Riverside police

Chapter 901 Commented!

At nine o'clock in the morning, Vice Mayor Qin received a notice from the Municipal Party Committee Office and hurried to Secretary Lu's office.

I knocked on the door and came in. Mayor Wang, Commander Wang of the Military Division, and Deputy Mayor Li in charge of civil affairs were also there. The three of them were sitting around the coffee table chatting and laughing with Secretary Lu.

"Secretary Lu, Mayor Wang, what's the matter?" Vice Mayor Qin asked curiously.

"Look at this, the notice I just received." Secretary Lu was in high spirits on happy occasions and handed over a document with a smile.

Vice Mayor Qin took it and took a look, and was shocked to find that it was a message forwarded by the Provincial Double Support Office that the National Double Support Work Leading Group and the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army invited the main person in charge of Binjiang City, the person in charge of Binjiang City Double Support Office, and the main person in charge of Linghai City The person in charge and the person in charge of the Linghai City Double Support Office went to the capital to attend the National Double Support Model City (County) Naming Conference.

National dual support model cities refer to cities with outstanding achievements in dual support work. Initially, the selection targets were mainly sub-provincial and prefecture-level cities across the country. Later, it expanded to include counties and districts. It is a national city brand jointly issued by the military and civilians. It is also one of the important city brands in China.

Vice Mayor Qin reacted and asked excitedly: "Have we been judged?"

"It has been rated!" Secretary Lu waved his hand and said with great enthusiasm: "If our riverside cannot be rated, then there is no need for this national dual-support model city to be rated, and it will not be convincing even if it is rated!"

Binjiang has made remarkable achievements in dual support work in recent years, whether it is supporting the military and providing preferential treatment, resettling demobilized veterans, or building national defense reserve forces.

If Binjiang cannot even be rated, then there must be something shady about this selection.

Vice Mayor Qin was happy, sat down and said with a smile: "If the city and county levels are selected at the same time, there are probably not many of them nationwide."

Secretary Lu smiled and nodded, while Mayor Wang said with some regret: "It's a good thing, even a happy event, to be rated, but we were born at the wrong time. Compared with previous years, we suffered a big loss."

"Why did you suffer a loss?"

"This time the National Dual Support Model Cities Naming Conference was held, and only the cities that were commended and rated were named. In 1997, not only were the 197 cities and counties rated as National Dual Support Model Cities, but also 10 cities were awarded the title of National Dual Support Model Cities. The honorary title of 'Patriotic Supporter of the Army' for comrades with outstanding achievements was awarded to 227 model units and 126 model individuals of dual support."

Commander Wang was convinced and sighed: "If we also select dual-support model units and individuals this time, our Binjiang can be rated at least two to three, and Xianyu may get another honorary title."

That guy Xianyu has enough honors.

Secretary Lu felt that there was nothing to regret, and couldn't help but smile: "This term, we did not select dual-support model units and model individuals. The next term may organize a selection, and we will just apply for it then."

“We have to wait four years for the next one, and we don’t know whether we will judge the dual-support model individuals next time.”

"Commander Wang, how many times have you reviewed this before?" Vice Mayor Li asked with a smile.

Commander Wang said without hesitation: "The Double Support Model City was selected in 1991. It was selected once every year from 1991 to 1994, and once in 1997. It has been selected five times in total, and it is determined that starting from this year, it will be selected every four years in the future. Evaluation once. Of the five previous ones, only the one in 1997 was awarded to the 'Patriotic and Supporting the Army' model, and the dual support model units and individuals were selected. No one knows whether selections in this area will be organized in the future."

Vice Mayor Qin didn't think Xianyu was interested in this either. He smiled and said, "There's nothing we can do if we can't catch up. Besides, doesn't Xianyu lack honor?"

"He doesn't lack others."

"That's true."

This time Binjiang can be rated as a national model city for dual support, and Xianyu has made a huge contribution.

