Riverside police

Chapter 975 Do two things as one!

The ongoing search work is more important on the shore than on the river.

Because the body of the victim is likely to be washed to the shore by the current, entangled in aquatic plants, floating in the reeds, or caught in the blind spots of rivers, forks or docks.

Yangtze River Police 110, 111, Binjiang Public Security 001, 002, 003 and law enforcement boats from maritime, fishery, water administration and other units, after searching several shoals in the middle of the river, they turned into "command boats" and commanded on the river. People on the shore and temporarily mobilized traffic boats and iron boats searched.

It was late at night, and calls from the radio and walkie-talkies in the small 001 command cabin were coming one after another, and even the air was filled with a tense atmosphere.

"Xianyu Xianyu, I asked Yang Suo to help find six more iron boats from the anchorage. I am searching with a flashlight. It will take another three hours to complete the search."

"Thank you Pei Zhi, I'm sorry for letting you stay up late."

"Thank you. Don't forget to settle the labor fee with me after the search is over."

"You can rest assured. I will contact Director Chen of Guzhou Branch and ask Director Chen to help me put it on first."

"As for our detachment, we also dispatched three small boats." Captain Pei of the Coast Guard detachment joked.

Asking friends on the South Shore for help is different from asking friends on the North Shore for help.

My relationship with the local area is not as good as my own on the North Shore, and there are not that many boats that can be used for searching, so I can only ask the masses for help.

If the masses go out and contribute, they must be given money.

The Qi Bureau gave 50,000 yuan in funding, and Han Yu had already planned to spend all 50,000 yuan on the South Bank.

As time passed minute by minute, as the police in charge of each section continued to report, the shorelines marked as having been searched were connected bit by bit. It was initially estimated that more than 100 kilometers had been searched as of five minutes ago.

Han Yu stared at the water map and pondered for a moment, then picked up the radio and continued calling.

"Bureau Li, Bureau Li, I, Han Yu, are you making any progress there?"

"Not yet."

From 2 p.m. to now, the Maritime Safety Administration has helped issue four "corpse-finding notices", which can be heard by ships of all sizes sailing through the Binjiang waters or anchored in the Binjiang waters. Li Mingsheng, deputy director of the Changsha Branch, is sitting at the Traffic Management Center of the Maritime Safety Administration , just waiting for possible feedback from ships on the river.

Han Yu took a deep breath, held up the intercom and said, "Any developed coastline should be searched by 12 o'clock at the latest. If the search cannot be completed before 12 o'clock, the workload will be even greater tomorrow."

The ongoing search work is focused and prioritized. To put it bluntly, it is searching from the shoreline where the body is most likely to be stranded.

According to the search plan formulated in the afternoon, if the search fails at 12 o'clock tonight, a blanket search will be carried out on the undeveloped coastline tomorrow.

The undeveloped coastline is very long and is covered with reeds and weeds as far as the eye can see. It is usually inaccessible and even if you have money, you may not be able to find so many people and boats to participate.

Li Mingsheng can understand Han Yu's mood at this moment.

They say murder cases must be solved.

Now that the murder case has been solved and the suspect has been arrested, the lack of direct evidence of the victim's body makes the subsequent investigation impossible.

This is a test for the Changhang Navigation Bureau that is about to be transformed.

Whether this case can be taken down, or whether it can be turned into a solid case, is directly related to the views of the superiors and local police colleagues on the Changhang Branch.

Li Mingsheng took several deep breaths, clutched the phone tightly and said, "Director Han, I just called Director Qi. Director Qi said that if 50,000 is not enough, he will find a way to squeeze in another 50,000."

"That's great, I can't do anything without money."

The search lasted until 12 o'clock in the night, but still nothing was found.

Human energy is limited, and searching along the riverside in the middle of the night is inherently risky.

Han Yu contacted the law enforcement boats and helping friends as planned, asking them to stop the search, seize the time to rest, and continue the search after dawn.

Once the whistle blows, there is a lot of gold.

Little 001 is a gas tiger. He burned a lot of oil when sailing to the waters of Dacang. He had to continue searching after dawn. Naturally, Han Yu would not return in the middle of the night, so he asked Zhang Ping and Lao Zhu to drive Little 001 to the nearest pier. Arrive and spend the night in Okura.

After eating supper, we rested in the crew cabin below the command module.

For Han Yu and Xiaoyu, Xiao001 is almost like home.

Although the conditions on the boat were far inferior to those of the big 001 and 825 boats, I had a particularly good sleep this time.

