Riverside police

Chapter 905 Chase and Escape on the Water (1)

Although the arrest of Li Shugen, who is suspected of murder, has little to do with the "disc chase", the "disc chase" is indeed powerful.

The day after Li Shugen was escorted back by the Linghai Public Security Bureau, Xiaoyu used the fugitive CD issued by his superiors to successfully identify a fugitive from Beihe who was suspected of intentional wounding and had been absconding for three years in fear of crime at the Binjiang Port Passenger Terminal. .

Xiaoyu made new achievements again. At first, Han Yu was really happy for Xiaoyu from the bottom of his heart and felt that his previous computer games were not in vain.

I was so happy that I found out a few days later that the Binjiang Public Security Bureau Bus Branch Long-distance Bus Station Police Office had actually identified 6 fugitives in just one week!

The district and county public security bureaus of Chonggang, Development Zone, Changzhou and Linghai also interrogated more than 30 fugitives at security checkpoints at stations, ferries and main roads. Even the Lingda Qidu Police Office of the Development Zone Branch of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, which is also the Linghai Public Security Bureau Ferry Checkpoint, identified four fugitives from passengers who took long-distance buses to cross the river.

This is the power of technology.

Boat 825 was not at home. After having been the bare commander for such a long time, Han Yujing was extremely restless and felt that she could conduct a water chase and escape.

Taking into account that he would not be in charge of his duties, Han Yu decided to combine anti-smuggling on the water with pursuit and escape on the water.

After listening to Han Yu's thoughts, Ma Guan joked: "You are still a policeman in our branch, so why are you starting to worry about the Changhang Branch? Xianyu, you are in Cao Ying but your heart is in Han!"

"It's hard to be idle, and we haven't gone to the river to detect smuggling for several months. We can definitely take this opportunity to join forces with the Changhang Branch and the Water Branch to conduct another anti-smuggling operation on the river."

Han Yu smiled and added: "I didn't know much about the crime of smuggling before, and thought that it could be banned as long as we cracked down hard. After more than a year of anti-smuggling work, I realized that as long as the country implements foreign trade management, as long as there is a price difference between domestic and foreign markets, Smuggling will inevitably occur. We cannot enforce law enforcement on a mobile basis, we must continue to crack down, and we must continue to crack down!"

Regarding the issue of the Changhang Navigation Branch's transfer of Han Yu back, the reason why Ma Guan was so easy to talk to was that he had indeed promised to transfer Han Yu here just to help form a waterborne anti-smuggling team. Secondly, it is clear that even if Han Yu is transferred back to the Changhang Branch, he will still help the bureau fight against smuggling as he does now.

If his subordinates wanted to do something, Ma Guan would naturally not object and said with a smile: "The political commissar and I will definitely support it. The problem is that the bureau cannot spare so many police officers to participate in the operation."

"As long as the intelligence department participates, I can also ask the armed police to assist."

"I almost forgot, you can also mobilize an armed police reinforcement class."

Compared with the water pursuit and water anti-smuggling operation that Han Yu was planning, Zhou Huixin was more concerned about the Changhang Shipping Branch taking over the security of Linghai Port Area. He asked curiously: "Xianyu, Zhang Yidong really promised to let the Changhang Shipping Branch take over the security of Linghai Port Area." Security?"

It is normal for the old leader to ask this question. After all, he has been the chief of Linghai Public Security Bureau for several years.

Han Yu confirmed with a wry smile: "They say it's a dowry for me to be transferred back to the Changhang Branch, but it's actually a last resort."

Zhou Huixin asked in a low voice: "What is Zhang Yidong's last resort?"

Han Yu briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter and said helplessly: "Qi Bureau and Political Commissar Jiang were worried that Zhang Yidong would not be able to keep up with the explanations, so they pushed me out to take the blame."

"It almost resulted in an unjust case!"

"I have learned about it, mainly because it was such a coincidence. Chen Xiaodong, who has a lot of criminal records, actually went to the fish shed at the gate on the night of the crime. He planned to steal the victim's money, but he found that the lights were on in the fish shed in the middle of the night. Old Man Zhang It was so late that I didn't sleep, so I didn't dare to take action, so I went back quietly and left footprints outside the fish shed."

"Was the victim killed at that time?"

"He was killed. Li Shugen forgot to turn off the lights when he left after killing the people, and accidentally scared Chen Xiaodong away. If the lights were turned off at that time and Chen Xiaodong had touched them, it would be even more unclear than now."

Ma Guan did not expect such a bizarre murder to happen in Linghai, and couldn't help but ask: "Now that it has been proven that Chen Xiaodong was wronged, should Chen Xiaodong be released?"

