Riverside police

Chapter 906 Chase and Escape on the Water (2)

At 9:30 in the morning, there were many trucks and buses lining up outside Lingda Automobile Ferry, waiting to cross the river.

To ensure safety, passengers taking buses must get off the bus and walk along the pedestrian passage on the right to board the ferry.

There are two desks next to the passenger passage at the Dukou Public Security Inspection Station of the Development Zone Branch of Linghai Public Security Bureau. There are two computers on the desks. Two armed police officers and six assisting police officers were busy checking the passengers' ID cards.

Lao Yan is now the police sergeant at the checkpoint and is busy maintaining order when he suddenly spots a familiar Santana driving over from the emergency lane.

"Xiao Liu, you check first, I'll go over there."


Lao Yan touched the pistol he rarely wore on his waist, walked quickly to the car, looked at the "proprietress" who had just opened the door and got out of the car, and asked with a smile: "Han Chu, how come you have time to come to the ferry to inspect the work today? "

"What kind of work are you checking? The Linghai section is not under my jurisdiction now." Han Xiangning looked back at the traffic behind him, held the car door and explained: "We have a meeting across the river, Uncle Yan, can you be accommodating and let us cross the river first? , otherwise I will be late."

"Are you kidding? You are being accommodating. The ferry is under your maritime administration. Besides, you are the old leader of our Linghai Maritime Department, so you must give priority to crossing the river!"

Han Xiangning chuckled and said, "Thank you."

"What's there to thank you for? By the way, what meeting are you having across the river?"

“The Yangtze River Bridge Project Construction Promotion Meeting originally had nothing to do with our maritime affairs, but I am a member of the ‘Bridge Office’ and the city asked me to go, so I had to go.”

"This meeting is important. If the bridge could have been built early, we wouldn't have the traffic jams we have now."

After a rare return to his old jurisdiction, Han Xiangning suddenly remembered something, walked to the side and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Uncle Yan, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Any help, just tell me if you need anything."

"My sister called a few days ago and said that her colleagues at Changhang Hospital gave her a lot of clothes, and she planned to ask Linghai Bus Station to take a long-distance bus from Donghai to bring them back. I am usually too busy and have no time, so why don't I let her talk to the driver? Master, tell me, leave the clothes here with you when the time comes, and wait until Xianyu and I have time to come and pick them up, or you can help me deliver them to Xiaoyu."

No need to ask, everyone knew that Han Ning must have asked for the old clothes from someone else and brought them back for Xiao Hanhan to wear.

The couple works as a deputy and the other as a full-time major. Their combined salary is quite high. Just because they went to Donghai to buy a house and lived like this, their children have been wearing other people's old clothes all these years.

Lao Yan didn't know what to say to her, so he agreed: "No problem, ask the driver to put the clothes in our police room, and I will send them back to Mr. Chen and let Mr. Chen bring them to you."

"You can also put it at Chen Zikun's place."

Along the way from the Changzhou Maritime Department, we passed several ship locks. Police officers from the Water Branch were checking the identity cards of boat people at the ship locks. Thinking that his junior brother had also gone to the river to investigate today, Han Xiangning turned around and looked at the pedestrian passage and asked curiously: "Uncle Yan, I heard that you have captured several fugitives?"

A security checkpoint has been set up at the ferry, but the number of criminals arrested in the past few months has not been as high as in the past ten days.

Lao Yan couldn't help laughing and said: "As of 8 o'clock this morning, 9 people have been arrested."

"so much!"

"There are also many passengers crossing the river from us. We now work in three shifts and conduct 24-hour inspections. As long as there are criminals who have a fugitive CD, no one can escape when they get here!"

At the same time, the Yangtze River Public Security Bureau 110 was galloping on the river.

This morning's task was to check the boat people on the ship anchored at Langshan anchorage.

Han Yu stood on the back deck, holding a telescope in one hand to observe the seagoing ship anchored not far away, and holding a walkie-talkie in the other hand and shouted: "Yangtze River Public Security Bureau 110 calls Coast Guard 36, please answer when you receive it."

"Received, received, please speak to 110!"

"There is a dangerous goods ship in Langshan Quarantine Anchorage without an anchor ball, and there is a dangerous goods ship in Langshan Quarantine Anchorage without an anchor ball!"

"Understood, I will remind them to hang up immediately."

Anchor ball means that when the ship is anchored, a ball-shaped mark must be hung on the bow.

The anchor ball is two sizes larger than an ordinary basketball. It is silver-gray in color and has a reflective function. Hang it on the bow flagpole to alert other ships to avoid it.

Han Yu put down the telescope and tapped the ceiling of the Yangtze Public Security 110 cabin with his elbow: "Xiao Chen, drive slower. There is something floating in front of the port side. Go over and see what it is?"


Xiao Chen, the pilot of the Changhang Navigation Branch, quickly slowed down and drove the patrol boat over to take a look. It turned out to be a bamboo. The length is nearly 8 meters, the thickest end is about 30 centimeters in diameter, and the thinnest end is nearly 15 centimeters thick.

Salvaging floating bamboo on the river is not an easy task.

First, the bamboo has been soaked in the river water for a period of time and is very slippery. In addition, the Yangtze River Police 110 only had a two-meter-long hook pole, so it took everyone nearly 10 minutes to fish out the bamboo floating in the river.

The armed police stationed at the Customs Assistance Service were put on guard.

