Riverside police

Chapter 955 The “welfare” of the formation

At 9 a.m., the "Shenzheng" ship slowly sailed into the Simonstown Naval Port in Cape Town with a 21-gun salute.

On the pier, there was the sound of military music, crowds of people, and warm welcomes.


Getting closer!

The enthusiastic South African Navy and staff of our embassy in South Africa, as well as Chinese and overseas Chinese living in South Africa, welcomed the Chinese naval fleet that visited South Africa for the first time in history at the southernmost tip of the African continent.

South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa, and Cape Town is a European city with a very beautiful environment. But the South African Navy is small, with only more than 20 missile boats and minesweepers.

Because of this, Simonstown Military Port is very small and located in a very remote location. It is located on the southern peninsula on the outskirts of Cape Town, with only one quiet town nearby. But with the visit of the Chinese fleet, the tranquility of the town was broken. There was an endless stream of people and vehicles coming from Cape Town to visit.

Many overseas Chinese, supporting the elderly and the young, flew to Cape Town in advance from Johannesburg, which is more than 1,200 kilometers away. There are only a few small hotels in the town with limited reception capacity, so they can only stay in the urban area.

They set out from Cape Town early this morning and drove more than two hours to get here. They have only one common wish: to welcome relatives from the motherland who have come from afar, and to witness with their own eyes the warships of the motherland that have traveled across three oceans and crossed the Cape of Good Hope.

Among the welcoming crowd, an old overseas Chinese couple with white hair kept waving the five-star red flag in their hands and shouted in Mandarin with a Dongguang flavor: "Welcome! Welcome!" with tears of excitement in their eyes.

The commander, captain, and deputy captains had to receive the South African naval generals and South African officials who came to visit the ship. Han Yu became the most idle person again.

As soon as the welcome ceremony ended, he found the old overseas Chinese couple and came up to say hello: "Old sir, where are you from?"

“Flyed in from Joburg yesterday!”

"From the accent, it sounds like your ancestral home is Dongguang:"

"Yes, my hometown is from Meixian County!"

"How long have you been in South Africa?"

“We were born in South Africa, and generations of my family have lived in Joburg.”

Han Yu asked curiously: "How many generations?"

"Yes." The navy officer of the motherland came to say hello. The old man was very happy and excited. He held Han Yu's hand tightly and said, "I am the fourth generation of overseas Chinese here. In Ambassador Yang's words, we are the fourth generation of overseas Chinese!"

Among the Chinese and overseas Chinese who came to welcome the formation, they were the oldest, or at least they looked the oldest.

The chiefs did not care. Han Yu felt the need to chat with the two elderly people. While cooperating with the compatriots living in South Africa to take pictures, he asked with a smile: "Have you ever returned to China? Have you ever gone back to your hometown in Meixian County?" have a look?"

"I've been back, three times!"

"how do you feel?"

"Well, my hometown has developed very fast in the past few years. I almost didn't recognize it when I went back last August. It has changed so much in just a few years."

"Next time I go back, the changes will be even greater." Han Yu smiled, thought about it and asked curiously: "How is your life in South Africa?"

Before the old man could speak, the old lady said with emotion: "It's good. The past two years have been much better than before. Before apartheid, we Chinese were second-class citizens like the indigenous people. Now that China has established diplomatic relations with South Africa, apartheid It was also abolished and our status is higher than before.”

In the past, you could always see South Africa in the TV news, and everyone knew about Mandela.

But in fact, China did not establish diplomatic relations with South Africa until two years ago, and South Africa's apartheid policy was only abolished in these two years. One can imagine how difficult it was for the overseas Chinese in South Africa under the unpopular apartheid policy.

Han Yuzheng didn't know what to say. A Chinese with a Taiwanese accent squeezed over and said excitedly: "When we see our relatives in the motherland and the big warships built by the motherland, we feel like we have seen the powerful motherland! Just now, several people A policeman gave us a thumbs up..."

It’s completely different whether the formation comes to visit or not!

When the formation arrived, the diplomats stationed in South Africa even spoke with more confidence than before. The overseas Chinese living in South Africa could straighten their backs. At least during the formation's visit to South Africa, no one would treat them as second-class citizens.

Han Yu could understand their mood at this moment, and tried his best to satisfy the requests of overseas compatriots, constantly shaking hands with them and taking photos with them.

Due to the long distance, many Chinese and overseas Chinese arrived at the military port and it was past the prescribed visiting time, but they still refused to leave.

