Riverside police

Chapter 977 If you don’t make money, you won’t make it in vain!

Compared with the 105th Army Special Operations Group coming to Binjiang for training, leaders such as Secretary Lu and Mayor Wang paid more attention to the "homecoming" of the Binjiang ship.

Although the Binjiang ship is an old ship that has been in service for 24 years, it is the first sea-going missile frigate built by our country. In these years of service, it has patrolled Nansha four times. It is the first warship of the People's Navy to sail to Zengmu Shoal, the southernmost tip of the motherland's waters!

Binjiang is the birthplace of the People's Navy and has a deep relationship with the navy.

On August 1, 1986, the Navy Headquarters named it "Binjiang Ship", which is a continuation of the Chinese Navy's Binjiang elements, an affirmation of the Navy's dual support of Binjiang, and the highest honor given by the Navy to the people of Binjiang.

Because of this, every major holiday, leaders of the Binjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will go to the East China Sea Fleet to express condolences to all the officers and soldiers of the Binjiang ship, and to send warm condolences and cordial care to the people in their hometown.

In more than ten days, the Binjiang ship will go home.

It is not only a major event for the municipal party committee and government, but also a very meaningful event.

"Binjiang Daily" and Binjiang TV reported the news that the Binjiang ship was about to return home the day before yesterday. They spent nearly 20 minutes introducing the Binjiang ship's situation and received a great response.

The telephone numbers of the Military Division and the Double Support Office were almost overflowing. Many units and citizens called to ask where the Binjiang ship would be docked after returning home, when it would be opened to the public, whether they could visit the ship, and whether tickets were needed.

Principals and teachers of many schools called the education committee to ask if they could organize students to visit. It can be said that the return of the Binjiang ship really aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the people in the city.

Secretary Lu and Mayor Wang were very happy. They had just gone to work on Monday and were about to hear a work report on how to welcome the Binjiang ship home and open it to Binjiang citizens.

Vice Mayor Qin and Commander Wang were secretly glad that they worked overtime yesterday, otherwise they would not know how to report to the secretary and mayor today.

"The Navy pays great attention to etiquette. When the Binjiang ship enters the port, it will definitely be filled with flags. Director Zheng of the Navy Rest Station is asking his superiors for instructions whether to fire a salute at that time. If the superiors agree to fire a salute, how many guns should be fired. We must organize a military The band played music at the pier to welcome..."

"Old Qin, do we have a military band in Binjiang?"

"I asked the Propaganda Department and called the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. They said that there are several grass-stage groups, the performance level is not very high, the band members are older, and the image is not very good."

Vice Mayor Qin did not expect that "Boss Lu" would attach such importance to it. He pointed to the plan he was looking at and continued: "We have prepared two plans. One is to let the children from the Primary School Affiliated to the Normal University go to the pier to perform. The Primary School Affiliated to the Normal University has a drum band. .The second is to hire a professional military band from outside, but it costs money."

"Some money can be saved, and some money cannot be saved. The Binjiang ship only returns home once after serving for 24 years, so it must be grand."

"Okay, let's invite them from outside."

Report one by one according to the drafted reception plan.

When reporting on the list of people greeted by the leaders of the four teams, Mayor Wang looked at the welcoming plan brought by Deputy Mayor Qin and Commander Wang and asked, "Who is this Shen Fengyue?"

"Mayor Wang, there used to be a Yue Opera troupe in the city. Shen Fengyue is an older generation Yue opera performing artist in our Binjiang Yue Opera troupe. She is 86 years old this year."

Vice Mayor Qin paused and continued: "Before liberation, General Tao Yong commanded operations in our Binjiang for a long time. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, General Tao Yong served as the commander of the East China Sea Fleet. Commander Tao has deep feelings for our Binjiang and is very close to us. Binjiang’s relationship has always been good.

When he was the commander of the East China Sea Fleet, our Binjiang party, government and military leaders often led Binjiang Peking Opera Troupe, Yue Opera Troupe, Acrobatic Troupe and other literary and artistic groups to express condolences to the East China Sea Fleet. Teacher Shen Fengyue has participated in the city's artistic delegation many times to express condolences to the East China Sea Fleet. .

They have performed in many places such as fleet base auditoriums, warships and hospitals. Sometimes they performed directly next to naval officers and soldiers as soon as they arrived at the condolence point. In addition to performing condolences, they also helped the soldiers wash their clothes, wash their quilts, and do hygiene. Every time they leave, both parties are reluctant to leave. "

Secretary Lu, like Mayor Wang, didn't know this and asked curiously: "When did it happen?"

“Things from the fifties and sixties.”

As soon as Vice Mayor Qin finished speaking, Commander Wang added with a smile: "Commander Tao can speak Binjiang dialect, and he also used Binjiang dialect with them to chat with them. One year, the delegation went to Zhoushan to express condolences. Many comrades were seasick because of the wind and waves. .After expressing condolences, Commander Tao decided to fly the older comrades of the delegation from Zhoushan to the East China Sea base."