"Didn't let go."

Han Yu took a sip of water and explained: "After arresting Chen Xiaodong as a murderer, the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Public Security Bureau did a lot of work. During the investigation, it was discovered that Chen Xiaodong had not repented since he was released from prison and had committed multiple thefts. The evidence Confirmed, another case will be handled and the arrest has been approved."

Zhou Huixin thought for a while and asked puzzledly: "Killing is different from stealing. Why did Chen Xiaodong say he killed the person after he was arrested?"

"He didn't admit it at first, until Wang Yan took out the footprint identification report he left near the crime scene, and he realized that jumping into the Yellow River couldn't clean him up. In addition, although Wang Yan and the others did not torture him to extract a confession, they fought with him." He was deprived of sleep and interrogated repeatedly. He couldn't bear it anymore and simply confessed, but his confessions were contradictory."

"This kid is lucky. If he is severely punished, he may... he may really suffer unjust injustice."

"This is unlikely. After all, my second senior brother is responsible for the preliminary trial."

"Fang Zhiqiang is indeed good."

Ma Guan had never been the Linghai Public Security Bureau Chief and did not know who Fang Zhiqiang was. As soon as Zhou Huixin finished speaking, he asked with interest: "How does the Changhang Branch plan to take over the security of Linghai Port Area?"

Han Yu said with a smile: "Follow the model of Binjiang Port Area, which is only responsible for public security regardless of household registration. In other words, Linghai Port Area will accept the development of Changhang Branch Linghai Police Station and Linghai Public Security Bureau in the future like Binjiang Port Area in terms of public security. Dual management of district bureaus.”

"But it is of great significance to the Changhang Branch."

"Yes, the Changhang Public Security Bureau has always attached great importance to jurisdiction."

While chatting, Zhou Huixin suddenly remembered something: "Xianyu, Binjiang and Linghai have all been rated as national dual-support model cities. The municipal party committee office sent a notice this morning, asking Ma Guan and you to go to Wenfeng Hotel tomorrow afternoon to participate in the city's Double support working meeting.”

Han Yu had heard about the fact that Binjiang and Linghai were finally established as national model cities for dual support. He even knew that Secretary Lu and Secretary Qian of Linghai went to the Great Hall of the People to accept commendations from the central government. He subconsciously asked: "Convey the dual support of the central government." Work spirit?”

“Not only to convey the spirit of the National Dual Support Work Conference, but also to commend the city’s advanced units and individuals in dual support.”

Zhou Huixin smiled slightly and continued: "The Customs, Maritime Safety Administration, Changhang Navigation Branch, Water Branch and our branch have been rated as advanced units in dual support work by the city, and you and your comrades have been rated as advanced individuals in dual support work."

"So there are many units and individuals being commended?"

"It is said that there are many, so only representatives who are rated as advanced individuals in dual support will be notified to attend the meeting."

"Big wholesale of awards?"

"Hahaha, the certificate is not worth a lot of money anyway, it's just a matter of filling in your name and stamping it, but it's still an honor, and having a certificate is better than not having one."

It was exciting to receive certificates of honor and certificates at first, but after receiving too many, I found that there were too many spiritual rewards and it was no fun.

After chatting with his two immediate superiors for a while, Han Yu returned to the Intelligence Department office.

The description is very apt, because as the chief of the water anti-smuggling section, he does not have an office in the bureau, so he can only come to the Intelligence Section to "share offices" with Xu Haoran during this period.

As soon as Xu Haoran saw him, he asked eagerly: "Did Ma Guan and the political commissar agree?"


"Great, call Bureau Qi and Bureau Wang quickly."


Han Yu pulled out his chair, sat down and started talking on the phone.

Bureau Qi is definitely an "action man". He just finalized the security jurisdiction of Linghai Port Area with Linghai Public Security Bureau three days ago. Today he led a team to visit Linghai Procuratorate, because after taking over the security of Linghai Port Area, he will inevitably have to communicate with Linghai Procuratorate. Dealing requires docking.

Bureau Qi was having a discussion with several heads of the Linghai Procuratorate. He smiled apologetically, got up and walked out of the conference room to answer the phone.

"Xianyu, what's the matter?"

"I think it's not enough to use computers and CDs to chase fugitives in the waiting room. There are fewer passengers traveling on passenger ships now, and since it is a special operation to chase fugitives, there can't be any blind spots. If possible, I want to conduct a joint operation to catch fugitives. The computer was moved to the law enforcement boat to interrogate the crew on the river."

