Riverside police

Chapter 978 Use every possible means!

Lao Zhu has rich experience in retrieving and collecting corpses. He was very careful during the salvage process. He did not break the hands of the deceased or cause more skin to fall off, and protected the corpse as much as possible.

After repeated identification, the relatives of the crew members who fell into the water were confirmed to be their relatives, and they cried heartbreakingly in the funeral home.

With the consent of the relatives of the deceased, the Municipal Bureau of Forensic Medicine began examination.

After examining the autopsy table, we found that there were no signs of foreign objects or struggles in the hands of the deceased, and there was no obvious convulsion on the body. From the degree of corruption, it can be roughly determined that the time of death of the victim coincides with the time of falling into the water.

Then an autopsy was performed and it was found that the deceased had blunt force trauma to the head and a fractured skull. Like the deceased's hands, there were no foreign objects such as sediment and water plants in the deceased's respiratory tract and intestines. No single-celled algae was found in the decayed internal organs.

It can be seen that the deceased did not die from drowning, but the head injury was the fatal injury! He probably died when he fell into the water. At least he lost consciousness when he fell into the water and could no longer breathe on his own.

Combined with the accounts of the crew members who participated in the fight and the confessions of the suspects arrested from Yungang, it can be determined that the suspect arrested from Yungang is the principal culprit and the wrench he held during the fight was the murder weapon...

Although the identity of the deceased was double confirmed by relatives and forensic doctors, to ensure nothing went wrong, Han Yu asked the municipal bureau to forensically examine the deceased and collect biological materials from the deceased's parents, and asked the Criminal Investigation Detachment to arrange for the police to send the police to the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Donghai Municipal Public Security Bureau for DNA identification.

Five minutes ago, the identification results came out.

Experts from the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Donghai Public Security Bureau called and found that the genetic characteristics of Sample No. 3 and Sample Nos. 1 and 2 were as high as 99%!

This was the first time that the branch used high technology to handle a case. The whole bureau looked at the fax of the identification report and asked curiously: "Xianyu, is this a paternity test?"

"It should be, I don't really understand."

"Can this confirm the identity of the deceased?"

"Experts say it can."

"When the original appraisal report is sent, can it be used as evidence?"

"It should work."

Han Yu thought for a while, held his chin and said: "Actually, for us, doing DNA testing is just money to buy peace of mind. After all, the victim's body is so decomposed, and the victim's relatives say it is, but what if it is not."

"Think about it, don't worry, spend some money, it's money well spent!" Bureau Qi put down the fax, thought about it and sighed: "Fortunately, the body was found, and fortunately there are not many cases like this. If we encounter one in a year With the March 4 attacks, our branch must go bankrupt."

The murder must be solved, this is no joke.

Once a murder case is encountered, it is really a waste of money to investigate.

Han Yu recalled the whole case with lingering fear, and said with emotion: "I used to know that firefighting is no small matter, and firefighting work is not easy to do. Now I know that criminal investigation is even more difficult. If you are unlucky to encounter a major criminal case, especially a murder case, you will have to die." Shedding skin!”

Qi Bureau was once bitten by a snake and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. He knocked on the table and said: "Xianyu, go back and explain clearly to the criminal investigation detachment and each police station. If you encounter such a case in the future, you can no longer take over everything. You must deal with it first." Immediately report to the Municipal Bureau and ask the Municipal Bureau’s Criminal Investigation Detachment to guide the investigation.”

No diamonds, no porcelain work.

Counting the newcomers who were just assigned in the second half of the year, there are only five criminal police officers in the whole branch. They have no experience and no skills. They can only handle small cases of slipping in and picking locks. It is really difficult to handle major and challenging criminal cases. .

Han Yu was convinced and was about to nod when his cell phone suddenly rang.

This is a call from Political Commissar Fang. Please call back immediately.

Han Yu habitually put down his cell phone, smiled apologetically, and replied using the landline phone on the director's desk. Qi Ju was curious about who was calling and couldn't help but press the hands-free button.

"Political Commissar, I'm Han Yu, what's going on?"

"Han Bureau, it didn't affect your work, did it?"

"No, you said."

"Didn't you say last time that you would use the opportunity of the Binjiang Ship to be opened to the public to start a small business? I studied it with Qian Ke and Director Qin, and we all agreed that we have neither photography skills nor photography equipment, nor that much time. Provide photography services to citizens visiting the Binjiang Ship.”

Take advantage of the opportunity that the Binjiang Ship is open to the public to do business and provide photography services to the public?

Everyone was happy, with a smile on their lips.

Han Yu looked at his immediate superior and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Political commissar, this is a rare opportunity. If you miss this village, you won't have this store. And the photo business is really profitable!"

