Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1000: "·Appease the entourage"

I think this is how most people's lives end. They adopt corresponding attitudes in order to adapt to the work and life defined by others, and finally they become rigid because of these attitudes.

-Naipaul (West Indian writer, travel writer, and social critic)

The successful calculation of the Roman youth army reduced the number of their opponents from more than 3,700 to 3,300; in this way, the Roman youth army actually took advantage of the number, more than two hundred more than the enemy. Famous soldier.

The fierce confrontation between the 22nd Roman Youth Army and the 3,300 Luxi fighters on the flanks of the main battlefields of the two armies did not actually last long; the morale and combat power of the Luxi fighters who have been hit twice twice The Roman Youth Army was more than a star and a half away.

The warrior Roman youth soldiers, under the personal command of the head of the Sixth Roman Army, Marcus, launched a fierce attack on the enemy; unlike the main force of the Chinese army, which is mainly defensive and no longer retained The Roman youth army has begun to go all out.

In the face of the fierce offensive Roman youth, the loosely formed Luxi warriors, even with the intention to fight in the end, could not change their defeated reality; even, even the Luci warrior sent by Veriasius, All became the souls under the sword of Marcus!

There were forty-four Roman heavy cavalry guards around him, and he led his general's guard to attack the spearhead, and rushed into the loose enemy first; after rushing to kill a few back and forth, the loose Luci army, It was divided into several pieces neatly.

Immediately after Marcus, the Roman youths who completed the division and encirclement of the enemy forces took advantage of the situation to hang their enemies; the Lucy warriors who fought steadfastly resisted with their full blood Half an hour later, the end was declared.

When the last Lucy fighter who suffered more than a dozen traumas fell, the young Roman generals who freed up their hands, led by Marcus, went straight to the wings of the Chinese army of Lucy; this time, Veria Hughes no longer has any extra troops and can be used to cover his flanks.

The Roman Youth Army, with no more than three hundred soldiers in battle, directly hit the flanks of the Luxi Chinese Army, and instantly attracted the attention of at least seven or eight thousand Luxi soldiers; the direction of attack of these seven or eight thousand soldiers was adjusted. The Chinese army naturally experienced a sudden drop in pressure.

The first deputy general of the Fifth Roman Legion, Aldington, who independently commanded the army for the first time, was still a little uneasy at the beginning of the command; but as time went on and the battle continued, the point of uneasiness and uneasiness in the heart had long been He threw it out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Aldington, who was extremely keen on tactics, immediately commanded the entire army to turn into an offensive after Marcus led the Roman youth into the enemy's flanks, and launched a comprehensive counterattack against the scattered and chaotic enemy forces. !

The Roman Youth Army and Roman Heavy Infantry, with a total strength of less than 10,000, first fought against more than 50,000 Lucy fighters, and now they are gradually gaining the upper hand; such a sturdy fighting power, see Veriasius All frowned.

As the leader of the West of the West, Veriasius still knows the level of the Luxi fighters. Objectively speaking, the Luxi fighters, who are always known for their elite, are in all the tribes in the eastern part of the desert. Among the fighters, that is firmly among the top three.

In the view of Veriasius, even if there are warriors of other tribes, the combat power is not worse than that of their own tribe, but it is absolutely impossible to exceed the warriors of their own tribe; but the current battle shows that the enemy's combat power is obviously superior to How can this be possible on your own warrior? !

Veriasius, who remained calm on the surface, what kind of turbulent waves in his heart are unknown to outsiders.

At the same time that the army of Luquez and the army of Veriasius fought fiercely, the Roman army led by Bai Feng was only one step away from the battlefield. In fact, as soon as the flanking battle broke out, the army of Bai Feng's headquarters was already soldiers. On the edge of the battlefield.

The reason why Bai Feng has not led the army is mainly because the time has not yet arrived, and the main force of Lucy’s army under Viriasius is still there; if you join the battle in a hurry, you can end the battle as soon as possible, but it will also give Viriaxius Chance and his remnants have the opportunity to escape.

Although the vast eastern region no longer has a place to hold Veriasius and its remnants, Bai Feng is really reluctant to waste time on this war; therefore, he will use this opportunity to wipe out Veriasius in one fell swoop. Under your command, complete the unification of the eastern region!

The waiting time is always relatively slow. The head of the Seventh Roman Legion, Luculus, and the head of the Spartan Legion, Leonida, are both long-time Roman generals. Naturally, this kind of waiting is used to. .

For the first time, Maxi and Darnell, who commanded the army as a commander, became a little irritable while waiting; it happened that the number of soldiers under their command was not large, so they came to Bai Feng together. .

"The protagonist, the army of General Lucius in front, has been fighting blood with the enemy for a long time. When will we fight?"

"Danell, you can't wait in less than an hour?" Sitting on the white peak of the warhorse, he smiled and asked him, "Do you remember what I taught you? Don’t be impetuous!"

Darnell, who can feel Bai Feng’s good mood, did not retreat because of Bai Feng’s teaching. After a silent sigh, he explained with a wry smile: "The protagonist, Maxi and I are really not generals. This is you. knew."

"Yeah, just because you are not generals, so I nurtured you in the direction of the war." Bai Feng, who was in a good mood because the war was going well, smiled at the frowning two: "Otherwise, you think you can Is it as easy as it is now?"

"However, the protagonist." Maxi doubted: "With our qualifications, can it really become the warlord you expect?"

"Why not?" After realizing the unconfidence of his two close followers, Bai Feng warmly encouraged them to say: "You are my close followers, and I believe you can be excellent warriors; do you question my vision? ?"

"Don't dare!" Maxi and Darnell, who had learned a new self-titled, were terrified.

"Since you don't dare, do it well, don't let me down!" Bai Feng staring at them, staring at them: "As the city of Rome becomes stronger and stronger, it can follow me all the time, it can't be just an ordinary follower ; You, learn to grow."

"Strictly follow the instructions of the Bishop!" Suddenly realized Maxi and Darnell finally understood Bai Feng's good intentions at this moment.

Looking at the back of Maxi and Darnell going away, there is another Bai Feng in his heart who is already thinking about how to train more generals and system generals; only to train his own system to follow, compared with Bai Feng's needs In fact, it is too little too little.

Today, Bai Feng’s followers are only five people; among them, the field doctor Hua Mu is a non-combat follower, and the barbarian slave Bai Sheng is also a natural brainless man. Bai Feng’s training target is indeed limited.

Unless, there can be more system attendants born, how easy is the birth of system attendants? Have you seen it? There are more than twenty generals in the system of the Roman city, and the system attendants are still the five who were more than two years ago; for more than two years, the number of system attendants has not increased!

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