Riverside police

Chapter 916 Mayor Han’s lover!

A deputy mayor came, and he was personally sent to take office by the deputy director of the Jiangnan Maritime Bureau. Of course, the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government had to cleanse themselves of the new deputy mayor, and they had to entertain the leaders of the Tang Bureau and other maritime systems.

Han Xiangning, like Han Yu, didn't know how to drink. To be sure, she had never drank before, so she could only express her gratitude with tea instead of wine.

Sister Zhu is a heroine, and many gay men cannot drink her.

While Han Xiangning was toasting and thanking one after another, Han Xiangning's cell phone suddenly rang.


"The area code of Donghai should be from San'er."


"He doesn't know that I came to Changzhou to take a temporary job."

"You didn't tell him?" Sister Zhu asked in shock.

In front of so many people, Han Xiangning was embarrassed to say that she wanted to surprise her junior. Just when she didn't know how to explain it, Tang Ju raised his head and asked with a smile: "Xiang Ning, is this salted fish?"

"should be."

"I haven't seen him for a long time. Pick him up quickly. I want to talk to him."

Mayor Hou couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Mayor Xiang Ning, is your lover checking the post?"

"He dares to check my position? I'm almost checking his position." Han Xiangning chuckled and pressed the call button on his mobile phone. Seeing Tang Ju and Sister Zhu winking, he could only press the hands-free button.

"Ning Ning, Dongdong passed the re-selection test!"

"What check-up, what test?"

"The check-in test for recruiting pilots."

This is definitely good news.

Han Xiangning was stunned and asked happily: "So Dongdong can really become a pilot?"

"It's not that simple. This is just a re-election. After the re-election, there will be a final selection." Han Yu sat in the police room of Changhang Hospital, holding up the phone and explaining: "The prerequisite for the final selection is that the college entrance examination score must reach a certain level." If you don’t do well in the exam and don’t reach the top line, you will have no choice but to be sent to Donghai Jiaotong University.”

If you can't reach the top line, you can only be sent to Donghai Jiaotong University?

The Changzhou Municipal People's Government currently only has two temporary deputy mayors. Deputy Mayor Jiang, who was already sour these days, was worried about his son's poor performance in the college entrance examination. Hearing Han Xiangning's phone call with Han Yu, he felt even more sour.

You must know that it is Donghai Jiaotong University, a prestigious university that is guaranteed to be admitted. No one else can get into it, but it sounds like that relative of her family seems to be very reluctant to be sent there.

At this time, Sister Zhu couldn't help but ask: "Xianyu, how are Dongdong's grades now?"

"Zhu Ju?"

"Well, Ning Ning and I are together, and Tang Ju is also here."

"Tangju has returned to Binjiang?"

"Let's talk about Dongdong first. Can he become a pilot?"

"My current grades are not bad. The teacher said that as long as I perform normally, there should be no problem if I reach the top line. But who can say for sure about exams? What if I don't perform well on the spot? What if I catch a cold again like I did during the re-election today? What should I do if I have a fever?”

Dongdong is a child who participated in the 98 flood fight.

When I first went to Jingjiang to fight floods and rescue operations, I took good care of Dongdong. Later, the flood peaks came one after another, and it became a real storm. Everyone was determined to live and die with the embankment, and the same was true for Dongdong.

It is said that at the most dangerous time, Shen Fan, who was said to have led the team to fight the flood but had hardly given any orders, gave an order to Xianyu through Lao Ge with tears in his eyes, asking Dongdong to get on the boat quickly.

But who could care at that time, and even if he wanted Dongdong to evacuate the breached embankment, he might not be able to find where Dongdong was.

In short, the Linghai Reserve Battalion is not only the reserve camp of Linghai, but also the reserve camp of several law enforcement units on the river. And Dongdong, just like Xianyu and Han Xiangning when they were teenagers, has become one of the children most concerned about by the leaders of several law enforcement units on the river.

Dongdong passed the recruitment review. Sister Zhu was happy from the bottom of her heart. She was about to ask if Dongdong was with Xianyu and wanted to congratulate Dongdong. Han Yu continued: "Even if you have good scores in the college entrance examination, you can enter smoothly." Aviation schools may also be eliminated. Anyway, not all flight students can eventually become pilots."

"I have confidence in Dongdong. The 1998 flood fight was so dangerous and difficult, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. How could he be eliminated? By the way, let me say a few words to Dongdong."

"He's back to school. He's about to take the college entrance examination and has to study in the evening."

"Didn't you say he was sick?"

"You have to go back to school even if you are sick. After taking the re-examination test, he came back, got an injection, took some medicine, and then he went to school. He worked harder than I thought, and it was much harder than when I took the high school entrance examination. He studied by himself every night It’s going to be up until twelve o’clock.”

