Riverside police

Chapter 915 Entrusted with important tasks!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the conference room on the fourth floor of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Secretary Chu of the Municipal Party Committee went to the capital to study. Mayor Hou shouldered the responsibility of the party and government and presided over the work of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He was attending the meeting of the new temporary cadres and welcomed Han Xiangning, a cadre of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau, to come to Changzhou to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor. .

Deputy Director Tang of Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau, Director Wang of the Personnel Department of Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau, Deputy Director Zhu of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau, as well as major city leaders of Changzhou City attended the meeting.

Vice Minister Liu of the Organization Department of the Binjiang Municipal Party Committee, who sent Han Xiangning to take office, read out the temporary post document and sincerely hoped that Comrade Han Xiangning would serve as a "bridge" between the maritime department and the local party committee and government, and work together with the place where he was temporarily assigned to do a good job in water traffic safety, Yangtze River coastline development, The construction of the Yangtze River Bridge and other work have jointly promoted the economic and social development of Changzhou and even Binjiang.

At the same time, we hope that the principal persons in charge of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will provide more support in work and care about Comrade Han Xiangning’s work and life, and create a good working and living environment for the temporary cadres.

After a burst of warm applause, Mayor Hou opened the microphone in front of him and said enthusiastically: "Dear Tang Bureau, Wang Chu, Zhu Bureau, respected Minister Liu, comrades: Our Secretary Chu is studying in the capital, and it is true that he will not come back. , he called me yesterday to entrust me to express my most heartfelt thanks to the Maritime Safety Administration for its long-term care and support for our Changzhou on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, Government and the people of the city, and to express my warmest welcome to Comrade Han Xiangning for coming to our Changzhou for a temporary post!"

Applause started again.

Han Xiangning applauded and nodded in thanks.

Until this moment, she still felt like she was dreaming, and she couldn't believe that she actually became the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee.

"This time, the maritime system arranged for Comrade Han Xiangning to take a temporary post in our Changzhou. This is really a show of concern and support for the economic construction of our Changzhou. It is said that we rely on the mountains to eat and the water to eat, but our Changzhou is 'near the river but not close to the river'.

Over the years, we have developed along the Yangtze River coastline and have fallen seriously behind in terms of port economy, shipbuilding, and the development of the ship machinery accessories industry. We must humbly learn from Linghai and Shuzhou and Zhangjiagang on the other side. The arrival of Comrade Han Xiangning is a valuable opportunity for us in Changzhou, and we must take this opportunity to catch up. "

Mayor Hou looked back at Minister Liu, Tang Bureau and other leaders, then looked at Han Xiangning again, and said very seriously and sincerely: "Here, I am entrusted by Secretary Chu of the Municipal Party Committee to express my position. We will unite everyone with sincerity, true feelings, and sincerity. A cadre who came to help Changzhou's economic development.

We must have strict requirements and burdens at work, pay close attention to our lives, and fully consider the advantages and strengths of temporary cadres in future work arrangements. Combined with our actual work in Changzhou, we will learn together, support each other, and cooperate with each other to dare to With the spirit of hard work, courage to work hard and the courage to take responsibility, we strive to make new contributions to Changzhou’s economic development..."

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

The person who is speaking can be said to be Binjiang's "star cadre", and he is indeed very capable.

He can speak the languages ​​​​of several countries and does not need a translator when he goes abroad to attract investment. Almost all of the several foreign-invested enterprises with an output value of hundreds of millions that have been completed and put into operation in Changzhou in the past few years were introduced by him.

He not only brought in foreign companies, but also organized local companies in Changzhou to go global by leading teams to participate in the Canton Fair and participating in various exhibitions abroad.

In order to better participate in international competition, he took the lead in organizing the introduction of internationally advanced technology and equipment to help Changzhou enterprises upgrade and transform.

The train runs fast because of the headband.

Thanks to his unremitting efforts, Changzhou's various economic indicators have ranked among the best among Binjiang districts and counties for three consecutive years. Linghai has tried very hard, but he just can't defeat Changzhou, so he can only be the "number two" for a thousand years.

Secretary Qian and Mayor Shen were still ambitious when they took office and wanted to flex their muscles to compete with Changzhou.

