Riverside police

Chapter 953 An encounter halfway across the world

The storm finally passed, and Zhang Xiaojun felt like he was surviving a disaster.

But now is not the time to thank Mazu, because the ship was seriously damaged while fighting the storm. The captain confirmed through the satellite phone that there would be no more storms, and led everyone to seize the time to repair the ship.

Since fishing boats are fishing in nature, their freeboard is relatively low and their center of gravity is relatively high. In other words, fishing boats are inherently unstable, and coupled with their short length, they are like a mineral water bottle drifting with the waves in the vast sea, which is particularly small.

Even though the storm has passed, the fishing boat is still rocking.

Just because of the violent shaking, a big brother was thrown into the sea when he went to the toilet at night. No one knew, even if he knew it was pitch black, he didn't know how to save him. The big brother was screaming in the sea every day, and the earth and the earth were not responding. The soul was finally drowned by the ruthless sea.

Zhang Xiaojun didn't want to make money or spend his life, so he repaired the hanger and carefully avoided the trawl net being lowered into the sea, for fear of being accidentally caught by the net and dragged to the bottom of the sea.

"Master Chen, where are we?"

“The captain said that’s South Africa over there!”

"There are not many supplies on the ship. Should we go to the shore to purchase?"

"What shore are you on? You don't want to go home?"

Master Chen turned on the small radio he carried with him, and while adjusting the frequency to see if he could receive the broadcast signal, he said bitterly: "The wind was so strong yesterday that we didn't dare to go ashore, let alone today. The South African Navy is unreasonable, and we are clearly here We are fishing on the high seas, but if they see us, they will come and catch us, unless we are illegally fishing for their fishery resources.”

Everyone knows that work on a fishing boat is boring after all, but few people know how this boringness is reflected in specific aspects.

First of all, it is far away from home. Starting from a domestic port, it takes more than a month to sail to the South Pacific.

Zhang Xiaojun was seasick like all new crew members. Even if the wind and waves were not big, he would feel as if he had been drunk. He would always feel dizzy. He vomited for half a month before he began to adapt to life at sea.

After finally arriving at the fishing area, with the help of partners, we docked for supplies. After replenishing all kinds of supplies needed for life, we went out to sea. I have been working at sea for nearly a month, and sometimes I can't see an island for more than twenty days in a row.

Two big brothers who made money bought mobile phones, but there was no mobile phone signal at sea. Fishing in the deep sea is basically like being isolated from the world, with no way to communicate with the outside world.

The usual method of contact is a high-frequency radio, and the only satellite phone is kept by the captain. No one will use it unless there is an emergency. After all, the phone bill is too high and fishermen like them cannot afford it.

Moreover, fishing boats are not cargo ships.

The freighter is very big. You can take a walk on Class A when you are bored. The living area on the freighter even has a gym and library. The fishing boat is relatively small, and there are no entertainment facilities on the boat. There is no place to walk around. The deck is full of fishing nets, and sometimes there is no place to stand.

And for an ocean-going fishing boat like Minyu 2696, it lasts nearly a year, sometimes even longer, after being released. This kind of inner suffering is similar to being imprisoned.

In addition to eating every day, I also work. At first, I also chatted with the brothers on the fishing boat, but after being together for a long time, there were not many topics to talk about, so I could only choose to spend day after day in a daze.

The reason why Master Chen always carries a radio is to turn it on and listen when he is close to the island or the shore.

I'm lucky enough to receive radio broadcasts. Even if all I receive are in incomprehensible foreign languages, it's still comfortable to listen to the sounds...

Zhang Xiaojun is a new crew member and has the lowest salary on the ship.

I have never seen a warship of the South African Navy, only two small patrol boats from the country where my partner is located. I was thinking that this is high seas, why should the South African Navy come to arrest us, when the first mate suddenly shouted from the bow: "Captain, warship!" "

"Where?" The captain got out of the cockpit and asked eagerly, holding on to the hatch.

