Riverside police

Chapter 943 Set off!

All beginnings are hard.

Han Yu has made a good start, and the next work will be easy to carry out.

Li Guangrong took over temporary charge of water firefighting from Han Yu, who had just gone on a business trip, and personally led a team to inspect a shipbuilding company.

He doesn’t understand fire protection, but the police do. Leading the team in person mainly reflects the emphasis on fire protection inspections and rectification.

While Li Mingsheng, the captain of the water fire brigade, and the person in charge of the shipbuilding and repairing plant were inspecting the operation area, another call from the Maritime Safety Administration Traffic Control Center came over the intercom.

"Li Zhi, Li Zhi, this is the Traffic Control Center of the Maritime Safety Administration. Please answer when you receive it."

"Received, received, please speak to the traffic control."

"The Second Coast Patrol Brigade discovered a seagoing ship illegally using open flames for welding on the deck 1.5 kilometers downstream of the No. 12 Yingchuang Port dedicated channel. Please arrange for the police to investigate and deal with it as soon as possible."

"received, thank you."

"Wait a minute, the Linghai Maritime Department reported that during a routine inspection at No. 3 Anchorage in Sanhe Waters, an inland river freighter was found to have illegally stored gasoline in the engine room. Please arrange for people to investigate and deal with it."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

The Changhang Navigation Branch has been assisting in maritime law enforcement over the years.

Now the situation is reversed. The Maritime Safety Administration continues to provide the Changhang Navigation Branch with various clues about violations of water fire management regulations.

Li Mingsheng felt like he was dreaming, so he quickly walked aside and called the deputy directors in charge of fire protection at Binjiang Police Station and Linghai Police Station.

Li Guangrong heard it clearly and secretly lamented that the "Admiral of Binjiang Navy" was worthy of being a "local snake". He could even mobilize several law enforcement units on the river to impose fines.

At this moment, the armed police at the Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station performing surveillance duties on the river, the water law enforcement officers from the Water Conservancy Supervision Brigade patrolling the river, and the water law enforcement officers from the Maritime Safety Administration are all helping the Changhang Branch to pay attention to violations. Clues to Water Fire Safety Management Regulations.

There is no resistance to law enforcement on the shore. With so many units on the river cooperating, it shouldn't be difficult to get half a million.

Just when he was thinking about whether he could fill the hole before Han Yu came back, Han Yu's plane had already shot into the blue sky and was climbing.

The investment in building Binjiang Airport was so huge that it even mobilized donations from cadres and the masses across the city. However, after so many years of construction and operation, not many routes have been opened.

There is only one international route, flying to Japan, and there are only two flights per week.

There are only four domestic routes: Capital City, Guangzhou, Feishan City and Anxi, and they do not fly every day. It has indeed played a role in Binjiang's economic development, but in the eyes of the public, it has not solved Binjiang's traffic problems.

Lao Ge overlooked the Yangtze River below through the porthole window and said with emotion: "It's faster to fly, but there is no route to the East China Sea. If Binjiang wants to develop, it still relies on expressways. The only way is to build the Yangtze River Bridge to connect the East China Sea. Only by building the expressway can we fundamentally solve the traffic problems in Binjiang."

He has been the traffic director for so many years, so it is normal for him to feel this way.

Han Yu didn't want to discuss with him the things that leaders should worry about, so he asked with a smile: "Uncle Ge, why aren't Master's wife and Xiao Siqi here?"

"I'm here to help Ningning attract business. You're on a business trip. Why is she bringing her children here?"

"Let's go see Mingyuan and Zhang Lan by the way."

"No matter what you do, you must distinguish between public and private matters. I have retired, and I don't want to be gossiped behind my back anymore."

Two division-level leaders led a team to Guangzhou to attract investment. Staff from the Binjiang Development Zone Management Committee helped Luo Hongxin and Han Xiangning book business class.

Han Xiangning sat in the front, while Han Yu and Lao Ge sat in the economy class at the back with the accompanying persons from both families.

Han Yu looked forward and asked curiously: "Uncle Ge, do you think Ning Ning can gain something from going to Guangzhou this time?"

"As long as you find your position correctly, you won't come away empty-handed."

