Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1054: "· Gendarmerie Brigade"

If you love a person, then love him as a whole, and love him as he is, instead of wishing him and that from reality.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

The 100,000 soldiers of the two Roman legions and the two Lucy legions, while landing on the berth of the port, while landing with a small boat equipped on the transport ship; in the end, the landing operation should have continued for two days and two nights, twelve in advance The hour is over.

After the two Roman legions filled with troops landed, Marcus's sixth Roman legion was directly dispatched by Bai Feng to the south of the Mulan. The latest task of the Sixth Roman legion was to rush to the southern part of the Olympic team to guard against the in-depth three. Vanida Army.

Kokura Kojuro, most trusted by the Ida family governor Dada Masamune, Goto Shinko, known as Huang Goto, the two veteran generals of the Ida family, the 30,000 Ida family army commanded by the two Ida families, how can they go alone, It is a force that cannot be ignored.

Although the 30,000 troops under the leadership of Katakura Kojuro and Goto Shinko are not strong, it is not something that the defenseless people of the Yanhuang family can deal with; if they suddenly enter the hinterland of the unprepared Muo country, then the consequences But it is serious.

In order to avoid this, Marcus’ Sixth Army was sent by Bai Feng to the south of the Olympian country; of course, when Bai Feng gave Marcus an order, he also specifically told him: If the Ida family stays , Then the Sixth Legion must also remain intact.

Before the Yanhuang family is not ready for a full-scale war, Bai Feng does not want the Ida family and the Uesugi family to know the existence of the Roman legion in advance; therefore, as long as the Ida family does not make a'cross-border' move, Bai Feng does not mind temporarily tolerating the Ida. The invasion of the family army.

The strong and powerful Sixth Army stationed in the southern region of Mutsukuni, beware of the 30,000 soldiers hiding in the mountains and forests of the Ida family, and the safety of southern Mutsukuni will not require Baifeng to worry more; next, Baifeng only needs to prepare for the upcoming Just start the war.

The 7th Legion of Luculus is the main force of the Roman city that is exactly the same as the 6th Legion of Marcus; the second Lucie Legion of Villede and the third Lucie Legion of Walker are certainly not as good as Rome in terms of combat effectiveness. The legion, but it wins a large number of soldiers.

The Lucy Legion, which has seven super formations, each has a staggering five thousand soldiers; know that the combat strength of five thousand barbarian warriors is no less than that of the Yanhuang family of 10,000 or 20,000. Standing soldiers, even more!

The Yanhuang family who abolished the peasant system had a combat strength of about 20,000 soldiers roughly equivalent to that of about 30,000 other families; the battles between Sanada Changxing and Yan Qingshui's righteousness in Gaoshui Temple City and Bianshi Imperial Palace have proved that this ratio is It is realistic and only low.

This means that the large-scale combat wing under the jurisdiction of the Luxi Legion, each wing is capable of fighting about 30,000 Ida family or Uesugi army; a full-fledged Luxi army can face 20 directly. The Yamato Imperial Army around 10,000.

Don’t think that the two hundred thousand big and the imperial army can kill 35,000 barbarian warriors. This simple quantitative comparison can’t reflect the huge gap between the two forces. The brave and barbaric warriors may not Not all are super warriors, but their high morale and unyielding will never catch up with the footsteps of the Yamato Empire.

Another important factor that contributed to the disparity in the combat effectiveness of the two armies was that the armies of the major families of the Yamato Empire were mixed with a very large number of peasants and soldiers; these low morale and poorly equipped peasants and soldiers are indeed quite quantitative in number. Ability to bluff, but the actual effect is not great.

If it is to fight some winning battles that are smooth and smooth, then these peasants who only wield their hoes and even hold bamboo guns and wooden spears may not be able to play a role in boosting the battle; but if they fight against the **** corpses In the battle, these peasants and soldiers are just a burden.

When the newly born Yanhuang family attacked the Tsugaru clan, the large number of peasants and soldiers in the Tsugaru clan army really strengthened the Tsugaru clan's momentum; but when the two armies battled in battle, the collapsing peasants and soldiers instead became The tasteless taste of the Tsugaru family.

In fact, it is not appropriate to compare the peasants and soldiers to chicken ribs, because the tasteless tasteless chicken ribs also have certain value, not worthless waste; and the defeated peasants and soldiers, in addition to affecting the morale and rush of the friendly army Apart from the formation of scattered friends, there is no other role.

More importantly, the peasants and soldiers made up of ordinary young and powerful armed forces are extremely valuable labor assets of each family; once they are killed in large numbers on the battlefield, it will not only affect the outcome of a battle, but also a family Rise and fall!

In the Cold Weapon Age or the Mowu Era, no resource is more valuable than labor resources; the number of young and strong population directly determines what kind of development potential a force has, and only with more young and powerful forces More powerful future capital.

In view of this, Bai Feng, who did not want to waste the precious labor resources of the Yanhuang family, decided to completely abolish the Yamato Empire in the Yanhuang family for thousands of years. The people of the Yanhuang family were able to live and live in peace and contentment.

Because the 70,000 Luci fighters of the Second Luci Legion and the Third Luci Legion, their performance in terms of military discipline has been unsatisfactory; therefore, Bai Feng deliberately left the Seventh Roman Legion to stay with the two Luci Legions. , In order to always monitor them.

The Roman soldiers of the Seventh Roman Legion supervised the Lucy soldiers of the two Lucy Legions. In actual operation, some friction that Bai Feng did not want to see will inevitably occur; the unruly Lucian soldiers, the meticulous Roman soldiers , Conflict is almost inevitable.

The Lucy warriors who are used to being free and loose will always do something that seems to disturb the people, but it is not too special to buy and sell. The Roman soldiers who value the military discipline very much will be violated when dealing with similar things. The Luci fighters of military discipline were severely punished.

After just three days have passed, the army consisting of the 7th Roman Legion, the 2nd Lucy Legion, and the 3rd Lucy Legion, two thirds of the distance from the Mito Castle, has already broken out. The conflict between the Roman soldiers and the Lucy warriors.

Fortunately, the Lucy warriors and Roman soldiers involved in the conflict maintained their due restraint and did not use weapons in the conflict; even so, Bai Feng, who was so troubled by these cumbersome things every day, had to find a way to solve this problem. The problem at hand.

After detailed consultations with the heads of the three legions of Lukurus, Willet and Walker, Bai Feng decided to transfer some of the guards around him and some soldiers of the three legions to form a military police dedicated to supervise the military discipline of the various legions. Brigade.

This gendarmerie brigade, which is responsible for supervising the military discipline of the various legions, is composed of 150 warriors beside Bai Feng, 150 elite warriors from each of the three legions, and a total of 600 warriors scattered and mixed, specifically divided into Three gendarmerie of two hundred people.

In order to increase the authority of the Gendarmerie Brigade, Bai Feng himself also served as the captain of the Gendarmerie Brigade. The three Gendarmeries under him were personally guarded by Nanfeng Lizhi, Quanshan Zhengyi, and Heiji of the Ministry of Service.

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