The first mate pointed to the northeast and said in horror: "Over there, they just popped up."

The captain immediately raised his telescope and looked in the direction of the first mate's finger.

Constantly adjusting the focus, after nearly five minutes of observation, I was shocked to find a warship appearing on the sea level with a very high mast. It was a large warship, not a small patrol boat like those of the African navies.

Not far from the big warship, there was a cargo ship painted the same as the big warship. It was visually estimated to be between 20,000 and 30,000 tons. It looked like it should be a ship responsible for supplying the warship.

The captain finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Don't be afraid, it's not the South African Navy, but... but look at the course, they are coming towards us. If the net just lowered is scratched by them, we will be in trouble!"

"what to do?"

"The Internet is down, what can you do?"

The captain turned around and looked at the other two fishing boats that were fishing together. He returned to the cab and put down the telescope, turned on the high-frequency radio, raised the intercom and shouted in broken English: "Please pay attention to the warships ahead. Please pay attention to the warships ahead. I The boat is engaged in fishing operations, please use the left rudder to avoid..."

Since English entered China, an unprecedented language revolution seems to have broken out.

The interpreter on duty on the bridge heard the call, but couldn't understand it.

Vice Captain Li immediately raised the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Captain Wang, Captain Wang, there is a ship calling on the high frequency, did you hear it?"

"I heard it. It sounded like Korean and a bit like the accent from the Philippines and Malaysia. I don't know what he was talking about."

"Is Captain Qian here?"

"Yes, even Captain Qian doesn't understand."

Vice Captain Li leaned over and glanced at the radar display, put down the intercom and turned on the intercom: "Engine room, bridge call, please answer when received."

"Roger in the engine room, please speak to the bridge."

"Please come over, Mr. Han."


When Han Yu received the notice, he didn't bother chatting with the electromechanical officers and soldiers anymore, washed his hands and hurried to the bridge.

The person just now was still calling on the high frequency, sounding very urgent.

If a ship really breaks down or is about to sink at sea, whether it is a warship or a merchant ship, it must be rescued as soon as possible after receiving a distress signal.

Han Yu figured out the whole story and was about to listen carefully to what the other party was saying on the high frequency. A captain said eagerly: "Vice Captain, Han Da, that boat suddenly turned!"

Vice Captain Li subconsciously raised his telescope to observe the small boat that just appeared on the radar.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

A small boat actually ran onto the formation route and crossed back and forth directly in front of the formation! Not far from the small boat, two other small boats were vaguely visible, also directly in front of the formation.

"What are they doing, are they trying to stop us?"

"Could it be a pirate?"

"We are a warship. Have you ever seen pirates who dare to rob a warship?"

As soon as Vice Captain Li finished speaking, Han Yu looked at the radar display and smiled: "Grab the bow of the big ship, you don't have to worry about food and clothing! Everyone, it seems we have met a fellow countryman."

Chief of Staff Zheng, who rushed to the bridge after receiving the news, subconsciously asked: "What does it mean to meet a fellow countryman?"

"Those small boats in front should be our Chinese fishing boats. The English they spoke is so familiar. In fact, I should have recognized it a long time ago." Han Yu smiled, thought about it and sighed softly: "Every year, we grab the bow of the boat and grab the There are a lot of people eating at Lord Yama’s place.”

"How can our Chinese fishing boats come here to fish?"

"There are many fishing boats engaged in distant-water fishing, and South Africa is one of the countries with the richest fishery resources in the world. As far as I know, there are at least a hundred Chinese fishing boats fishing in South African waters in the past few years. It can be said that we Chinese fishermen The fishing net has been cast out to the world.”

"Why are they trying to grab the bow?" the lieutenant translator asked in confusion.

"Some fishermen have feudal superstitions and seek good luck, but if they grab the bow like this, the two fishing boats at the back should have lowered their nets. It is neither cost-effective nor too late to collect now, so they let the fishing boats that have not lowered their nets pass back and forth in front of us, thinking This allows us to veer out of the way.”

