Riverside police

Chapter 952 Turbulent waves!

Just when Qi Bureau and others were delighted with the "timely rain" sent to the visiting formation, Han Yu was fighting storms and rough waves on the vast ocean with the leader of the visiting formation and the officers and soldiers!

On the morning of the 29th, in order to gain the initiative, Chief of Staff Zheng decisively decided to let the slow-speed supply ship set sail 10 hours in advance. The "Shenzheng" ship completed its visit and pursued it at full speed.

Unexpectedly, after three days of sailing, the low pressure suddenly turned from the southeast to due east, and its center encountered the formation earlier.

Chief of Staff Zheng convened a radio conference with the two captains, Han Yu and Captain Qian, to study and decide to adjust the deployment of slow sailing.

Then decided to sail in the opposite direction!

Supplies while sailing.

As a result, the formation sailed forward more than 10 hours later than originally planned, cleverly avoiding the low pressure center on the route. In order to cross the storm area before the second stronger low pressure that followed, the formation command post made another decision: to change the course and go through it with all its strength!

The formation suddenly rushed into the back half of the previous low pressure.

The wind force on the sea surface was level 9, and the waves were six to seven meters high. The huge waves were overwhelming the ship.

Although the design of the "Shenzheng" ship is characterized by its strong ability to suppress waves and good stability, it is difficult for the ship to be stable no matter how well designed it is when encountering such rough seas. The high-rise bow of the ship was buried in the sea again and again by huge waves. The waves stirred up by the sea hit the driving cab more than 20 meters high.

Squeak, squeak...

The more than 7,000-ton ship hull kept making sounds of steel being squeezed and struck, and it swayed left and right up to 30 degrees!

The supply ship parallel to the right side of the "Shenzheng" ship is of large tonnage and looks like a behemoth when berthed at the dock. But at this moment, it was like a small boat, struggling hard in the wind and waves. The huge bow was sometimes lifted high by the waves, and sometimes it was pushed into the sea. Only a section of the stern was left on the sea, causing waves to rise into the sky.

The two warships were caught in continuous swings. Theoretically, the systems and equipment of the "Shenzheng" ship are sufficient to withstand such harsh sea conditions, but the premise is that each position must ensure precise operation.

Encountering such rough waves, seafarers on ocean-going cargo ships will also become seasick.

Navy officers and soldiers are also sailors, and the officers and soldiers have not experienced this much. Everyone holds a bucket in front of the equipment and vomits while operating it.

For a whole day, all the officers and soldiers, including Chief of Staff Zheng and Political Commissar Shen, had nothing to eat and just stayed at their fighting positions. They had only one thought in their minds: to arrive on time.

Han Yu had experienced bigger storms than this, and he didn't get seasick like Captain Qian, who also experienced strong winds and waves.

He stayed on the bridge of the "Shen Zheng" and transformed from a non-staff electromechanical chief into a meteorological observer. He studied and analyzed the satellite cloud images and marine meteorological information just received, and always paid attention to the changes in low pressure, so that the commander could make timely decisions.

Captain Qian stayed on the bridge of the supply ship to assist Captain Wang in commanding.

The supply ship is a special cargo ship. In terms of experience in driving ocean-going cargo ships, especially in dealing with storms, the ten king captains combined may not be as good as the experienced captain Qian.

The low pressures came one after another. Han Yu spread the marked weather map on the command platform, supported the command platform and reported: "Chief, it looks like we have to adjust the course again."

Chief of Staff Zheng was suffering from seasickness and vomited countless times. He steeled himself and looked at the drawings. He turned around and said, "Xiao Yang, make a new route based on the meteorological data."


"Xiao Han, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's my responsibility."

Without experiencing strong winds and waves, how can we test the performance of the Shenzheng and Nanchang ships, and how can the troops truly develop combat effectiveness?

Although Chief of Staff Zheng suffered from seasickness, he felt that it was all worth it.

He clutched a hanging armrest tightly, looked at a huge wave that had just hit it, and muttered: "If this is not a new ship, sailing in such harsh conditions, the consequences will be really unpredictable!"