Sister Zhu felt Han Xiangning tugging on her sleeve, and realized that she wanted to help Han Xiangning keep it secret, so she simply changed the subject: "Xianyu, did you see Director Feng when you went to the East China Sea this time?"

"See, Director Feng and my brother-in-law supervised the modification of the first freighter of the reserve transport group. Now it has to be inspected and accepted, and of course he has to be present. Today Dongdong is participating in the recruitment review, and Director Feng is also there. We will have lunch at noon Let’s eat together.”

"Did you ask him when he would come back to Binjiang to visit?"

"Four reserve transport groups have to be formed at the same time. How can he have time to return to Binjiang?"

Tang Bureau really wanted to chat with Han Yu, so he came over and asked, "Xianyu, if Dongdong doesn't perform well, he can only be admitted to Donghai Jiaotong University. What major will he study then?"

"It must be a major in ship driving. What else can he learn besides this."

Han Yu smiled and added: "But it is different now. Many colleges and universities are now recruiting national defense students. Dongdong's starting point is relatively high, and the conditions in all aspects are better. National defense students can definitely be selected, and there is no need to go to college. Pay the tuition, and if you're lucky, you can get a job as a student captain or student union cadre."

How come other people’s children are so outstanding!

Vice Mayor Jiang felt more and more unhappy the more he heard this, and he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Sister Zhu also wanted to give Han Yu a surprise. She was afraid that Tang Ju would get confused while chatting, so she took over the conversation and said a few more words before decisively hanging up the phone.

Mayor Hou asked curiously: "Mayor Xiang Ning, what did your wife go to Donghai to inspect?"

"On the East China Sea, relying on the two shipping companies COSCO and China Shipping, four reserve transportation groups have been established. These four groups cannot only have commanders and fighters but no transport ships. The existing cargo ships of the two shipping companies are all merchant ships, which cannot meet combat needs. , so it needs to be modified.”

Han Xiangning took the mobile phone and put it in his pocket, sat down and added: "The establishment of a reserve transportation force relying on COSCO and China Shipping was proposed by him when he participated in the joint sea-crossing exercise of the three services on the southeast coast last year. The head of the Nanjing Military Region and the East China Sea Fleet I had an impression of him. The freighter had been refitted and needed to be inspected, so I called him on."

"Your lover's suggestion was adopted by the superior!"

"He was an observer at the exercise headquarters. It was his job to find deficiencies and make suggestions."

"He is a reserve officer. Can a reserve officer also serve as an observer?"

"He mainly observed the militia reserve troops participating in the exercise."

"I almost forgot that he brought out a model unit like the Linghai Reserve. His superiors were deeply impressed by him and it was normal for him to be entrusted with important tasks."

Mayor Hou was really envious of Ling Hai. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "Mayor Xiang Ning, although you, the first secretary of the Changzhou Reserve Battalion, cannot be appointed until Secretary Chu comes back, you must enter your role as soon as possible and give full play to your talents. , set up our Changzhou Reserve Battalion, and do it well."

Tang Ju couldn't help but joked: "Mayor Hou, Xiang Ning is very capable, but you can't use Xiang Ning to death."

"We are not trying to kill Mayor Xiang Ning, we are putting a burden on Mayor Xiang Ning!"

At the same time, after making a good news call to his senior sister, Han Yu was reminiscing with Shao Lei, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"I haven't seen Lin Xiaohui for several years. How is she now?"

"Why mention her?"

"Back then, you went all the way to the East China Sea to pursue her, and you asked me to call her. She also asked me to bring you something. Why can't you even mention it now!" Han Xiangning is not here, and Shao Lei has no scruples. , teasing with a wicked smile.

Han Yu subconsciously looked behind him to confirm that his elder sister was not there, and said in a pleading tone: "Brother Shao, can you please stop mentioning the past? If the news reaches Ning Ning's ears, although she won't kneel on the washboard, she will Definitely not going to be happy."

"Don't you have some contacts?"

"She has dealings with Lin Xiaohui, not me. If I have dealings with Lin Xiaohui, then that's okay!"


"What are you laughing at?"

"A strict wife has no future!"

"Stop making fun of the second brother. You're not much better. You should wash your clothes now, so I don't have to wash them."

Shao Lei couldn't see his arrogance, so he took out his wallet and slapped it on the desk: "I have money, do you have it?"

Han Yu was immediately frightened, but felt that he should not be too timid. He said plausibly: "We mainly buy houses one after another, and the loan repayment pressure is high. This is a special situation. If it were not for buying a house, I would have more money than you... than you !”

"Your salary is higher than mine, I admit it. But when it comes to pocket money, haha."

"What's the meaning?"

"You know it yourself."

Isn’t it embarrassing to let your wife manage money?

Han Yu was muttering secretly when his cell phone suddenly rang.

As usual, I took a look at the caller ID and called back from the landline of the Changhang Hospital Police Office of the Public Security Detachment of Changhang Donghai Branch.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

"Dongdong really recruited?"

