Riverside police

Chapter 944 Someone has to tell the truth!

The main tasks of the development zone are to attract investment, serve merchants and develop the economy.

Last night we received several Japanese businessmen. In order to make the Japanese businessmen feel at home, we ate Japanese food and drank sake.

Japanese food was not to Chinese taste, so Luo Hongxin barely moved his chopsticks.

The alcohol content of Japanese sake is not high, and it is easier to drink like a drink. A few Japanese can drink it, one cup after another. Luo Hongxin thinks that he has a good drinker, so of course he will accompany him to the end.

It turned out that because it was so easy to drink, I drank too much without realizing it. I didn’t feel anything at the time. After I went back in the evening, I felt very uncomfortable. Only then did I realize that sake has a lot of stamina, and I haven’t gotten over it until today.

I had a splitting headache. As soon as I got on the plane, I pinched my temples and closed my eyes to rest. After squinting, he actually fell asleep. It wasn't until the flight attendant said that the plane would land soon, reminding him to fasten his seat belt and put away the small table that Luo Hongxin discovered that Han Xiangning was sitting in the window seat on the left side of the aisle. There were only two rows in total. They were the only two passengers in the four-seat business class cabin.

"Director Luo, are you awake?"

"Mayor Han, I'm sorry, did I snore just now?"

"It hit, it was quite loud." Han Xiangning turned around and smiled: "Director Luo, you are the elder, you should just call me Xiang Ning or Xiao Han like before."

Luo Hongxin took the towel from the flight attendant and wiped her face. She braced herself and said, "You can yell like that when there are no outsiders, but not outside. Otherwise, if it gets to the ears of your Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou, they will say something about me again." Relying on the old and betraying the old."

"How is that possible? Besides, I am your junior."

I have repeatedly emphasized that I am an elder. Does this mean that I should not bully the younger generation?

Luo Hongxin was a little embarrassed. She took out her phone and looked at the time, and immediately changed the topic: "Xiang Ning, didn't Salted Fish say we were here together? Where are the others?"

"In the back, sit with Ge Tiao."

"Ge Weidong from Linghai is here too?"

Han Xiangning smiled and explained: "Ge Diao is now the investment consultant of our Daqiao Industrial Park."

Lao Ge's official position is not great, but his reputation is not small.

In the 1998 flood fighting and rescue operation, he forcibly turned the Binjiang flood fighting and rescue assault camp into the Linghai reserve camp, opened the "Linghai Hotel" in Jingjiang, which attracted the attention of the whole country, and even posted in Beihu "Where to work this year, China Linghai Development area” advertising.

The development zone was miserably deceived by that old fox. It cost people, money, and efforts, but in the end nothing was gained. The then mayor of Linghai was even asked to beat gongs and drums and go to the development zone to deliver good news.

Luo Hongxin was deeply impressed by Lao Ge. When he heard that Lao Ge had a headache on the plane, he was silent for a moment and said unhappily: "How on earth do the Party and Government Office and the Investment Promotion Bureau do things? They know that Lao Ge and Xianyu are both here. Why?" Let them sit in the back!"

Han Xiangning knew very well that Luo Hongxin was not really angry with his subordinates, he just didn't like Lao Ge coming to help Changzhou attract investment. He said nonchalantly: "Xianyu was going on a business trip, but he was just dropping by with us. Xianyu's air ticket was not booked by your management committee. .As for Ge Diao, our park investment promotion office only reported the name and ID number to your development zone investment promotion bureau, and forgot to mention the position. The staff did not understand the situation, and we cannot blame them."

"This can't be done. I have to go say hello to them."

"Sir, the plane is circling for landing and cannot move around." The stewardess was startled and reminded quickly.

Han Xiangning also smiled and said: "Director Luo, there is no need to be so polite, they are not outsiders."

"This is etiquette." Luo Hongxin looked outside through the porthole window and confirmed that the plane was continuously lowering its altitude. He could only give up the idea of ​​saying hello to Han Yu and Lao Ge.

At 3:26, the plane landed safely and taxied to the parking space.

Many passengers couldn't wait to unbuckle their seat belts, stand up, open the lid of the luggage rack and take out their luggage, hoping to get off the plane quickly.

Business class passengers enjoy priority boarding and disembarkation.

Luo Hongxin also had a secretary, so he didn't have to worry about his luggage at all. He didn't even need to bring a briefcase. After confirming that his cell phone was not lost, he very gentlemanly let Han Xiangning, who had just taken off his bag, go ahead.

At this time, the flight attendant suddenly said apologetically: "Boy, I'm sorry, please wait a moment."

The plane didn't approach the bridge, so it probably wasn't parked properly, or maybe the disembarking ramp wasn't set up properly. Luo Hongxin simply sat back down and said with a smile, "It's okay, don't worry."

I have to say goodbye to my junior brother soon.

