairs, it is impossible not to know the latest regulations. You cannot use the previous regulations to punish me."

"What's the latest regulation?"

"you do not know?"

"Stop playing tricks with me. The ship's certificate and crew certificate will be temporarily detained. We will go to the inspection station for processing later."

"Wait a minute." Old Han got angry, stood up immediately and said, "Don't try to deduct my ID card until I explain clearly!"

"Boss Han, I'm warning you, we are performing official duties in accordance with the law. If you don't cooperate, you are obstructing official duties. Believe it or not, I will inform the police!"

"You are not performing official duties in accordance with the law, but you are knowingly breaking the law!"

"Who knows that this is a violation of the law? Please tell me clearly!"

"Every maritime law enforcement officer must have a law enforcement certificate. Do you have one? Without a law enforcement certificate, you are breaking the law knowingly!"

"The Maritime Affairs Bureau was just established and we didn't have time to do anything."

"The Maritime Affairs Bureau was just established, but the Harbor Supervision was not. Both the Ministry of Transport and Local Harbor Superintendents must have a law enforcement certificate. Show me the Harbor Supervision's law enforcement certificate!"

It seems that we have encountered a tough situation...

Seeing how arrogant the Linghai ship owner was, Yang Sanwang became more determined to punish him severely and once again raised his walkie-talkie to call people in the local dialect.

"You need a law enforcement certificate, right? Wait, I'll send it over right away for you to see."

"Not only do you have a law enforcement certificate, but you don't understand the law. You don't even understand the law. Why are you enforcing the law?"

"Why don't we understand the law?"

"If you don't understand, talk back. I'll find someone who knows how to teach you!" Old Han looked back at his son.

Han Shen immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his younger siblings.

After briefly talking about the minimum safe manning, he handed the phone to Yang Sanwang.

"What are you doing here, looking for connections, looking for someone to intercede?"

"I, Han Zhengxian, abide by the rules and laws. I don't need to find connections, let alone find people to intercede. I just want to find someone to help you spread the law."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Those who understand the law, hurry up and pick it up. Listen to what they have to say."

Yang Sanwang looked at the briefcase on the table with the words Yangtze River Port Supervision and Transportation Bureau printed on it. He hesitated and took the phone. He heard a woman on the other end of the phone ask in standard Mandarin: "Hello, are you there?" Are you a comrade from Jiang’s local maritime department?”

"Yes, who are you?"

"My surname is Han, and my name is Han Xiangning. I work in the Security Inspection Department of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau."

Han Xiangning looked at the little 001 returning on the river, and said fluently: "As for the minimum safe manning of inland river ships, the Ministry of Transportation did promulgate rules in 1997, which is the Ministry of Transportation Order No. 7 of 1997 that you just mentioned. But in During the implementation of the Rules, we encountered some practical problems."

The boss of the ship in front of me does have something to do with it.

Yang Sanwang calmed down and asked subconsciously: "What's the problem?"

"First of all, the main consideration in formulating the "Rules" at that time was to be in line with the international conventions that our country has joined. It reflects that in terms of transportation, our country insists on moving the coast closer to international conventions, and the inland rivers closer to the coast, and gradually follows the principle of unification of inland rivers and coastal areas. The general direction is undoubtedly is correct.

However, due to the huge differences between my country's inland navigation ships, coastal navigation ships and international navigation ships, the two cannot be unified when formulating the "Rules". Even if they are unified, it will be difficult to take into account their respective actual situations. "

Han Xiangning paused and explained patiently: "You are enforcing the law on the front line, and you know the situation of inland river ships best. Judging from the actual situation of domestic third-class and fourth-class inland river ships, their ship types, structures and corresponding supporting facilities are not at all Staffing requirements may be met.

For example, a 500-ton ship requires eleven crew members. The ship is so big, where can so many crew members live?

From an economic point of view, if the per capita salary of eleven crew members is 1,000 yuan, the salary alone will cost 11,000 yuan a month. And can a 500-ton inland river cargo ship earn so much money in a month? ? It is obviously impossible. It can be said that the requirements of the "Rules" seriously do not match the actual economic benefits. "

The woman on the phone was not just a peer, but a professional.

Yang Sanwang was stunned and didn't know how to continue.

Han Xiangning took a deep breath and continued: "So as soon as the "Rules" were implemented, they encountered objections from the port supervision and licensing authorities in Jiangnan, Zhejiang, Donghai and other places, and they all requested to lower the manning standards.

The State Port Supervision Bureau, now the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Transport, first issued the "Reply on Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Minimum Safe Manning Rules for Ships" in September 1998 with the Port Supervision Document No. 251, which stipulated the minimum safe manning rules for inland river ships. The membership standards have been adjusted.

Immediately afterwards, last month, the "Notice on Amending the Minimum Safe Manning List of Inland River Vessels" was issued with the Hong Kong Supervision Document No. 313, which revised the manning of inland water vessels again, greatly reducing the minimum number of manning personnel. .

The "Regulations" promulgated in 1997, at least in terms of the minimum manning of inland waterway ships, can be said to have never been truly implemented. "

Yang Sanwang really doesn’t know this.

The co-managers who conducted the inspection were all temporary recruits, and they didn’t understand much.

The ship boss surnamed Han is related. The woman on the phone is probably his daughter. How about letting the ship boss surnamed Han go?

Yang Sanwang was about to release him when the sound of the engine of a small motorboat was heard outside. When he came out, he saw that the director was drunk and his face was red.

He hurriedly walked along the side of the ship, jumped on the small motorboat and reported what had just happened.

"Not overloaded?"


"Four people meet the minimum staffing requirement?"

"He has connections. Someone in his family works at Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau. He has a good nose and eyes. It sounds like he really complies with the regulations."

"What regulations are met?"

"The woman said on the phone that it was a notice issued by the State Port Supervision Bureau."

"What is the Port Authority? Now there is only the Maritime Safety Administration."

Director Ding burped, lit a cigarette and said coldly: "Someone can work at Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau without paying a fine? Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau can't control us! Go up and check it carefully, it's impossible for such a big ship No problem, let’s find out something wrong first and hold it temporarily. It’s not going to work, right? Then don’t blame me for being rude.”

"Okay, I'll go up and check first."

This investigation really revealed a lot of problems.

Luo Yanfeng raised six old egg-laying hens on the boat. Although the chickens were kept in cages, where did the chicken manure go? The garbage bin was empty. It must have been poured into the river.

Although there is an oil and waste water separation device on the ship, there is oil pollution floating on the river around the ship.

Which boat leaked oil? Which boat polluted the river? If you say it's you, then you are!

Seize the ship and seize the certificate. If you don’t cooperate, call the police.

Han Zhengxian didn't expect them to be so unreasonable. He pointed at them and roared: "You are imposing arbitrary fines. Believe it or not, I will sue you!"

"Who arbitrarily fined you? I haven't dealt with you yet!"

"You want to sue us, right? Go ashore and sue, go to the transportation bureau, or do you want to go to the county committee? Do you want me to help you find a car?"

"You...you are unreasonable!"

"If you violate laws and regulations, you will be punished. What kind of attitude do you have? If you do this again, we will punish you to the fullest and investigate and deal with it severely!"

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