Riverside police

Chapter 891 New Year’s Eve (2)

Although the boat people are at home all over the world, they still have to celebrate the New Year.

Even if you want to continue running ships to make more money during the Spring Festival, people on the shore are on holiday and may not be able to find the source of goods. Even if the goods can be found and transported to their destination, people on the dock cannot unload the goods if they are not at work.

Since many inland river cargo ships are far away from their hometowns, it is relatively simple for boat people to celebrate the New Year. They can anchor wherever they sail to celebrate the New Year.

When you are lucky, you can meet fellow villagers or even relatives and friends who also run boats. Several boats are anchored together, and everyone gets together to drink, play cards, and chat. In the evening, they have New Year’s Eve dinner together, watch CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala, and then spend time together. Set off firecrackers.

There are also some boat people who have already calculated where the last cargo will be shipped before the Spring Festival, and call their hometowns in advance to ask their families to bring their children over to celebrate the New Year together.

In the past, communication was not as convenient as it is now. You couldn't make phone calls, you could only send telegrams.

This kind of year passed through Han Yu's mind three times.

I drove to the Binqi River Lock with Xiaoyu and looked at the dozens of large and small cargo ships anchored by the river. I couldn't help but think of the time I spent with my brother and sister celebrating the New Year on the ship.

"Dried salted fish, someone from the second brigade is here!" Xiaoyu turned on the handbrake, took out the car key, pushed the door and got out of the car and walked quickly to a police van parked on the roadside.

Han Yu looked at the river and could vaguely see that one of the cargo ships was full of people. Looking back in the direction of the ship lock management office, I could clearly see two police cars parked on the side of the road. He whispered: "That should be the car from Yungang Court."

Xiaoyu switched the intercom to the call frequency of the Second Marine Police Brigade and shouted: "Second Brigade, Second Brigade, this is Liang Xiaoyu of the Changhang Navigation Branch. Secretary Han and I are at the Binqi River Lock. Please answer me!"

After waiting for about half a minute, the voice of Lao Chen, a policeman from the Second Marine Police Squadron, came over the intercom: "Received, received, fish station please speak."

"What's going on Jiang Shang?"

"Yungang Intermediate People's Court came with the driver to seize the ship. They took the ship's certificate and wanted to drive the ship away. They stopped them and refused to let them seize the ship, drive the ship away, or even let them go ashore. .”

"Did there start a fight?"

"They pushed each other and didn't really fight. Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise we might have started a fight."

Han Yu took the walkie-talkie and asked: "Old Chen, I, Han Yu, Yungang Intermediate Court should have carried out the procedures with the procedures. They also called the police. Logically speaking, you should cooperate. How did it end up like this?"

"Secretary Han, they should ask the Binjiang Maritime Court for assistance. If someone obstructs official duties, their bailiffs have the power to enforce the law. They will arrest them when they need to, and arrest them when they need to. It is not our turn to assist them in their execution."

What Lao Chen said makes sense.

The court is not the police, and the court can only request assistance from the local court if it is located in a different location.

Besides, the court is not without judicial police. If anyone refuses to cooperate, they can take coercive measures to control them first, and then send the relevant personnel who obstruct official duties to the detention center of the local public security bureau according to procedures.

Han Yu realized that it was not the Second Marine Police Brigade that did nothing. He looked down at the river and said, "Old Chen, find an iron boat and pick us up to take a look."

"Okay, right away."

During the Chinese New Year, such trouble would actually happen.

It was obviously not within the jurisdiction of the Shuishang Branch, but the police had to be dispatched, otherwise the two sides would be in serious trouble. The differences between the two parties were too great and mediation could not resolve the issue.

Lao Chen was having a headache. When he saw Xianyu and Xiaoyu coming and wanting to get on the boat, he immediately asked a boat owner to drive an iron boat to pick them up.

Han Yu and Xiaoyu took an iron boat to the riverside anchorage, and were shocked to find that most of the people anchored here for the New Year were Nanhe boats. There is a new atmosphere in the New Year. The ships are covered with couplets, and two cargo ships even have red lanterns hung on them.

But I couldn't feel the festive atmosphere of the New Year. I saw two judges and four bailiffs confronting dozens of boat people. Both sides were very emotional, some pointed and poked, and some yelled. The bows, sides and sterns of the boats next door were filled with adults and children, and judging from their posture, they all stood on the side of the boat being executed.

It’s normal for fellow villagers to help fellow villagers.

Han Yu calmed down and climbed onto the boat with the help of Lao Chen.

Xiaoyu even held up his ID and shouted: "I am the Changhang Public Security Bureau, please give way!"