I didn’t expect that Binjiang and Donghai Fleet still have such a history.

Secretary Lu nodded, looked at the list and asked, "Which unit does this Zhang Yunchong belong to?"

"Zhang Yunchong is an active soldier."

Commander Wang smiled and reported the report: "When it comes to heroes and models, we first think of Xianyu. In fact, in addition to Xianyu, we in Binjiang also have a hero and model who is well-known throughout the army, and that is Comrade Zhang Yunchong."

"Famous throughout the army? More famous than salted fish?"

"In terms of reputation within the military, Zhang Yunchong is really better than Xianyu."

Commander Wang took the cigarette from Secretary Lu, lit it and took a few puffs, and said, "Zhang Yunchong is from the cooperative village of Haiyan Township, Changzhou City. He was born in 1957. He joined the army at the end of December 1976 and took the exam in 1978." of the Military Academy and has been serving in the South China Sea Fleet.

In early 1990, it was the third year that our army stationed troops in Nansha. Zhang Yunchong, already a cadre, took the initiative to apply to station in Nansha and build a station to guard the reefs. His superiors agreed and let him station at Subi Reef in the Nansha Islands.

The island was very small, and the so-called outpost was just a simple stilt iron shed. It was surrounded by the vast sea and far away from the base. It was very difficult to supply supplies. You can imagine how difficult the conditions were. He persevered under such difficult conditions and set many personal first records for the Nansha Reef Guards. "

Mayor Wang asked curiously: "What record was set?"

"He served in the Nansha Reef Guarding Force for the longest time, performed the most missions, guarded the reefs for the longest days at a time, and sailed the longest and widest range on duty. He was known as the 'Nansha Reef Guarding King' and 'The First Person to Guard the Nansha Reefs. '. If he hadn't come back to visit relatives a few days ago, he would still be guarding the reefs in Nansha."

"He's an active-duty officer?"

"Well, he came back a few days ago. The Changzhou Armed Forces Department invited him to hold a symposium this afternoon. Our military division also plans to ask him to hold a heroic and model deeds report meeting for agency cadres, guard platoons, and transportation platoons."

"It's a good idea to invite these two comrades. Commander Lao Qin and Wang, the fact that you can think of inviting these two comrades shows that you are serious."

"This is our job."

"Stop being modest, where are these guys?"

"This is the person in charge of the company that Xianyu's rescue ship brigade plans to invite."


Vice Mayor Qin quickly explained: "Aren't they going to help with the submersible life-saving project? They definitely can't do it by themselves, and relevant companies need to participate."

Mayor Wang came to his senses and couldn't help but smile: "He can sell his official position. It's not like he hasn't done it before."

"This time is different from when we established the Linghai Reserve Battalion. Firstly, the investment is huge, and secondly, if you invest in it, it may not be heard. Simply recruiting people to join the army and giving them a reserve rank is obviously not enough."

"In that case, let him invite you."

"Thank you, Mayor Wang."

"It's not easy for him. Besides, without him to guide the ship, the fleet chief would not let the Binjiang ship go home. He has Binjiang in his heart, and our municipal party committee and government must also support his work."

The plan to welcome and open to the public was very good, but Secretary Lu still felt that something was wrong.

He looked at the plans brought by Vice Mayor Qin and Commander Wang again, pondered for a moment and raised his head and said, "Old Qin, Commander Wang, I think these two things need to be adjusted."

"Which two places?"

"First of all, let Xianyu go to the East China Sea base to pilot the water. He is now a deputy director-level cadre. He has so many jobs and has to take care of the rescue ship brigade. Let him go to pilot the water. It will take two or three days to go back and forth. It is not appropriate."

The salted fish of today is no longer the salted fish of the past.

Asking the deputy director of the Changhang Navigation Branch to put down the work at hand to divert water is a bit overkill.

Vice Mayor Qin reacted and said quickly: "Then spend some money and ask the Maritime Safety Administration to contact the Yangtze River Pilotage Center and ask the Pilotage Center to arrange a pilot to pilot the water.

Secretary Lu nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the plan materials and continued: "Also, it is not appropriate to take the North Branch Channel and let the units along the river in Dongqi, Linghai and Changzhou counties welcome us all the way."

Commander Wang subconsciously asked: "Why is it inappropriate?"

"The Binjiang ship is going back to Binjiang, not to Dongqi, nor to Linghai, nor to Changzhou. If you don't believe it, we can bet that if this notification continues, several districts and counties will definitely make a big fuss. Lead. The leader of the frigate detachment of the fleet is not clear about the situation. Seeing how enthusiastic they are and how grand they are, maybe they will berth at their dock."

"Oh, Secretary Lu, if you hadn't warned me, something might have happened. They really can do this!"

"So it is said that there is no limit to what you can do to protect yourself against a domestic thief."