As the Yangtze River Bridge construction project continues to advance, Secretary Qian and Mayor Shen of Linghai can only change their goals to maintain the current second place. Because the Yangtze River Bridge is built in Changzhou, the expressway is also built in Changzhou, and the Binjiang Airport is already built in Changzhou, they have all the geographical advantages, and Linghai cannot catch up no matter how hard it is.

Han Xiangning had heard of the legendary Mayor Hou more than once.

I finally saw him today, and thinking about working under the leadership of Mayor Hou in the next two years, Han Xiangning was a little excited. He really wanted to make some achievements to show to Mayor Shen's "senior brother".

In the midst of excitement, the full-time deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee who presided over the meeting asked Tang Bureau to speak.

Tang Bureau looked back on the unforgettable experience of working in Binjiang, especially the unforgettable experience of dealing with the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. He thanked the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their continuous support to the work of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau. He hoped that Comrade Han Xiangning would cherish the opportunity of temporary employment and learn more from local cadres. , learn from colleagues, adapt to new roles and positions as soon as possible, and achieve good results.

It was Han Xiangning's turn to express her position. She quickly calmed down and said that being able to work in Changzhou and go to the place for training was a valuable asset. During my tenure, I will cherish the opportunity, learn humbly from local comrades, combine the business knowledge I have learned with practical needs, be a good 'bridge' between the city and the bureau, and conscientiously do the tasks assigned by the municipal party committee and government various tasks.

After the general meeting, there will be a small meeting.

Mayor Hou and the full-time deputy secretary invited Tang Bureau, Minister Liu, Zhu Bureau and Han Xiangning to the reception room, chatted about Han Xiangning's work arrangements, and took this opportunity to "report" to Tang Bureau on the Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park and the Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park being planned in Changzhou. Yangtze River coastline development and use plan.

"Tang Bureau, Minister Liu, the Yangtze River Bridge is going to be built in our Changzhou. Comrade Xiang Ning is a member of the 'Bridge Office'. Secretary Chu called me yesterday to ask for my opinion. He plans to let Comrade Xiang Ning, who is also the Secretary of the Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park Engineering Department, , and will be in charge of traffic at the same time.”

"Mayor Hou, the division of labor is a matter for your municipal party committee and government. There is no need to discuss it with us."

"Yes, you decide after research."

"Two leaders, we must ask for instructions and report on such a big matter."

Mayor Hou smiled slightly and said bluntly: "In the past, our Changzhou had a river but no bridge. The Yangtze River not only failed to become an advantage for our economic development in Changzhou, but instead became a countertrend to our economic development due to the inconvenient transportation. We just met What I said at the meeting was true to my heart. Our municipal party committee and government must develop the economy along the river and focus on building an economic development belt along the river.

Comrade Xiang Ning has been working on the riverside for a long time and knows the situation best on the riverside. In addition, she has to take care of the Changzhou Maritime Affairs Department, so Secretary Chu and I agreed that Comrade Xiang Ning should also be the secretary of the Daqiao Industrial Park Engineering Department. "

Linghai built the development zone on the riverside, mainly relying on Linghai Port and Lingda Ferry.

Now that the Yangtze River Bridge is being built in Changzhou, they actually want to build a Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park.

How could the Tang Bureau not know the implication of Mayor Hou's words? He couldn't help laughing and said: "Mayor Hou, you are planning to ask Xiang Ning to exploit the corner of Linghai Development Zone."

There are no outsiders here, and Vice Minister Liu also joked: "Xiang Ning is a cadre trained by Bureau Zhu, and Mayor Shen of Linghai is an old subordinate of Mayor Qin. If the development of the Yangtze River coastline and investment promotion lead to Xiang Ning following If Mayor Shen gets into a fight, Director Zhu can only support Xiang Ning, and Mayor Qin must support Mayor Shen. Mayor Hou, if you do this, you will put the families of Director Zhu and Mayor Qin at odds!"

"Ju Zhu, I'm sorry. I have no intention of putting you at odds with Mayor Qin's family. The main thing is to develop the Yangtze River coastline and attract investment along the river. Comrade Xiang Ning has experience. If Comrade Xiang Ning can control the Yangtze River, Secretary W of the Bridge Industrial Park, I believe that the development of the Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort."

Changzhou is next to Linghai.

The Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park is right next to the Linghai Development Zone.

Letting Han Xiangning also serve as the secretary of the Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park Engineering W, isn't it obvious that Han Xiangning is going to confront the two people from Linghai?