"Captain Han, you're here just in time. You can help us with the review." A middle-aged ship owner squeezed over and said excitedly: "The people from the Yungang Court want to seize my brother-in-law's ship. That ship was bought by my brother-in-law for thirty years." I bought it from someone else and it has been running for two years, so why should they seize it?"

Han Yu recognized the middle-aged boat owner. His boat once broke down in the North Branch Channel. At that time, Han Yu and Xiaoyu drove 001 to the river to help tow it to Boss Wu Shipyard for repair.

"Boss Huang, don't get excited. It's the Chinese New Year. If you have any questions, say it calmly." Han Yu patted the middle-aged boat owner's arm, jumped on the second boat, and said as he walked forward: "Let's understand the situation first, you guys Don’t crowd in here, there are so many children, what if one of them gets squeezed into the river?”

"If we don't stop them, they will run away!"

"Boss Huang, you are very courageous. The court just wants to seize your brother-in-law's boat, but you actually want to seize the judge and bailiff of the court. Don't you want to celebrate the New Year?"

"We started to respect them very much. If they wanted to see the certificate, we would show them the ship certificate, but they would not return it after reading it. If the certificate was taken away by them, what would my brother-in-law do?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with the judge? The judge can't be unreasonable!"

"I can't listen to your one-sided words. You have already said it. Let me understand the situation first."

Han Yu and Xiaoyu, led by Lao Chen, passed through six boats in a row and finally arrived at the boat where the judge and bailiffs were surrounded.

This is an inland river cargo ship of more than 200 tons. It looks quite old. The hull is rusty and the awning on the stern is in tatters. The festive couplets posted on the ship look particularly awkward.

The judge wearing glasses saw the two policemen, as if seeing a savior, and said eagerly: "Comrade, we are from the Yungang Intermediate People's Court, and here are our IDs..."

"Comrade police, they are unreasonable, you can't just listen to them!" A woman in her thirties came up to argue.

Xiaoyu immediately stopped her and warned her very seriously: "Have we asked you? I told you to understand the situation first. Can you let us ask you one by one?"

The middle-aged captain who knew Han Yu and Xiaoyu quickly grabbed the woman: "Don't worry, listen to Captain Han and Captain Liang."


"There are so many of us, what are you afraid of?"

"All right."

Han Yu looked back at the woman in her thirties, and then at the sailor in his thirties who was clutching the strap of a bailiff's bag, and said seriously: "Let go of your hands first, you are older than the New Year, pull and pull." do what?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly let go of his hand after being signaled by his relatives and fellow villagers.

The judge wearing glasses relaxed slightly, took out a stack of legal documents from his bag, and explained: "Comrade, this ship does not belong to them, but to the person subject to execution, Wang Chengsong. Ship ownership registration certificate, ship inspection certificate and ship operation Wang Chengsong’s name is all on the certificate.”

The woman was anxious and was about to speak, but when she saw Xiaoyu's face straighten, she could only lower her head angrily.

Han Yu quickly read the court judgment documents and roughly understood the ins and outs.

The ownership of this ship does belong to Wang Chengsong, a boatman from Yungang. On March 21, 1997, Wang Chengsong took out a loan of 1.2 million yuan from a bank in Yungang City on the pretext of purchasing a thousand-ton river cargo ship. I repaid the loan according to the loan contract, but the bank sued me.

Han Yu put down the judgment and enforcement documents and asked in confusion: "Judge Liu, even if enforcement is enforced, priority should be given to the new ship purchased by Wang Chengsong with a loan. Why don't you enforce the new ship instead of going to Binjiang to enforce this unreasonable order?" How much is an old boat worth?”

"The new ship had an accident and sank."

"The new ship sank?"

"The ship sank and the man ran away. Not only are we looking for him, but the owner of the ship he hit and the salvage unit are also looking for him."

The ship owner named Wang was unlucky enough.

I just bought a new boat and it sank within a few days of running. This is a real loss of money.

Han Yu has seen many things like shipwrecks and people running away. To this day, there are still several accidental ships on the river beach in the North Branch waters. The waterway department worked hard to salvage them before, and to this day, they have been unable to contact the owner of the accident ship.

Han Yu sighed secretly, turned around and asked, "It's your turn, first tell me what your name is."

The woman quickly said: "Comrade Public Security, my name is Li Yufang, and this is my man Gu Liugen."

"What's going on with this boat? Was it rented to you by Wang Chengsong?"

"We didn't rent it from Wang Chengsong. We bought this boat from Wang Chengsong. We have the documents."

"I bought it. Why didn't I go through the transfer procedures?"

