Riverside police

Chapter 957: Provoking but not triggering!

The branch made such a big mistake that it even involved the fire brigade. Mere review is useless, we must take some practical actions as soon as possible and give an explanation to our superiors.

In order to fill the hole created by the fire brigade and strictly enforce the law, we have offended the "funder" again. Funds for the second half of the year are likely to be lost. We must also give an explanation to the leaders of Binjiang Port Group as soon as possible.

Minister Yang's suggestion is the best of both worlds. As long as the "story" can be told well, both sides can have an explanation.

Bureau Qi did not dare to delay any longer and immediately asked Minister Yang to do the work. He and Political Commissar Dong hurried back to the branch to wait for news.

As Minister Yang said before, the Changhang Shipping Branch investigated and dealt with several terminals in Binjiang Port during the fire inspection and renovation period, which made the group’s CEOs Liu and Xu very angry.

Mr. Xu went to Pier 3 to inspect the work the day before yesterday. He happened to meet Deputy Director Yan of the Binjiang Police Station and Lao Wu, a full-time firefighting policeman, who were inspecting the rectification situation at Pier 3.

When Mr. Xu saw them, he flew into a rage, pointed at them and scolded them for "eating the inside and outside", saying that even if they had a dog, they still knew how to wag their tails at their owners!

Even the cadres and workers on the dock were filled with indignation, saying behind their backs that the group had raised a bunch of white-eyed wolves for so many years, and they didn’t know how long they would last...

In short, we must give some color to the "internal security" of the Changhang Branch Bureau who only take money but do nothing, otherwise the people will not be angry!

Mr. Xu had already told the Finance Department that the group was short of funds and all previously arranged funds were "frozen". Any funds allocated in the future would be studied.

Seeing Minister Yang knocking on the door and walking in, Mr. Xu was surprised: "Old Yang, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Xu, the two people from the Changhang Branch just came to see me."

"They actually have the nerve to come!" Mr. Xu snorted coldly. While asking Minister Yang to sit down, he asked curiously: "What do they want from you?"

Minister Yang scratched his head and said with some helplessness: "They may think that my Yang San'er is also a Changhang police officer and I should be easier to talk to, so they want to ask me for information."

When Binjiang Port Group was still Binjiang Port Authority, the Port Authority was the real superior of the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau at that time, and personnel and funds were under the management of the Port Authority.

Now that the Port Authority has become the Binjiang Port Group, and the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau has become the Changhang Shipping Branch, the group can only manipulate them in terms of funding.

It’s also good to be able to handle the funding.

Mr. Xu was in a much better mood. He picked up the cigarette on the table and handed one to Minister Yang. He smiled and said, "I want to ask you for information. So they are afraid."

"They eat our food and drink our food. We only need Kaka funds and they will have to go without food. How can they not be afraid!"

"It's right to be afraid. If you don't give them some color, they will forget who they are! This time they must be taught a lesson and let them reflect on whose food they are eating and whose food they are serving. bowl!"

The leader was really angry.

It's easy to handle when the leader is angry.

Minister Yang felt confident, so he pretended to hesitate and said, "Mr. Xu, I don't think the card funds are appropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate?" Mr. Xu asked subconsciously.

“First of all, although we are now a municipal state-owned enterprise, many aspects are still under the jurisdiction of the China Shipping Bureau. When the Ministry of Transportation handed us over to the city, it was very clear that as long as it is a port and shipping enterprise, it must bear the funds for port and shipping police.

The superiors have documents and agreements at the time of handover. If we block their funds, they will definitely be anxious. If the trouble really comes to the China Shipping Bureau, it will be very troublesome for the Bureau to find the city leaders. "

Minister Yang didn't want the leader to feel that he was cheating, so he continued: "It's not like this has never happened before. When He Bin was the director, he didn't respect Secretary Miao, and Secretary Miao blocked their funds. As a result, He Bin broke the pot and made trouble with Han. Wu, in the end, the superiors have not clarified their security jurisdiction over the port area and port waters."

When He Bin was the director of Binjiang Branch, the relationship with the Port Authority was indeed tense, but the situation that time was different from this time.

That was a real power struggle!

The Security Department established an economic police detachment with the support of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and "re-employed" retired veteran policemen from the Changhang Branch Bureau to use their remaining energy and organized economic police officers to participate in severe crackdowns. They cooperated with the Port District Branch to solve cases and pursue escapes, and even took over several docks and storage yards. The public security situation only left a passenger terminal for the Changhang Branch.

He Bin, then director of the Changhang Airlines Branch, realized the seriousness of the problem. If the Economic Police Detachment was really enlarged, there would be no point in the continued existence of the Changhang Airlines Branch.

It was related to the survival of Changhang Branch, and He Bin's reaction was very intense at that time. Not only did he team up with Xianyu to make a fuss about solving the case, he even went so far as to have his superiors think that he, the director, was incompetent, and brought the matter to Hanwu, alarming the leaders of the Changhang Public Security Bureau and even the Changhang Bureau!

Because of their strong background, the Port Authority fell short.

Later, when a man surnamed Qi took office, he started wrestling with the Shuangshui Branch again. They fought openly and covertly for more than a year. Although the strength in all aspects was not as good as that of the Shuishang Branch, in the end, he still took over the entire Yangtze Riverside section by relying on his strong background and strong background. Water fire management supervision jurisdiction!

In the first half of this year, we took advantage of the situation and took over the security jurisdiction of Linghai Port Area.

