Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1371: snatch aircraft

"Who dares to behave wildly at the gate of the palace?"

There was a shout from within the palace.

Accompanied by the sound, a group of people rushed out of the palace.

The leader is the current emperor Li Qingyuan.

Li Qingyuan originally planned to inspect the progress of various projects in the imperial city today, but as soon as he arrived at the gate of the imperial palace, he heard abnormal noises. After rushing in, he saw this scene.

Seeing the miserable state of his Imperial Guards, Li Qingyuan felt angry.

Her throne is not stable, relying on the sharp knives of the imperial guards and her own guards to silence those opposing voices.

Now someone actually kills her men's exploits in front of her, is that okay?

Li Qingyuan rushed out first.

"Another miscellaneous fish? These primitive people are trouble."

The bearded man turned the muzzle of the gun impatiently and pulled the trigger.

Da da da.

Several bullets swept towards Li Qingyuan.

Li Qingyuan felt a great crisis, he pulled out the long sword at his waist, and slashed forward.


A flash of cold light flashed, and the few bullets that swept over were actually split in half.

The cut bullets fell to the ground one by one.


Li Qingyuan's method stunned the bearded man.

"This primitive man is still a little bit capable. He can actually split my bullet?"

"However, I want to see how many of them you can split!"

The bearded man said and adjusted the machine gun to the rapid mode.

In this mode, the speed of the machine gun in his hand can reach an astonishing 10,000 rounds per minute.

No one can carry it at this speed, let alone chopping bullets with a knife, just putting so many bullets there for people to chop can exhaust people to death.

The beard grinned grimly and was about to pull the trigger.

At this moment, a ball of faint blue lightning approached him from behind.

The spherical lightning floated forward lightly, and directly sank into the bearded man's body.

The bearded man felt a burning heat in his body.

However, in the next second, the temperature in his body rose rapidly.

The whole person was directly ablated into ashes by the ultra-high voltage and temperature.

Not only himself, but even the exoskeleton armor on his body and the modified machine gun in his hand were all reduced to ashes.

Blown by the wind, it completely dissipated without a trace.


The death of the bearded man shocked the leader of the mechanical eye and all the mercenaries under him.

They never expected that in this primitive and backward world in their eyes, someone could hurt them.

"How is this possible?"

Many mercenaries rubbed their eyes involuntarily, suspecting that they were dreaming.

"Who did it, stand up for me!"

Blade face held the weapon in his hand and roared loudly.

The tactical eyeball of the mechanical eye leader began to scan the surroundings, looking for the source of the attack just now.

However, apart from the sound of the biting cold wind, no one answered him.

There was silence all around.

Daobian turned around a few times, but did not find the enemy, and became more and more anxious.

The gun in his hand turned back and forth, even pointing at his teammates several times.

The eyes of the leader of the mechanical eyes were full of fierce light, and the tactical eyeballs accelerated the scanning speed.

Suddenly, his tactical eyeballs discovered that the energy concentration of a place around him had suddenly skyrocketed!

The energy level even exceeded the upper limit of the calculation of the tactical eyeball, causing the tactical eyeball to freeze.

The eyes of the leader of the mechanical eyes are now full of blood-red vision, and a line of big characters appears in the center of the screen: "Warning, there is energy exceeding the judgment limit, it is recommended to evacuate immediately, it is recommended to evacuate immediately!"

"It's beyond the judgment limit of tactical eyeballs. This is just an indigenous world that doesn't even have industrial civilization. How is it possible?"

The leader of the mechanical eyes couldn't believe it.

In the next second, a spherical lightning flew in front of him.

The leader of the mechanical eye subconsciously pressed a button on his waist, which was a defensive stance generator.

Can release plasma to release a plasma stand around, defending against attacks.

It has a good protective effect on solid single firearms and energy bullet firearms, and even ordinary bombs can resist hard.

This is the life-saving equipment bought by the leader of the mechanical eye with several entrusted commissions.

However, before his hand touched the button, the ball lightning had already penetrated into his body silently.

Then, there is the rapidly rising body temperature and ultra-high voltage.

In the next second, the leader of the mechanical eye, together with his equipment, was reduced to ashes all over the ground.

The death of the leader caused the mercenaries under him to explode immediately.

They were still full of confidence just now, but two of them died as soon as they landed, and one of them was their core boss.

The mercenaries are all bullying.

They are here to do black work to make money, not to die.

Seeing that their bosses were all dead, these mercenaries lost the courage to continue fighting.

What kind of contract, what kind of professional ethics, in their eyes are all bullshit, and the truth is to survive.

Several quick-witted mercenaries have already started running towards their aircraft.

Some of the remaining mercenaries followed suit, and some shot aimlessly around while running.

Try to push the danger out of the way so they can get away.

Seeing this, Li Qingyuan quickly swung his long sword, slashing at the flying bullets.

Those mercenaries thought that this would make them safer, but they didn't know that it was this move that pushed them directly into the abyss of death.

Zhang Tuohai originally planned to take advantage of the chaos of this group of mercenaries, and follow them into a small spaceship, and board the spaceship above together.

However, he couldn't just sit idly by when the group of mercenaries fired like this.

"The way to take death!"

Zhang Tuohai snorted coldly, and the spherical lightning shot out again and again.

Locked by the five senses, the ball lightning hit the mercenaries who fired first.

These mercenaries watched those spherical lightning quickly sink into their bodies, and then turned into ashes amidst screams.

The mercenaries turned into ashes all over the ground, and the sound of gunfire gradually faded away.

Zhang Tuohai chased after him and grabbed the mercenary by the neck.

"Don't move, otherwise, be careful to move your head."

While talking, Zhang Tuohai crushed the opponent's protective mask.

At the same time, he easily bent the opponent's barrel.

That mercenary is It's not like he hasn't seen a gun barrel bent before, he can do it too.

But you have to wear power armor.

With bare hands, it is simply impossible.

But the native in front of him did it with his hands.

What kind of power is this?

If you choke your own neck, don't you just crush your own neck?

The mercenary loosened his hands, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and raised his hands high.

"Don't do anything, I surrender, as long as you don't kill me, let me do anything!"

The mercenary shouted loudly.

"Take me up!"

Zhang Tuohai pointed to the battleship in the sky.

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