Riverside police

Chapter 945 Both the army and the police!

The investment promotion team has a large number of people and has brought a lot of investment materials.

Han Xiangning waited for a while in the arrival hall with the large army that had just met, got the checked luggage and investment information, took the bus rented by the Binjiang Development Zone Investment Promotion Bureau, and rushed to the hotel to check in. It was already 4:55 p.m. point.

Luo Hongxin put down her luggage and couldn't wait to see tomorrow's venue.

Changzhou Bridge Industrial Park is here for an event this time. I didn’t have any preparations before, so Han Xiangning wanted to go and have a look.

The venue for the Economic and Trade Fair is arranged in the multi-functional hall on the third floor of the hotel. Due to conference activities in the past few days, there was a banquet with more than 30 tables until last night. Although the staff of the Development Zone Investment Promotion Bureau came early, In fact, the exhibition installation only started this morning.

There are many merchants who are far away from here, and they have to come one day in advance, otherwise they will not be able to catch up with the negotiation meeting tomorrow morning. The staff of the development zone management committee and the investment promotion bureau have already coordinated with the hotel and arranged a sign-in area in the lobby. There is a dedicated person responsible for receiving the merchants who come today.

Luo Hongxin accompanied Han Xiangning and Lao Ge to the venue and said with a smile: "Mayor Han, Ge Diao, we have nine merchants here, two of them came specially from Shenzhen. I asked the Merchants Bureau We’ve booked a large private room on the second floor and we’ll be together tonight.”

The development zone is fully prepared. Although Changzhou is not well prepared, there are many businessmen and even fellow villagers with successful careers in Dongguang who have been contacted before.

Han Xiangning declined with a smile: "Thank you, Director Luo. We also have a small event in the evening. We will not participate in your event."

"Okay, let's fight on our own."

Luo Hongxin laughed, thought about it and asked curiously: "Mayor Han, I almost forgot to ask, where is Xianyu now? Is he going to Zhanjiang today? If not, let him come over."

Han Xiangning glanced at her phone subconsciously and said with a smile, "He arrived in Zhanjiang a long time ago. He arrived before we arrived at the hotel."

"Guangzhou is three to four hundred kilometers away from Zhanjiang. Why is he so fast?"

"He went there on the navy chief's special plane. He didn't leave the airport in the afternoon."

"He boarded the navy chief's special plane as soon as he got off the plane. Which military vehicle did the chief arrange to pick him up at the tarmac in the afternoon?"

"Probably, it involves military secrets. I didn't dare to ask more questions when I called just now."

The salted fish of today is not the salted fish of the past. It is really different from what it used to be.

Luo Hongxin was secretly frightened when he heard this, and couldn't help saying with emotion: "Xiang Ning, Ge Tiao, my family Wenjiang will rely on Xianyu for support from now on."

I pity the hearts of parents in the world.

Such a "bad" person actually had to bow his head for his son.

When Han Xiangning didn't know how to proceed, Lao Ge smiled and said: "Director Luo, your son is already very promising. He is a selected student trained by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Public Security Department. He became a member of the Water Branch at the age of twenty-eight. Deputy Director, let alone the public security system, there are not many such young deputy directors in other units."

"The Shuangshui Branch is a department-level unit, and he is just a deputy director at the deputy department level. Besides, the Shuishang Branch is different from the district and county public security bureaus. He is also a deputy director, and no one has as much gold as anyone else."

"Think of a way to see if you can transfer him to the development zone bureau."

"Ge Diao, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I really thought about it, but I don't want to interfere with his affairs. Moreover, it doesn't matter what the Municipal Bureau said in his selection and appointment. He is now a policeman of the provincial department and must obey the orders of the provincial department. arrange."

At the same time, Han Yu, who had just settled in the Zhanjiang Base Guest House, was visiting the "China's First Ship" accompanied by a captain officer!

Zhanjiang is the seat of the South China Sea Fleet headquarters.

Zhanjiang Base is the base with the largest scale and the most ships in the South China Sea Fleet.

There are many naval ships anchored in the military port, but most of them are very old and some are rusty.

The Shen Zheng ship is a new ship that was just put into service last year. It has large tonnage, beautiful paint, simple appearance and a slight sense of stealth. It is eye-catching among so many old ships.

Military fans were very concerned about it as early as when it was built. After the equipment was delivered to the troops, it became the "star" of the Chinese navy. Magazines such as Ship Knowledge have reported on it countless times. There are Shenzhen ships in the conference room of the rescue ship brigade. poster.

Han Yu couldn't believe that he could board this guided-missile destroyer, which represented the highest level and most powerful combat power of the Chinese navy. He stroked the gun and felt excited.

The superiors have told me that this person next to me is both an "escort captain" and an observer! Shen Zhengjian has no secrets from him. As long as he wants to know, he must tell you everything.

The captain had already prepared to introduce the weapons and equipment on the ship, but Han Yu didn't ask anything. The captain could only say cautiously: "Han Da, during the trial operation of the new equipment, the first priority for us, the first batch of officers and soldiers to receive the ship, is The problem is to learn the information operating platform.”

This warship has received so much attention. The weapons and equipment on the ship and various parameters of the ship are all available in navigation journals, especially ship-related journals, and they are very comprehensive.

Han Yu knew this very well and did not need to ask those questions at all. Instead, he asked with a smile: "As long as they can board the Shenzhen ship, they should be carefully selected from all the units in your fleet, right?"

"Although the personnel are carefully selected from each detachment, no matter how carefully we select, we can only choose generals from the dwarfs. For example, in the main artillery area team, few people understand computers and have never even seen a computer before. You can imagine how difficult it is to learn computer control and understand the working principles of electronic components in three months."