When sorting out the review materials, there were eight pages of materials related to Xianyu, from participating in the transshipment mission of the Big Shark as a representative of COSCO, to escorting the overhauled naval submarine from the Yangtze River into the sea, to leading the Linghai Reserve Battalion to fight the flood in Jingjiang Rescue, and then form the first reserve force of the Navy...

Secretary Lu is usually busy with work, and he can’t even think of Xianyu unless others mention it.

Now that Binjiang has been rated as a National Model City for Double Support, he will lead the director of the Municipal Double Support Office and Secretary Linghai Qian and others to Beijing to attend the naming and commendation meeting. Naturally, he thought of Xianyu and couldn't help but smile and ask: "Old Qin , what is Xianyu busy with during this time?"

"I haven't seen him in more than a month. He seems to be busy preparing for a trip with the naval formation."

"He has been selected. Is he really going to be the escort captain for the visiting fleet?"

"The Navy called the name, and the leader of the Ministry of Transportation made a statement. How could he not be selected?"

When talking about Xianyu, Vice Mayor Qin felt that he had something to report, so he hesitated and said, "Secretary Lu, Mayor Wang, Xianyu led a team to fight floods in Beihu and left a deep impression on the leaders of the Bureau of Transportation." The Ministry of Public Security has submitted an application to the State Council to convert the Changhang Public Security Bureau into an administrative establishment.

If it can be approved, the Changhang Public Security System will launch a new round of regular team building. This means that some veteran comrades will have to take a back seat or even be transferred, and some unqualified police officers will also have to be transferred from the public security team, leaving many positions vacant. "

Secretary Lu knew very well that Vice Mayor Qin would not say this for no reason, so he subconsciously asked: "Want to poach the salted fish from the China Shipping Bureau?"

"We can't even talk about poaching. After all, Xianyu is originally a police officer of Changhang Public Security Bureau, and he is a deputy section officer at the Changhang Branch."

"Can you help him deal with the deputy department this time?"

"Seems to be."

What the Changhang Bureau can provide, Binjiang cannot.

After all, Xianyu is too young, and it is unrealistic to offer Xianyu a deputy position in the Binjiang political and legal system. The only way is to transfer Xianyu to the Youth League Municipal Committee. But Xianyu is the "Admiral of Binjiang Navy" and is mainly good at water work, so it is not appropriate for Xianyu to go ashore.

Secretary Lu was silent for a moment and said with emotion: "People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. If he wants to transfer him back, let him transfer him back. We can't miss his future."

"But there is a premise." Mayor Wang raised his head coldly and said: "Old Qin, go back and tell your lover clearly that Xianyu can be transferred back to the Changhang Public Security System, but he can only be transferred to the Changhang Binjiang Branch and cannot leave Binjiang."

"What Mayor Wang said is that he is the admiral of the Binjiang Navy. If he ran away on the river, what happened and who should we go to? Besides, if he ran away, what would happen to the Navy Reserve Rescue Ship Brigade?"

"Secretary Lu, Mayor Wang, you can tell these things to the people at the customs, or you can tell the person at the Changhang Public Security Bureau. What does it mean for me to tell my wife?"

"Others don't know, but we know very well that when it comes to Xianyu's job transfer, your wife is equivalent to the uncrowned organizational minister, and she has the biggest say, hahahaha."

As soon as Secretary Lu finished speaking, Commander Wang smiled and said: "Mayor Qin, Xianyu is now a member of the customs and not a cadre of Binjiang, so I can only leave this matter to you."

Xianyu has never been considered a cadre in Binjiang, even though he worked in the Shuangshui Branch and Linghai Public Security Bureau.

Mayor Wang knew very well that Xianyu was trained by several vertically managed law enforcement units on the river, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "This is a political task. Go back and do your lover's ideological work."

