Riverside police

Chapter 942 Disowning relatives!

On the morning of the 6th, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Changhang Public Security Bureau, the Changhang Shipping Branch officially kicked off a large-scale investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards around key locations such as dangerous goods port enterprises, terminals, and oil depots.

Han Yu personally led the team and started the inspection from Binjiang Port.

Binjiang Port No. 2 Floating Crane Terminal was the first to hit the muzzle. Since the floating crane pier was floating in the river, the operators had to take transportation boats when changing shifts. The dock director and transportation boat driver violated the regulations and went to the floating crane to facilitate refueling. Four large barrels of gasoline were stored on the deck.

This is a major fire safety hazard. A spark can cause a fire on the floating crane dock. The wind on the river is strong. Once a fire breaks out, the fire can quickly spread to the cargo ships docked at the floating crane dock for loading and unloading!

In addition, there were also problems with the fire-fighting equipment at the floating crane wharf. Han Yu immediately asked the fire-fighting policemen who were inspecting the scene to issue four fines totaling 2,000 yuan in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Fire Protection Law" to the traffic boat driver who stored gasoline without authorization. The officer was sentenced to five days of administrative detention.

When the news reached the shore, everyone was shocked!

You must know that the salary of the Changhang Branch police officers still comes from the Binjiang Port Group. The floating crane that was investigated is a meritorious ship. In 1998, under the leadership of Han Yu, he went to Jingjiang to fight floods and rescued dangers.

The dock director, deputy director and several team leaders, including the detained traffic boat driver, are all pre-appointed officers and soldiers of the Linghai Reserve Battalion, and they are also Han Yu's old subordinates. No one could believe that Han Yu would deny his relatives and send his old subordinates who had worked together to fight floods and rescue operations to a detention center.

The inspection is still continuing, and according to the latest news, as of five minutes ago, Binjiang Port had been fined as much as 18,000 yuan.

Gu Pengfei was so worried that he didn't dare to call Han Yu and contacted Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu was also checking and had no time to answer. He could only find the Maritime Safety Administration in a hurry and asked Wu Haili, director of the Maritime Safety Administration's transportation center, to intercede.

Wu Haili was very embarrassed. He stared at him and asked, "It's so hot. The deck is so hot that you can fry an egg. Can four large barrels of gasoline be left open on the deck like this?"

"I don't know, the floating crane dock is not under my control now!"

"Since it's none of your business, why are you anxious?"

"Old Sun has been detained, can I not be in a hurry?" Gu Pengfei asked back, with a grimace: "Mr. Yang just called me and said that it would be easy to pay a fine, but no one can go in. Besides, it's not like Old Sun is Outsiders, he is our comrade!"

Han Yu would not operate on himself for no reason.

Wu Haili really didn't want to help make this call, so he was silent for a moment and asked: "Where is Fang Guoya? Does Fang Guoya know about Lao Sun's detention?"

"I know, but he can't care about it right now."

"What is he busy with?"

"Xianyu is taking people to inspect pier after pier, and fines and rectification notices are issued one after another. Fang Guoya not only has to arrange people to go to the piers that have not been inspected to see if there are any safety hazards, but also organizes people Seize the time to make rectifications. Mr. Yang has given a fatal order, and production must not be affected by fire inspections!"

Wu Haili asked in shock: "What Xianyu issued is a notice of suspension of work and rectification?"

Gu Pengfei confirmed with a frown: "As long as there is a problem, all loading and unloading operations at the relevant terminals will be stopped!"

If the terminal stops operating for one day, it will cause tens or even millions of losses.

Wu Haili realized the seriousness of the problem and whispered: "You have a sip of tea first, and I'll go find out what's going on."

"Okay, hurry up."

Comrade Lao Wu hurried to the deputy director's office. When he saw Sister Zhu, he said eagerly: "Director Zhu, Xianyu is crazy. He is conducting a fire safety inspection. Not only did he issue a ticket to Binjiang Port, but he also gave Binjiang Port several Notice of work suspension and rectification under the pier!”


"You should have an impression of Lao Sun from the floating crane dock. Lao Sun thought it was troublesome to go to the gas station to refuel, so he stored four large barrels of gasoline in the open on the deck of the floating crane. Xianyu didn't show mercy at all and actually wanted to detain Lao Sun!"

"That's all?" Sister Zhu asked calmly.

"Isn't this enough?" Wu Haili was really worried about Xianyu and reminded: "The leaders of Binjiang Port have always been very supportive of his work. He cannot be indiscriminate. Besides, even if a new official takes office and has to burn three fires, he is not as good as him. Burnt.”

Lao Wu is not an outsider.

Sister Zhu walked over, closed the door, and whispered: "The Changhang Branch Water Fire Fighting Detachment was sued because of the previous liability determination for the fire accident. If this lawsuit continues, it will not only lose again, but also have a worse impact."

“What does this have to do with the fines imposed on Binjiang Port and the detention of Binjiang Port employees?”

"I'm not done yet."

Sister Zhu returned to her seat and explained patiently: "If you lose the lawsuit, it is not as simple as issuing a new liability determination for the fire accident. You also have to pay the litigation fees. The litigation fees alone are 500,000. How can the Changhang Branch have so many money."

Wu Haili reacted: "Xianyu is imposing fines?"

Sister Zhu smiled and said: "Take the hardest bones first, use Binjiang Port first, punish even the financial backers of their branch, and even arrest his own old subordinates, so there will be no resistance to the subsequent investigation. Do you think I think, if another unit is inspected and there are problems with the inspection, even if they want to intercede, they will not be able to say anything."

"But what should I do, Old Sun?"

