Zhang Tuohai looked at the big hole on the ground and was speechless for a long time.

"Is this power really comparable to ball lightning?"

"Is this the power that people can display through cultivation?"

Zhang Tuohai almost dropped his jaw in shock.

He has seen real spherical lightning. When he was still a sports car, Xiao Ai had experimented with spherical lightning and planned to install related weapons on the electromagnetic armor.

It's just that it was a large-scale mechanical device, and Zhang Tuohai did it without using any external auxiliary equipment.

"Humans are truly miraculous creatures, to be able to exert such great power."

Zhang Tuohai looked at his hands.

Just now, if he had this method, would it take so much effort to beat that bug?

When a ball of lightning goes down, it turns into fly ash.

With the ball lightning, I dare not say anything else, and when I meet the war machine puppets of the New World Pioneering Group, at least I have the power to resist.

"However, you still can't be too proud, at least you are not invincible in this world."

Zhang Tuohai thought of Chengtong who still lived in Goulan.

That's a ruthless person who can rub black holes with his bare hands. Before you find out the details of the other party, you must maintain enough respect.

Zhang Tuohai turned his head to look at the stone room, raised his hand and shot a ball of lightning, blasting everything in the stone room into powder.

Afterwards, he turned the corpses of those bugs into ashes to prevent future troubles from being used by these corpses.

If someone made the bug he dealt with just now, with Li Qingyuan's level, there was really nothing he could do.

After walking out of the burrow, Zhang Tuohai returned to the valley.

At this time, the valley was completely destroyed because of the worm's tossing. All the previous buildings were destroyed, the formation was also broken, and even part of the hills and cliffs on both sides collapsed, and the entire valley was completely razed to the ground.

The entire Five Stones Society no longer exists.

For this, Zhang Tuohai is still very satisfied.

No matter what the owner's purpose in building the Five Stones Society is, the existence of the Five Stones Society has already affected Zhang Tuohai's plan, and once it is cleared away, it will be regarded as removing a stumbling block on the way forward.

Zhang Tuohai was still in a very happy mood. After walking out of the ruins, Zhang Tuohai found a random town and hurried towards the capital. The time is not far away.

He had to hurry back and deal with it.

Zhang Tuohai didn't take much rest along the way. When he reached a town, he put on a horse and continued on his way.

As soon as Zhang Tuohai entered the capital, he heard roars in the sky.

He looked up to the sky, and a huge spaceship appeared in the sky above the capital.

Pedestrians on the street looked at the huge spaceship that suddenly appeared in the sky in astonishment, not knowing what it was.

Because this thing is really beyond their cognition.

"what is this?"

Many passers-by raised questions.

There are still many people who think that this is the auspiciousness descended from the immortals, and kneel on the ground to worship.

Zhang Tuohai squinted his eyes and looked at the huge spaceship.

After a while, a hatch opened on the front of the spaceship, and several small spaceships flew out from it.

He flew in the direction of the palace.

It seems that they want to inquire about news directly from the palace.

The center of the palace is the core of Zhang Tuohai's plan in this world, so naturally Zhang Tuohai cannot let them succeed.

"If you want to touch my cake, then see if you have such good teeth."

Zhang Tuohai hurriedly headed towards the palace.

At this time, the street was already in a mess and congested, and even a horse couldn't pass through it quickly.

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai jumped off the horse, jumped onto the roof, and ran towards the palace.

Walking from the house, because there is no street constraint, the speed becomes faster.

But those spaceships were still one step faster, and they had already landed on the square in front of the palace gate.

The hatch of the small spaceship opened, and people wearing exoskeletons walked out of it, holding various weird weapons in their hands.

"I didn't expect this place to be in such an ancient era. Finding a lost investigator in such an ancient era is not an easy task."

A bearded man pushed back his mask and said.

"I like this era the most. If you take out a little thing, you can be worshiped as a god. In those developed worlds, you can't enjoy this kind of treatment."

A young man with a sharp face said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find the person. I have also accepted several orders. If it is overtime, I will lose money."

At this time, a man with a metal prosthetic eye came over.

One of the man's eyes was transformed into a tactical camera, which can quickly give battlefield assessment and assist in combat.

"But boss, how do you find someone in this world? There are no cameras and no big data. It's too difficult to find someone."

asked the bearded man.

"In this kind of world, the imperial city is the center of power, so you can do whatever you want to control the imperial city."

said the mechanical eye.

"Then boss, can I be emperor for two days?" The bearded man asked expectantly.

"Usually I've been acting like a dog to others, let's also taste what it's like to be the boss."

"When the task is completed, let alone become the emperor, no one will stop you when you become the emperor."

The mechanical eye boss rolled his bearded eyes.

"If you are the emperor, can the queen play with me? I have been floating on the boat for the past year, and I haven't seen a woman for more than a year."

The knife-faced man suddenly interjected.

"See how many there are. If there are more, I will share a few with you."

The bearded man said casually.

At this moment, the imperial guards in charge of guarding the imperial city surrounded them with people.

"Who? Dare to make noise at the gate of the imperial city? Put down your weapons!"

A group of imperial guards raised their spears and surrounded them.

"Hmph, how dare a group of inferior natives who haven't fully evolved dare to threaten me with such a primitive weapon? How ridiculous!"

While laughing, the bearded man raised his oddly shaped machine gun ~www.readwn.com~ aimed at the Imperial Guards, and pulled the trigger.

Da da da.

A series of bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

The bullets swept towards the Guards like a storm.

Those imperial guards wore ordinary armor, which couldn't even block the lead bullets of flintlock guns, not to mention this kind of machine gun that surpassed several eras.

The machine gun bullets were like a steel storm, tearing the bodies of the guards into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, those guards turned into pieces of meat all over the floor.

The leader of the imperial guards at the gate of the city was about to burst into tears when he saw this, and he drew out the long knife at his waist and was about to rush forward.

Who knew, the bearded man had already turned his gun around.

Da da da.

The Shura field turned into the gate of the palace.

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