Riverside police

Chapter 946 Safety first!

There are still twenty days before Army Day, but the municipal party committee has too much work. Secretary Lu is worried that he will be too busy by then, so he convenes the annual military meeting in advance.

Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Qin, Commander Wang of the military division, Political Commissar Chen, and heads of the units stationed in Binjiang all attended as usual.

Considering that this year's recruitment work is about to begin, Secretary Lu first conveyed the "Regulations on Recruitment" and the opinions of his superiors on strengthening and improving the national defense education in the new era, and then listened to the work reports of the military divisions, Binjiang Reserve Regiment and other units .

Except for conscription, other aspects are mainly retreat.

After the meeting, Mayor Wang smiled as he walked: "Old Qin, if Xianyu hadn't gone on a business trip, he would have come to the meeting today."

"Yes, he is the captain of the rescue ship brigade and the head of the troops stationed in Binjiang."

As soon as Vice Mayor Qin finished speaking, Secretary Lu asked curiously: "Where is he now? Has the visiting formation set sail?"

"We are at sea now. The formation set sail yesterday."

Vice Mayor Qin stopped and said excitedly: "They first went south to the Western Pacific, visited Malaysia for the first time, then passed through the Strait of Malacca, crossed the Indian Ocean, and reached Africa. They turned around in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, and headed south. Pass the world-famous 'Cape of Storms' Cape of Good Hope, enter the Atlantic Ocean, and go to Cape Town, the second largest city in South Africa, the southernmost tip of the African continent. After visiting South Africa and then returning, the total journey is more than 16,000 nautical miles. This is the first time since the establishment of the People's Navy Traveling across three oceans, this is also the first visit to the African continent.”

Secretary Lu was both happy and a little regretful that the Binjiang cadres could participate in such a historic action. He couldn't help complaining: "Since you know this, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you tell me earlier, I will let them write it into the speech materials. Just now You can talk about it at the meeting."

"Secretary Lu, I just found out last night."

"You just found out last night?"

"Yesterday, the reserve group from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province came to visit and study. A deputy mayor of Wenzhou led the group. Political Commissar Chen and I first accompanied them to visit the Linghai reserve camp. When we returned from Linghai, we also visited the rescue boat brigade. Political Commissar Fang from the Navy Rest House attended the reception, and we had dinner together in the evening. These were all told to me at the dinner table by Political Commissar Fang."

"How did Political Commissar Fang know?"

"He has always been very concerned about Xianyu's visit with the naval fleet. Besides, he is a naval officer."

Vice Mayor Qin smiled and added: "I almost forgot that Political Commissar Fang said that Xianyu was not only the 'escort captain' of the visiting formation, but also an observer of this mission, appointed by the Navy Headquarters!"

Mayor Wang subconsciously asked: "Observer?"

"He is equivalent to supervising the army. His status is aloof. Even the commander of the visiting formation and the political commissar have to give him some respect."

"The commander is the captain?"

"No, the captain is the captain, and the captain is just a regiment-level officer." Seeing the grown-up child so promising, Vice Mayor Qin was happy from the bottom of his heart, and explained with a smile: "The visiting formation is composed of a guided missile destroyer and a supply ship, with a command post set up to facilitate command, with the Chief of Staff of the South China Sea Fleet serving as the overall commander, and a rear admiral from the Navy Headquarters serving as the political commissar.”

Secretary Lu pondered: "What is the rank of Fleet Chief of Staff?"

"Deputy rank, major general."

"So Xianyu deals with the general every day."

"Well, we have to get along day and night for more than two months."

"This kid is better off than you and me. It would be a pity not to be a soldier. But then again, if he really became a soldier, people wouldn't think so highly of him."

"This is why foreign monks like to chant sutras." Mayor Wang was convinced and laughed.

After chatting for a while, Vice Mayor Qin planned to go back, but Secretary Lu suddenly remembered something and asked him to go to his office.

Vice Mayor Qin realized that "Boss Lu" had work to discuss and followed up with the secretary's office.

As soon as he came to the door, Secretary Lu asked him to sit down and said with a smile: "Old Qin, Commander Wang came to me to report on his work a few days ago. He said that the 105th Army, which was in charge of Xianyu Camp during the 1998 flood fight, planned to organize their special operations group. Come to our Binjiang seaside for training. The order has been issued, and the military region requires our Binjiang to provide full assistance."

