Riverside police

Chapter 976 Are you tired?

At 3:27 p.m., the search continued.

Little 001 went downstream along the waters on the south side of Taoming Island. Based on what he observed at the scene, Han Yu asked Deputy Captain Liu of the Public Security Brigade of Taoming Public Security Bureau, who boarded the boat in the morning, to contact the police on the shore to organize forces to assist in the search.

Taoming Island is very large. There are many rivers on the island, and there are many river channels along this side of the river.

Thousands of large and small ships pass by on the river every day. The waves caused by the large ships will roll the floating objects on the river to the shore and even into the river channel.

This means that the search must not only be carried out on the river, but also the channels leading to the river must be considered.

Liu Da stood on the bow of the ship and finished the phone call. He turned around and said with a smile: "Xianyu, I've found five more boats for you. There are now twenty-three boats searching for you in this section. I think we should be able to search before dark." over."

The only people we looked for were small boats, and the people we invited were fishermen or local people.

Including fuel and wages, a boat search costs 80 yuan a day.

Han Yu secretly calculated the funds and said with emotion: "Liu Da, I have caused trouble to you."

"Easy effort, no trouble." Liu Da picked up his cell phone, walked over and asked, "You have invested so much, have you ever thought about what to do if the search fails? After all, it has been twelve days since the crew member fell into the water. .”

Han Yu raised his telescope and observed the reed beach not far away while explaining: "We can search for the best, but if we can't find it, it doesn't mean that we are doing useless work. At least we have organized a search, which is better than anything else." If nothing is done, the crew is presumed to have drowned."

Once a murder occurs, the case cannot be solved and the murderer cannot be caught, making life up and down difficult.

The case is solved and the murderer is arrested, but it is still difficult to find the victim's body.

Liu Daneng understood the difficulties of the Changhang Binjiang Branch and nodded slightly: "That's true, after all, it involves death determination."

At the same time, a farmer in his sixties was busy on the Baigang River with a boat.

A mud-carrying boat came from a distance. The boss of the boat knew the old man who was busy on the riverside. He held the paddle and shouted: "Old Wu, what are you busy with?"

Old Wu looked back, straightened up and said with a smile: "The gang came out to retrieve the corpse!"

"Someone was killed, someone died?"

"It seems so, but it's not from our place. The people at the police station said the body floated over from upstream."

"Did you catch it?"

"No, I'm looking for it."

"I asked why so many small boats suddenly appeared on the river. It turns out they are fishing for corpses." The boat boss looked around, thought about it and then smiled and asked: "Does the police station give money to gangs when they work at the police station?"

"Here, eighty a day!"

"Why can't I encounter such a good thing? I can only make a few dollars by hauling a boatload of mud."

"Why are you not at home? I won't tell you anymore. I have to look for you quickly. The public security motorboat will come over to check. If they see me working as a foreigner, my money will be deducted."

"Okay, okay, you get busy first."

After watching his neighbors in the same village leave, Lao Wu continued his search.

This job is really easy to do, and the money is really easy to make!

I held an empty boat and searched along the river. The corpse was so big and the reeds by the river were so lush. It was impossible for the corpse to get into the reeds like a fish. Just pay attention to the dead trees that have fallen in the river and can easily catch corpses, or the small branches where no reeds grow.

After searching for two or three miles toward the mouth of the river, there was a small branch port by the river, and a cage net could be vaguely seen in the branch port.

Old Wu looked around and confirmed that there was no one on the shore and no other boats in the river. He immediately pushed the boat over, put down his pennies, squatted down and grabbed the cage net, and lowered it to the end of the cage net little by little.

It doesn't matter who put the cage net here, what matters is whether there are fish in it!

Just when Lao Wu was thinking that he had made money today and could probably get a few more kilograms of fish, the cage net that was supposed to be getting lighter and lighter suddenly stopped being pulled.

Maybe it was hooked by something down there.

He adjusted his posture and pulled up hard.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared!