Lao Ge thought for a while and then said: "But attracting investment is nothing else. Even investing in a small factory will cost millions. Investment is risky. Merchants must be very cautious. People cannot make decisions when their heads are hot. They have to come to the field. Inspection and evaluation are required. In short, this is something that cannot be rushed. The work that Ning Ning is doing now will probably not really bear fruit until one or two years later."

Han Yu thought so too. In fact, Han Xiangning also realized this.

He is not as eager for quick success and quick profit as before, and he does not dare to expect much political achievements during his two-year temporary term. He is even mentally prepared to make a wedding dress for others.

Han Yu pondered for a moment and asked, "What does it mean to find the correct position?"

"A shopping mall is like a battlefield. When attracting investment, you need to know yourself and your enemy just like fighting a war. You must first figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are."

Lao Ge smiled and patiently analyzed: "For example, Binjiang Development Zone has many preferential policies. It is relatively close to Binjiang City and has relatively complete infrastructure. It is precisely because of its good foundation and good location that it can enjoy preferential policies. If there are too many, the land price will not be cheap.”

Han Yu reacted and asked with a smile: "So Ning Ning's advantage is that industrial land is cheaper than Binjiang Development Zone?"

"That's an advantage, but there's a bigger advantage."

"What advantage?"


Lao Ge smiled and said confidently: "The industrial land in Ningning cannot be sold at a high price now, but it does not mean that it will not be sold at a high price in the future. When the Yangtze River Bridge is built and the highway is built, the transportation advantages will be reflected. Got it!

The same piece of land is now sold for 20,000 to 30,000 acres. When the Yangtze River Bridge is built and the highway is built, the price will at least double, and one acre can be sold for fifty to sixty thousand.

The merchants in Dongguang, especially the bosses in Hong Kong, are so smart! As long as we can convince people that the Yangtze River Bridge and Expressway are not just plans, people will definitely take the appreciation of land into account. It's the same as opening a factory. Normal production and operation are profitable, and the appreciation of land value can create benefits. I will definitely be interested. "

Han Yu understood as if enlightened, looked at him with a smile and asked: "Uncle Ge, this time you went to Guangzhou not to attract business, but to sell land. Is this the trick you gave Ning Ningzhi?"

"Isn't attracting investment just selling land? I'm looking at the essence through the phenomenon. Besides, selling land is not inconsistent with economic development."

"I understand. I wish you immediate success."

"By the way, you made such a big fuss yesterday. Do you know what people said about you?"

"What do people say about me?"

"It's a bit exaggerated to say that you, as a new official, made a fuss the first time you took office. You were simply vicious."

"I have no choice. Besides, water fire safety management is different from other jobs. It's not a bad thing to be stricter and impose more penalties. Otherwise, if a major fire breaks out, it will not only cause huge economic losses, but even kill people." !”

"But people don't think so. Many people only look at immediate interests." Lao Ge sighed and said in a low voice: "You are the deputy director, there is no need to rush to the front in everything. Qi Zhikun and Dong Xiangyun are the leaders of the Changhang Branch. Man, why should they act like cowards and let you offend so many people?"

"Qi Bureau and Political Commissar Dong are also under great pressure, and the work they have to do is more difficult than mine."

"What pressure are they under?"

"We are going to transfer the administrative structure, which means we have to separate from the Binjiang Port Group. It would be easier if Binjiang Port belongs to the Ministry of Transport as before. They all belong to the same system. As long as the superiors say a word, there will be no one who suffers and who takes advantage. matter."

Han Yu took a deep breath and continued: "But now Binjiang Port is not only a city enterprise, but also a joint-stock enterprise. People are not satisfied with giving us so much money every year. Now we want their houses, cars and even land, and even want to Retired old comrades leave it to others, so you can imagine how difficult this negotiation will be."

"Qi Zhikun is responsible for negotiating with Binjiang Port Group?"

"We have an internal division of labor. Bureau Qi is responsible for negotiating with Binjiang Port Group about the separation. Political Commissar Dong is responsible for the work of veteran police officers who cannot be transferred to civil servants, and is responsible for the placement of those veteran police officers. Director Ding is responsible for the work of retired veteran comrades. Li Guangrong and I are in charge of public security affairs, and now I have to go on a business trip again, so the business aspect depends entirely on Li Guangrong."

