Riverside police

Chapter 951 Timely rain!

Every summer, water fires occur frequently.

Just some time ago, the "Pinghu 2000" foreign tourist passenger ship of the Gezhouba Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Group Company sailed from Changyi to the mountain city, carrying 49 passengers, including 35 Taiwanese compatriots. When sailing to the giant mouth section of the Yangtze River in front of the Wu Gorge, a fire broke out in the restaurant on the upper stern of the ship.

All internal facilities on the fourth to fifth floors were burned down and the hull frame was deformed. Although the evacuation and rescue were timely, 3 people were killed and many others were injured.

The impact was very bad, and the superiors took it very seriously.

Several leaders of the Changhang Public Security Bureau Fire Brigade, as in previous years, divided their troops into several groups to inspect the water fire management work of each branch.

In previous years, when superiors came to inspect the firefighting work of the branch, the entire bureau was not worried at all.

Because Binjiang Branch's firefighting work is outstanding, it has always been at the forefront of other branches. Superiors will only praise, not criticize.

For example, as early as five or six years ago, Binjiang Branch spent huge sums of money to take the lead in building professional water firefighting boats. Another example is the establishment of the Water Fire Fighting Association, which has long been led by local police.

This year, we even successfully joined the China Water Fire Fighting Association, turning the Binjiang Water Fire Fighting Association into the Binjiang Branch of the China Water Fire Fighting Association. This is the first and only one in the Changhang Aviation Public Security System.

The corporate fire brigades established by several key enterprises in the jurisdiction are all full-time professional teams. They accept the guidance of the branch fire detachment in terms of business. They train almost every day like the fire armed police. Firefighting equipment is also constantly updated. Every year, they cooperate with the armed police Binjiang Fire Brigade. The detachment exercises together and is a combative team.

However, this year is not like previous years. Li Mingsheng failed to live up to expectations and finally put out a fire on the water. He actually made a mistake in the investigation of responsibility for the fire accident and was sued, turning a big-name incident into a scandal!

It's nothing to admit defeat. It's not a big deal to pay half a million yuan in legal fees if you lose the lawsuit. If the bureau saves some money on various expenses and strengthens various tasks to generate income according to the law, sooner or later this hole can be plugged. Just treat it as Spend money to learn a lesson.

The problem is that they were not convinced at the first trial and asked the Corps to issue a new accident determination.

The Corps trusted the Binjiang Branch so much that it maintained its previous determination based on the materials reported by the Branch.

If you say you admit defeat, just admit defeat, isn't this leaving the whole team hanging in the air?

The people sued the government and won. This was big news for the media. Not only were several major media outlets reporting on it, but several people in the firefighting and legal circles even studied the failure of the branch fire detachment as a classic case, and then Publishing an article in an academic journal has the potential to write this incident into the history of firefighting and law in China.

You can imagine the mood of the leader of the corps when this matter happened out of nowhere. No one else would be happy if they compared their feelings with others and put themselves in their shoes.

If Xianyu was at home, he could let Xianyu deal with it. After all, he was the one who insisted on admitting defeat, and there was nothing his superiors could do against him.

But Xianyu is on a business trip and it will take a month at the earliest to come back.

Far water could not quench the near thirst. Bureau Qi, Political Commissar Dong and Deputy Director Li Guangrong could only call on Li Mingsheng, the initiator of all this, to report his work to the leaders of the corps.

If the work is not done well, you need to review and reflect.

Achievements achieved at work must also be reported.

Qi Bureau took over the conversation, held the speech and read it calmly: "Mr. Yu, in recent years, with the development and utilization of the Yangtze River coastline and the increasing number of shipping ships, Binjiang long-distance shipping has developed rapidly, and Binjiang Port's Throughput is increasing year by year.

Last year, the combined throughput of the three ports of Binjiang Port Group Co., Ltd. reached 70 million tons. According to the development trend in the past two years and the goals set by the local government, Binjiang Port should be able to enter the ranks of 100-million-ton ports before 2005. "

What are you talking about to me? We are talking about water fire management now!

The more Captain Yu thought about it, the more angry he became. He lit a cigarette, looked gloomy and remained silent.

The bureau took a peek at Captain Yu, and then said: "The development of the economy has put forward higher requirements for the fire supervision and management and fire fighting work of our branch. The jurisdiction of our branch extends from the Jiehekou of Jingjiang River to Yuantuojiao in Dongqi. , the Yangtze River coastline is 195.5 kilometers, the river is 8 kilometers widest, and the managed water area is 1005.7 square kilometers!