Vice Mayor Qin really didn't know about this and asked in a low voice: "How can I help?"

"The military division has set up a logistics support team and has contacted the 105th Army. The military division is responsible for the specific assistance. Deputy Commander Lu, who came to Linghai to participate in the commendation meeting two years ago, has been promoted. Now he is the commander of the 105th Army. He called me yesterday afternoon and said he would trouble us next."

Secretary Lu smiled and continued: "He is now the commander of an army. It is impossible for a regiment to come in person like two years ago. The chief of staff of their army may come by then. The chief of staff of the army is also a major general. Wait. You are responsible for the reception. After all, they are here for the Linghai Reserve Battalion, and you are the deputy political commissar of the Jiangnan Reserve Division and the political commissar of the Binjiang Reserve Regiment."

"Okay, I'll take care of you then."

"If I'm not busy then and happen to be at home, I will definitely have a meal with you. If I'm busy or have to go on a business trip, please ask Mayor Wang to accompany you."

"Okay, that's it."

At the same time, Han Yu and Staff Officer Wu were standing on the third floor platform of the Nanchang supply ship, chatting while looking at the Shen Zheng ship sailing forward on the left.

Not long after we set sail, this area theoretically belongs to China's territorial waters.

The captain and crew are very familiar with the waters in this area. The weather has been good these two days, and there are not many foreign ships passing by. There is no need for an "escort captain" for the time being.

The ocean-going captain who also performs the garrison liaison mission is from the Guangzhou Navigation College. At the moment, he is organizing the officers and soldiers who do not need to be on duty on the Shenzheng ship to learn international conventions. The schedule is very tight, and he also uses his spare time to teach the officers and soldiers English in the evening.

Since Han Yu had to perform observation tasks at the same time, he did not need to teach the officers and soldiers like others.

The reason why he did not board the Shenzheng ship but the supply ship was that he was more interested in the supply ship and the command post was located on the Shenzhen ship. The two chiefs were also on the Shenzhen ship. Deep ship freedom.

There was no one else around, so Staff Officer Wu smiled and asked, "Brother, what do you think of our new ship?"

Han Yu was silent for a moment and asked: "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Of course listen to the truth!"

"The equipment level needs to be improved."

"Be specific."

"First of all, from the perspective of weapons and equipment, as a main battleship of nearly 7,000 tons and a flagship, it does not have regional air defense capabilities. It is only equipped with an 8-unit short-range air defense missile with a maximum range of only 12 kilometers. It does not have the ability to engage multiple targets. I saw military fans saying this online before, but I didn’t believe it. When I got on the ship and took a look, I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Staff Officer Wu was stunned and asked in shock: "Is there more?"

"The close-in defense artillery system is also lagging behind. The four 37mm cannons have a low rate of fire and poor reliability. I think the fire control radar is not very good. The anti-missile capability is extremely limited, which is better than nothing."

Han Yu raised the telescope and observed the stern of the ship while continuing: "There is also a problem with the design layout of the 37 guns. The four guns are installed on the four rounded corners of the hangar. Although it can effectively increase the defense of the rear of the ship, it also This will lead to obvious short-range defense loopholes in the front, which can easily be exploited by the enemy in wartime and cause heavy losses."

He once "owned" a small warship and had a good relationship with the East China Sea Fleet. He had been to the East China Sea Fleet's East China Sea base and boarded a ship of the East China Sea Fleet. It was normal to understand these things.

Staff Officer Wu was not surprised that Han Yu could see these shortcomings, and whispered: "Continue."

"I went on board the ship yesterday and took a closer look. I found that the anti-submarine aspect has not improved but has regressed. It is not equipped with active and passive combined towed sonar like the Heilbin and Seijima ships that were previously in service. Only the bow hull is active. Sonar.”

Han Yu took a deep breath, frowned and said: "The use of steam turbines is a symbol of the dreadnought. The era of dreadnoughts began in 1905. Apart from being cheap to build and cheap to fuel, steam turbines really have no second advantage. The shortcomings are countless.