Could it be a woven bag?

Just as he was feeling strange, a dark shadow emerged from the water, and a stench hit his nostrils.


Turns out to be a dead man!

Her belly was very swollen and bulging, not only because it was filled with water but also with air. She was face down and could not see her face.

Although the people from the police station asked Lao Wu to search for corpses in the river, the river was so long and the Yangtze River was outside, so Lao Wu never thought that he would actually encounter a corpse.

He was frightened and suddenly screamed.

However, there was no one on the shore, and there was no one in the river except him.

He didn't dare to stay here for a long time, and he didn't care about knocking down other people's cage nets. He hurriedly grabbed the bamboo pen and tried his best to push it to the place where he could land...

At 4:45, Little 001 rushed to the water where the body was found.

The comrades from the police station and several other villagers recruited by the police station to participate in the search had arrived early, and they waved desperately as soon as they saw little 001.

Han Yu raised his hand to say hello from afar, then walked to the cabin and said apologetically: "Uncle Zhu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Zhu Baogen is a professional at salvaging corpses.

While he motioned to Han Yu to help put down Little 001's iron boat, he said nonchalantly: "No trouble, this isn't the first time. I've done this before."

Han Yu noticed that Lao Zhu had already prepared everything needed to retrieve the body, such as ropes, hooks, gloves, etc. in the iron boat.

The water near the river was shallow, and Zhang Ping did not dare to drive further to the bank.

With the help of Han Yu, Zhu Baogen carefully jumped on the iron boat, picked up the small wooden oar and paddled across.

Han Yu and Xiaoyu's student Xiao Chen quickly helped lower the anchor. When they finished their work and ran to the port side, Lao Zhu had dragged the floating body to the iron boat under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Uncle Zhu, male or female?"


"Is this the crew we are looking for?"

So far away, the smell of corpses is still so pungent.

Han Yu was so disgusted that he subconsciously covered his mouth and nose.

Lao Zhu looked at the corpse that had just been dragged up carefully as if nothing was wrong, then raised his head and said: "The face is crushed, the skin is rotten, and it falls off when touched. You can't tell what it looks like."

Han Yu asked eagerly: "Where are the clothes?"

As time passes after a person's death, the body will "swell".

The previous clothes no longer fit me, and the buttons were all gone. It was like an adult wearing a child's clothes.

Lao Zhu pulled up his clothes and took a look, then raised his head and said, "He is wearing the kind of work clothes you mentioned. He should be the person we are looking for."

"Check your pockets to see if there's anything?"

"When I touched it, there was nothing there. There was nothing but mud."

Liu Da couldn't stand the stench. He walked upwind and took a few breaths of fresh air. He turned around and asked, "Xianyu, what should we do now?"

Han Yu ignored the smell of the body and ran to the iron boat to confirm that the clothes of the deceased matched the characteristics he had learned before. He turned around and said, "I will take the body back first and ask the forensic identification of the Binjiang City Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment."

"They are all so corrupt. Can the forensic doctor identify who it is?"

"You can extract biological evidence and find a qualified forensic identification agency to compare the DNA."

"This is a way, but I heard that doing DNA will cost a lot of money."

"Confirming the identity of the deceased is the first priority. As for the identification funds, we don't have to worry about that much."

"Then should we continue searching?"

A body was found floating in the river in the morning, but it was not that of the crew member who fell into the water.

The newly discovered body only had clothes that matched the characteristics of the clothes the deceased was wearing when he fell into the water. It cannot be confirmed that he is the deceased. After all, most of the crew members who ran boats on the river wore such work clothes, and even he and Xiaoyu had several of them.

Han Yu was hesitating whether to continue searching, when Lao Zhu suddenly said: "It's so rotten, it must have been soaked in water for more than ten days."

"Uncle Zhu, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I've seen a lot of dead people."

For estimating the time of death, Lao Zhu may have more experience than most forensic doctors who are new to the profession.