They were on the dock, walking from the bow to the stern, and then from the stern to the bow, watching as they walked, waving to the officers and soldiers on the ship from time to time...

The visit to South Africa will take a long time. According to the plan agreed between the command post and the embassy, ​​some officers and soldiers will be organized to take a bus to visit the Cape of Good Hope tomorrow.

Although I have visited it before and seen it from a distance on the sea, I have never actually gone up there. It is very meaningful for everyone to go up to the Cape of Good Hope and see it.

The South African Navy's banquet is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. In short, the following time is relatively ample.

Han Yu and the officers and soldiers watched away the overseas Chinese who reluctantly left after dark. Just as he was preparing to attend the reception banquet held by the formation on the deck, Staff Officer Wu suddenly came over in a hurry.

"Salted fish, something happened to the Russian Navy!"

"What happened?"

Staff Officer Wu looked back behind him and whispered: "The Russian Navy's submarine 'Kursk' crashed while participating in a military exercise in the Barents Sea. This is the news I just received. Russia has not announced it to the outside world, but it should be true. Yes, the military attachés stationed in South Korea from several countries are discussing it inside."

The Kursk submarine is very famous.

Han Yu saw it in a ship magazine more than once and exclaimed: "That's a nuclear submarine!"

"Yes." Staff Wu looked at the pergola where the reception was held again and whispered: "That's why the international community is very concerned. If the reactor explodes and causes a nuclear leak, it will be similar to the Chernobyl nuclear accident."

"That is both a nuclear submarine and a large submarine. It is estimated that there are more than a hundred crew members. Do you know if the crew members are okay?"

"Submarines are not surface ships. If something happens, the chances of the crew surviving are very slim."

"Does the chief know?"

"Even I know it, why doesn't the chief know?"

"It's good that the chief knows."

Staff Wu asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Han Yu touched the corner of his mouth and whispered: "Our submarines are all imitations of others. Not only are they imitations, but we also imported several large sharks. Such a big accident happened to their own submarine. Who knows whether it was an operating error or a defect in the submarine itself? "

Staff Officer Wu reacted and immediately patted his arm: "Don't worry, the superiors will definitely take it seriously. If one person is sick, the whole family will take medicine! I bet that our submarine force is all checking at the moment, even if the submarine in the accident is not the same as our submarine." It’s not a model.”

"That's good."

After successfully crossing the Cape of Good Hope and arriving safely in South Africa, the formation command post "distributed benefits" to Han Yu and Captain Qian. As soon as the reception was over, Staff Wu was asked to accompany the two ashore to call their hometown.

This is an international long distance call, and the call charges are very expensive.

The chief was very generous, or maybe it was the embassy that was generous, and gave each person fifteen minutes.

There was only one phone, so Han Yu asked Captain Qian to call first while he stood outside and figured out how to use the precious fifteen minutes of call time.

Perhaps Captain Qian was more family-oriented than most people because he had been drifting at sea for a long time. She dialed her home phone number and chatted with her lover for fifteen minutes without realizing it.

Han Yu did not dare to be so extravagant. He was considering that there was a 6-hour time difference between South Africa and China. He was worried that his senior sister would not come home from work, so he directly dialed his senior sister's mobile phone.

"San'er, is that you?"

"Ning Ning, it's me. I just arrived in Cape Town today. The chief gave me special permission to call home. How are you at home?"

"My family is fine. My parents and Hanhan are both at home. How are you?"

"I'm fine too. We're going to visit South Africa for a few days and we'll return after the visit."

"When can I get home?"

"Around September 2nd, school will definitely start in Hanhan. When I return to the Zhanjiang base, I will call the bureau and ask the bureau to help me book a flight to the East China Sea. I will go to see my parents and Hanhan first, and then return to Binjiang. .”

It was half past twelve in the middle of the night in China. Han Xiangning did not expect that his junior classmate would call in the middle of the night. He got up and said: "Hanhan misses you. She even cried for daddy at night. Wait a minute. I'll call her to pick her up." Telephone."

Han Yu said hurriedly: "The call time is limited. I have to report to the bureau that she is safe. Besides, Hanhan must be asleep now, so I won't call her today."


"Then I'll hang up."

It's been a month since I left, and it will take another month to come back.

Han Xiangning didn't know how much she wanted to say to her junior, but just as she was about to speak, the phone was hung up. Han Yu didn't know how disappointed his senior sister was, so he quickly dialed Qi Bureau's mobile phone.