When it comes to the real interests of the unit and the vital interests of individuals, if you think about it carefully, Qi Zhikun, Dong Xiangyun and Ding Shuguang are under a lot of pressure, and the work they are responsible for is not easy to do.

Lao Ge nodded and sighed: "These past directors of your branch have not been easy. Zhang Junyan was appointed at a critical moment and served as the maintenance president for several years; He Bin came with a mission and was under the pressure of falling out with the Port Authority. The Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau has turned into a real Changhang Shipping Branch. Now it’s Qi Zhikun’s turn to make a smooth transition from industrial public security to formal public security.”

It’s not easy to be a leader, especially a top leader.

Han Yu could imagine that the job of the veteran policeman and veteran comrades was not easy to do, and Qi Bureau would not only be scolded by others, but might even be sued. He smiled bitterly and said: "Even if a smooth transition can be completed, it will only transform our branch from corporate police to corporate police." The only difference between industrial police and railway police and forest police is that we belong to the administrative establishment, and we police officers are all civil servants."

"I almost forgot. Even if you are converted to an administrative establishment, you will still be under the control of the Ministry of Transportation. In the final analysis, you will still be an industrial police officer."

“It is not just under the control of the Ministry of Transport, but under the dual management of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security.”

"Personnel matters are under the control of the Ministry of Transport, and business matters are under the control of the Ministry of Public Security?"

"Well, it's similar to the Smuggling Crime Investigation Bureau."

"By the way, when you arrive in Guangzhou, will you come with us or go directly to Zhanjiang?"

"Go directly to Zhanjiang. I said we would leave one day in advance, and Staff Wu also left for Guangzhou one day in advance. The plane we took landed first, and his plane arrived an hour and a half later than mine. I was waiting for him at the airport."

Lao Ge asked curiously: "Do you know which warships are visiting?"

"I know." When talking about this, Han Yu said excitedly: "There are two ships in total. One is the flagship of the South China Sea Fleet, which is the new destroyer 'Shen Zheng' built by our country. It was just commissioned a few years ago. Our new ship is very beautiful and advanced, and is known as the first ship in China!”

The flagship of the South China Sea Fleet is definitely the most advanced.

Lao Ge could understand Han Yu's excitement and asked with a smile: "Where is the other ship?"

Han Yu said in detail: "The other ship is the supply ship 'Nancang'. The 'Nancang' was refitted by Dchain Shipyard on the basis of an unfinished oil tanker purchased from Ukraine. It was incorporated into the South China Sea Fleet in 1996. , is the most advanced supply ship in the country.

There are four oil and water supply stations and two dry cargo supply stations. There is a telescopic hangar at the stern of the ship, which can take off and land straight 8 helicopters. It has the ability to carry out four directions of port drying and liquid, starboard dry and liquid, longitudinal liquid and vertical drying at the same time. supply capacity. There are also six cranes with strong anchorage supply capabilities. "

Lao Ge asked in a low voice: "What do "dry, liquid on the port side" and "dry, liquid on the starboard side" mean?

"The dry goods are dry goods, and the liquids are oil and fresh water. Sea supply operations can be carried out on the left, right, front and in the air at the same time."

"How much fuel can it hold, and can it ensure various supplies for the 'Shenzhen Ship' to Africa?"

"It can carry more than 9,000 tons of fuel. Including supplies such as ammunition, food and medicine, it can carry more than 23,000 tons." Han Yu thought for a while and added: "But this is just the design supply capacity. After all, this supply line The ship has only been in service for a few years and has not conducted any ocean voyages or real ocean replenishment, so this visit is not only a visit but also a training session for ocean voyages and ocean replenishment."

Lao Ge smiled and asked, "What are you responsible for?"

Han Yu smiled and said: "I am mainly responsible for communicating and coordinating with the merchant ships I encounter, officials of the national maritime agencies passing by, and officials of the relevant ports. After all, they are good at combat, and they have never traveled far or dealt with others. I don’t understand the navigation rules of the relevant countries and relevant international conventions.”

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