Riverside police

Chapter 892: Beat it up with a rake

Boat people help boat people, not to mention that most of the crew members on the dozens of boats next door are Gu Liugen's fellow villagers or even relatives.

The two judges realized that it was not that easy to seize the boat. If they really took coercive measures against Gu Liugen and his wife on the grounds of obstructing official duties, they would most likely be beaten up by the indignant boat people, and they might even be thrown away. River.

The local police and Changhang Public Security did not help.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

They could only return the ship certificate to Gu Liugen and his wife, and follow Han Yu ashore in an iron boat.

The boat people on the boat were full of joy. Since there was no room for an iron boat, Xiaoyu, who stayed on the boat for the time being, was not so optimistic. He reminded: "What's the point of being happy? If you don't go through the transfer process when buying a boat, legally this boat belongs to Wang Chengsong." Yes, the court really has the power to enforce it!"

"Captain Liang, what should we do?" Li Yufang asked eagerly.

Xiaoyu was stunned by the question. He thought for a while and then said with a wry smile: "This matter is very troublesome. I think you will also file a lawsuit next."

Gu Liugen asked with a grimace: "How to fight this lawsuit?"

"I don't understand it very well, but I know someone who does. Remember his cell phone number and call him to ask."


"Mr. Zhang from Linghai Shipping Management Company."

At the same time, Han Yu, who had just seen off Judge Liu and others and was waiting for Xiaoyu to land, suddenly received a call from Yu Xiangqian.

There are no public phones on the riverside, so you can only use your mobile phone to answer them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call was connected, I heard Yu Xiangqian say on the other end of the phone: "Xianyu, you are incredible now, you actually teach the judge how to do things!"

"Fish Bureau, they are really not doing this properly. They can do it, but I can't say anything?" Han Yu asked back, then thought about it and muttered: "I guess the bank invited them to dinner, and maybe even agreed to it." What’s the benefit, otherwise they would have come so far to enforce the Chinese New Year!”

"Don't make nonsense without any basis."

"Okay, okay, pretend I didn't say it. Anyway, my mission is completed, and I have to go back for the New Year's Eve dinner."

Yu Xiangqian was only entrusted by others to ensure the personal safety of the execution judges and bailiffs, and was too lazy to take care of the court cases. He immediately changed the subject: "Xianyu, where will you and Ning Ning celebrate the New Year this year?"

"This year we celebrate the New Year in Bailonggang. My father and mother are back, my sister's family is also back, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law are also here. It's a real happy reunion. It has not been so lively for a long time."

"The whole family is reunited. I really envy you."

"Fish Bureau, what about you?"

"I'm celebrating the New Year in Yungang, and I'm going to visit the police officers on duty for New Year's Eve later. I'm going to various units tomorrow to check on the Spring Festival duty situation. I won't be able to go back until the fourth day of the Lunar New Year."

"I have something to do on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. I can't accompany you on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year."

"You're busy with your business, I don't need your company. Besides, I'm not going to the city. I'm just going back to my hometown to visit and stay at home for only one day."

Perhaps too familiar, Han Yu never regarded Yu Xiangqian as his leader.

After chatting for a few words, we hung up the phone without even saying goodbye.

Xiaoyu climbed ashore, took out the car keys and walked towards the car, smiling and saying: "Salted Fish Dried Fish, I gave Jack Zhang's mobile phone number to Boss Huang's brother-in-law, and asked them to call Jack Zhang and ask if there was any way he could help. Let’s get this thing done.”

"It's not that easy to do."

"Can't you go through the transfer procedures?"

"I don't know where the person named Wang is hiding. How can I transfer the ownership?" Han Yu opened the door and got into the passenger seat. After thinking about it, he said: "If the two judges just accepted death, this matter would be really difficult to handle. He is There is a judicial police detachment in the Intermediate Court. Next time we come, there won’t be four judicial officers, and next time we come to Gu Liugen, we won’t be able to have as many fellow villagers helping us as we did today.”

"What should we do? We can't let honest people suffer!"

"Yes, we can't let honest people suffer." Han Yu was silent for a moment, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Old Chen, Old Chen, I, Han Yu, can you receive it?"

During the Spring Festival, water firefighting is very important.

There are so many ships anchored together, and if one ship catches fire, dozens of ships tied together will not be able to escape.

Lao Chen was taking this opportunity to check the fire situation and quickly raised the walkie-talkie: "Received, Secretary Han, please speak."

"What Gu Liugen encountered was very troublesome. He couldn't re-apply the transfer procedures, and he didn't know who to sue for the lawsuit. If he came to enforce it once, he would come to enforce it a second time. When encountering this unfortunate thing, the only thing he could do was Hide, the boat is floating on the river anyway, go here today and there tomorrow, it’s not easy to find them.”

How could Lao Chen fail to hear the implication of Han Yu's words? He couldn't help laughing and said: "Always hiding is not the answer."

"It was originally a shabby second-hand boat. They bought it almost two years ago. They should have made back their capital long ago. It can run for a few days."

"That makes sense."

"But one thing must be made clear to them. If you hide away, you still have to pay the taxes and fees, and you still have to pay the insurance."

"I know it's easy to pay taxes and insurance. They didn't contact the man named Wang before. Why don't they just ask the scalpers to go through all the necessary procedures?"

"Then let's do this for now."

"Okay, I'll check the fire situation and then go back."

Facts have proved that the police in Binjiang are very reasonable and humane.

After hearing Lao Chen's suggestion, Gu Liugen and his wife were so moved that they wanted to cry. If they weren't worried about the people from the court coming back and leaving this "place of right and wrong" as soon as possible, the couple even planned to go to the shore to make two banners and give them to the Shuangshui Branch and the Changhang Branch.