At 6:45, the phone suddenly rang.

Han Yu woke up from his sleep and quickly got up to answer the call.

"Bureau Li, did you find anything?"

"A floating corpse was found in Shuzhou waters. It was highly corrupt. Chen Zikun personally led people to salvage it!"

"Exact location, where was it found, and who found it?" Han Yu was not sleepy at all.

Li Mingsheng had just gotten up and looked at the phone record and said: "A downbound cargo ship found a body 1.5 kilometers downstream of No. 36 Float in the Shuzhou Port's dedicated channel. The body was floating in the middle of the channel. It should not be the one we were searching for."

The crew member had fallen into the water for twelve days, and his body could only be found among the aquatic plants on both sides of the bank, in the branch, or among the reeds. It was unlikely to appear in the middle of the river, otherwise it would have been washed to the sea.

Han Yu reacted and whispered: "It should have drifted down from the upper reaches. No matter where it came from, the Guzhou Branch has something to do."

"They must be very depressed. If they hadn't helped us, they wouldn't have encountered this hot potato."

"That's the truth, but you can't say it that way."

"That's right. Ignore them for now. I'll ask the traffic control center to issue another announcement."

The body was highly decomposed, meaning it was beyond recognition.

If there is nothing on the body that can prove its identity, and the forensic doctor determines that the death was a homicide, then it is a murder case without any clues.

The most fearful thing for criminal police investigating murder cases is encountering unknown corpses.

Han Yu sympathized with the Guzhou branch, but now he had more important things to do. He couldn't take care of washing up or having breakfast. He contacted his friends in Nan'an again and asked them to continue to help organize the search.

At the same time, Vice Mayor Qin and Commander Wang of the Military Division, accompanied by the political commissar of the Navy Rest Station, drove to the rescue ship brigade camp by car.

Qian Shiming and Qin Weiquan and other major pre-appointed officers of the rescue ship brigade are here, and Lao Ge is not in a hurry to return to Bailong Port because of today's meeting.

Political Commissar Fang presided over the meeting and said straight to the point as soon as he sat down: "Comrades, today's meeting was originally hosted by Comrade Han Yu. He entrusted me to host it because he had some actions. Today we mainly study two tasks. One is the 'Binjiang Ship' will We will return to Binjiang on the 5th of next month, and the second is the future construction of the brigade. Next, let us give Mayor Qin a speech with warm applause."

"Everyone, I'm sorry to ask you to come to the meeting on Sunday."

Vice Mayor Qin looked around the crowd and said with a smile: "The return of the Binjiang ship is of great significance to Binjiang. Secretary Lu and Mayor Wang both attached great importance to it and entrusted me and Commander Wang to be fully responsible for the reception of the Binjiang ship and the reception of the Binjiang ship. It is said that Commander Wang and I are responsible for the public open house work, but the specific work still depends on you."

Qin Weiquan couldn't help but ask: "Mayor Qin, are you saying that our brigade will be responsible for the reception?"

"You may have heard that the airborne troops who worked side by side with the Linghai Reserve Battalion to fight floods came to Binjiang for training, and the reception and logistical support were mainly handled by the Linghai Reserve. Now that naval ships are visiting Binjiang, the Municipal Party Committee and Government hope that you will The naval reserve force is specifically responsible for the reception and is also responsible for the logistical support of the Binjiang ship during its stay in Binjiang."

Vice Mayor Qin smiled and continued: "The municipal party committee and government are not afraid of trouble. The main consideration is that you are not only veterans, but also pre-appointed officers of the Navy Reserve Force. You understand the etiquette of naval ship visits, know what the ship needs, and communicate Accessible.

At the same time, please rest assured that you only need to contribute, not money. All the funds needed to host the Binjiang ship will be borne by the city. If you need assistance or cooperation from any departments, just ask, Commander Wang and I will communicate and coordinate. "

There is no need to pay for the rescue boat brigade, everything is easy to talk about.

Qin Weiquan looked back at Qian Shiming and said with a smile: "First of all, it is pilotage. The Binjiang ship has never returned home after serving for so many years, and has never even entered the Yangtze River. The captain, deputy captain and other officers and soldiers are not familiar with the waterway. We have to arrange people To pilot, it’s best to arrange for public security boats and coast guard boats to escort.”

"Xianyu is the pilot. When the time comes, let Xianyu pilot the Yangtze River estuary. There is no need to go to the Yangtze River Pilotage Center. As for arranging law enforcement boat escorts, it is not a problem for you." Vice Mayor Qin recorded it and signaled to them continue.