Han Xiangning didn't want to go ahead with Luo Hongxin in the car specially designed to pick up business class passengers, so she sat down and looked back behind her.

Han Yu didn’t have much luggage and didn’t check it in.

As soon as I took off my luggage, I heard the flight attendant calling me over the radio.

"Dear passengers, the plane has not stopped yet, please go back to your seats and wait. Attention, Mr. Han, 37D, please bring your carry-on luggage to the front, and please give way to the passengers standing in the aisle."

"37D...Xianyu, I'm calling you!" Lao Ge reminded.

Han Yu was confused and said quickly: "Here he comes."

Luo Hongxin heard it clearly and subconsciously turned around and asked, "Xiang Ning, are you calling salted fish?"

"It seems so." Han Xiangning felt strange. She looked at the flight attendant who specialized in business class and asked, "Miss, do you have anything to do with Mr. Han?"

"It was informed by our flight attendant. I'm not sure."

Just as he was talking, Han Yu was already looking at the passengers in astonishment, carrying his luggage and thanking the passengers who gave way, and followed an older stewardess to the front.

"Xianyu, what are you..."

"Director Luo, I'm sorry, this lady said I have to get off the plane first." Han Yu ignored Luo Hongxin's handshake and said sideways: "Ning Ning, I'll go down first to see what's going on, and I'll call you later. .”


"Mr. Han, please come this way."

The flight attendant did not expect that the person the military wanted to pick up actually knew the business class passengers. While escorting Han Yu off the plane, he motioned to his colleagues to ask the two business class passengers to follow him.

Han Xiangning and Luo Hongxin walked to the newly opened hatch and were surprised to find a military vehicle parked under the gangway, with a Navy Lieutenant Colonel waiting beside the vehicle.

Although the steward was wearing high heels, it did not affect his speed down the gangway at all. He walked quickly to the naval lieutenant colonel, looked back at Han Yu who was following him, and said with a smile: "Chief, this is Mr. Han."

"Thank you, we know each other."

The naval lieutenant colonel raised his hand and saluted. Without waiting for Han Yu to return the salute, he held Han Yu's hand tightly and said enthusiastically: "Comrade Han Yu, we meet again."

Han Yu, a colleague who participated in the Dongshan Island tri-service joint sea-crossing combat exercise as an observer last year, asked excitedly: "Zhang Chu, why did you come to pick me up in person?"

"This is not the place to talk. Get in the car first and I'll talk."


There were many passengers waiting to get off the plane. Han Yu didn't want to waste their time, so he opened the door and climbed into the military vehicle without saying goodbye to his senior sister and Luo Hongxin who had just stepped off the gangway.

Watching the military vehicle slowly drive away from the parking space under the guidance of an airport command vehicle, Luo Hongxin sighed: "The army vehicle drove into the airport to pick it up, Xiang Ning, your family is so awesome!"

Only high-ranking officials and leaders can enjoy this treatment.

Watching the military vehicle picking up his junior student go further and further away, Han Xiangning felt proud from the bottom of his heart and said with a smile: "There may be some urgent mission."

The minivan to pick up business class passengers has arrived, and economy class passengers have also begun to disembark.

The stewardess reminded with a smile: "You two, please come this way."

"Oh, thank you."

At the same time, Deputy Director Zhang of the South China Sea Fleet who came to pick up Han Yu smiled and explained: "The chief also arrived today. He got off the plane an hour ago and is resting in the VIP room now. Zhanjiang is three hundred kilometers away from Guangzhou. , it’s too slow to go by car. You can take a plane with the chief later, and I’ll accompany you to go through the formalities first.”

"Which chief has arrived?"

"Who else can be other than the head of the headquarters? The chief is here to see you off."

"Where are Team Leader Shen and Staff Officer Wu?"

"The chief came from Qingdao after inspecting the work of the North Sea Fleet. Team Leader Shen and Staff Officer Wu set off from the capital. The plane that Team Leader Shen and Xiao Wu were on may have just taken off right now. You don't have to wait for them. You wait. I’ll take a flight with the chief later and leave first.”

No matter what job you do, you can only impress your superiors by being the first one.

The chief actually remembered Han Yu, and even asked Han Yu to take a plane to Zhanjiang later. Deputy Director Zhang felt envious in his heart. After thinking about it, he added with a smile: "If the chief hadn't been at the airport, you How can this kid enjoy the treatment he has today?"

Han Yu grinned and said, "That's right, I got the most advantage today."

After rushing to a small building, he went in and showed his ID for security check. Deputy Director Zhang didn't mention whether to buy a ticket or not, and just took Han Yu to a spacious and bright lounge.

You don’t know if you don’t come in, but you will be shocked when you come in.

The stars will twinkle in the lounge!

A vice admiral and four rear admirals were chatting with the navy chief. Han Yu did not dare to move forward, nor did he dare to shout a report. He put down his luggage and sat in the corner.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, two female officers in navy uniforms came in.

