Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1002: "·Cavalry attack"

People are omnipotent, unscrupulously wanting to get the most advanced things in the world, rushing to chase those luxury technology products, but ignoring traditional culture.

-Naipaul (West Indian writer, travel writer, and social critic)

The Chinese army commanded by Ordington and Marcus under the command of the army of Luquez, and the Chinese army commanded by Viriasius in person, killed for three hours on the battlefield; during this period, Viriasius He also sent an additional reinforcement, but Lu Quesi was unmoved.

Thirty-two teams of the Roman Youth Army and thirty-two teams of the Roman heavy infantry, the elite Roman army with a total strength of 10,000, blocked the attack of five times their enemy; occasionally, unwilling to defend Orr Tinton also launched several small counterattacks.

With the powerful Roman heavy infantry as the main defensive force, and the Roman Youth Army with more flexibility to launch a counterattack, Oldington's command proficiency in the Roman arms is rapidly improving in actual combat, and it shows that he has indeed served as a The potential of an army general.

The fierce fighting in the flesh and blood has brought no small casualties to the soldiers of the two armies; the main body of the Roman Chinese Army, which was not covered by Roman light infantry and long archers, has killed more than 2,000 soldiers in the fierce fighting, accounting for them One fifth of the total strength.

The number of casualties of the Luxi Chinese soldiers under Veriasius is more miserable than that of the Roman Central Forces whose death figures are not surprising; even if there is no blow from the enemy long-range troops, their number of killed soldiers is still as high as More than ten thousand people.

The comparison of the number of five-to-one soldiers gave a one-to-five death rate. The strength of the battle between the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry is evident from this; but this result is not what Lucius wanted to see. In other words, the number of casualties exceeded his expectations.

As a corps leader, Marcus' performance is undoubtedly qualified; whether it is to command the Roman light infantry to launch the last round of javelin attacks, or to command the Roman youth army to attack the enemy flank, all show a corps The military qualities that deserve.

Instead, he replaced Ordington, who commanded the Fifth Roman Legion, and he lacked commanding experience. He could grow up quickly in such a short time, and it did perform well; but his jerky in the beginning of the war also led to his casualties. The main reason for low.

In Luquez’s opinion, if the person in charge of the battle is replaced by Aldington; then, he will not use any defensive counter-attack tactics to fight in the **** battle with the enemy. Waste the fighting power of Roman soldiers in vain!

Admittedly, the defensive counterattack derived from the shield wall defense line is indeed the most effective combat tactic of the Roman soldiers; but even so, can't you use defensive counterattack tactics regardless of the situation? Obviously, Oldington's use of this tactic is a bit overdone.

The Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry in the early battles were strong in morale and full of energy; at this time, the best thing Aldington should do is not to list what defensive counterattacks the shield wall defenses should play, but to use a sharp offensive. , To thwart the enemy's attack.

After the Roman Youth Army and the Roman heavy infantry soldiers showed a significant decline in physical strength, they relied on the shield wall defense line while restoring their physical strength while waiting for an opportunity to attack; this is the correct application of defensive counterattack tactics and the core value of the shield wall defense line.

The so-called shield wall defense line has only two core values: first, resisting the first round of the enemy's charge, consuming the enemy's sharpness and morale; second, providing a defensive formation for the soldiers to restore their strength, and helping the soldiers to reorganize A round of offensive.

Aldington, who has never independently served as a general of the first army, had such a small mistake in the fledgling first battle. Luquith can still understand; after all, the growth of a general is always capped by countless soldiers. Bone piled up.

If hundreds of Roman soldiers can be used as the price to train Aldington from the army lieutenant general to become a single army general, Lucius thinks it is still very worthwhile; because the war is a war after all, the dead are indispensable.

Thousands of troops will be hard to come by, but how can this simplest truth, Lucius, not understand? As for whether Aldington can be promoted to a system general based on this battle, it depends on his own efforts; the opportunity and platform, Lucius has already given him.

According to common sense, the key training object of Lucius should first be his assistant, namely his brother Lucas; but Bai Feng’s dislike of Lucas is well known in the city of Rome, which means Lu Quesi can't open up his own brother.

Not being able to train his own brother is not a bad thing for Lucius; as the highest military commander in Rome, Lucius needs to consider and deal with too many military affairs, leaving a trusted person with him Assisting yourself is more beneficial than harm.

What kind of confidant can be more trustworthy than his own brother? This time, before he led the army to the battlefield, Lucius handed over the garrison occupying the West Coast of the Eastern Alliance to his brother Lucas for command.

Fighting tiger brothers, fighting father and son soldiers. Although neither the Roman world nor the Dragon Continent has such a proverb, there is no less aphorism about the same thing; there is no doubt that Lucius himself thinks so, and leans his brother Lucas as an absolute confidant.

Lucius, who can cultivate a large number of talents such as Vipsani, Lisini, Marcus, etc., has a very open mindedness; therefore, while reusing his brother Lucas, he is also training himself General under his command.

Feeling that the timing was almost the same, he ordered Nelson and Antio who were beside him: "General Antio, you are about to lead the Hammer Legion and attack the left army from north to south first. Launch an attack on the enemy's right wing army"

"Nuo!" The anti-Io, who had already been unable to bear it, said with excitement.

"General Antio." Just as Antio turned his horse and prepared to go to his army, Lucius told him: "Remember, your task is to lead the army to disrupt the left army of the enemy; each wing has a maximum of three rounds. Charge, you must lead your troops out of the battle!"

"This... General, aren't the three rounds of charge a little bit less?" Unlike the old Luques department such as Li Xini, who didn't know much about Antioch of Luques, he bargained: "Anyway, the enemy has only left and right wings, I I think our cavalry can charge the enemy's right wing several times."

Ruquis heard his face change and frowned, "General Antio, this is my order for you!"

Seeing that Lucius was angry, Antio, who had some hippie smiles, immediately straightened his waist and responded: "Nuo!"

Looking at the back of Antio Zema, Luquez turned his head and ordered to Nelson: "General Nelson, you lead the Roman Spear Legion behind General Antio; after he withdraws from the left wing of the enemy, You immediately led your troops to launch an attack on the left of the enemy."

"Nuo!" Nelson, who had just seen Ruquis' anger and anger, quickly accepted the order.

"General Nelson." Luquiz also told Nelson: "Remember, your task is to defeat the left wing of the enemy; once the left wing of the enemy collapses, you don't need to follow up and expand the results, just attack the right wing of the enemy. ."

"Nuo!" Nielsen naturally had no objection to this kind of imperative advice from Lucius.

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