In short, the "internal security" group is not good at doing anything, but fighting for power and profit is the first priority.

He Bin dared to risk everything, just as anyone named Qi dared to break a jar. Push him to the limit, and he may really not care whether his superiors think he has no leadership skills.

Mr. Xu realized that Minister Yang was not an alarmist and lit a cigarette to signal Minister Yang to continue.

"Secondly, the Changhang Public Security Bureau will soon be reorganized. Even if we block their funding, how many months will it be blocked? When they become administrative establishments, they will become civil servants and receive the same royal food as the local police. Then we will have nothing to do with them. There’s a way.”

Afraid that the leader would not understand, Minister Yang reminded again: "It is said that it is better to reconcile enemies than to make enemies. If their funds are blocked now, they will definitely hold grudges. When they no longer need our funds, they will definitely retaliate. hatred.

They are the ones who fail to succeed but fail more than they should. What if they stare at us every day, always find fault with us, and always find trouble for us? What will we do then? "

Mr. Xu nodded, thought about it and shook his head: "Old Yang, what you said makes sense, but the problem is that their wings are not hardened yet. Now they are still spending our money and eating our food, but they are hurting us in turn. Bowl! If we don’t beat them, how will the team be managed and how will we explain to the cadres and employees of the entire group!"

This was what Minister Yang was waiting for, and he quickly said: "Mr. Xu, you have to knock, otherwise how can you reflect the prestige of the group party committee? But there is no turning back when you shoot the arrow. Instead of shooting out the arrow that blocks the funds, why not?" It may be more of a deterrent to them if they are attracted but not released.”

"Why don't you trigger it?"

"We don't want Qi to make a big deal out of things. In fact, Qi doesn't want to quarrel with us. After all, if he really quarrels with us, it means that he doesn't even have a good relationship with the port and shipping companies that provide them with funds. He is incompetent as the director."

Minister Yang smiled and continued: "This should be the reason why he came to me just now to inquire about the news."

Mr. Xu nodded: "Go on."

"The trick of carding funds is useful, but it cannot be used easily. It can be kept to make them feel a sense of crisis and make them realize that they must give an explanation to the party committee of our group!"

"It's interesting to lead without attacking, to subjugate the enemy without fighting. Lao Yang, do you have any more specific ideas?"

"Xianyu fines us money, and we punish people. But Xianyu doesn't get much salary from us, and he doesn't eat much from us. He smashes our bowls, and we can't do anything about him for the time being."

Minister Yang paused and said with a smile: "But we can scare the chickens and scare the monkeys. Let's start with the current fire brigade captain Li Mingsheng. If he dares to eat inside and outside, we will make it impossible for him as the brigade captain to see who dares to disrespect our group party committee again in the future. "

Some time ago, there were fines, arrests, and rectification orders. Although they were all ordered by Xianyu, they were also implemented by the white-eyed wolf Li Mingsheng.

Compared with the salty fish that you can't afford to offend, it's more appropriate to take action on Li Mingsheng, the white-eyed wolf who has been raised by the Port Authority for more than 20 years!

The more Mr. Xu thought about it, the more sense it made. He couldn't help but asked with a smile, "How do you kill a chicken to scare the monkey?"

"The person surnamed Qi just came to me to inquire about information. I tried to use a trick and let him go. The party committee of the group was very unhappy. Next, I want to knock the wind out of them."

Minister Yang paused and continued: "He is really timid and wants to remedy the situation. I said there is only one way, to adjust the current fire brigade captain. Our group will arrange for someone to be the fire brigade captain. Otherwise, we will wait and see. !”

"How do you say the surname Qi?"

"He was stupid. He said that this was against the rules. He said that the personnel of the branch are now under the control of Hanwu, unlike before, which was under the control of the Port Authority."

Minister Yang lit up his second cigarette and said with a smile while the iron was hot: "I was not polite to them. I told him clearly that it was up to whoever had food to eat. When he saw that I was serious, he compromised and wanted to bargain with me. Agree to adjust Li Mingsheng."

"No, just adjusting one Li Mingsheng will not be enough. The fire brigade leader must be a cadre sent by us!"

"I think so too. After all, firefighting is different from other jobs. We must win the key position of fire brigade captain."

Mr. Xu's thinking became clearer. He knocked on the table and said with a smile: "Old Yang, you can spread the word a little more and say that the city is going to audit our group. We give their branch office so much money every year. Where does the money go?" , we also need to audit them!"

Minister Yang did not expect that Mr. Xu would draw inferences from one instance and couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Xu, this is a good idea, but I don't believe they have no problems with the use of funds."

"If you want to reduce big things to small things, it's very simple. Adjust Li Mingsheng's position and let Fang Guoya be the fire brigade captain."

I go!

He actually ordered Fang Guoya to come over.

But then again, there were only a few full-time firefighting cadres in the group, so it was normal to think of Fang Guoya first.

Minister Yang was finding it funny, but Mr. Xu thought about it and said without a doubt: "Firefighting is different from public security, at least it is very important to us. Make it clear to them that not only must Fang Guoya be appointed as the fire brigade captain, but also Fang Guoya must be arranged to enter The branch party committee team will have no say otherwise!”

Minister Yang couldn't believe his ears and said in surprise: "Mr. Xu, joining the branch party committee team is equivalent to being promoted to deputy director. The people with the same surname have no say in this matter."

Mr. Xu made the final decision: "That's their business, let them think of a way, let them do the work! If you want to reduce the big issue to a small one, just agree to our conditions, and we won't bargain with them!"

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