Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1055: "·Building the Temple"

"Water is overflowing, and monthly profit is losing." This world has never been more beautiful, but not the most beautiful. And the moment closest to perfection is the easiest moment to go to the opposite.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

The 1st Gendarmerie Squadron of Lizhi in the south is permanently stationed in the 7th Roman Regiment, the 2nd Gendarmerie Squadron of Quanshan Zhengyi is stationed in the 2nd Lucy Regiment, and the 3rd Gendarmerie Squadron of Hebeiji is stationed in the 3rd Lucy Regiment; The flag is there, but no one dares to confront the military police with full-time military discipline.

Feeled by Bai Feng's determination to strictly control military discipline, Willed and Walker successively issued a death order that must be strictly urged to be urged to comply with the military discipline by the joint captains; after that, the captains returned to the death order The captain of each brigade.

A level-by-level compulsory order made the overall military discipline of the two Luxi regiments suddenly improve. Even the most reckless Luci fighters in the past have now become safe and secure. The newly formed Gendarmerie Brigade can do The things are less every day.

Facts have proved that the top-down coercive order, supplemented by the undisputed authority of the gendarmerie supervision, no matter how free and sloppy the army, its military discipline can be reorganized; even the Lucy Legion composed of barbarian warriors What other legion is not good?

Seeing the value of the military police, Bai Feng did not dissolve the military police brigade, which was almost going to do nothing. Instead, he planned to further expand the military police brigade after returning to Mito Castle; the three existing squadrons of the military police brigade, six hundred military police, were expanded. One thousand military police in five squadrons.

Considering the special nature of the Gendarmerie Brigade, the newly added 400 Gendarmerie will be drawn from the Yanhuang Standing Army of the Yanhuang Family and the Southern Standing Army by two hundred soldiers each; afterwards, the supervision of the Gendarmerie Brigade will be expanded to each branch of the Yanhuang Family Standing Army.

In order to ensure the absolute fairness and justice of the Gendarmerie Brigade, no matter how many squadrons are added, the newly added gendarmes will be mixed with the original gendarmes; the purpose of this is to ensure that each gendarme squadron comes from a different army Gendarmerie.

Bai Feng, who never believed that there are truly selfless individuals, insists that everyone is selfish; but some people have a relatively heavy selfishness and reach the point of disregarding the interests of others. Some people have a lighter selfishness, although they are not selfish. Detrimental.

As long as the selfishness of light or heavy exists, sooner or later it will make the gendarmerie brigade that was dedicated to the public at the beginning of its establishment deteriorate; therefore, it is impossible for Bai Feng to hand over the power of supervision of the gendarmerie to any individual, and the gendarmerie brigade supervises the military. At the same time, internal supervision is also required.

On the first day of mid-January, the symbolic ruling mansion of the Roman city entering the stage of the big city was finally completed; among the eleven available buildings that appeared, the three military buildings of the army barracks, the racetrack, and the catapult range, It is a necessary building to start legion recruitment.

The importance of legion recruitment is needless to say, but this is the key to completely solving the lack of strength of the Roman city system; once the three buildings of the legion barracks, racetrack, and catapult range are completed, and the Treasury's abundant funds, Baifeng, can recruit Rome on a large scale. The army of systems.

After the recruitment of the Roman legions one after another, the composition and overall strength of the Roman city's army will undergo earth-shaking changes; by that time, the extremely powerful Baifeng in his hand will be able to do what he wants to do. .

However, Bai Feng, whose main energy is now focused on the Yanhuang family, is not prepared to give priority to the construction of military buildings such as the army barracks. Compared with the military buildings that know the role, Bai Feng is more looking forward to, and is still full of unknown Apollo data. Shrine.

The city of Rome, the Apollo temple built, contributed more to the growth of the city of Rome than other system buildings; even the vital urban barracks and ports could not have a practical effect. The Luo Temple is on a par.

The five attributes of the Temple of Apollo are: first, increase social security by 15% due to happiness; second, increase social security by 15% due to law; third, increase the population of the Roman city by 2000 each month; fourth, Every three months, two teams of special troops are randomly called (non-Roman, and do not account for the number of troops); fifth, a calling ceremony can be held every three months, and a general can be recruited with 1,000 gold.

The two attributes of improving social security due to happiness and the law are not mentioned for the time being. The attribute of increasing the population of Rome by two thousand a month, which plays a role in the development of the city of Rome, is not described in any word of beauty. For ever!

It is no exaggeration to say that this attribute alone has reduced the population growth time of the Roman city by at least a quarter; without this attribute of the Temple of Apollo, the systematic population of the Roman city would have to reach one million , At least it takes more than one year!

Randomly summoning two teams of special arms and summoning system generals, these two attributes in the city of Rome are as good as they are in terms of good development; the top arms of the various factions with super-powerful capabilities, the unique system generals, all promote Rome. An important factor contributing to the development of the city’s military strength.

The only thing that makes Bai Feng unsatisfied is that the cooling time of these two attributes of the Apollo Temple is too long; the three-month attribute cooling time means that Bai Feng can only summon eight special troops and four system generals every year. For the increasingly demanding city of Rome, it is nothing short of salaries.

With the increasing size of the Roman city army, the combat value of a limited number of special arms is rapidly decreasing; a large number of self-growing system generals may not be able to replace the status of summoning system generals, but they can divide more Army.

This is because, only four system generals can be summoned each year, and not every general can become a general of the commanding army; for example, Hades and Nams, who were summoned last year, became the masters of the snare net, One became the commander of the First Fleet of Rome.

Originally an ordinary Roman heavy infantry Centurion, Oldington, based on his outstanding performance on the battlefield, was first promoted to a system general, and then replaced Luquez to become the commander of the Fifth Roman Army. It seems to be one of the upstarts in the city of Rome.

Even so, Bai Feng is still not disappointed with the Apollo Great Temple where the actual values ​​of the five attributes are declining; because Bai Feng has always believed that the five attributes of the Apollo Great Temple stage will definitely get new development after the Apollo Great Temple stage !

In view of this, the most promising and significant Roman temple of Apollo has become Bai Feng’s first large-scale construction of the Roman city after the ruling official residence; fifty days and three thousand two hundred gold The cost of it is no longer in the eyes of Bai Feng.

If it were not for Bai Feng himself, he had to deal with the affairs of the Yanhuang family in the Yamato Empire without much time and energy to pay attention to the development of the Roman city; with the number of gods with the power of faith currently owned by Bai Feng, he could build it within a day All system construction!

Before the affairs of the Yanhuang family were resolved, do not rush to build the Baifeng of the systematic architecture of the stage of the large city of Rome. This allowed the slow construction of each system to be built step by step; when he returned to Rome, it was the rapid development of Rome again. At the time!

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