In this area, there are 26 large Chinese and foreign shipbuilding companies gathered. There are 18 companies engaged in petroleum storage, refining and deep processing, with an annual throughput of hazardous chemicals reaching more than 30 million tons.

According to incomplete statistics from the Maritime Safety Administration, more than 3,000 Chinese and foreign ships enter and exit the port for loading, unloading and transit in the waters under the jurisdiction of our branch every day. Our branch is responsible for the fire supervision and management of such a long coastline and such a large water area, but the fire detachment of the branch only has 4 fire police officers. Counting the fire protection officers from several police stations, there are only 8 people. "

Political Commissar Dong nodded.

Li Guangrong sighed softly.

Li Mingsheng buried his head in recording and did not dare to look up.

The bureau put down the draft and said solemnly: "It can be said that in terms of fire supervision and management, we have few personnel and heavy tasks. As for the funds for fire supervision and management, it is not insufficient, but not a cent. Despite this, we still find ways to perform our duties. , do a good job in fire management and supervision.

For example, this year, since the beginning of summer, there has been one fire on the coastline and three fires in the waters under the jurisdiction. The fire incidence rate has dropped by 80% year-on-year. Moreover, these four fires were put out immediately, causing no casualties or huge economic losses. "

Li Guangrong temporarily helped Han Yu in charge of fire protection and had the right to speak on this issue. He added in a low voice: "Mr. Yu, the day before yesterday afternoon, the leaders of Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau came to Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau to inspect the work, and also praised Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau and our branch this year. fire supervision and management work.

Binjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Binjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau and Binjiang Armed Police Fire Detachment also gave high praise to the water fire inspection and rectification carried out by our branch. Last Saturday, Binjiang TV also reported the news that our branch carried out a major inspection and rectification of water firefighting. "

The train is not pushed, nor is the cowhide blown.

If there was no such thing as a fire accident, the Binjiang branch's fire supervision and management and water fire fighting work are indeed remarkable and worthy of praise.

But now it’s not that one show covers all the ugliness, but ninety-nine plus one equals zero!

You have had such a bad influence and even dragged down the entire corps. What’s the point of doing other jobs well?

"Three of you, I know everything you said." Captain Yu put out his cigarette butts, stared at the three of them and said, "Let's talk about the lawsuit caused by the fire accident determination. Where did you hire the lawyer? From the court? Did you do any work?"

"The lawyer was hired in Binjiang, and he is quite famous in Binjiang."

Qi Ju took a deep breath and added: "As for the court, we have done some work. The then political commissar Lao Jiang and I went to the court leaders more than once. Maybe people think that we are a vertical management unit, so we don't have to give this face. . Or maybe it’s really different now than before. Everything must be governed by law, which directly led to our defeat in the first instance.”

Doesn’t your branch have a very good relationship with the local party committee and government? Why can't you even do this?

Captain Yu was furious and asked: "Then how did the appeal be withdrawn? Why didn't you say hello to the corps before withdrawing it? Lao Qi, what is the difference between doing this and burning bridges? Do you know that you are doing this? The lawsuit was withdrawn, which made the corps very passive. When reporters went to the corps to interview me, I didn’t even know what was going on!”

"Mr. Yu, our work has not been done well. Let's review it."

"What's the use of reviewing?"

"Comrade Han Yu is in charge of fire protection. It was Comrade Han Yu who made the final decision to withdraw the lawsuit. I was opposed to it at first. He said that if we continue to fight this lawsuit, we will lose, so it is better to break it off as soon as possible to avoid having a worse impact. He said that he would file a lawsuit with us. The team reported it, I thought he reported it, but I didn’t expect he didn’t!”

At this point, I can only blame Xianyu.

As soon as Qi Ju finished speaking, Li Guangrong carefully added: "Mr. Yu, Han Yu was going on a business trip at the time. He was in a hurry and might have forgotten."

"You can forget anything. Can you forget this kind of thing?"

Captain Yu knocked on the table and gritted his teeth and said: "This is almost like fighting. Originally we were in a trench, but you dragged the corps into the trench. But while we were fighting, you actually quietly withdrew and put the corps on the line of fire. Roast, do any of you do this?"

