Riverside police

Chapter 956 Can the words be reversed?

8:30 a.m., third floor of the Old Port Authority.

Fang Guoya is both the captain of Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade and the fire department chief of Binjiang Port Group.

During the fire safety inspection and rectification carried out by the Changhang Shipping Branch some time ago, Binjiang Port Group was found to have more than 60 safety hazards, large and small, and was fined a total of more than 60,000 yuan. One employee was even detained administratively.

As the section chief responsible for fire safety management and supervision, Fang Guoya has been criticized several times by the group leaders. These days, he is busy making amends, supervising the rectification of terminals and yards with safety hazards, and at the same time, he has to prepare for the second or even third inspection by the Changhang Shipping Branch.

There was a mountain of materials to sort out, and he was extremely busy. Minister Yang suddenly called and asked him to come to the small conference room on the third floor.

When I walked in, I saw the familiar leader of the Changhang Branch Branch.

Could it be that something went wrong again?

Fang Guoya's heart skipped a beat and he forgot to say hello to Bureau Qi and Political Commissar Dong.

The third son of Minister Yang’s family graduated from the Changhang Police Academy. In the year when he was about to graduate, he and Xiaoyu participated in a water raid organized by the Changhang Public Security Bureau and made meritorious service. Later, they were assigned to the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Changhang Public Security Bureau.

Because of this, Minister Yang has a good relationship with the Changhang Branch Bureau and greeted him half-jokingly: "Guoya, don't worry. Bureau Qi and Political Commissar Dong are not here to trouble you today. Sit down quickly and talk."

"Qi Bureau, Political Commissar Dong, do you two have any instructions?"

"No instructions, I just wanted to talk to you."

"What to talk about?"

Time was urgent, so Bureau Qi didn’t want to beat around the bush and said straight to the point: “Comrade Guoya, you were transferred from our branch to Binjiang Port, and you have been engaged in firefighting work in the past few years. You should know the situation of our branch’s fire detachment very well.

Because Li Mingsheng was responsible for the fire accident, he, the fire brigade captain, could no longer do it, and he would have to make adjustments in the next two days. Xianyu suggested that the political commissar and I talk to you and ask if you would like to return to the branch and replace Li Mingsheng as the detachment leader. "

The fire on the water was said to be put out by the fire brigade of the Changhang Branch Bureau, but it was actually put out by the Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade with two towing and fire-fighting vehicles and 22 firefighters.

Fang Guoya had participated in fire fighting and knew that there was something wrong with the subsequent accident liability investigation.

If he had known that Li Mingsheng had caused such a big mistake, his superiors would definitely hold him accountable, but he didn't expect it would be so soon, and he didn't expect that Han Yu would recommend him to be transferred back to the Changhang Branch as the fire brigade captain.

This news is so sudden!

Fang Guoya was stunned and asked in surprise: "Can I be transferred back to the branch?"

Before Qi Bureau could speak, Minister Yang smiled and said: "Our Binjiang Port Group is a municipal state-owned enterprise, and you are a cadre of a state-owned enterprise. As long as you are willing to be transferred back to the Changhang Branch, you will still be a cadre."

"Can I be the detachment leader if I'm transferred back?"

"Although government and enterprise are now separated, and there is no longer any discussion of administrative levels, you are the fire department chief of our group. If you correspond to the party and government departments, your level is equivalent to that of a regular department."

Binjiang Port Group's predecessor, Binjiang Port Authority, is a department-level unit!

The Port Authority was transferred to the local government and became the Binjiang Port Group. The CEO of the group was not appointed by the Binjiang Municipal Party Committee, but was recommended by the Binjiang Municipal Party Committee to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and appointed after study and approval by the Provincial Party Committee. He enjoyed the treatment of deputy department-level leaders.

If they are matched up, the vice presidents are equivalent to being in the same position.

The heads of departments such as administration, business, human resources, and production safety are equivalent to deputy departments, and the department heads of each department are equivalent to regular departments.

Fang Guoya reacted and couldn't help but ask after thinking about it: "Xianyu recommends me?"

"Well, he just arrived in Cape Town, South Africa yesterday. There is a time difference between South Africa and China. He called me at night. I received the call at around twelve o'clock at night."

Bureau Qi took the cigarette from Minister Yang and added with a smile: "He is the deputy director in charge of fire protection. On the selection of fire brigade captain, the political commissar and I will seek his opinion. The first thing he thinks of is you." , the political commissar and I also think you are qualified."

Fang Guoya was transferred from the armed police and fire brigade. He envied many of his old comrades who transferred to the public security agencies and could continue to wear uniforms. Moreover, the Changhang Airlines branch will be reorganized next. The Changhang Airlines police will soon no longer be the "internal security" of the port and shipping companies. The Changhang Airlines police officers will be civil servants like local police officers!

Fang Guoya was really moved, and subconsciously looked at his immediate boss: "Minister Yang, I...I..."

"I know this is too sudden for you. In fact, I feel it is too sudden. What can I say about this matter? As long as you want to transfer, there is no problem in transferring. It's just that it has advantages and disadvantages for you."

Minister Yang knocked the ashes and then analyzed: "The advantage is that you can become a formal national cadre from an enterprise cadre. As long as you work hard in the branch, and with the support of the whole bureau and the political commissar Dong, the future is unlimited. As for the disadvantages, it is mainly reflected in In terms of salary.