It must be admitted that there is some truth to what the chief said.

If it were the old ships anchored at the Zhanjiang base and encountered such harsh sea conditions, the only thing they could do was to pray. There would be no need to even write a suicide note, because if you did, it would probably sink to the bottom of the sea. Hard to get a chance to see.

Thinking that he was a little disappointed that the Shenzheng Ship was completely different from what he imagined, Han Yu found that he had been too narrow-minded before.

No matter what you do, you must do it step by step, especially naval construction, which really cannot be accomplished overnight, otherwise there would be no such thing as a "hundred-year navy."

As far as the existing conditions are concerned, the first thing to solve is whether there is a problem.

Get it first, and then think about whether it is good or not, and whether it is advanced enough.

And the opportunity of inspection can be used to train the team and cultivate talents. After all, it is not enough to have ships without officers and soldiers who can operate advanced ships.

Han Yu was thinking wildly. Political Commissar Shen, who was squatting in the corner holding on to the bulkhead, finally finished vomiting. He moved over cautiously despite the violent shaking, clutched the foot of the command platform welded to the deck, and said feebly: "Salted fish, no Think you know something about meteorology?"

"Every senior officer in the deck department must understand it. After all, navigation technology is a comprehensive subject involving multiple disciplines such as oceanography, meteorology, geography, physics and mathematics."

Han Yu took a deep breath, thought about it and smiled bitterly: "It's a pity that times have changed, and running boats is not popular now. No matter you are the captain or the first mate, or how rich your sailing experience is, in the eyes of many people, you are just running boats. .”

Whether football can be played well has a lot to do with whether there is a sufficient football population and a good football atmosphere.

The same goes for naval construction.

Why the navies of European and American countries are so advanced has a lot to do with the fact that they are maritime nations.

The biggest characteristic of the maritime people is that they dare to take risks. The navy has a high social status. Merchant ship captains, first mates and even seamen are all respected. In the eyes of others, anyone who runs a ship has an adventurous spirit and is a hero.

In this regard, China is not as good as others.

Political Commissar Shen didn't know what to say, but Staff Wu braced himself up and pretended to smile casually: "Political Commissar, Xianyu just said that half of it should be kept."

"What do you mean half and half?"

"There's a reason he knows meteorology. His father-in-law is a meteorologist."

"Really?" Chief of Staff Zheng and Political Commissar Shen were surprised and turned around subconsciously.

Han Yu sorted out the weather cloud map and said with a grin: "My father-in-law is a cadre who was transferred from the military. Before his transfer, he had been working at the meteorological station of an aviation division in Nankong. He studied radar in the military school and became a monk halfway through meteorological analysis and forecasting. .”

"What happened next?" Political Commissar Shen asked curiously.

"Later, I transferred to our Binjiang Meteorological Bureau and worked as deputy chief engineer and chief forecaster for several years. However, although there were meteorological satellites at that time, there were no weather cloud maps like today, and there were no computer analysis and calculations. His weather forecast was ten times Nine times it was inaccurate.”

"You actually question my father-in-law's professionalism!"

"It's not me who questions it, it's my mother-in-law and my wife who question it. Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My mother-in-law and my wife, including my sister-in-law, have never believed my father-in-law's weather forecast."


Sailing against the wind and waves is like riding a roller coaster, constantly losing weight.

Everyone was highly nervous, and they hadn't eaten much all day and night because of seasickness. This was the time when they were most exhausted and most likely to make mistakes.

Han Yu felt that it was necessary to liven up the atmosphere and encourage the morale of everyone, including the two chiefs. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "Actually, my father-in-law's weather forecast is not completely inaccurate. He is not accurate when he should be. He was right when he was wrong, which made my mother-in-law, my wife and my sister-in-law all call him a crow's mouth. During the 1998 flood fight, my sister-in-law wanted to seal his mouth with tape and escort him back to Binjiang from Beihu."

"What's going on? Your father-in-law also participated in the 98 flood fight?"