"Salted fish!"

"Well, it's me."

"Where are you now?"

"We just arrived in Cape Town, South Africa today. We are all in the bureau. The call time is limited. Let's make a long story short. There is nothing going on in the bureau during this time."

Bureau Qi could imagine how difficult it was for Han Yu to make this call. He ignored the small talk and quickly sat up and said: "It's not a big deal, it's a small matter. The superiors are very dissatisfied with the fact that the fire brigade's fire accident responsibility investigation found errors. Li Mingsheng will definitely not be able to become the detachment leader. How to arrange for him to be easy to handle? The question now is who should be the detachment leader."

Han Yu frowned: "The superior wants to adjust Lao Li?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. If we don't adjust, we can't explain it to our superiors."

"Is the superior planning to parachute someone here?"

"Hanwu asked us to seize the time to study. If we don't adjust, we may be parachuted in."

Bureau Qi took a deep breath, thought about it and then said helplessly: "Firefighting work is different from other jobs, it is too professional. It is not too late to make amends, and we cannot continue to rank based on seniority like last time.

We have considered several candidates but feel they are not suitable. If you don't make this call, we can only adjust Li Mingsheng first, and you will serve as the fire brigade captain for a period of time. But in this way, it seems that there is no one in our branch, and it seems that we usually do not pay attention to cadre training. "

Firefighting work has certain particularities, so you must be cautious when selecting a fire brigade leader.

Han Yu racked his brains and thought, and suddenly remembered someone: "Qi Ju, what do you think of Fang Guoya?"

"Fang Guoya is indeed qualified, but he is a cadre of Binjiang Port!"

"He was originally transferred to our branch, and later transferred to the Port Authority due to work needs. You should have heard about the situation at that time. At that time, the relationship between the Bureau and the Port Authority was very tense, and the firefighting work I couldn’t be affected by this, so I was transferred to the Port Authority as a full-time captain of the corporate fire brigade.”

"Is he willing to be transferred back?"

"You should be willing, Qi Bureau, you and the political commissar can talk to him."

"Okay, I'll ask him tomorrow morning."

Han Yu still kept his words short, apologized and hung up the phone after talking about business.

There were still a few minutes left on the call. Han Yu quickly dialed the mobile phone of Political Commissar Fang of the Navy Rest House. He held up the phone and stared at his watch and said eagerly: "Commissar Fang, I'm Han Yu. I just arrived in Cape Town, South Africa today. Dun, everything is fine with me, let me tell you that I am safe first."

Political Commissar Fang woke up in the middle of the night and was confused. Just as he was about to speak, Han Yu continued: "The call time is limited. Firstly, I want to report to you that you are safe. Secondly, I want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"The formation held a reception on the deck in the evening. South African naval admirals and diplomats from several countries, including military attachés stationed in South Africa, came. They said that a nuclear submarine in the Russian Navy crashed and they were very concerned about the possibility of a nuclear leak."

Han Yu paused and said eagerly: "It would be terrible if a nuclear leak occurred, but it is not something we can worry about. When I heard the news, the first thing I thought of was the crew on the submarine. I think that our Chinese Navy also has Submarine, think of our rescue boat brigade as a rescue team."

An accident on a nuclear submarine is a big deal!

Political Commissar Fang showed no signs of sleepiness and asked in surprise: "Xianyu, are you saying we want to rescue the submarine?"

Han Yu took a deep breath and said: "Our submarine has not had any accidents, but we must be prepared for this! We have so many large shipbuilding companies in Binjiang. As long as we are determined to build a more professional army, we will work hard for two or three days. It should be able to do so in 2018, at least with certain rescue capabilities."

Whatever you do must be unique.

The reason why the Linghai Reserve Camp is so popular is because it has professional expertise in flood fighting and rescue operations.

As the political commissar of the rescue ship brigade, Political Commissar Fang had long wanted to make something special and achieve something. After hearing what Han Yu said, he immediately said: "Okay, I will report to the base early tomorrow morning. After all, we will build in this direction." , cannot be separated from the support of active duty forces, especially the submarine force."

"Okay, that's settled. You first ask for instructions and report, and do the preparations you can do now."

"I can only ask for instructions and report back. You can only rely on you to figure out the funds required for troop building. The same is true for professional and technical aspects."

"Political commissar, there are three cobblers who can stand up to Zhuge Liang. You can first gather the officers and soldiers at home to study it."

"Okay, I'll ask the chief of staff tomorrow when they have time."

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