Han Yu touched the corner of his mouth, stared at the few black spots on the sea, and then said: "If you are a fellow countryman, you can find out by asking in Mandarin."

"Okay, let me ask first."

Vice Captain Li realized that now was not the time for small talk, and immediately raised the high-frequency radio intercom: "Please pay attention to the ships ahead, please pay attention to the ships ahead, we are the 167th ship of the Chinese Navy, we are the 167th ship of the Chinese Navy, are you Chinese fishing boats?”

The captain of Minyu 2731, who was trying every means to help Minyu 2696 "drive away foreign warships", was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

You must know that this is the South Atlantic Ocean, and Chinese merchant ships are rarely seen. How could the Chinese navy's warships come here?

At this time, Captain Wang of the supply ship reacted and shouted in Mandarin: "Please pay attention to the ships ahead, I am the 885th ship of the Chinese Navy. Are you a Chinese fishing boat? Are you a Chinese fishing boat?"

The boss of the boat of Minyu 2696 heard it clearly. Before the brother who was helping to "drive away" the big warship could speak, he shouted ecstatically: "Chinese Navy Ship 167, we are Chinese fishing boats, I am Minyu 2696 Captain Lin Fusheng, I am Lin Fusheng, the captain of Minyu 2696, why are you here?"

Vice Captain Li was equally excited to meet a Chinese fishing boat across half the world. He held the phone tightly and said: "Hello Captain Lin, we are the second visiting fleet of the Chinese Navy and are on a goodwill visit to Cape Town, South Africa." , it’s a pleasure to see you here, do you have any difficulties and do you need our help?”

Chinese navy!

What a warship of the Chinese Navy!

The captain of Minyu 2731 finally regained his composure. Tears of excitement filled his eyes. He raised the high-frequency radio intercom and said with sobs: "Chinese Navy Ship 167, we are very happy to see you. I have been here since 1992." When fishing here, I have seen warships from many countries, and I have been driven away, captured, and punished by the navies of several countries. But I have never seen our Chinese warships. You are finally here. It feels like a dream..."

This is the first time the Chinese Navy has come to the South Atlantic. It is normal for compatriots who have left their hometowns to come here to engage in offshore fishing operations and have never seen a Chinese Navy warship here. Chief Zheng felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.

Vice Captain Li was equally guilty and asked: "Captain Lin, have you set the net? Do you need us to avoid it?"

"Yes, sorry."

"It's okay, we'll turn around now."

"Thank you, thank you PLA."

"You're welcome, I wish you...congratulations on successful fishing and a successful return!"

"Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, wait a minute, I am Lin Guofu, the captain of Fujian Fishing 2731. Our boat has not lowered the net. There are fish on our boat. I will come over and give you some fish to try."

"Captain Lin, you are too polite. We appreciate your kindness. We have everything on board, and we are about to enter South African waters and enter the port."

"It's okay, we have plenty of fish, and we only have fish."

"It's really not necessary. Thanks again."

The "Shenzheng" ship is getting closer and closer to the front fishing boat. It can be clearly seen that some of the crew members of the fishing boat are busy raising the national flag, and some are desperately waving to say hello. They were all excited and shouting, but they were a little far apart and couldn't hear what they were shouting.

Across half the world, on the boundless sea, there is more loneliness and bitterness.

Meeting compatriots in a foreign land is really something worth celebrating, not to mention that the people you meet are not ordinary compatriots.

The crew members of the three fishing boats were filled with pride when they looked at the large warships of their country. They could really feel that no matter where they were, there was a strong motherland behind them. They could not hide their joy when they saw the navy on the deck. The officers and soldiers were also waving to them, and they were even more excited. Many crew members burst into tears with excitement.

PS: Several relatives came to the house, all with their children.

Tomorrow I have to cook and play with the children. I don’t have time to code during the day, so I will stay up late to code a chapter and update it first.

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