After all, he used to not only collect people who died normally, but also specialized in salvaging and collecting floating corpses floating in rivers. During the flood fight in 1998, we even went to Jingjiang River to salvage corpses.

The bureau has already spent so much money, and we really can’t afford to search any more. Besides, the bureau has other tasks.

Han Yu weighed it up and turned around and said: "Liu Da, no more searching. I will ask Teacher Zhang to go to your brigade to settle the expenses for you tomorrow."

“There’s no rush about the cost.”

"You must give to others what you promise. You have really helped us a lot this time. We can neither delay paying people's wages nor allow you to break your promise."

"Okay, then I'll go ashore here."

Thanks to his colleagues from the Wanming Public Security Bureau and the people from the Wanming Public Security Bureau who assisted in the search, Han Yu quickly used the radio and mobile phone to notify the police from the branch who participated in the search and withdraw their troops. At the same time, contact Bureau Qi and ask Bureau Qi to contact the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau as soon as possible and ask them to arrange for forensic doctors to be prepared.

On the way back, the body was not carried on Little 001.

Lao Zhu was worried about making little 001 stink, so he left the body in the iron boat, and little 001 dragged the iron boat away.

In order to ensure the safety of transporting the corpse, Lao Zhu did not come up and just sat in the iron boat with the corpse.

Little 001's "home port" is in Bailong Port, and it is impossible to transport the body to Binjiang Port.

At around 9:30 p.m., when they docked at Linghai Port, Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang, who had returned from arresting the suspect, had been waiting for a long time and even found a corpse truck from the funeral home.

With the help of the funeral home staff, the body was lifted ashore and put into a car. It was first sent to Binjiang Funeral Home. The relatives of the drowned crew member will be asked to identify the body tomorrow morning, and then the municipal bureau's forensic examination will be conducted.

After struggling for nearly two days, it was already past two in the morning when I got home.

Why do you smell so bad? Hurry up and take a shower.

Maybe the noise was a bit loud, but the senior sister was woken up. She walked to the bathroom door and yawned nonstop and asked, "When did you come back?"

"We just got home. You go to bed first. I'll go to bed after I wash you."

"Have you had dinner? Are you hungry?"

Not hungry.

I'm feeling sick and can't eat even if I'm hungry.

"I'm not hungry." Han Yu didn't want to be disliked by his senior sister, so he quickly changed the subject: "Where are my parents and Hanhan?"

"Let's go." Han Xiangning was no longer as sleepy as before. She leaned against the door and smiled: "I left in the afternoon and took a ride from the Investment Promotion Office of the Linghai Development Zone Management Committee. Han Han didn't want to go to Donghai, saying that this time I haven’t seen my father since I came back, but I actually don’t want to go to school.”

"Did you cry when you left?"

"She cried and fussed at first, but then her mother told her to take her to KFC, and she stopped crying."

"We are neither greedy nor lazy, so why is Hanhan both greedy and lazy?"

"I'm used to it, but my father and my mother were so used to it." Han Xiangning helped bring clean clothes and asked curiously: "Has the body of the crew member who fell into the water been found?"

"We won't know until tomorrow if we find one body and it's the crew member who fell into the water." Han Yu really didn't want to talk about this at home. He was worried that if he talked too much, the senior would have nightmares when he fell asleep, so he changed the subject again: "Ning Ning, I didn't go to eat last night. , is Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang unhappy?"

"He knows you are busy at work, how could he be unhappy."

"As long as you're not unhappy."

After drying off his body, putting on his underwear, and brushing his teeth, he just walked into the bedroom and lay down when his senior sister hugged him.

Han Yu had a big head and said feebly: "I'm a little tired today."

"When are you not tired? Are we husband and wife?"

"We are a couple, but I am really tired today."

"Xiaoyu can swim seventeen kilometers without getting tired. Didn't you just go to the river to search for corpses for two days? How can you be tired? You just know how to make excuses!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not tired."

"That's pretty much it."

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