Sister Zhu felt that it was not a good thing for her subordinates to be entrusted with important responsibilities, and she said with a smile: "Xiang Ning has been working in the maritime system and has no experience in governing. Mayor Hou, how about you think about it again and study it again?"

"Comrade Xiang Ning watched the development of Linghai Development Zone, and he was also a hero in safeguarding the construction of Linghai Port. It's not like he has never eaten pork, and he has never seen pigs running. I believe Comrade Xiang Ning has this ability, and so does Secretary Chu. thought."

"Mayor Hou, this is inappropriate." Han Xiangning said with a bitter face: "I am a temporary cadre. I am here to exercise and learn!"

"Comrade Xiang Ning, that's not what you said at the meeting just now."

"What did I say?"

"You said you would conscientiously do all the tasks assigned by the municipal party committee and the municipal government!"

Mayor Hou smiled, thought about it and said: "I almost forgot. As far as I know, you not only protected the construction of Linghai Port, but also made a huge contribution to the construction of Linghai Reserve Camp. It seems that you are still Reserve officer of Linghai Reserve Battalion."

"Yes." Han Xiangning nodded sheepishly.

"In terms of building up the national defense reserve force, your lover is very popular. His halo is so dazzling that even an old cadre in my hometown in Sigang knows him. This is not good, because people only know him but not you."

"Mayor Hou, I am a pre-appointed officer of the Linghai Reserve Battalion, but I have not made much contribution to the construction of the Linghai Reserve Battalion."

"Comrade Xiang Ning, stop being humble. Excessive humility is pride."

Mayor Hou looked back at Tang Bureau and Vice Minister Liu, and changed the topic: "Linghai has a reserve camp, and we in Changzhou also have one, and we in Changzhou also want to create a national model city for dual support. Comrade Xiang Ning came at the right time. Our municipal party committee and government have decided after research and plan to appoint Comrade Xiang Ning as the first secretary of the Changzhou Reserve Battalion. This is also a common practice. The first secretary of the reserve force is concurrently held by a government deputy."

At the same time, a temporary deputy mayor who had just participated in the meeting asked as he walked: "Minister Xu, a 30-year-old deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, even if he is a temporary deputy mayor, he should be the best in the history of Changzhou after the founding of New China." Unique, right?"

It's also a temporary job, and he becomes a regular employee as soon as he comes, but he can only "assist in charge of" a few tasks that are not very important.

Director Xu of the Propaganda Department of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee realized that he was sour and couldn't help laughing: "If it were another cadre, such an arrangement would be a bit of a joke. But Mayor Han is not another cadre, not only Secretary Lu and Mayor Wang are very fond of her. I understand, even our Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou know her situation very well."

"I know, is she the director of the Changzhou Maritime Department?"

"Before serving as the director of the Changzhou Maritime Affairs Department, she worked as the director of the Linghai Port Supervision Department for several years. Mayor Jiang, you have been to the Linghai Development Zone many times, and whenever you cross the river, you have to go to the Lingda Ferry. Let's put it this way , Linghai Development Zone was developed under her watch, and the Linghai Port east of Lingda Automobile Ferry was built under her escort."

"You know how to develop the economy just by looking at the development?"

"When the Linghai Development Zone was first established, the secretary of the Engineering Department was the deputy mayor of Linghai at the time, Shen Fan. Mayor Shen was an old subordinate of Mayor Qin. Mayor Qin's lover was Ju Zhu, who was sitting to the left of the soup bureau just now. And Han Xiangning is Zhu Bureau’s old subordinate.”

"It turns out it has a background."

No wonder Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou only asked you to "assist in charge". They only knew that they had connections, but they didn't know that these connections could be used by Changzhou.

He holds the first approval authority for the use of the Yangtze River coastline. He has worked along the river for more than ten years. Not only does he know many CEOs of shipbuilding companies, but he also knows how Linghai developed the shipbuilding, ship repair and ship machinery parts industries. , and even have connections in this area!

The city is trying hard to take advantage of the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge to develop the economy along the river.

If we don't reuse cadres like Han Xiangning, how can we reuse you, a temporary cadre who lives in Changzhou but is in the original unit?

Of course, Han Xiangning is also a temporary cadre. But he was posted nearby, and his original unit was in Changzhou, so he could be said to be a cadre in Changzhou.

Minister Xu didn't know what to say to him, so he simply patted his arm and left without looking back.

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