It takes a long time to start up and is slow to launch and set sail. It is difficult to set sail immediately when performing major military tasks or encountering enemy situations. Then there is the loud noise and poor concealment. During the navigation process, a lot of noise will be generated, which will easily expose its own position. It will also seriously interfere with the active sonar detection capability of the bow hull, making it difficult to accurately detect enemy submarines. "

This time, Staff Officer Wu was a little surprised and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you even understand this?"

"I drove a law enforcement rescue boat when I was sixteen. My little 001 was equipped with radar and underwater detection equipment more than ten years ago. The radar is for military use, and the underwater detection equipment uses sonar principles. Many of your officers and soldiers are I only saw computers when I received new ships, and I started playing with computers more than ten years ago."

"You used computers more than ten years ago. Is it true?"

"Why are you lying to me? I didn't understand much about the underwater surveying and mapping equipment at that time. I actually thought that the underwater surveying and mapping equipment worth hundreds of thousands was just a water depth detector."

Navy ships have gotten a little better in recent years, but a few years ago they were really just a bunch of old ships.

Staff Officer Wu was silent for a moment and said with a wry smile: "We all know what you said, who doesn't want to equip more advanced ships? In fact, our requirements during the design were not what they are now, but others have imposed a technical blockade on us, and we ourselves The technology is not good enough, and even the last of the requirements we made before were not realized.”

"How many new ships like this are planned to be built?"

"You can see that there are so many shortcomings, and the superiors also know it, so they will make do with it and don't plan to build a second ship for the time being."

"That's good. If you build several ships in a row, the money spent is not worth it." Han Yu thought for a while, then looked at the new ship in the distance and said: "Just treat it as a test ship, use it first, It will be upgraded and renovated if conditions permit.”

"That's how we think about it."

Staff Officer Wu sighed lightly and asked with a smile: "You are an observer. Have you observed anything that I don't know?"

Han Yu turned around and asked, "Do you really want to know?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Political Commissar Shen asked me to ask this question."

"I went to the engine room yesterday and found that the electromechanical department is relatively unfamiliar with the working conditions and maintenance of main engines and auxiliary engines. Maybe I have used and maintained small ships before, and I have not had much contact with high-power main engines. The business level needs to be improved."

He studied turbine technology and is a certified expert in this field.

Moreover, warships only go to sea a few times a year, unlike ocean-going ships that sail almost every day. The professional level of the officers and soldiers in the mechanical and electrical department cannot be compared with that of the mechanics and sailors in the engine department of merchant ships.

When Staff Officer Wu didn't know what to say, Han Yu continued: "Once the whistle blows, it's worth ten thousand taels of gold! It's not easy to go on a voyage, but we didn't take advantage of this opportunity to organize sea supply and other training. We used to have tight funds, but my little 001 only needs When sailing, we must find ways to use the opportunity of sailing to organize water fire fighting and other training.”

"You mean training while sailing?"


“Ocean sailing is meant to be training.”

"Simply sailing is not enough, brothers, you are a navy, you must be ready for war at any time!"

This sounds very heartbreaking.

Staff Officer Wu was very embarrassed. He looked back behind him, covered his mouth and said: "Sail to several countries safely, and successfully complete the mission is the first priority. As for the training subjects you mentioned, we will organize them after the mission is completed. After all, at sea It’s not on the shore. If something doesn’t happen, it won’t matter. If something happens, it will be a big deal.”

Han Yu asked in a low voice: "Is this your idea?"

"I am just a soy sauce person. What ideas I can have are the leaders' ideas."

"Afraid of something happening?"

"Accidents determine everything. If we organize supply training while sailing as you said, what if there is an accident or if someone is killed? How will the commander-in-chief and political commissar Shen explain to their superiors?"

For fear that Han Yu would not understand, Staff Officer Wu said with a bit of embarrassment: "We have to eat one bite at a time. The first thing we have to do is to go out. Being able to successfully complete the ocean voyages and missions assigned by our superiors is victory."

As long as you reach your destination and come back safely, you will win.

It sounds reasonable, but when you think about it, it feels strange. You must know that this is a warship, not a merchant ship!

Han Yu really didn't know how to refute, so he simply stopped talking and made up his mind to write an observation report later.

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