"I know, Director Han, this is what we are thinking about. Let professional people do professional things. We can cooperate with powerful photography shops and let them arrange people to take photos on site. We only charge money and don't have to do anything. .”

"Is this okay?"

"Okay, we talked with a company this morning, and they were very interested! They said they would give us 100,000 yuan first, which is just for the booth fee. Then they would give us a commission based on the number of photos taken in total and the number of inches of photos developed, etc., and we You can arrange for someone to come over and settle the accounts.”

After the Binjiang ship returns home, the dormitory and the rescue boat brigade have too much work to do.

Political Commissar Fang was really worried that he would be too busy, and was afraid that Han Yu would disagree, so he emphasized: "Han Bureau, we are the army. Our superiors have repeatedly ordered us that the army is not allowed to do business. If we do this, no matter how much money the photo studio gives us, we can treat it as soldiers and civilians." Co-construction sponsorship.

Moreover, people are very interested in working with us on joint military-civilian construction. They have said that no matter what meetings and activities we have in our cadre rest center and our brigade, anyone who needs to take photos, including ID photos, etc., can contact them. They filmed it for us for free. "

Troops cannot do business. This is a red line.

Han Yu weighed it up and said with a smile: "Okay, let's do it!"

Political Commissar Fang was very happy and continued: "As for selling models of Binjiang ships and selling drinks and snacks, we will do the same. The joint construction of the military and the people should not be too utilitarian, let alone snobbish. We can only ask for large units and large enterprises to cooperate with us. . We should also welcome small businesses and individual industrial and commercial households who want to join us in joint construction, and we cannot let down their good intentions of supporting national defense construction, let alone dampen their patriotism!"

As expected of a political commissar, he is so refreshing and refined when it comes to making money.

Han Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "Political Commissar, since you have a better plan, just follow your plan."

In the past, the navy berth had six affiliated companies, a gas station and an auto repair shop. Now it has either been decoupled from others or handed over to the local government. The berth can only rely on renting out a few front rooms to make some funds.

Political Commissar Fang was afraid of poverty in the past two years. After Han Yu opened his mind, he wholeheartedly wanted to take this opportunity to raise more funds for the rescue ship brigade. He continued: "There is a problem now. We are co-building with others and have taken away their money." For sponsorship, we must consider others as much as possible, and we cannot let others pay for it.”

"The patriotism of the masses is so high. There will definitely be a sea of ​​people and the flow of people will be so huge. No matter whether the co-construction units set up stalls to take photos or sell water and souvenirs, they can only make money but not lose money!"

Han Yu picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and added: "I have seen that scene, and I have seen it several times. When the naval fleet visits, whether it is visiting Malaysia, Tanzania or South Africa, there are many overseas Chinese who go to visit the Shenzhen ship. , many people couldn’t get in line during the day, and kept waiting at the pier until dark. We said we would stop open visits, and people were reluctant to leave.”

"I know, I believe it."

Political Commissar Fang quickly explained: "The problem now is that the time for the Binjiang ship to return to Binjiang to visit relatives is too short. There are only four days in total. The first day cannot be counted, because there is a welcome ceremony to be held in the morning, and the leaders of the municipal party committee and city government and vertical management must first be invited Representatives from units, garrison troops and all walks of life visited the ship.

The afternoon was about the same. In the afternoon, seniors from our cadre rest center, deputies to the National People's Congress organized by the Municipal People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference organized by the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, and people from all walks of life invited by the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the Taiwan Affairs Office and other units visited. They are not the masses. Our co-construction units cannot do their business or make their money! "

It is indeed not easy to do leadership business and make leadership money.

After Qi Ju figured out the whole story, he couldn't help but want to laugh. He subconsciously covered his mouth for fear of disturbing Xianyu's money-making plan.

Han Yu also felt that the leaders had ruined his affairs and asked: "What about the next day?"

"Bureau Han, you haven't returned to the camp these days. You may not believe it when you tell me. Our hotline is almost overwhelmed! Many units, troops, and schools want to organize visits for cadres, employees, officers, soldiers, and students. The municipal party committee, government and The military subdivision asked us to prioritize.”

"How many units are there?"

"There are so many units. Not to mention other units, thousands of students from your alma mater alone are going to visit!"

It’s not easy to make money from the unit either.

What's more important is that this is open to the public, and more Binjiang citizens should be able to see the Binjiang ship!

Han Yu felt that it was not good to prioritize those units. If they were given priority, it would be equivalent to them enjoying special privileges.