Han Yu didn't know this and returned to Bailonggang to continue spending time with his family.

In the past year, Lao Han's transportation business was good. In order to make his children happy, he bought fireworks worth 300 yuan. In addition, Yuzhen bought it for the children and used it to set off firecrackers and fireworks at night.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the fireworks were set off, and then we played cards.

Linghai has the custom of keeping the New Year's Eve, and they played until midnight, when the CCTV host started counting down, and then everyone put down their cards and went out to continue setting off firecrackers to welcome the New Year.

Because he stayed up too late, Han Yu took a rare nap and slept until 11 noon.

We had made an appointment before to go to Xiaoyu's house for lunch on the first day of the new year.

After Han Yu washed up and put on his pilot's leather jacket, he was about to go to Xiaoyu's house with Dongdong, who had also just woken up, when Bureau Wang actually called.

There is nothing going on at Bailonggang Police Station, and there is no need to be on duty during the Chinese New Year.

The door is locked and the key is with Xiaoyu. Han Yu can only answer it with his mobile phone.

"Wang Ju, happy New Year, I wish you a happy New Year..." Before Han Yu could finish his auspicious words, Wang Wenhong smiled bitterly and said: "Xianyu, did you offend someone yesterday?"

"It's Chinese New Year, how could I offend anyone!"

"Did you and Xiaoyu see the judge and bailiff from Yungang yesterday?"

"I've seen it before. The Fish Bureau called me personally and said that they had a few judges and bailiffs come to enforce a boat. As a result, it was surrounded by boat people and asked me to help rescue it."

"It seems that good people can't do it." Wang Wenhong sighed lightly and said with a wry smile: "Not only did they not appreciate it, they thought that the Changhang Shipping Branch and our Water Branch were engaging in local protectionism and sued us."

Han Yu couldn't believe his ears and asked in surprise: "They are suing us?"

"The president of that court had some background, and actually sued the Provincial Political Committee. The Provincial Political Committee called the Municipal Committee early this morning. The Municipal Committee called Bureau Chen, and Bureau Chen called me to find out about the situation. "

"Have you made any mistake? If something serious happens, the Provincial Political Committee should be alerted!"

"So he has some background."

Wang Wenhong paused, then continued: "Moreover, the judges and bailiffs you sent away yesterday didn't return to Yungang at all. I don't know what you said to their leaders in a pretentious manner. Anyway, they just moved a group of reinforcements. Early this morning More than a dozen bailiffs came, and they seemed to be led by the deputy dean."

Han Yu asked in a low voice: "What are you bringing so many bailiffs for?"

"Let's continue with the execution. Unfortunately, the boat left yesterday and they missed the mark, so we have one more crime to commit."

"What additional crime is there?"

"Tell the news."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"You kid is actually in the mood to laugh!"

"Isn't it funny to engage in such a big battle and bring so many bailiffs to enforce a second-hand broken boat that may only be worth 70,000 to 80,000 yuan now?"

Wang Wenhong was dumbfounded. He knocked on the table and said, "I just asked, and they said it was because we were engaging in local protectionism and were not cooperating with enforcement, so they deployed so many police forces."

Han Yu said without hesitation: "First of all, we have no obligation to cooperate with their enforcement. Secondly, even if we don't cooperate, what can they do to us!"

"Although I say that, this matter has alarmed the Provincial Political Committee, and the Provincial Department will probably know about it soon."

"So what if the provincial department knows about it? The provincial department cannot listen to their one-sided words."

"So I just called Luo Wenjiang."

"I almost forgot, Luo Wenjiang is in the provincial office, and we also have people in the provincial office."

"Stop joking, you have to be mentally prepared. The municipal committee may come to you to find out the situation. After all, the provincial political committee has been alerted, and they will need to reply to the provincial political committee."

They were confused officials and confused cases. They came to enforce the law and were surrounded by indignant boat people. They kindly rescued them so that they could go home for the New Year. They actually bitten Lu Dongbin and didn't recognize good people. They probably boasted about going back to Haikou before they came. I couldn't explain it, so I beat him up.

The more Han Yu thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said calmly: "I am a police officer from the Binjiang branch of the Jiangnan Provincial Smuggling Crime Investigation Bureau. Our branch is a vertical management unit. Personnel is not under the jurisdiction of the municipal bureau, nor is business under the guidance of the municipal bureau. I am not Cadres of the Binjiang political and legal system, why should the Municipal Committee F ask me to find out the situation? The Provincial Political Committee F Committee wants to ask me to find out the situation, and it has to go through the Jiangnan Smuggling Crime Investigation Bureau first!"

"Well, that sounds reasonable."

"I'm busy having a feast during the Chinese New Year, so I don't have time to have a verbal spat with them."


This is the confidence of second-level heroes and flood-fighting models!

Wang Wenhong was also upset by the people in Yungang, and said by analogy: "The Changhang Branch is also managed vertically, and Xiaoyu is not a cadre of the Binjiang political and legal system. It seems inappropriate for the Municipal F Committee to ask Xiaoyu to understand the situation. .”

Han Yu couldn't help but laugh and said: "So we can only talk to Lao Chen. Lao Chen neither said anything nor did anything inappropriate yesterday. Lao Chen has nothing to be afraid of."

"So our Water Branch has nothing to do with this?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Then how do you and Xiaoyu have anything to do with this matter, or in what capacity did you come on board to mediate?"

"We didn't mediate, we just yelled when we saw injustice!"

"Then I'll reply like this?"

"That's the reply."

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