Although he will be a full-time cadre after being transferred back to the branch, his salary and benefits will definitely not be as good as they are now, but he can't just look at his eyes. You are well aware of the situation in the group. Due to the particularity of your work and profession, it is difficult for you to make progress within the group. "

Binjiang Port Group is an enterprise.

As long as a company's first consideration is profit!

From the perspective of the group's top management, only those cadres who can create benefits for the group are capable cadres. Although firefighting work is very important, its status within the group is not high, even lower than that of the directors of several docks.

Fang Guoya was silent for a moment and asked with a bit of embarrassment: "Minister Yang, are you saying I should be transferred back?"

"You are different from me. You are still young." Minister Yang put out his cigarette and said meaningfully: "And you were transferred back to work with Xianyu. Others don't know that you know best. As long as you worked with Xianyu, Which one hasn’t made progress?”

This is right to the point!

Bureau Qi didn't want to be muddled anymore and gave an example while the iron was hot: "Li Jun at the border inspection station was ready to change his job. Just because he went to fight floods with Xianyu and made great contributions, his superiors arranged for him to go to Tianjin Armed Police Academy for training. After the training, he I mentioned the deputy team leader. You know Chen Zikun from our branch and Lao Wu from the Maritime Safety Bureau, and you are very familiar with them. It can be said that as long as you have worked with Xianyu, every one of them has improved."

"If I'm transferred back to the station, who will be the fire chief?"

"Don't worry, Minister Yang will arrange it. Besides, you will still be in charge of fire protection after being transferred back to the branch, but your current leadership will be changed to a business guide. The firefighters in the fire brigade are all your old subordinates. Please tell them something. Can you not listen?"

He was transferred back to the Changhang Branch, put on his long-lost police uniform, and became a public security officer again.

The more Fang Guoya thought about it, the more excited he became. He clenched his fists and said, "Thank you to the bureau and the political commissar for their trust. I am willing to be transferred back to the branch!"

"Would you like to discuss this with your lover?"

"Need not."

"You really don't need it?"

"No need!"

"Okay, we've settled on that." Bureau Qi finally relaxed and said with a smile: "Considering that the transfer procedures are not so fast and the firefighting work is so important, the fire brigade cannot be left without a person in charge after Li Mingsheng is adjusted. We I just discussed with Minister Yang and plan to let you return to the branch as fire brigade captain first."

Afraid that Fang Guoya would not understand, Political Commissar Dong explained: "We have not officially 'separated' from Binjiang Port Group yet. It is normal for cadres to exchange temporary positions. Don't worry, we will hurry up and complete the formal transfer procedures and try to complete it before the end of the year."

Fang Guoya couldn't help but ask: "Minister Yang, can the group leaders agree?"

"In the past, the group would not necessarily agree, and even if it could, it would not be so happy. But now is not the past. The Bureau and the Political Commissar Dong just issued so many fines to us and even detained our employees. Although we are in the firefighting There are indeed many hidden dangers, but several leaders are not very happy. After all, the Changhang Branch receives our salary and eats our food, and in turn fines us and detains our people. What kind of thing is this? "

Bureau Qi was embarrassed by Minister Yang's comments and asked with a wry smile: "How many of the bosses have objections to me?"

Minister Yang said with a bit of schadenfreude: "They know that money is fined by salted fish, and people are also detained by salted fish, but they can't do anything about salted fish. They even have to treat salted fish with courtesy. After all, salted fish is People who have met the leaders of Zhong Y are highly valued cadres by Secretary Lu, Mayor Wang and Mayor Qin, so they can only have opinions about you and Political Commissar Dong."

"Just an opinion?"

"Of course it's impossible. If I were the CEO of the group and you were eating our food but smashing our bowls, I would still beat you. It's probably not going to be easy to get funds in the second half of the year, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"Don't give us funds? If you don't give us funds, how can I pay the police salaries?"

"Isn't Guoya going to be transferred back? When the time comes, let Guoya ask for leadership."

Fang Guoya realized that this detachment leader was not that good, and said with a bitter face: "Minister Yang..."

Minister Yang looked at the door subconsciously, and said with a half-smile: "How to report the same thing to the leader, the effect is completely different. For example, if you are transferred back to the Changhang Branch, it was not recruited by the Qi Bureau and Political Commissar Dong. Rather, I suggest that the Bureau and the Political Commissar Dong adjust Li Mingsheng’s position and let you return to the branch as fire brigade captain to strengthen the group’s ‘leadership’ of the Changhang Branch!”

The group wants to strengthen its "leadership" over the Changhang Airlines branch, but it can actually be said the other way around.

Fang Guoya understood as if he was enlightened. He was in admiration. The whole team couldn't help but smile: "It's good to ask for instructions and report. The group leaders are the ones who want face. We must give the group leaders enough face. If anyone doesn't give the group leaders face, we will make adjustments." Whose job!"

"The leader is very angry, and the consequences will be serious. However, if the leader is not happy, he can only adjust department-level cadres like Li Mingsheng. He can only arrange for Guoya Group to conduct fire safety management supervision, but he cannot adjust Xianyu, even if Xianyu does not mention deputy Can’t adjust anywhere.”

"It's enough to adjust one detachment leader. Who dares not to give face to the group leaders in the future?"

"Qi Bureau, Old Director, let's keep the same tone for now. If different news comes from your branch in the future, I will be embarrassed by then."

"Don't worry, Minister Yang, we will never make it difficult for you!"

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