Thinking again of the plan adjusted at the request of the city leaders the day before yesterday, Han Yu pondered: "The Binjiang ship is only 1,800 tons, and the deck space is not large. It can only accommodate up to seventy or eighty people at a time. The reception capacity is limited, and it will definitely not be able to meet the needs of so many people." Visiting needs for multiple units, troops and schools.

Political Commissar, if I remember correctly, there will be a party on the evening of the 7th. You should quickly ask the municipal party committee, city government and military subdivision for instructions to see if the party can be held at the pier. With the Binjiang Ship as the background, the effect will definitely be better than in the theater. "

"Adjust the party to be held at the pier?"

"The dock is large and can accommodate thousands of people. We will allocate places to units, garrisons and schools who want to visit. They will definitely be interested. As for visiting the ship, forget it. It really can't be arranged. In the evening, we can go to the dock to watch cultural performances and sit in It’s also nice to see the warships on the pier.”

"Adjust the party to be held at the pier and arrange it in the evening?"

"Since it is a gala, it should be held at night. There is a big crane on the pier, and there are lights on the crane. The lights are brightly lit at night. The feeling and atmosphere are much better than in a theater or auditorium. It can even be broadcast live. Let the whole city see it.”

How could political commissar Fang not know the implication of Han Yu's words? He couldn't help but smile and said: "This can buy the masses one more day."

"You have to fight for it during the day, and you have to fight for it at night!"

Han Yu thought for a while and then said: "I'll go back and ask the leader of the frigate detachment for instructions on whether the opening hours on the 6th can be extended to twelve o'clock at night. I won't talk about the cultural party that will be held on the night of the 7th. The evenings of the 8th and 9th The same is true. It is rare for the Binjiang ship to return to Binjiang. As the staff responsible for the reception, we cannot let down the fellow villagers, nor can we let the general public who care about national defense leave regrets."

Political Commissar Fang did not expect that Han Yu would also learn to sing a high-profile voice, and laughed and said: "Okay, I will report to Mayor Qin right now. But we can't put our eggs in one basket. We must try our best to attract visits from the general public. If you have the opportunity, you'd better ask the commander of the fleet for instructions to see if we can extend the 'family leave' for the Binjiang ship by two to three days."

"No problem. You take the time to ask for instructions and report. I will also call to ask for instructions."

The two of them are crazy poor and will do anything to make money!

Qi Ju was in admiration and fell to the ground. Just as he was about to start teasing, Han Yu dialed Ju Feng's cell phone in front of him.

Director Feng figured out the whole story and was immediately happy: "Why don't you contact Deputy Commander Yu directly?"

"The chief is busy with work. Considering confidentiality, he cannot make random calls on his mobile phone."

"Okay, let me ask for you."

As soon as Han Yu put down the phone, Bureau Qi asked curiously: "The old director of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau?"

"Well, he was entrusted by the Navy Headquarters to guide the formation of several reserve transport groups in the East China Sea."

"Do you think Bureau Feng can help you buy a few more days?"

"It should be possible," Han Yu said with a confident smile: "The Binjiang ship has been in service for 24 years now. Many of the equipment on the ship, especially the electronic equipment, can no longer meet the needs of modern warfare under high-tech conditions. Last time I went to the Fleet Commander Ministry, the fleet chief said that after the Binjiang ship returns home to visit relatives, it will return to the shipyard for upgrades."

"If you want to go back to the shipyard for upgrading, it shouldn't be a big problem if you go one day earlier and one day later."

"Yeah, so I think extending the 'family leave' for two or three days shouldn't be a big problem."

"By the way, the Binjiang ship has been in service for 24 years, but it hasn't been named for a long time. What's going on?"

Many people are curious about this, and my senior also asked this question last night.

Han Yu explained with a smile: "This has to start with the history of the development of the New China Navy. The previous ships were either revolted by the Kuomintang army or captured. At that time, they were mainly named after places with historical significance such as 'Jinggangshan'.

Later, warships were introduced from the former Soviet Union. We did not have the conditions to build them ourselves, so we pinned our hopes on the Northeast Heavy Industry Base, named after the heavy industry cities in the three northeastern provinces. Later, we started building warships ourselves, but due to tight funding, not many were built.

It was not until 1978 that the Navy officially promulgated the "Naval Ship Naming Regulations." On July 10, 1986, the Navy Headquarters supplemented and revised the ship naming regulations, so almost all the ship names and boat names we see now were named on August 1, 1986. "

"Didn't you have a name before?"

"It happened before, but it was more chaotic and unsystematic."

"What was the name of the riverside ship before?"

"I really haven't asked about this. I only know that when the warship was equipped with troops, it was the officers and soldiers of the original "Kaifeng Ship" who received it."

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