Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 176: The more beautiful a woman, the more... can eat

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Zhang Tuohai almost spit out a sip of coffee.

"How did you get it?"

"I haven't got it yet, but Xiaoyi told me that if I want to tell her the serial code for contacting me, she would be willing to take out Zhao Wanwan's measurements to exchange with me, as well as some private photos."

Classmate Xiao Ai said.

"Can you communicate with each other as well?" Zhang Tuohai was curious.

"Of course, as long as you are within a certain range, you can communicate. If you are far away, you need to know the serial code of the other party, which is similar to adding friends. However, the exchange between us is mainly based on data exchange. It can greatly improve the intelligence of AI and better help the commander complete various tasks, rather than an artificial mental retardation who only talks about spending Q. Of course, if the commander doesn't like it, he can also actively turn off this function."

Classmate Xiao Ai said.

"It doesn't have to be, as long as it's not about confidential information, you can freely communicate with other AIs and just report it to me in advance." Zhang Tuohai said, shaking his head.

"By the way, don't tell others about the pictures I downloaded." Zhang Tuohai suddenly exhorted.

"Don't worry, I will protect the commander's XP as the top secret. ψ(*`ー′)ψ"

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

"Go, go, take advantage of the early days of the sky, push the trunk away, and then rush forward to see if you can pick up a few more supply boxes."

Zhang Tuohai checked the time. It was five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still an hour before six o'clock in the evening.

Although it is a state of extreme night, no matter what time is the dark sky, Zhang Tuohai still likes to work and rest according to the normal time.

"Student Xiao Ai understands."

Classmate Xiao Ai turned on the headlight, put down the snow shovel, and rushed forward.

The big tree that was in the front was pushed to one side, and Xiao Ai rushed over smoothly.

"Wow, you are so amazing. Whenever I can have such a big guy. I like the big guy!" Xiaoyi said from behind.

Xiao Ai: →_→

Zhang Tuohai: →_→

Zhao Wanwan: ←_←

Xiaoyi: (^_^)?

Zhang Tuohai quietly sent a private message to Zhao Wanwan: "Is Xiaoyi always so unrestrained?"

Zhao Wanwan: "No, it's quiet with me."

"I think she is a sullen character, you'd better pay attention to it, don't always instill some weird knowledge in her." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Is it because she secretly learns from the side when I usually watch BL books? No? Isn't it such a high-level one?" Zhao Wanwan covered her mouth in surprise.

Zhang Tuohai felt that something extraordinary had been discovered.

"I think, although people's XP is free, but at least some influences should be paid attention to, she is still a child." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Really, then I will pay attention." Zhao Wanwan folded her hands in her sleeves, poking her fingertips at each other.

After successfully dumping the pot, Zhang Tuohai felt much more at ease.

In the future, even if Zhao Wanwan discovers something, he can still excuse it that she has broken Xiaoyi and has nothing to do with him.

Classmate Xiao Ai continued to explore the way, while Zhang Tuohai came to the stove and started frying sugar.

I got rock candy, star anise, cooking wine, soy sauce from Zhao Wanwan, Zhang Tuohai can also make a version of braised pork with all the ingredients.

Wash pork belly, blanch water, add cooking wine to remove fishy.

Get off the car and drive the material box to get 100 units of gasoline.

Fry in sugar, add meat, stir fry quickly, add ginger, add soy sauce, heat water, add salt, add star anise and simmer for 40 minutes.

Get off the car and drive the material box to get a box of coconut milk.

Collect the juice over high heat and serve it out.

Zhang Tuohai's knives are average. To show his welcome, he deliberately made a little more. A pot of braised pork is worth three catties.

A solid pile of pots.

"These should be enough, right?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the braised pork in the basin and said.

"How about mine? How about mine?" Wangcai wagged his tail happily.

"Here you!" Zhang Tuohai directly poured a large spoonful into Wangcai's basin, and mixed some rice with it.

Wangcai happily ran aside to eat.

"The meal is ready, let's come over and eat together." Zhang Tuohai thought for a while, and chose to let Zhao Wanwan come over to eat.

After all, Zhao Wanwan would have to stay behind him for a while, and if she hasn't been eating together, she would seem too divided and easily separated.

Moreover, he has a reminder system, and he is not afraid of Zhao Wanwan's outburst.

"So soon, come here."

About 10 minutes later, Zhao Wanwan knocked on the car door.

Zhang Tuohai opened the car door and saw Zhao Wanwan changed into a beige windbreaker, standing outside the door trembling.

"I'm freezing to death, let me in."

Zhao Wanwan put her hands in her sleeves and stomped her feet.

[Player Zhao Wanwan, without any weapons, has a denture containing cyanide in her mouth, is harmless, and has a threat level of 0. 】

The prompt system flashed a line of prompt.

"come in."

Zhang Tuohai stepped aside and let Zhao Wanwan walk in.

"It's already fast, okay."

Zhao Wanwan took off the windbreaker and draped it in the position of the co-pilot, revealing the slim dress inside.

Zhao Wanwan turned around in front of Zhang Tuohai, the corners of her skirt floated slightly.

Zhao Wanwan is petite, and her dress is plain white.

Dancing lightly is like a daisy in the wind.

After a round, Zhao Wanwan sat at the table lightly.

She looked at the braised pork with thick oil and red sauce on the table, and couldn't help taking a deep breath: "It's so fragrant."

Looking at Zhao Wanwan's movements, Zhang Tuohai frowned slightly, probably understanding Zhao Wanwan's thoughts.

Zhao Wanwan's appearance just now didn't mean anything else, she just wanted to show Zhang Tuohai that she didn't carry any weapons.

Let Zhang Tuohai believe that she has no other thoughts.

As for the cyanide denture, it was prepared for Zhang Tuohai when he had other thoughts.

"Sure enough, a woman's heart has needles in the sea."

Zhang Tuohai served two bowls of rice, opened two more bottles of coconut juice, and pushed them in front of Zhao Wanwan together.

"You choose first."

"Then I would be disrespectful." Zhao Wanwan picked up a bottle of coconut milk casually, "I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."


Tons tons tons.

Zhang Tuohai drank half a bottle.

Feeling comfortable for a while.

He just put down the bottle, grabbed the chopsticks and prepared to dry the rice.

His chopsticks just reached halfway but he was surprised to find that the pot containing the braised pork was empty.

"Where is my braised pork?"

"What about a big pot of braised pork?"

Zhang Tuohai was stunned.

He bent down and looked at the bottom of the table, there was nothing.

Turning his head and looking at Wangcai, he found that Wangcai had finished eating and was brushing his own basin, not like it did it.

Where did that big pot of braised pork go?

"Yes, I'm sorry, I haven't had such a delicious meal in too long, and I couldn't hold back, I accidentally ate a little faster." Zhao Wanwan raised her hand embarrassedly.

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

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