The chief stood up, shook hands with the lieutenant general and the three major generals one by one, and then walked to the boarding gate accompanied by a naval lieutenant colonel and the two female officers who had just come in.

At Deputy Director Zhang's reminder, Han Yu quickly picked up his luggage and followed along with several other attachés of the chief.

There is no covered bridge here, so you still have to take the shuttle bus.

It wasn't until I arrived at the tarmac that I discovered that I was flying on a Navy business jet, and the crew were all naval officers.

Han Yu boarded the plane with the accompanying officers. Just as he was wondering where to sit without a ticket, the navy chief who had already sat down raised his head and smiled: "Xiao Han, sit here, let's talk."

"Chief, I'll sit in the back."

"I'll let you sit down. The total voyage is more than 300 kilometers. The straight-line distance may be less than 300 kilometers. We will arrive in a short time. How come there is so much nonsense."

"Yes! Thank you, chief."

Han Yu didn't expect that the chief would remember him, and he quickly sat down opposite him.

The decoration in the business jet is not very luxurious, but the condition is very good, and there is even a small table.

Seeing that he was a little restrained, the chief looked at him with a smile and asked: "Comrade Han Yu, you will be the garrison liaison officer to accompany the formation on a trip. Have the work at the customs and the rescue ship brigade been arranged?"

"Reporting to the chief, I have just been transferred back to the Changhang Navigation Branch. All the work of the branch and the rescue boat brigade has been handed over, and everything that should be arranged has been arranged."

"Transferred back to Changhang Branch?"

"Binjiang Branch of Changhang Public Security Bureau."

"What's your current position?"

Han Yu said with an embarrassed look: "Member of the party committee, deputy director."

The chief asked with great interest: "What about the administrative level?"


"Just the deputy director?"

"Chief, the deputy director is already very high, and this only accounts for the higher administrative level of the unit. At the local level, district and county public security bureaus are only department-level units, and prefecture-level city public security bureaus like Binjiang Public Security Bureau are only department-level units. class."

The chief thought for a while, then asked with a smile: "Then what are you responsible for now?"

Han Yu said quickly: "Responsible for criminal investigation and water firefighting, in charge of the criminal investigation detachment and water firefighting detachment of our branch."

"Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau in charge of criminal investigation, you can do it!"

Han Yu didn't know the rear admiral who accompanied the leader, but the rear admiral knew Han Yu and couldn't help but smile: "Chief, no wonder Comrade Han Yu doesn't want to be a soldier. Our regimental cadres who change careers may not necessarily become deputy directors."

What surprised Han Yu was that the chief actually smiled and said: "Our navy does not lack active officers. What we lack are local cadres like Comrade Han Yu who support the construction of the navy. Comrade Han Yu, are you visiting with the fleet this time? Are you confident in completing your mission as a garrison liaison officer?"


"Okay, but...but there is a situation you may not know."

The head of the navy stared at Han Yu closely and said with a smile: "The South China Sea Fleet is different from the East China Sea Fleet. The South China Sea Fleet does not know your situation very well. At the same time, considering the arduous mission of the visit, it selected one from the selection list provided by the Ministry of Transport. An ocean-going captain who has traveled to the 'three major canals and two major corners' will perform the garrison liaison mission with you."

The three major canals and the two major corners refer to the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Kiel Canal, Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn.

An ocean captain who has traveled to so many places must have rich experience in ocean sailing.

Han Yu was a little surprised and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Chief, I...I don't have much experience in ocean navigation. To this day, I am only the first mate of a seagoing ship in an unlimited navigation area. I am not qualified to serve as a garrison liaison officer."

"You and the ocean-going captain have their own strengths. He only has rich experience in ocean navigation, but he can't compare with you in other aspects. Although you are not an active officer of our navy, you are a reserve officer of our navy, and you are The chief officer of the Binjiang Naval Reserve Rescue Ship Group has even performed the major task of transferring submarines."

The commander paused and said very seriously: "On this visit, the liaison work mainly depends on you! I also hope that you will continue to serve as an observer while doing a good job in liaison with the garrison, and provide valuable opinions on possible shortcomings of the formation. .”


"It's not like you haven't done it before!"

"Chief, I'm observing the militia reserve force."

"Active forces also have various shortcomings. Sometimes they are obsessed with the authorities and do not know what shortcomings they have. Sometimes they are aware of the shortcomings but dare not report them to their superiors for various reasons. Comrade Han Yu, you are the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. As a leader, you should know very well that no matter whether it is a unit or an army, there must be someone who dares to tell the truth."

The accompanying Rear Admiral took a document from a captain and added with a smile: "Comrade Han Yu, others may have concerns of one kind or another. You are equivalent to a third party. You don't have so many concerns. This is the headquarters. Regarding the appointment document for you to serve as the garrison liaison officer and visiting observer, we will officially announce it when it comes to the place."

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