Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 177: Danger and opportunity to make a fortune

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Zhang Tuohai looked at Zhao Wanwan's figure suspiciously. He looked more than 80 kilograms, and moved his eyes down to the lower abdomen, still flat, nothing unusual.

"I really ate it. I have been eating fast food recently. I haven't eaten a serious meal for a long time. I couldn't hold it back." Zhao Wanwan said embarrassedly.

"Also, don't think I am skinny, but I can eat very well, and I can't eat fat no matter how I eat." Zhao Wanwan defended when she saw Zhang Tuohai's scrutiny gaze.

"Um, you, are you still not full?" Zhang Tuohai looked at the empty basin, pondered for a long time, and said a word.

"Indeed." Zhao Wanwan lowered her head in embarrassment.

Zhang Tuohai almost staggered to the ground.

Three catties of meat!

I haven't eaten enough yet.


He felt that the business seemed to be a little lost.

A few hundred catties of my own meat may not be able to support the pillar for a few days.

Is this a way to lead a wolf into the room?

However, since the girl is here, she can't help but go back when she is full.

Besides, I haven't eaten it yet.

"It's okay, it's a blessing to be able to eat," Zhang Tuohai said, "By the way, about how many more people will come and be full? I have a good number, so save the fire again."

Zhao Wanwan hesitated and raised a finger.

"One catty?" Zhang Tuohai took a breath.

"One more."

Zhao Wanwan blushed.

"You were sent by the game system, right? Say, is your mission to kill me?"

Zhang Tuohai was stunned.

Six catties of meat!

Still a meal!

If three meals a day are 18 catties!

A full 9 kilograms!

You should know that an adult Siberian tiger only weighs about 10 kilograms of meat a day.

Do you raise a humanoid Siberian tiger?

Zhang Tuohai returned to the stove with tears and started cooking.

He never expected that he would have a mischievous day.

He murmured while cutting the meat.

"This reminder system is also not very accurate. Is this still called no threat? Obviously the threat is great."

The prompt system ignored him.

Zhang Tuohai cut another 5 catties of meat, and then he found that his pot was a bit small, and he couldn't hold 5 catties of meat.

Helpless, Zhang Tuohai had to make another stove, a pot, a pot of braised pork, and a pot of steamed pork.

Forty minutes later, Zhang Tuohai returned to the dinner table with two large pots.

"Let go of eating, there is not enough."

Zhang Tuohai was also willing to go out, but he wanted to see how gluttonous Zhao Wanwan really was.

"excuse me."

Zhao Wanwan buried her face in the rice bowl that was bigger than her face.

Five minutes later, the two basins were cleaner than those Wangcai had licked.

"Well, I'm finally full. Since I came to this world, I haven't eaten enough." Zhao Wanwan said emotionally.

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

He looked at Zhao Wanwan's lower abdomen, which was still flat.

This is simply unscientific.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that before Zhao Wanwan entered this world, the family conditions must be good, otherwise, she couldn't afford such a foodie at all.

"Tea or coffee? Although there are fruits, there is no juicer, so the juice is temporarily unavailable."

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Coffee bar, tea is easy to get hungry." Zhao Wanwan said.

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

Wangcai served two cups of coffee and then went to wash the dishes.

Zhao Wanwan looked at Wangcai with some envy: "You are a very good pet. You can help with housework and make coffee. Unlike the ones in my house, you can sleep besides eating, and you can't do anything besides being cute."

Wangcai is almost crying, this is his ideal life in heaven.

However, meeting people is not good.

Why was he blind and got into Zhang Tuohai's car?

Zhang Tuohai and Zhao Wanwan chatted for a while, and learned a lot of internal news about the team from Zhao Wanwan.

For example, the team has an internal space where members put things they don’t use and use each other.

Zhao Wanwan inherited this space and became so rich.

After understanding some basic information, Zhao Wanwan got up and left.

"You don't need to be so deliberate next time." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Well, I understand." Zhao Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in response.

After sending Zhao Wanwan away, Wangcai squatted beside Zhang Tuohai and said, "Boss, this female biped is too edible. If this goes on, the deficit will be huge."

"It's easy. Cut your rations in half and give her evenly." Zhang Tuohai said.

Wangcai: "???"

Why is the pot thrown on its head again?

The loss of a dinner was so great that Zhang Tuohai was in a bad mood. Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel to see if there was any chance to make a fortune, so as to make up for the trauma in his heart.

As soon as Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel, he saw several red announcements.

Zhang Tuohai thought it was an ordinary death notice at first, but he didn't take it seriously, just glanced at it slightly.

But when he saw the real content clearly, he suddenly jumped off.

[The mood of the player Lin Xiandao drops to -100, and his spirit is eroded by the darkness, turning into a madman, and randomly attacking other players. 】

[Player Howard's mood value is reduced to -100, and the spirit is eroded by the darkness, turning into a madman, and randomly attacking other players. 】


There are a total of more than 20 pieces of information, all of the same kind of information.

Looking at this piece of information, Zhang Tuohai's brows were frowned.

The system previously announced that if the mood value is reduced to -100, people will go crazy, but it did not say that the spirit will be eroded and turned into madness.

Everyone thinks that going crazy refers to confusion of mental thinking, but there is still a chance to make up (-200 players will die.)

But I didn't expect that the system actually came such a hand.

It's terrible now.

If you go crazy, only the players themselves will be affected.

But turning into a madman will not only affect you, but also other players.

Randomly attack other players.

Who knows, what methods will these players turn into madness, how many weapons they have, and how much casualties they will cause.

Even Zhang Tuohai himself must be careful.


Zhang Tuohai's eyes suddenly brightened, and he felt that this was a rare opportunity.

With these players who are incarnate in madness, then the weapons in his hands are much easier to sell.

Whether it is the old guns of World War II or the new-style shotguns, all have become popular.

Even if it is a 50% price increase, it is in short supply.

After all, is dead, but everything is gone.

Not only guns, everything that increases mood value will become popular.

At first, everyone felt that the mood value was abundant, but it was even better to see the items that increase the mood value.

Now, it has directly become a sought-after item.

Zhang Tuohai turned to the trading area and found that the prices of various candies had increased more than three times, and they were sold out as soon as they were on the shelves.

You know, all kinds of candies only increase the mood value by 3-5 points at one time, without BUFF.

This thing is at such a price, what price does Takumi’s coffee cost?

Zhang Tuohai's eyes are full of shiny money.

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