Riverside police

Chapter 900 Impossible!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, three police cars slowly drove to the Jiangfeng Village section of the North Branch of the Yangtze River.

A suspect in his thirties who was wearing handcuffs and shackles, and the handcuffs and shackles were connected with an iron chain, was escorted out of the police car by three criminal police officers.

Han Yu and Xiaoyu saw the suspect for the first time today, but they had heard about it more than once.

The guy who was brought to identify the scene where the murder weapon was abandoned was named Chen, and his name was Chen Xiaodong. He lived in Group 6 of Jiangfeng Village under the river embankment.

He was a frequent visitor to the No. 4 Police Station. He was sent to a labor camp for two years for theft when he was in junior high school.

After returning from the labor camp, he had nothing to do and started stealing again. Less than three months after returning home, he was sentenced to three years for being suspected of theft.

A few days after he was released from prison, he actually raped a woman in the village who had some mental problems. Her husband sued her and she was sentenced to a few more years.

A month and a half ago, he targeted an old man who was watching the block nearby.

Late at night, he went into the shed built inside the water conservancy gate and committed theft. He was discovered by the old man who woke up, so the theft turned into robbery and murder!

After the incident, the Criminal Police Brigade and No. 4 Police Station thought of him first. It is said that he confessed to the crime, but they did not expect that the key evidence of the murder weapon was missing.

Han Yu glanced at the suspect curiously and signaled Wang Yan, who personally led the team to escort the suspect, to quickly ask the suspect to identify the location where the murder weapon was abandoned.

Xiaoyu walked up to him and observed calmly, wanting to see if there were any injuries on the suspect's body, so as to determine whether Wang Yan and other criminal police officers had used torture to extract a confession, and whether the suspect had surrendered under torture.

Wang Yan didn't know what Xiaoyu was looking at. He simply thought that Xiaoyu wanted to take a closer look at the murderer. After all, murderers were rare in Linghai.

"Stop dawdling, think carefully about where you threw the dagger!" Wang Yan grabbed the suspect's arm and pulled the suspect forward.

"It seems to be there."


"Over there, over there with the plastic bags."

Fang Zhiqiang followed behind, heard clearly, and looked at Han Yu subconsciously.

Han Yu pondered for a moment and asked, "What time was it at night when the dagger was thrown?"

Fang Zhiqiang studied the dossier repeatedly and said without hesitation: "He said it was around three in the morning."

"Around three o'clock in the morning..." Han Yu thought about it and asked: "He stabbed someone to death with a dagger. Is there any blood on him?"

"No." Fang Zhiqiang stopped, looked at the suspect in front of him and said, "It was the Chinese New Year when the crime occurred. The weather was still very cold, so I wore thicker clothes."

Xiaoyu ran back and asked puzzledly: "Then how did you identify him as a murderer?"

"He himself admitted that he did come to the river on the night of the crime. The technical police extracted his footprints near the crime scene, and the shoe prints matched his shoes." Fang Zhiqiang paused and added: "Again It’s just that we haven’t identified him as the murderer yet, otherwise we wouldn’t have brought him to identify the scene, let alone ask for your help.”

"He admitted it?"

"The attitude is very cooperative."

Just as he was talking, Wang Yan also ran back and took out the flue: "Xianyu, he said he would just throw it here. He also said he heard the sound of the dagger falling into the water when he threw it."

Before Han Yu could speak, Xiaoyu looked at the location identified by the suspect and said, "Impossible."


"A month and a half ago, around three o'clock in the morning, the tide didn't start to rise in this area. There was no water in the location he pointed out just now. How could he hear the sound of a dagger falling into the water!"

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yan looking at him at the same time, Han Yu confirmed: "Abandoning the murder weapon does not mean throwing a grenade. Even if a grenade is thrown, based on the tide level at that time, this area is all exposed on the water. It is impossible for him to throw it It’s so far away, and it’s even more impossible to hear the sound of the dagger falling into the water.”

"Did you hear that? You don't believe me!" Xiaoyu muttered.

"It's not that we don't believe you, but...but this situation is of great importance."

"Then do we want to salvage it?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask him again."

"Hurry up."

Xiaoyu was still thinking about playing games and was a little impatient.

Han Yu put on his rain boots and carefully followed the gentle slope of the river embankment to the muddy river beach, where he scared away a few small crabs.

Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, then returned to the car and slowly put on the "water support" that Laoqian had not worn for several years, and followed Han Yu downhill to the river beach.

"Little fish, when the tide goes out, it doesn't mean there is no water on the beach. Move the reeds and see if there are any ponds or puddles."


A criminal policeman stood on the shore and couldn't help shouting: "President, we went down to search this area, but we couldn't find it."

"I know, let's see." Han Yu didn't like the title "President" from the bottom of his heart, but all his old friends called him that, so he had no choice but to accept it.

Xiaoyu suppressed a laugh, parted the reeds and searched carefully, and asked curiously: "Dried salted fish, Political Commissar Jiang said that you want to be transferred back to our branch. Is this the case?"

"Not a single horoscope."

"Why don't you have a single character?"

"Zeng Guan, Ma Guan and Political Commissar Zhou said that when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. It is okay to transfer them back, but only if the Changhang Public Security Bureau becomes an administrative unit."

"Bureau Qi and Political Commissar Jiang said that the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transport has reported to the superiors. Once approved, we can all be transferred to civil servants. From now on, we will be administrative police just like the local police!"

"I hope so too, but can the superiors approve or retaliate?"

