Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1001: "·Flanking Battle"

After I was destined to leave here forever, everything was still the same as before, and my leaving left no trace.

-Naipaul (West Indian writer, travel writer, and social critic)

Lu Kuisi understood that when the leader of the western part of the country, Virias, was calculated based on the troops he is currently engaged in fighting for the entire army; in fact, the troops that he can actually engage in combat are better than The other party calculates much more.

Even excluding the 70,000 surrender generals who surrendered to the Eastern Alliance, the main force of the two Roman legions of the Third Legion and the Fourth Legion is still a powerful force enough to affect the battle situation; sadly, Veriasius Not at all.

Before the army led by Bai Feng’s protagonist arrived on the battlefield, Luquith would not easily use the troops in the camp; even the cavalry troops of Nelson and Antio were regarded as deterrents by Luquith, Temporarily staying around is useless.

At this moment, the situation on the bright side is: there are more than nine thousand light cavalry and nearly four thousand heavy cavalry under the command of Lu Quesi, and there are two wings and fifty thousand soldiers under the command of Veriasius. The battle is still limited to the fighting between the main forces of the two armies.

The Luxi Chinese Army, which was reinforced by 30,000 soldiers, once again restored its total strength to more than 50,000 people. The Roman Youth Army and Roman heavy infantry fighting against them only had more than 6,000 people. The proportion of soldiers on both sides of the war reached an alarming proportion. Nine to one!

The individual combat effectiveness of the Roman Youth Army is far inferior to the brave and warrior barbarian warriors; even for the Roman heavy infantry whose combat power is above the Roman Youth Army, their initial experience level is zero, and their individual combat effectiveness is not as good as the average Barbarian warrior.

Although the individual combat effectiveness of the Roman Youth Army and Roman heavy infantry is not as good as the barbarian warriors, their advantages are also unavailable to the barbarian warriors; for example, the various battle lines they are proficient in, the many tactics they use proficiently, and the excellent weapons they possess Equipment, etc.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the Roman heavy infantry and the Lucy warrior are singled out, then the dead will be the Roman heavy infantry; even the Roman heavy infantry with the whole body covered, it is still not the Luxi soldier with only one sword as the sole weapon Opponent.

If ten Roman heavy infantry and ten Luci fighters are played against each other, then the two sides will be tied evenly; the Lucy fighters who are used to fighting each other, if they want to defeat the ten Roman heavy infantry who cooperate with the tacit agreement, I am afraid not Easy things.

On the side of the Roman heavy infantry, the Roman heavy infantry who are seriously insufficient in individual combat power can rely on each other's tacit cooperation, and then use the advantages of their own weapons and equipment to maintain their undefeated; but to defeat the Lucy warriors, there is still no corresponding Of strength.

If a team of Roman heavy infantry fights against the same number of Lucy fighters, then this team of Roman heavy infantry can certainly defeat the same number of Lucy fighters; because of this number of Roman heavy infantry, it has been able to use all Roman basic tactics Combat.

This inference that is not far from the facts means that the more Roman heavy infantry and the Roman youth army, the greater their advantage when fighting the barbarian fighters; the more than six thousand Roman heavy infantry and the Roman youth army , May not be unable to resist more than 50,000 enemy forces!

The Roman Youth Army and the Roman Heavy Infantry fought fiercely against the enemy in the front, and the long archers who were still shooting, after shooting the second quiver, finally began to retreat slowly; shooting two quiver , Is the limit of the long archers.

Longbow shooting is more physically demanding than shortbow. If the longbowmen of the city of Rome were all composed of amazing barbarian warriors, it would be good if they could shoot one quiver; even so, two quiver Empty the strength of the long archers.

Long archers who can't even raise their arms have no practical value to stay on the battlefield. It is better to withdraw to a safe rear as soon as possible to avoid accidents.

With the evacuation of 24,000 long archers, the strength of the Roman army suddenly dropped by two-thirds; therefore, responsible for the command of Marcus who had not yet participated in the war, he led the 22nd Roman Youth Army and 32. Team Roman Light Infantry began to act.

Because the Roman light infantry had only one javelin left unused, Marcus did not disperse them, but gathered together, protected by the Roman Youth Army, from the left wing of his own Chinese army, to the enemy. The right wing of the army.

The intention of Marcus's operation is very simple, that is, with his Roman light infantry and Roman youth army, he slammed the flanks of the enemy's Chinese army to relieve the growing Chinese defensive pressure.

Like Lucius, Veriasius, who was following his own Chinese army at the rear of the battlefield, knew Marcus’ intention to lead the army to bypass, but had no extra force to organize Marcus; he had just transferred 30,000 soldiers from both wings. Soon, he could no longer draw troops from both wings.

The inability to draw troops from both wings does not mean that Veriasius will sit back and watch his Chinese flanks being threatened by the enemy; more than 50,000 soldiers cannot all be at the forefront of the battle at one time, and there are no soldiers who have rushed up. It became the usable strength of Veriasius.

Draw out the five thousand soldiers from the place where the Chinese army is behind, and send a warrior around him to lead the five thousand soldiers against the Marcus department that will be bypassed; a Chinese army fight Outside flanking battles are about to begin!

The Roman Light Infantry and the Roman Youth Army, who maintained their undisturbed formation, must have moved more slowly than the loosely formed Lucy fighters; as a result, the five thousand fighters of the Marcus Division and the Luxi Army in advance , And rushed to the wings of the battlefield.

Seeing that his plan to slam the enemy's flanks was difficult to implement, Marcus, who was decisive, directly regarded the enemy who was in front of his own army as the target of attack, and directed his soldiers to attack this enemy.

The Roman light infantry with more than 5,000 people holding javelins did not serve as the forefront of the battle; in order to avoid being attacked by the enemy forces too close, they threw up the enemy troops behind the Roman youth army with a run-up acceleration Javelin in their hands.

In the past, the loose formation that restricted the fighting strength of barbarian warriors, this time it became the advantage of these five thousand Luxi warriors to avoid javelins; even so, there are still more than 1,000 warriors among the five thousand Luxi warriors, who were shot by. Javelin shot on the spot.

After the 32th Roman light infantry threw the last javelin from them, they immediately withdrew to the rear of Luquez; Marcus, who led the 22nd Roman Youth Army to meet the enemy, was a small one. Encountered an enemy.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the enemy's charge to be hit hard by the javelin rain of his own Roman light infantry, Marcus ordered the young Roman army under his charge to charge forward; But the only javelin they left!

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to 30 meters, the Roman youth soldiers who suddenly stopped, threw their javelins at the enemy soldiers at a constant speed; then, they formed a left-handed shield Shield wall to meet the enemy, while quickly pulling out the waist dagger!

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