"This is a good idea. You take the lead and formulate a plan. I will ask the security detachment and the police stations to fully cooperate!"

"The strength of our two families alone is not enough. Either we don't carry out such an operation, or we need to do it thoroughly. I would like to invite the Shuishang Branch to participate."

"No problem, but the scope of the inspection must be divided, otherwise you won't know how to report the results when they come out."


The Changhang Navigation Branch is interested in this, and the Water Branch is even more interested.

After a few phone calls, the prototype of the action plan was already drawn up.

The Changhang Navigation Branch mainly conducts inspections of the waters of Binjiang Port, Linghai Port, Gaoru Port and Dongqi Port. The Water Branch mainly conducts inspections of the waters outside the port area, especially the crew members in the waters near the ship locks.

Although only two police officers, Han Yu and Xu Haoran, are involved in the operation at the Smuggling Crime Investigation Branch, armed police can be mobilized to assist.

At that time, the troops were divided into two groups. One group, led by Han Yu, joined the Changhang Navigation Branch to check the fugitives on the river, and took this opportunity to check whether there were any ships and crew suspected of smuggling. The other group, led by Xu Haoran, joined the Water Branch Bureau to go to the river to check.

Just when Han Yu was busy dispatching troops and generals, Linghai Mayor Shen Fan finally learned that Zhang Yidong wanted to hand over the security jurisdiction of Linghai Port to the Changhang Branch as Han Yu's "dowry".

There are two public security agencies in a port. If you add the water branch, there will be three.

Shen Fan felt that this was not a good idea, so he did not rush to call Han Yu. Instead, he contacted Sister Zhu first.

"Director Zhu, I, Shen Fan, are Xianyu going to be transferred back to the Changhang Branch?"

"What happened?"

"He did a good job at the customs, why should he be transferred back?"

Sister Zhu put down her work and gave a brief explanation. After thinking about it, she said half-jokingly: "If you can help Xianyu deal with the deputy department, you can also transfer him back to Linghai."

"I can not do it."

"That's it. People go to higher places and water flows to lower places. Now that you have this opportunity, you can't miss it."

As long as Xianyu is in Binjiang, it doesn't matter how many public security agencies are in charge of Linghai Port Area. Thinking again of a piece of news he heard on the phone with a leader of the China Shipping Bureau a few days ago, Shen Fan hesitated and said: "Zhu Bureau, logically speaking, I shouldn't block Xianyu's future, but I still think Xianyu is too dissatisfied. It’s not appropriate to go back to Changhang Branch.”

Sister Zhu smiled and asked, "Why is it inappropriate?"

"You are now under the management of the Jiangnan Maritime Safety Administration and have no affiliation with the Yangtze River Maritime Safety Administration. You do not know the situation in Hanwu as well as before."

"What's going on over there in Hanwu?"

"It is said that the leadership team of the China Changchang Aviation Bureau is going to be adjusted, and it is a major adjustment. After the adjustment of the leadership team of the China Changchang Aviation Bureau, the leadership team of the Changhang Public Security Bureau will definitely be adjusted."

There have been frequent changes in local party and government leadership in recent years, but the leadership team of the China Shipping Bureau has not changed much.

Father, like son.

Hearing what Shen Fan said, Sister Zhu suddenly realized that the current leadership team of the China Changchun Shipping Bureau was the second leadership team since the establishment of the China Changchun Shipping Bureau in 1984. Among the key leaders such as Director Liao, the one who has served in the CCA Bureau for the shortest period of time is more than eight years.

In recent years, railway, highway, and air transportation have developed rapidly, and Yangtze River shipping has been greatly affected and is now in a difficult period. It is normal for superiors to want to adjust the leadership team of CCA Bureau. It can be said that the time has come when no adjustment can be done without adjustment.

Sister Zhu was silent for a moment and asked, "Are you worried that Xianyu's future will be affected after the leaders of the Changhang Shipping Bureau who value Xianyu are transferred or relegated to the second line?"

"definitely will!"

"There's nothing to worry about. In the worst case, we'll be transferred back when the time comes."


Sister Zhu asked in a low voice: "Why don't you speak? Did I say something wrong?"

Shen Fan calmed down, held the phone and smiled: "That's right, I'm just going to take care of myself this time. With Mayor Qin here, I don't need to worry."

"Even without my Lao Qin, we don't need to worry about Xianyu." Sister Zhu smiled and said confidently: "There are many units that want Xianyu, and besides, he is someone who has registered with the leaders of the Ministry of Communications. , no matter how the leadership team of China Shipping Bureau is adjusted, it will not affect him."

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