Several districts and counties wanted to rebel, but Secretary Lu would not give them another chance. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "We can suggest that the Binjiang ship take the main channel when it comes and take the north branch when it returns. We don't need several districts and counties to welcome them. , let several districts and counties see him off together when the time comes."

After the Binjiang ship returns home to visit relatives, it must return to its home port, and it must return within the specified time.

Let several districts and counties farewell on the riverside. No matter how lively they make it, they can only organize officers and soldiers to stand on the slope to express their gratitude, and it is impossible to dock at their docks.

In short, we cannot let them take over the spotlight.

The Binjiang Flood Control and Rescue Camp accidentally turned into the Linghai Reserve Camp must never happen again!

Vice Mayor Qin and Commander Wang reacted and couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, Han Yu was taking a call from political commissar Fang in the branch office, talking about welcoming the Binjiang ship home and opening the Binjiang ship to the public.

"The response has been great, and the people's patriotic enthusiasm is very high. They all want to visit?"

"Our China is different from foreign countries. Foreign warships are often open to the public, but ours is rarely open to the public. If you want to see warships, especially if you want to board a warship, you can only go to the Naval Museum. Now we finally have this opportunity, and the one that is about to open is It is normal for the public to be enthusiastic about a warship named after Binjiang."

"Will many cadres and masses go there by then?"

"I estimate that at least tens of thousands of people will visit every day. I am worried about whether the Binjiang Ship can handle it."

When the naval formation visited, the Chinese and overseas Chinese were also very enthusiastic. Han Yu had seen that scene before.

Thinking again that this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and that the rescue ship brigade is short of funds for big moves in the future, Han Yu couldn't help but smile: "Political Commissar, it seems we can take this opportunity to do some small business."

"What's your little business?"

"Although the Binjiang ship is an old frigate, there are still military secrets on the ship. People finally have the opportunity to visit, and they definitely want to take photos and keep them. However, considering the confidentiality, we cannot let people take photos casually. It can be organized A few comrades who are good at photography will set up some photo booths."

Political Commissar Fang did not expect that Han Yu actually wanted to take this opportunity to make money, and asked dumbfounded: "Is this appropriate?"

"Is there anything inappropriate? There are people taking photos in Tiananmen Square and Tiananmen Square. We provide photography services to meet the needs of the masses. As long as the charges are reasonable, the masses will definitely not say anything. Instead, they will be very happy and excited."

"As long as everyone goes to visit, I guess they will want to take pictures."

"It seems that this is not a small business, as long as it is run well, it is a big business!"

The rescue boat brigade will be involved in big projects next, and big projects will cost money.

Political Commissar Fang suddenly felt that this idea was a good one, and just as he was about to say yes, Han Yu couldn't help but laugh: "Last time I went to the Fleet Headquarters, I saw many ship models, including fiberglass ones, including the Binjiang ship. Political Commissar, you Hurry up and find out which manufacturer produced those ship models, we can wholesale them and sell them on site when the Binjiang ship is open to the public."

This is okay, this is really planning to do business!

What made political commissar Fang laugh and cry was that Han Yu thought about it and laughed again: "The pier was crowded with people when it opened. Considering the order of the visit, there will definitely be a long queue. What should the people do if they are thirsty, and what should they do if they are hungry? We can buy some mineral water, bread, biscuits and other beverages and food for on-site sales. This is an exclusive business, which will definitely make money, and it will also be convenient for the masses."

"Director Han, the fleet leader won't say anything if he finds out, right?"

"Why do we support the submarine life-saving project, and for whom do we support the submarine life-saving project? I can guarantee that the fleet commander will not only not say anything, but will also ask all officers and soldiers on the ship to cooperate with us."

"Okay, let's do it like this. If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain!" Political Commissar Fang became more and more interesting the more he thought about it, and asked: "Han Bureau, think about it again, is there any other business?"

Han Yu recalled how the people made money when the naval fleet formation visited them, and said with a smile: "Visiting the Binjiang ship is not only a national defense education, but also equivalent to tourism. Since it is tourism, you can sell some souvenirs. Our team only has so many people. It would be great if you could do well in taking photos, selling water and selling snacks, but you really can't do other businesses.

But we can designate an area on the pier and rent it to interested vendors so that they can sell various tourist souvenirs on site. There will definitely be many parents taking their children to visit. I think the toy business, especially toy guns, will be very popular. You can definitely make money by setting up stalls. "

Political Commissar Fang was convinced and reminded with a smile: "The wharf belongs to Binjiang Port. We rent other people's places to vendors. The leaders of Binjiang Port won't say anything, right?"

"As soon as the Binjiang ship enters the port, the dock becomes a military management area or even a military restricted area. We have the final say on how the site is used. Considering that the land is indeed theirs, an area can be set aside for the Binjiang Port Labor Service Company to sell fast food. If you have money Everyone makes money."

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