The two of them walked and chatted, and searched for more than an hour on the reed-covered and extremely muddy river beach. Except for a bunch of white garbage collected by the way, a few ground traps and two small crabs caught by small fish, they found nothing.

Back on the shore, Han Yu said in a positive tone while changing his shoes: "If the suspect remembers correctly, the murder weapon was thrown here, and the murder weapon will definitely not be washed away by the river."

"There are many reeds, are they blocked by the reeds?" Fang Zhiqiang asked in a low voice.

"Well, the reeds below are denser than those on the shore. We can't even move our legs below."

Han Yu turned back and glanced at the river beach, thought about it and added: "Furthermore, when the tide rises, it will bring a piece of sand with it, and when the tide falls, it will take away a piece of sand, two tides a day, and so on, so it is better than we imagined. It’s flatter, at least there are no puddles or ponds in the area where Xiaoyu and I just walked.”

Xiaoyu was afraid that the second senior brother wouldn't understand, so he emphasized: "As I said, if the suspect really threw the dagger around three o'clock in the morning, he would definitely not have heard the sound of the dagger falling into the water."

"Understood, let's go back and review it again."

Fang Zhiqiang walked aside and called the bureau leader to report.

Wang Yan looked at Han Yu and Xiaoyu but hesitated to speak.

Han Yu could understand his mood at this moment. There were doubts about the case that he thought was certain, which meant for the police handling the case that the previous investigation was not meticulous, and the previous work might be in vain.

But this is a murder case and the evidence must be conclusive.

Han Yu was helpless, so he stuffed his dirty rain boots into the woven bag containing the "water support", opened the suitcase of the Changhang Branch police car, stuffed the woven bag into it, and then went home with Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu glanced at the rearview mirror, held the steering wheel and asked: "Dried salted fish, if you can't find the dagger, are Wang Yan going to let that bastard go?"

"That bastard has admitted it, so it's probably impossible to let him go."

"You can't let him go, and you can't complain. Should he just be locked up like this?"

"There are many people who have been detained for extended periods of time. It is said that some of them can be detained for as long as two or three years."

“That’s not what was said in the training, and that’s not what is written in the Criminal Procedure Law!”

"It is easier said than done to suspect a crime."

Han Yu looked back at the Linghai Public Security Bureau police car that had just followed him, and said helplessly: "Chen Xiaodong has a bad record and a long criminal record. Others don't know that you know best what the people said when the crime happened. Lao Wang and the second senior brother were under great pressure. Big, Zhang Ju and Lao Shi are under greater pressure.”

The old man who was watching the blockade at the gate was killed. After the people nearby heard that it was Chen Xiaodong who did it, they all cursed the law enforcement and judicial departments and asked why a scourge like Chen Xiaodong should be released from prison.

Xiaoyu usually stayed in Bailong Port and knew better than Han Yu. He couldn't help but nodded: "We can't let him go. If we really let that bastard go, the public security bureau doesn't know how he will be scolded by the masses. The victim's Relatives may even petition and file a lawsuit with the Public Security Bureau.”

"Fortunately, it's none of our business, otherwise our life would not be easy."

Xiaoyu was convinced and simply changed the topic: "Dried salted fish, the second senior brother said on the phone at noon that Niu Bin has left?"

"Well, I took my wife and children back to Shenzheng."

"Let's go, I get annoyed when I see him!"

"What's bothering you?"

"He acts like a nouveau riche. As soon as he comes back, he gives gifts everywhere and treats guests to dinner every day. He is obviously a deserter, but he acts like he is very honorable!"

Xiaoyu remembered what his master had said to Xianyugan back then, and said confidently: "He went to a technical secondary school like you, and he went to a police academy. He was trained by the state, and the state gave him money when he went to school. , but he was lucky enough to run away after working for two years, how could he be like that?"

"He can't run away. Senior brother is in Shenzheng. Where can he run?"

"Are you saying that Senior Brother will find a way to get him to put his police uniform back on?"

What kind of brain circuit is this...

Niu Bin resigned at that time, but did not stay on without pay.

Even if he was offered a job without pay, it would be impossible for his superiors to keep him in the job for so many years.

Han Yu didn't want to explain, so he simply said perfunctorily: "Elder brother didn't know that he was in Shenzheng before, but now that he knows, he will definitely take care of him."

"What's there to take care of? He's doing better than the senior brother now. He's a big boss, so it's almost enough to take care of the senior brother."

"Elder brother is not short of money, but when a fellow villager meets a fellow villager, both of us will burst into tears. We still need to take care of each other."

Just as he was talking, the phone rang.

There was no landline nearby. Han Yu glanced at the caller ID and could only answer it with his mobile phone.

"Shi Bureau, I, Han Yu, what are your instructions?"

"You are the president now, and no one dares to instruct you under my instructions." Shi Shengyong took a deep breath, and then asked eagerly: "Xianyu, are you sure that Chen Xiaodong couldn't hear the sound of the dagger falling into the water when he threw it down?"

"OK." Han Yu realized that Wang Yan and Fang Zhiqiang had called him to report, and emphasized: "If you don't believe it, I can ask the Hydrological Bureau of the Yangtze River Commission to give you a copy of the hydrological data at that time."

"No need to bother, I'm just confirming." The case was settled, and Shi Shengyong's scalp was numb. He held the phone tightly and asked again: "Are you sure that if the dagger is thrown at the location identified by Chen Xiaodong, it will not be washed away by the river? "


"I really don't know what Wang Yan has been thinking about all day long. He didn't figure out such an important situation. Thank you and Xiaoyu for your hard work. I have to find a way to figure out what's going on with this case, and I'll treat you to dinner later."

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