The current squad leader’s surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Xiaosheng.

While tying the newly salvaged bamboo with a rope at Han Yu's signal, he asked puzzledly: "Secretary Han, bamboo is not valuable, so what are you doing to salvage it?"

"If the bamboo floating on the river is not cleaned up in time, it will float onto the waterway. Those big ships cannot see it, and it may cause some collisions with the hull, which will affect navigation safety."

Han Yu held on to the guardrail and continued: "Moreover, when we got closer, we discovered that it was bamboo. What if it was a thicker, heavier, and harder wood? The propeller of the ship rotates faster, and if it is touched by the wood, it will It will cause damage to the propeller."

Is this young Secretary Han an anti-smuggling policeman or a maritime affairs officer? Why does he care about everything...

Just when a few armed police officers felt strange, the Yangtze River Public Security Bureau 110 had slowly approached several inland river cargo ships anchored together.

"Dear crew members, please pay attention. Dear crew members, please pay attention. We are the police from the Binjiang Branch of the Changhang Public Security Bureau. We are jointly conducting routine patrols with the Smuggling Crime Investigation Bureau. Please prepare your ID cards and boat citizen certificates for inspection!"

Xiaoyu's Mandarin is much better than before.

Han Yu leaned over and took a look, then put on his gloves, picked up the cable that had been laid out earlier, and threw it over to the cargo ship's stub.

Xiao Li, a police officer from the Changhang Navigation Branch, was the first to jump on the cargo ship with a micro-charge on his arm.

Four armed police soldiers who assisted in the inspection followed closely, but they did not wear armed police uniforms. Instead, they wore customs inspection uniforms as required, and they did not bring guns or ammunition.

This was a couple's boat. The owner was chatting with his companions on the boat next door. The boat girl was washing clothes at the stern of the boat. When the police and customs boarded the boat for inspection, she hurriedly came over.

"Hello, please show me your ID card and boat citizen certificate."

"Oh, right away."

It was Xiao Li and Xiao Yu's business to check ID cards. Han Yu led the armed police soldiers to check the warehouse and confirmed that it was carrying building materials and was unlikely to be involved in smuggling. Then he stepped on the boat anchored inside and continued his inspection.

There were eight boats in total, and they were all seen in no time.

There was nothing suspicious, but Han Yu did not return to Yangtze River Police 110, but chatted with the crew.

"Boss Yang, how is business this year?"

"This year is not as good as last year. There are too many ships and few goods. Oil prices have risen again, but freight rates have not. It is getting harder and harder to work."

"My family also has a boat. My father runs water transport like you. He said the same thing." Han Yu looked around and then asked: "Boss Yang, how do you feel about the security of our Binjiang River? For example, have you encountered extortion? of."

"That's not true." The boss of the ship was surprised why the customs police asked these questions. He lit a cigarette and hesitated and said, "It's just that loading and unloading is more troublesome than before."

"Why is it more troublesome than before?"

"The stones we transport are all shipped from Jiuwei Port. We used to queue up, and when the ship in front was full, we would move over to load it. Now there is no use queuing. Many people jump in the queue. Some are not paid, and some are waiting. You may not be able to install it even if you wait three or four days.”

There is a small Jiangxinzhou on the Jiuwei Port. Due to the development of the Yangtze River coastline in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer small wharves. The small Jiangxinzhou has become a distribution center for water transportation of building materials, and has developed into the largest sand and gravel site on the riverside. market.

Han Yu, who assisted the fishery administration in cracking down on illegal fishing of eel fry some time ago, passed by and found dozens of "three noes" boats engaged in private ferrying.

Those private ferries are inherently unsafe. Most of the small boats have simple ladders for loading and unloading passengers. The fire-fighting facilities and safety protection measures on board are very basic or even non-existent. The crew and passengers also did not wear life jackets as required, posing a safety hazard.

Moreover, the waterway in the Yangtze Riverside section is very busy. Various transport ships, including large dangerous goods ships, will pass by or even stay there. In order to grab business, those small boats often cross the waterway, posing a threat to water traffic safety.

On the morning of February 23 this year, a private ferry crossed the waterway in the waters of Jiuwei Port while carrying passengers and collided with a cargo ship loaded with building materials. The private ferry immediately capsized on the water and all five people on board fell into the water. , fortunately there was a boat nearby at the time, which provided timely assistance, and the five people were rescued ashore without serious consequences.

Han Yu called Sister Zhu a few days ago and told her about this. Unexpectedly, in the floating building materials market in Jiuwei Port, there was still a situation where the ship owner could not reach the dock or load the goods without paying.

"Boss Yang, are the people on the dock collecting money?"

"It does not seem."

“Then who do you give the money to to load the goods?”

"A guy named Third Brother looks like a gangster. I heard he used to be a stevedore boss. Anyway, he has the final say on whose ship loads cargo first and whose ship loads last."

"If you don't pay, he won't let you load the goods?"

"He has a group of people under his command. They are strong and strong, but they can't suppress local cowards. Do we dare to provoke them?"

Third brother?

Whose brother is he?

Han Yu felt that this matter needed to be taken care of, so he asked calmly: "How much does it usually cost him to let you load the goods?"

"Maybe." The boss of the ship said bitterly: "The amount you pay depends on how many ships there are. When there are few ships, you have to pay two hundred. When there are many ships, you have to pay five hundred. It doesn't matter if you pay a penny less."

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