"Mr. Yu, we were wrong."

"It's wrong. You know it's wrong. Can you say something useful?"

"When Han Yu comes back from his business trip, I will ask him what happened, let him report to you, and let him make a deep review. Of course, I, the director, also have responsibilities, and I also have to review it."

"When will Salted Fish come back?"

Bureau Qi was about to speak when Director Ding of the Political Department knocked on the door and walked in. He held up a fax document and said excitedly: "Mr. Yu, Bureau Qi, this is a thank-you letter from the army. It was just forwarded from the bureau!"

The fire brigade can only guide the fire protection work of the branch on a business basis and cannot interfere with other work.

Mr. Yu subconsciously raised his head but did not speak.

Qi Ju asked in confusion: "What kind of thank you letter?"

"A letter of thanks to the Korean Bureau."

"Nian Nian, what's going on?"


This thank you letter came so timely.

Ding Shuguang suppressed his excitement and read in a measured tone: "Thank you letter from the Political Department of the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy. Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau of Transportation: Assigned by the Ministry of Transportation, Comrade Han Yu, deputy director of the Binjiang Branch of your bureau, accompanied the Chinese Navy on a visit The taskforce went to Malaysia, Tanzania and other countries to perform garrison liaison missions, which lasted 23 days and covered more than 7,000 nautical miles.

During the voyage, Comrade Han Yu, as the garrison liaison of the Ministry of Communications, performed his duties conscientiously, fulfilled his duties, worked hard, and completed various tasks assigned by the formation safely and with high quality, and was highly praised by the officers and soldiers of the formation.

He gave full play to his professional expertise and experience advantages, devoted himself wholeheartedly to escort work, and always provided suggestions for the formation navigation with full work enthusiasm and meticulous work attitude. Assist in solving difficult problems during navigation, and assist operating cadres to actively communicate with pilots when ships enter and exit ports for rest and visits, ensuring the smooth progress of the entire visit.

In his spare time, he used his rich maritime experience and professional knowledge to teach officers and soldiers on 'Singapore Strait Navigation Characteristics and Navigation Precautions', 'Ship Structure and Classification', 'PSC Monitoring and Safety Inspection', 'British Version of Navigation' Professional knowledge such as "data acquisition and search" and "turbine failure maintenance" have made great contributions to improving the professional level and broadening the horizons of the officers and soldiers. "

The South China Sea Fleet spoke highly of Xianyu, and they praised him one after another.

Just when Captain Yu felt that everything was so unreal, Ding Shuguang cleared his throat and continued: "In life, he is approachable, gets along well with the officers and soldiers, participates in training, and actively participates in political studies and various activities organized by the formation. It has become a link between the military and civilians, has been widely praised by the majority of officers and soldiers, and has won the respect of the majority of officers and soldiers!"

Qi Ju was elated when he heard this, and asked happily: "Is there any more?"


Ding Shuguang could understand the director's mood at this moment and said: "At a time when the formation has successfully completed its goodwill visit to Tanzania and is about to embark on a new journey, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the formation, I would like to express my highest respect to Comrade Han Yu and sincerely Thank you for your strong support and cooperation with your bureau and Comrade Han Yu for my formation’s mission!

Ding Shuguang looked at Captain Yu, who was thoughtful, and added: "Signed by Commander Zheng Nanwu and Political Commissar Shen Tao of the Chinese Navy's second visiting taskforce, July 29, 2000."

This thank you letter comes so timely!

This is not just a thank you note, it is also timely!

Qi Bureau took the letter of thanks that Ding Shuguang had just finished reading, and said excitedly while reading it: "Mr. Yu, this is sent back from Tanzania by the Navy's visiting formation!"

Captain Yu didn't know what to say when Qi Bureau's cell phone rang.

The caller ID was Director Sun of the Changhang Public Security Bureau. He didn't bother to read the thank you letter anymore and quickly pressed the call button and raised the phone to his ear.

"Bureau Sun... I just received it and I am reading it. Yes, the head of the army thanked our Changhang Public Security Bureau. This is the honor of our Changhang Public Security System! Fortunately, you had the foresight to let Xianyu serve as our Changhang Public Security Police Officer." He went on board the ship to perform the mission, otherwise this thank you letter would not have been sent to us, but to Binjiang Maritime College. Hahaha, OK, OK, we will celebrate when he comes back, yes, celebrate warmly!"

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