"How did you solve this problem?"

"We could only go to local schools to ask teachers to teach us computer knowledge on weekends. At that time, we worked overtime every day, and later we went to equipment manufacturers to ask humbly for advice from their engineers and master workers."

"It seems that no matter how advanced the equipment is, it cannot be operated without highly qualified and highly educated officers and soldiers."

"The quality of officers and soldiers needs to be improved. We want to recruit more college students, but there are a few college students who are willing to serve as soldiers. Most of the new cadres have attended military schools, but the knowledge taught in military schools is lagging behind. After joining the army, they have to learn from scratch. Moreover, the ship cannot be filled with cadres and no soldiers.”

"So your ship is not only a combat ship but also a training ship. It is necessary to continuously train high-quality officers and soldiers for the brotherly troops. After all, this is only the first ship, and there will definitely be second and third ships that will be equipped with troops one after another. "

"Yes, we do want to train talents for our brother troops."

Visiting from the bow to the stern is somewhat disappointing.

With such a good hull platform, the lack of weapons and equipment on the ship makes it seem quite weak.

In terms of the artillery system, it is only equipped with one dual 100mm naval gun system and four dual 37mm secondary guns; in terms of the missile system, it is only equipped with four twin-mounted anti-ship missile launchers and one set of 8-unit near-surface missiles. The air defense missile system does not widen the gap with the several old ships parked next door, and it is not much different from the 053H3 frigate known as the "miscellaneous ship".

Old equipment is equipped with new ships. No wonder it is nicknamed "frigate leader ship" and "frigate command ship" by military fans.

As for the power system, it is said that gas turbines were intended to be used during the design, and they were even prepared to use an advanced diesel combined power unit assembly at one time. However, the steam turbine power unit that was well-established by Dchain Shipyard was finally used. The technology is very mature, but it is also very complicated. behind.

But then again, the technical research and development capabilities and engineering realization capabilities of relevant scientific research institutes are there. It is unrealistic to want to eat a fat man in one bite. Otherwise, the few pieces of flood fighting and rescue equipment independently developed by the Linghai Reserve Battalion will not be used. Awarded the second prize for the Army's Scientific and Technological Progress Award.

Han Yu stood at the stern of the ship, looked at the empty helicopter pad and asked, "Where is the helicopter?"

The captain was stunned for a moment, then said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Report to Han Da, we don't have any equipment at the moment."

"Has any relevant take-off and landing training been organized?"

"It was organized twice during the trial voyage, but not later."

It is not easy for a helicopter to board a ship, because taking off and landing at sea is different from taking off and landing on shore, especially when the wind is high and the waves are rough, a mistake can cause the aircraft to crash and kill people.

What's more important is that the Navy doesn't have many helicopters!

After all, the funds are still not enough. If there are overwhelming helicopters like the US military, the Shenzhen Zhengship can completely set up a helicopter squadron.

I visited the lower bridge, said hello to the political commissar of the Shen Zheng ship and the deputy captain on duty, and then took a small boat to visit the supply ship.

The deputy captain on duty looked down at the small boats speeding in the harbor and couldn't help but ask: "Commissar, what do observers do?"

"Just observe. If you don't observe, can you call me an observer?"

"Observe us?"

"I heard he is the chief mate of an ocean-going ship and is an expert."

"Let the first mate of the merchant ship come to observe us. What do the superiors think?"

"He is not only the first mate of the merchant ship, I heard he is also the captain of the reserve rescue ship brigade. He is a lieutenant colonel like you, but he is at the regimental level!"

"What kind of reserve lieutenant colonel is a lieutenant colonel?"

"As long as the superiors pay attention to it, he is a true lieutenant colonel." The political commissar raised his binoculars and looked at the traffic boat that had turned into a black spot. After thinking about it, he reminded: "The chief of staff personally told us not to treat the village chief as a cadre. The chief of staff said that during last year’s Dongshan Island exercise, he was an observer.”

"As a professional observer, who can't find fault with an egg?"

"They not only know how to observe, but also have their own small warships."

"He is also the captain? Has the reserve force equipped the ship?"

"The chief of staff said that he used to be the chief of the maritime anti-smuggling section of the Smuggling Crime Investigation Bureau, and he owned a Type 626 anti-smuggling boat. During the Dongshan Island exercise last year, his anti-smuggling boat performed peripheral security missions with the maritime surveillance and maritime police, and also cooperated with old and American warships. Dealing with it."

Zhanjiang is one of the areas with the most serious smuggling problem.

Zhanjiang’s former city secretary W was in jail because of smuggling, and even more officials were investigated and punished for smuggling.

There are anti-smuggling police officers from the customs system on shore to combat smuggling, as well as at sea.

Vice Captain Li of the Type 626 anti-smuggling boat has seen it more than once. It seems that he came from the customs in several places to fight. Thinking of this, Vice Captain Li nodded: "In that case, he is half of us."

"What does it mean to be half one of our own? He is the chief officer of our naval reserve force, so he is one of our own!"

"By the way, he used to be an anti-smuggling policeman. What does he do now?"

"It seems that he was transferred to the Changhang Public Security Bureau and is now the deputy director of the Binjiang Branch of the Changhang Public Security Bureau."

Afraid that his subordinates would not take things seriously, the political commissar stressed: "The Changhang Public Security Bureau is at the same level as the Public Security Department and is a department-level unit. The branch is at the same level as the prefecture-level municipal public security bureau and is a division-level unit. I am a deputy division with actual duties, and I am also a military unit. Police, it’s good for you and me.”

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