Qian Shiming thought for a while and added: "The return of the Binjiang ship to Binjiang is of great significance. It must create a feeling of going home for all the officers and soldiers on the ship. Mayor Qin, Commander Wang, and the Korean Bureau are familiar with the North Branch Channel. If the fleet leader agrees, The Binjiang ship can be allowed to return home through the North Branch Channel."

"What's the difference between walking from the North Branch and walking from the main channel?"

"There are not as many ships in the North Branch Channel as there are in the Main Channel. There are small 001 pilot escorts, which is safer than taking the Main Channel. More importantly, taking the North Branch Channel will pass through Dongqi and Linghai. We can inform the Dongqi Police Station of the Changhang Branch in advance , Lingzhao Steam Whistle, Linghai Police Station of the Changhang Navigation Branch, the Third Marine Police Brigade of the Water Branch, Linghai Port and Lingda Steam Ferry and other units along the line held a series of whistle blowing and lining up welcoming ceremonies on the riverside when the Binjiang ship sailed by. "

As soon as Qian Shiming finished speaking, Chang Jiang Shengqi, deputy section chief of the Water Anti-smuggling Section of the Smuggling Crime Investigation Branch, couldn't help but raise his hand: "When the Binjiang ship sails to our anti-smuggling dock, all our crew members can stand on the port side of the 825 boat to welcome you. The officers and soldiers of the ship must have been very excited after seeing it."

"I almost forgot, Comrade Shengqi, you worked on the Binjiang ship. You transferred from the Binjiang ship to our Binjiang."

"Mayor Qin, you have a really good memory."

"This suggestion of yours is also very good, continue."

"The water diversion and route have been solved, and the next step is the berth. After the Binjiang ship returns home, it will definitely be open to the public. The pier cannot be small and the location cannot be too remote. This may require communication and coordination with the Binjiang Port Group."

"Leave this matter to me and Commander Wang. We'll go talk to Binjiang Port Group."

"Then for the security work at the pier, should the Changhang Navigation Branch be responsible for it, or should the Water Branch be responsible for it?"

"The public security has its own job, and their police force is already very tight. At that time, they only need to ask the two families to arrange a few policemen to be on duty at the scene, and the task of standing guard will be left to the armed police force."

"You can also leave it to the armed police."

Qin Weiquan nodded and continued: "The conditions on the ship are relatively difficult. It is difficult for the Binjiang ship to return home once, so we have to let the officers and soldiers go ashore. Mayor Qin, Commander Wang, when the time comes, we can suggest to the captain to organize the officers and soldiers to go ashore in turns." Rest.”

Commander Wang smiled and asked, "Where do you live?"

"Since our brigade is responsible for the reception, of course they will stay in our brigade's camp. The Binjiang ship is different from the airborne troops that come to Binjiang for training. There are not many officers and soldiers, and there are even fewer people taking turns to come ashore. Our camp can completely accommodate them."

"It's good to let the ship's officers and soldiers live in the naval camp. That's it."

Everyone brainstormed and quickly drew up a preliminary reception plan.

Vice Mayor Qin was very happy, looked at everyone with a smile and said: "After the Binjiang ship arrives at Binjiang Port, the leaders of the four teams will definitely go to the dock to greet them. Considering that your brigade will be involved in the submarine rescue project next, and this project It cannot be separated from the support of relevant enterprises, and I think this is an opportunity.”

This is the future construction goal of the rescue ship brigade.

Political Commissar Fang couldn't help but ask: "Mayor Qin, what chance do you have?"

"Which companies you need to participate in the submarine rescue and rescue project, please contact them quickly. When the time comes, let them go to the dock with the city leaders to greet them, and you can even arrange for them to be the first batch to visit the ship. You are all old navy, and you are very interested in those who can It may not matter if you can't board the ship, but for us local party and government cadres, it is not an easy thing to be the first batch to visit the ship. It is really meaningful, and I think it is the same for entrepreneurs."

Seeing that everyone was thoughtful, Vice Mayor Qin smiled and added: "You need people's efforts and even money. You may not give them much. If you think about it carefully, you can only give them honor."

Political Commissar Fang was enlightened and said happily: "This is a good idea. Thank you Mayor Qin for your support!"

Commander Wang raised his head and said with a smile: "Don't you need funds and help from relevant companies? This means treating two things as one. I believe that the heads of relevant companies are definitely willing to work with the city leaders to welcome the Binjiang ship, and they are definitely willing to The first batch to board the ship for a visit!”

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