Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1003: "·Cross-Border"

Once you get what you think you like, you won't cherish them anymore.

-Naipaul (West Indian writer, travel writer, and social critic)

The nearly 4,000 heavy cavalry of the Heavy Hammer Legion, led by the hero of Antio, bypassed from the north of the battlefield of the army, and the soldiers pointed directly at the left-wing army of Lucy under Rodriguez; followed by , Is the more than nine thousand light cavalry of the Roman Spear Corps led by Nielsen.

The 25,000 Lucian fighters under Roderick were not the Lucian fighters under the command of Veriasius; they were also fighters from the western part of the country, but the gap in combat effectiveness between the two armies was very wide. .

In fact, according to the level of combat power, the soldiers in the west of Luxor can also be divided into three grades; of which, 200,000 Luxi standing infantry and 50,000 Luxi standing cavalry are undoubtedly the most powerful first grade .

The 150,000 second-line fighters from the western part of Luxi were the second-ranked with the highest combat effectiveness. The remaining 1520,000 second-line fighters with the worst combat effectiveness were not Luxi's fighters at all, but from the western part of Luxi. Warriors of various tribes affiliated.

Among the most elite 200,000 standing infantry and 50,000 standing cavalry in Luxi, 40,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry were led by Gregory to the south and rebelled; now the whole army has been annihilated, except for Veriasius himself I don't know yet.

The 110,000 infantry and 40,000 cavalry troops stationed at the border, under the command of Roderick and Hall, after many days of fighting with the 700,000 troops of the Eastern Alliance, they finally lost the eastern part at the cost of nearly annihilation. The Union's 550,000 troops.

Today, the most elite 250,000 standing infantry troops in the western part of Lu have left only 50,000 infantry under the command of Viriasius; the left and right wing soldiers led by Roderick and Hall are all Lu The second-tier fighters of the Western tribe are far less powerful than the standing fighters.

When the Hammer Legion attacked last time, half of the 50,000 Luxi troops that were defeated were half-tier Lucy fighters and half were elite Lucy fighters; even the army they formed could not block the frontal charge of the Hammer Legion. How can the Luxian warriors of the 5th and 2nd line stop it?

The heavy Hammer Regiment heavy cavalry cluster, using the extremely aggressive wedge-shaped battle array as an offensive formation, launched an attack on the left-wing army of Rosie, Rodriguez; even if he was prepared early, he faced the heavy cavalry The Lucy warriors who charged were still trembling with fear.

After eating a long and smart rodric, he saw that the dense formation was useless against the heavy cavalry cluster charge. This time, a loose formation was used to face the heavy cavalry charge, hoping to reduce the enemy as much as possible. The lethality of the heavy cavalry cluster charge.

Before facing the Hammer Legion, Roderick, who never even knew of the existence of heavy cavalry, used the experience he had only seen once, and the confrontation formation adopted had disastrous consequences for his left wing army. .

The denser the target of attack, the more difficult it is for the cavalry to attack; whether it is the shield wall battle of the Roman heavy infantry, or the squadron of the Spartan heavy infantry, it is possible to use a dense formation supplemented by weapons To cope with the charge of enemy cavalry.

No matter how powerful the heavy cavalry of the Hammer Legion is, it still belongs to the category of cavalry. For the loose cavalry of the enemy, for the attacking cavalry, they are the most rational targets of attack. There are countless ways to expand the results!

Behind him, Antio, who was his general guard, rushed into the enemy army, inserted his lance in the chest of an enemy soldier, and then pulled out with a splash of blood into another enemy army. There was no trace of muddy water in the soldier's chest.

The loose formation of the enemy forces gave Antio the greatest degree of play; only the first round of charge, he led the heavy cavalry under his command, and easily cut through the enemy formation and even killed. The number of enemies has increased.

Realizing that he used the wrong formation of Roderick, he wanted to adjust the formation while taking advantage of the reversed direction of Antio’s department. How could his soldiers have been rushed; shouting to his hoarse throat, he gathered around him There are only a few thousand warriors.

For the thousands of fighters gathered by Roderick, Antio actively avoided them when launching the second round of the charge; compared with the hard-to-grip'hard bones', there are a larger number of'lambs to be slaughtered' , Is the target of Antio's attack.

Bravery and warfare are indeed the most prominent personal characteristics of Antio, but he is also a master who cherishes the lives of his subordinates; in order to achieve greater results and to reduce his casualties as much as possible, he chose to be in chaos The enemy forces in the attack are the targets.

After the second round of the Hammer of the Hammer Legion, Roderick’s left-wing army of Lucy has turned into a piece of sand; the Lucy fighters scattered by the heavy cavalry charge have once again fallen into their own difficulties. .

This time, Antioch, who did not wait for Roderick to call again, no longer gave him a chance, rushed over the heavy cavalry cluster that led the Hammer Legion; countless panicked Lucy fighters have not yet issued their wailing, Has been trampled into mud.

After completing this last round of Antio, after puncturing Roderick’s left wing for the third time, he led the army straight to the Lucy right wing of the Hall; when Roderick secretly relieved, Nelson The cavalry under his command rushed over.

Faced with a cluster charge of nearly 4,000 heavy cavalry, it was a disaster for Roderick’s left-wing army soldiers; but when the enemy army changed from more than 3,000 heavy cavalry to more than 9,000 light cavalry, bear The attacking Lucy fighters could not feel the lightness at all.

After Lucy’s left-wing army fell into separate battles, the light cavalry’s outsourcing was more deadly than the heavy cavalry charge; in order to ensure that the army under his command would not be defeated, there was no retreat for Roderick. The most difficult initiative!

Rodrick, who has gathered more than six thousand soldiers around him, attempts to use his own initiative to attack the enemy light cavalry who has been rushed over; in this way, he can use the sacrifice of a small number of soldiers in exchange for most of the soldiers. Regrouping.

It's a pity that Nelson doesn't give him the opportunity to trade time with sacrifice; the targeted Nelson directly led the light cavalry under his command, bypassing the Rodrick headquarters that rushed forward, and killed him instead. Those enemy soldiers who are still in chaos.

The Hammer Legion and the Roman Spear Legion did not attack for more than 20 minutes. Antio had led his heavy cavalry under the command of the Hall’s right wing; Nielsen also led his light cavalry on the left wing of Roderick. The killing in the army was in full swing.

In just 20 minutes, the Hammer Legion had only killed more than 500 soldiers, and the Roman Spear Legion had no more than a thousand soldiers; and the two-winged army of Roderick and Hall had reached the number of soldiers killed. An amazing 15,000! And it continues to rise!

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