"We also wanted to transfer the ownership, but when we bought it, we were on the Yangtze River and not in Yungang. We made an appointment with Boss Wang to go to the Yungang Port Supervision Bureau to go through the transfer procedures together when we had time. Later, either he didn't have time or he didn't have time. We didn’t have time, and we couldn’t get in touch even if we called later.”

"Where's the receipt for buying the boat?"

"Yes, I'll get it."

As expected, Gu Liugen and Li Yufang had a sales contract signed with Wang Chengsong, but it was just handwritten. The couple bought this boat from Wang Chengsong for 110,000 yuan. According to the contract, the purchase price of the boat was paid in full, and it was agreed that the transfer procedures would be completed within 3 months after the contract was signed.

Han Yu looked at the fingerprints of the buyer and seller at the payment desk and the time and date of the transaction, and then looked at the time and date in the judgment that Wang Chengsong took out a loan from the bank to purchase the new ship, and realized that this matter was indeed very difficult.

"Judge Liu, this boat is in Wang Chengsong's name. You act in accordance with the law and come and seize it. It is beyond reproach. Logically speaking, we should assist you in executing it."

Han Yu took a deep breath and changed the topic: "But the law is nothing more than human relationships. Whether the legislative department formulates laws and regulations, or your court makes judgments and even enforces them in accordance with the law, it must be in line with common sense. For example, in today's matter, Gu Liugen and his wife spent real money Buy the boat with Wang Chengsong first, then get a bank loan to buy a new boat with Wang Chengsong later!

Your court is going to enforce the fact that the ownership of the boat belongs to Gu Liugen and his wife just because they did not transfer the ownership to Wang Chengsong. This is not in line with common sense. If you drive the boat away, who will claim the losses? How do people live their lives? "

Judge Liu didn't expect that Han Yu would go astray, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Gu Liugen's wife Li Yufang was stunned and said excitedly: "Comrade Public Security, what you said is reasonable. We didn't have that much money when we bought the boat. The 110,000 we gave to Boss Wang was borrowed here and there. My brother You can prove it to us. There are many people who can help us prove it! We have seniors and young children, and our whole family relies on this boat. The court cannot be unreasonable. If my boat is impounded, how will our family live? ?”

The young judge couldn't believe that there were judgments and enforcement documents. The newly arrived police officer dared to go astray and couldn't help but say: "Comrade Public Security, I am enforcing the law according to the law!"

"It has been said that whether the judgment or enforcement is enforced, it must be in line with common sense."

The whole family is waiting for me to go back for the New Year's Eve dinner.

The Fish Bureau also made it very clear on the phone before that he had no intention of interfering with the court execution and only wanted to ensure the personal safety of the judge and bailiffs.

Han Yu didn't want to waste time and said bluntly: "You two, you probably won't be able to seize this ship today, let alone drive it back. I suggest you return the ship certificate to others, and then send you ashore and go back early. Come on, I can still spend time with my family to celebrate the New Year tomorrow morning."

"Comrade, we are here to perform a task. You don't have to cooperate, but you can't engage in local protectionism!"

"They are all from Nanhe, and the boat is not our Binjiang boat. Why have I engaged in local protectionism?" Han Yu asked rhetorically, then turned around and asked: "Gu Liugen, Wang Chengsong was sued, and Wang Chengsong sold this boat to you Did you know before that the ship was going to be enforced by the court?”

"I don't know, Comrade Public Security, we really don't know. If we knew, we wouldn't show them the ship certificate!"

"Did you hear that? Even if enforcement is enforced, we must first inform people so that they can be mentally prepared and have a chance to reason! It's better for you. You only know that Wang Chengsong has an old boat under his name, and you come here to enforce enforcement without asking anything. You guys did this."

"Comrade Public Security, please listen to my explanation..."

"There is nothing to explain. You have also seen the situation. People rely on this boat to support their families. If you want to seize their boats, you are denying them a way to live. If you don't give them a way to live, they will fight against you."

Han Yu took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. After thinking about it, he said meaningfully: "On one side are banks with deep pockets and on the other side are individual boat people who have no ability to resist risks. Whose interests should be protected first? You should have a balance in your mind. We are The law should be enforced impartially, but the law cannot be enforced mechanically or without conscience!"

"Why are we so unconscionable? Is it wrong for us to enforce the law impartially?" The young judge was anxious.

Han Yu didn't want to argue with them, so he looked at his phone again and said very seriously: "You two, let me tell you the truth, I was entrusted by your city leaders to rescue you. You don't want to celebrate the New Year, but I still want to celebrate the New Year. Tell me whether you want to leave or not."

Is it interesting to help banks bully boat people?

Xiaoyu also felt that the two judges did something wrong and reminded: "If you want to go ashore, just return the certificate to others. If you don't want to go ashore, we will leave."

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