For fear that Comrade Lao Qin would not take him seriously, Secretary Lu said very seriously: "I am not in a hurry to come back after the meeting in the capital this time. I just took this opportunity to run around a few ministries and commissions. The construction of the Yangtze River Bridge has been the key to our Binjiang River for decades. It is Han Xiangning’s long-cherished wish to ensure traffic safety on the river during the construction of the bridge, and Xianyu will now take the lead in firefighting, especially public security, on the river."

"Let them open a mom-and-pop shop again?"

"As long as it is conducive to the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge, there is nothing wrong with opening a mom-and-pop shop."

"Okay, I don't think Xianyu will leave Binjiang."

At the same time, the special operation organized by the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau to pursue the fugitive officially kicked off.

The long-distance bus station, Binjiang Port Passenger Terminal, Binjiang Airport, Binsha Ferry and the security checkpoints on the main roads entering and exiting the city, as long as they are places with a large flow of people and a large number of outsiders, are all equipped with a desk. with a computer.

All the police and cooperating police officers participating in the operation were checking their ID cards.

A man in his fifties was carrying a travel bag and was about to enter the waiting room. Seeing the police interrogating him in front of him, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave. However, there was a long queue behind him and there were police officers on the side to maintain order. It was easy for the police to become suspicious, so he had no choice but to take out his ID card.

"Don't worry, come one by one, very quickly."

"Prepare your ID card and boat ticket. If you don't have your ID card, report your ID number. If you can't remember your ID number, please report your name and home address..."

Old Xu, a police officer from Binjiang Police Station of the Changhang Branch, could not operate a computer and did not think computers were that magical. He stood by and held up a portable speaker to constantly remind people to maintain order.

The man in his fifties followed the people in front of him to the door of the waiting room and handed over his ID card while forcing himself to be calm.

There are not many police officers in the Changhang Branch who can use computers to assist the police. However, Binjiang Port has passenger flights during the day and also at night, so the typists in the bureau alone are too busy.

The sub-bureau's security detachment can only pick generals from the shortest, and transfer the little fish who play games and know how to use computers from the Linghai Police Station. Anyway, there are no passenger ships in Bailong Port now.

Xiaoyu took the ID card and suddenly realized that the person coming was a fellow villager. He couldn't help but look up.

The man was so frightened by the sight that he subconsciously avoided Xiaoyu's sight.

Xiaoyu just didn't go to school seriously and knew nothing about mathematics, physics and chemistry. I have been working for more than ten years and I have arrested countless criminals. I have developed a keen eye for observing words and deeds.

He realized that if the fellow in front of him wasn't very timid and frightened when he saw the police, there might be something wrong with him.

"What is your name?"

"Li Shuren."

Xiaoyu looked at the ID card, quickly entered the ID number on the keyboard, and hit the Enter key. He found that the "fellow" standing in front of the table being interrogated was not a fugitive, so he picked up the ID card again and compared his identity. Are the photo on the certificate and the "fellow fellow" the same person?

The passenger ship will check tickets in another fifteen minutes. There are still many passengers outside who have not entered the waiting room. The check must be efficient.

Lao Xu came over and was about to ask what was going on. Xiaoyu looked at the "fellow fellow" with twinkling eyes and asked, "Where do you live?"

"I am from Linghai."

"I asked where you live?"

"Group 5, Fengcun Village, No. 4 Town, Linghai City."

Xiaoyu asked: "Where are you going?"

Li Shuren was so frightened that he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Go to the East China Sea."

"What are you doing in the East China Sea?"

"work to earn a living."

The "fellow fellow" became even more panicked. Xiaoyu noticed beads of sweat on his forehead and his hands were shaking involuntarily. He asked coldly: "Whose ID card is this?"

Li Shuren didn't expect that the policeman in front of him had such vicious eyes, so he said cautiously: "Mine."

"say it again?"

"It's... it's really mine."

"Uncle Xu, this ID card is not his. Check his bag."

Lao Xu also realized that there was something wrong with the seemingly honest man in front of him, and immediately took the man to the police room with co-op Xiao Sun.

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