"He had just stepped down and the bureau leaders were worried that he would affect the work of the new chief forecaster, so they asked him to pack up and go home to wait for retirement. Although he was not a leader, he was professionally an 'authoritative' in the bureau. It was very popular at the time. I felt sorry for him, so I bought Zhang Dahong’s letter of appointment, gave him a carrot seal, and hired him as a member of the senior expert team of our Linghai Reserve Battalion.”

"Is there a salary?"

"No, our battalion's funds come from alms under the banner of joint military-civilian construction. How can we pay him a salary?"

Han Yu smiled and continued: "I didn't expect that he actually took it seriously. He found a truck and transported the old radar that had been phased out by the bureau to our camp, and continued to do weather forecasting. Later, there was a flood, and the China Changchun Navigation Bureau and the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission reported to Our superiors asked for instructions and reported, and the Chinese Y Army W ordered us to rush to Beihu to aid.

He has taken a back seat. He has nothing to do, and the meteorological circle is very small. He has several friends in Beihu. He installed his old weather radar on my barge and went with us to fight floods in Jingjiang River. "

Chief of Staff Zheng asked curiously: "What happens next?"

Han Yu said with joy: "In the beginning, he mainly helped at the Jingzhou Meteorological Bureau. At that time, the water conservancy and meteorological departments were the most nervous. They went up to the central government and down to all units along the river. They didn't know what to do every day for the Jingzhou Meteorological Bureau and the Sarawak Hydrological Station. How many phone calls did I make to ask about the weather conditions and the water level in Sarawak City?

We repelled the second flood peak, and the water level of the Jingjiang River fell across the board. We thought the flood was over. Many troops who went to support the flood fight also began to retreat, and we were ready to pack up and go home.

Just when we were about to hand over the remaining flood control materials to the local government and prepare to return home, my father-in-law's weather forecast suddenly came true, saying that there was a possibility of heavy rain. We were hesitant, but we did not expect that heavy rain began to fall in Hanwu that night, which directly caused waterlogging in Hanwu. "

"Then what?" Political Commissar Shen also asked with a smile. "

"Later, his weather forecasts became more and more accurate, and he managed to beat back a flood peak. He said that there would be more to come. My brother-in-law and my sister-in-law also went to fight the flood. My sister-in-law was really scared by him, so she wanted to His mouth was taped shut."

"Make accurate weather forecasts at critical moments and make great contributions to superior flood control and rescue decisions. Xianyu, your father-in-law is very powerful!"

"He was really good once, and if possible, we really hope his weather forecasts were as inaccurate as before."

"The climate is unpredictable, and God is not the one who can say whether there will be heavy rains or not."

"I know, but it was too dangerous at the time."

Chief of Staff Zheng could understand the mood of Han Yu and other officers and soldiers on the front line of the flood fight. He was silent for a moment and asked: "Xianyu, have you ever summarized why your father-in-law's previous weather forecasts were inaccurate, and why his predictions during the flood fight suddenly became so accurate? ?”

Han Yu pointed to a stack of weather cloud charts that he had just clamped and said with emotion: "I'm not a meteorologist. I don't know how to summarize, but my father-in-law did. He said that during the flood fight, superiors paid unprecedented attention to weather forecasting, and he was able to master it at that time. There are more various meteorological data than in Binjiang, and the meteorological technology that can be used is better than that in Binjiang.

Furthermore, the Binjiang Meteorological Bureau predicted climate change for the entire Binjiang area. He said it would rain today. It did rain today, but it might rain in Linghai and not in the urban area. What the masses need is accurate predictions, not only accurate to a village, but at least accurate to a town. Unlike flood fighting, which only needs to predict the climate of a certain section of the Yangtze River. "

Chief of Staff Zheng didn't expect that Han Yu's whole family would go to fight the flood, and he didn't expect that Han Yu's father-in-law was actually a meteorological expert. He couldn't help but sigh: "We also have a meteorological observatory, but it's a pity that Binjiang is too far away from Zhanjiang, otherwise we could be like you back then. Send a letter of appointment to your father-in-law, asking him to be an expert consultant to our base meteorological station, and then give lectures to the comrades of our base meteorological station."

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