"Didn't you just say that Lao Sun did violate the fire safety management regulations and stored four large barrels of gasoline on the deck in the open? This is too irresponsible. He deserves his own fault for being detained!"

Sister Zhu paused for a moment, then continued: "And it is a good thing for us to strictly investigate and punish key points. Our maritime affairs department also has the responsibility of fire safety management. If nothing happens, it will be fine. If there is a major fire, it will be a salty fish." Life is hard, and our life is also hard.”

In the past, fire safety on the river was mainly under the jurisdiction of maritime affairs.

Nowadays, fire safety on the river is mainly managed by the Changhang Shipping Branch, but the Maritime Safety Administration still has the responsibility for fire safety management.

From this perspective, everything Xianyu has done is really a dream for the Maritime Safety Administration.

Wu Haili was not sure what to say, so Sister Zhu said lightly: "Old Wu, even if you don't come to me, I will call you later. Xianyu is short of funds, and in water fire safety management They do have an advantage over us. After you go back, notify the Marine Departments. Whenever you find a ship with fire safety hazards or violation of fire regulations, contact the Changsha Branch Water Fire Fighting Detachment to investigate and deal with it."

This is to help Xianyu get fined...

How could Wu Haili not hear Sister Zhu's good intentions? He nodded quickly: "Understood, I'll go back and inform you right away."

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The enterprises and institutions along the river are each larger than the last.

Just as Han Yu was personally leading a team to conduct major fire safety inspections and renovations at several docks in Binjiang Port, fire police from the detachment and full-time fire police from several police stations were conducting the same inspections of businesses along the shoreline.

The oil company's oil reserves had eleven fire safety hazards, big and small. Not only were they issued a stack of fines, but they were also ordered to suspend operations for rectification. Binjiang No. 2 Chemical Plant had even more fire safety hazards...

China is a humane society.

No matter who encounters something, the first thing they think of is to find someone.

Party and government leaders in Gangzha District, Chonggang District, Development Zone, and even Changzhou and Linghai quickly received the news and called Han Yu in unison.

However, no matter how hard he called, he couldn't get through. Han Yu had expected that someone would intercede, so he turned off his phone early this morning.

The district and county leaders were not familiar with Qi Bureau, and they knew very well that regarding the "Admiral of the Binjiang Navy", it might not be possible to find the foreign monk from Qi Bureau, so they thought of Vice Mayor Qin.

Vice Mayor Qin can't do anything else. He can't even answer the phone.

"Are you saying that the fire safety inspection of Changhang Branch has affected the production and operation of enterprises in your jurisdiction?"

"He didn't care about anything and just issued a notice of suspension and rectification. Wouldn't the suspension affect production and operations?"

"Didn't you warn the relevant companies first?"

"If I want to talk about warnings, I have warned them before, but some problems cannot be solved in a short time. For example, building a fire escape or laying fire water pipelines requires a lot of construction, funding, and a process."

Vice Mayor Qin, like Sister Zhu, knew yesterday that Han Yu was trying to get money to fill the holes dug by the Changhang Branch Water Fire Fighting Team. As the deputy mayor in charge of industry, he did not want to see the safety of those enterprises along the river. Hidden danger.

He was silent for a moment and said coldly: "I warned you beforehand, even warned you, but you didn't take it seriously. Now that they are serious about it, who can you blame? Moreover, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and it is a period of high fire risk." , what should we do if we don’t make corrections in time and a fire breaks out?”

"Mayor Qin, I understand what you are saying, but can you give our company some time?"

"I can't have the final say on these matters. They are a vertical management unit, and the superiors have made it clear that the fire safety on the river and shoreline is under their control. They are performing their duties. How do you ask me to help you greet them."

At the same time, Han Xiangning was also confused.

Changzhou's coastline to the east of Binjiang City is short and there are not many companies on the coastline, but its coastline to the west of Binjiang City is long, especially the section next to Gaoru has four shipyards alone.

Half an hour ago, the four shipyards were punished and ordered by the Changhang Shipping Branch to stop work for rectification because they did not use open flames in accordance with regulations, had workers smoking in places with fire and explosion risks, and had inadequate fire protection facilities.

The person in charge of the shipyard called Secretary Chu. Secretary Chu immediately thought that Han Yu was Han Xiangning's lover, and called Han Xiangning to help find a solution quickly.

How to "solve" this kind of thing?

Han Xiangning figured out the situation, dialed Secretary Chu's cell phone, and said with a grimace: "Secretary Chu, Xianyu's phone is turned off, and I can't get through either."

"It's impossible for him to check on the river alone. If you are familiar with the Changhang Branch, call and ask who is with him."

"I called and asked. This matter may not be easy to handle."

"Comrade Xiang Ning, I understand the situation in your family. As long as you make a statement, your wife dares not to implement it?"

"Secretary Chu, he would listen to me on other matters, but he probably won't listen to this matter."

Han Xiangning took a few deep breaths and said with a wry smile: "There is an employee in Binjiang Port who serves as a reserve in the Linghai Reserve Battalion. Back then, he went to Beihu to fight the flood and rescued people because he had illegally stored four containers on the deck of the floating crane pier. A large barrel of gasoline was taken into administrative detention just this morning.

That was his old subordinate, with whom he had a life-long friendship, but he violated fire safety management regulations, so he just sent him to a detention center. Binjiang Port was the former Port Authority, and the leaders of the Port Authority had always cared about him, but he was still punished and punished, and work was suspended for rectification. "

Meeting a guy who didn't recognize his relatives and sent an old subordinate with whom he had a life-long friendship to a detention center, what else could Secretary Chu say? He was silent for a moment and said helplessly: "In that case, forget it. I'll call those bosses. , let them make rectifications as required as soon as possible.”

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