"The re-election passed..." Han Yu explained again and reminded: "Xiaoyu, this is long-distance. Although I don't need to pay the phone bill, the long-distance call is too expensive. If there is nothing else, I will hang up. "

"Wait, something happened." Xiaoyu sat in the dormitory of Lao Ge and his wife. He looked at Lao Ge and said with a suppressed smile: "Xianyugan, from today on, you are Mayor Han's lover. See you later. Mayor Han must be respected."

"Mayor Han's lover."

"you do not know?"

"If you don't know anything, just say it quickly and don't waste the phone bill."

"Sister Xiang Ning has become the deputy mayor of Changzhou City, and she is also the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee!"

Han Yu straightforwardly thought that Xiaoyu was talking nonsense because he drank too much. He laughed and said, "Ning Ning is the deputy mayor and a member of the Standing Committee. Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding you. Sister Xiang Ning is really the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee of Changzhou. Uncle Ge and my wife are here. If you don't believe me, you can ask Uncle Ge."

"real or fake?"

"Really," Lao Ge took the mobile phone handed over by Xiaoyu, raised it to his ear and said with a smile: "The temporary appointment is for two years. The temporary appointment was announced this afternoon. Director Tang came back from Jiangcheng to meet with Director Xu and Director Zhu. The bureau sent her to take office together."

Han Yu couldn't believe his ears. After all, he was the deputy mayor, and he was a permanent deputy mayor. No matter how powerful the senior is, it is impossible for her to become the deputy mayor, let alone a member of the Standing Committee of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Lao Ge didn't know that he was shocked, and continued: "But she is only a deputy mayor candidate now. The temporary deputy mayor is also the deputy mayor. According to the procedure, it must be approved by the Changzhou Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee."

"Uncle Ge, how could Ning Ning go to Changzhou to take up a post?"

"I don't know about this, but her confidentiality work is very tight, and I only found out about it in the evening."

"The Director of Maritime Affairs has done a good job, why did he go to Changzhou to take up a temporary post? Uncle Ge, let me call her first and ask her what's going on!"

"Wait, don't hang up right now!"

"Uncle Ge, what else can you do?"

Lao Ge could understand Han Yu's feelings at this moment. After all, being Mayor Han's lover does hurt his self-esteem. He couldn't help but smile: "Xianyu, Ning Ning has been silently supporting you for so many years. She even went to the East China Sea to learn how to sail. She's been waiting for you for years. She supports you and you should support her work."

Han Yu found it a little difficult to accept that his senior sister had become the deputy mayor, and said with a grimace: "But she must have known about such a big matter in advance. She knew clearly without telling me or discussing it with me."

"She might want to surprise you."

"What a surprise!"

"Isn't it a surprise to be the deputy mayor? Anyway, your wife and I are very happy."

How could Xiaoyu miss this opportunity to add insult to injury? He couldn't help but come over and said with a smile: "Dried salted fish, Sister Xiang Ning will be the deputy mayor. I am also very happy and honored."

"You have face, I have no face!"

"You are being chauvinistic. Besides, Sister Xiang Ning has always been at a higher level than you. When she asked you to take minor subjects, you were the main one. When you asked her to take the minor subjects, she was already the main one. You finally took up the main subjects, and she took the deputy ones again. place."

"This is different."

"What's the difference? I think it's almost the same."

Yuzhen is too capable, and Xiaoyu has always had no status.

Now that Xianyu has no status and has become Mayor Han's lover, Xiaoyu is of course happy.

Lao Ge didn't want to let Xiaoyu irritate Xianyu, so he held Xiao Siqi in one hand and held up the mobile phone in the other hand and said sincerely: "Xianyu, Xiaoyu is right, we can't engage in male chauvinism. Again, you have to To support Ning Ning’s work, we must maintain Ning Ning’s prestige at all times. You must know that she is now the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee and cannot lose her prestige.”

My wife became the deputy mayor. Is there any mistake?

Thinking that after the senior sister became the deputy mayor, she would definitely participate in various social activities. Han Yu couldn't be happy anymore and muttered: "She will be her deputy mayor and I will be my policeman. I just pretend that I don't know. It’s okay if we don’t offend the river.”

"Xianyu, what's your attitude?"

"I'm not a male chauvinist. If I were a male chauvinist, I wouldn't let her take charge. I just think she should discuss such a big matter with me."

"You can't blame anyone else, you can only blame yourself. You let her be the boss and let her have the final say in everything. She is used to not discussing it with you. Who can you blame?"

"This is different."

It’s easy to be the woman behind a successful man.

But being the man behind a successful woman is not an easy task.

Lao Ge could understand Han Yu's feelings at this moment, and couldn't help but smile: "Bureau Feng should know, and Yu Xiangqian and Zhang Junyan will probably know soon. Since I can't do your ideological work, I can only let them do it. "

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