Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1057: "·Quotations and Letters"

Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change themselves.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

Near midnight, Bai Feng, who was idle, let Maxi call the long-awaited Southern Trust and Sanada Xinfan to his study; this is the difference between the confidant and the ordinary family. Only the former will really get Bai Feng’s trust and value. .

After sending Shinnobu Nanami and Shinada Sanada into the meeting room, Maxi, who had another mission, went to the military camp outside the city with Darnell who was outside the conference room; Bai Yi and others replaced them to guard the meeting room. Four flaming swordsmen.

"You are here." Bai Feng, who put down his hand and stood up from his throne, said honestly and honestly to the southern face full of exhaustion: "Southern gentleman, I have not been in the family for these two years and worked hard. is you!"

"Principle!" Southern Faith, who was standing on the spot due to excessive shock, responded immediately, and said in a panic: "Here is the servant of the Yanhuang family, and he is devoted to the principal and the family. Tired of words?"

As a typical imperial warrior, Nanshin Shindo's performance is not outstanding; even Sanada Shindo on the side has to admit in his heart that his father, who has been worshipped since childhood, is no more than Nanshin Shinto. Awesome.

Seems to have realized what Sanada believed in the heart. Bai Feng, who was in a good mood, first lifted the bent south Nanxin upright, then patted his shoulder, turned his head and asked Sanada Xinfan with a smile: "Xinfan, do you think Southern Jun, how does it compare to your father?"

Hearing this question from his family governor, Nanxin Trust, who was still in shock, inevitably looked at Sanada Xinfan; after all, Nanxin Trust, the head of the seven major families of the Yanhuang family, right Sanada's evaluation is still quite important.

"Sir, this comparison, I can't really answer it!" Facing Bai Feng's smiling eyes, Sanada Xinfan reluctantly smiled bitterly: "As a son of man, I can't judge my father's father; as a family minister, I also Can't judge the family's old and important minister.

"Haha, aren't you Sanada Xinfan not afraid of the earth? Why are you looking forward to looking back today?" Bai Feng, who laughed haha, turned his head to tease Nanxin directly: "Southern gentleman, you are the old heavyweight of our family, you Would you mind Xinfan's evaluation?"

"Please rest assured!" The southern faith, who was curious in his heart, followed Bai Feng's meaning and took over the words with a smile: "No matter what Xin Fanjun said tonight, I will promise to tell Master Sanada; as for me Well, I really want to know what Xin Fanjun said."

"Since adults in the south say this, then they offend." Sanada Xinfan, who knew that he wouldn't say, wouldn't work. Before starting the evaluation, he made a whisper: "In my opinion, my father and southern adults, It’s the hero’s humerus."

"It's just that my father's adult is better at united combat, and he has more achievements for the family; while the southern adults are better at government affairs and people's governance. It can be said that the growth of the family and the development of the Muo Kingdom It's a great achievement."

"The father and the southerner have their own strengths and strengths. According to common sense, they should not be compared; but if they are compared together, we think that the southerner adults are better than our fathers for our Yanhuang family. More important."

"Oh?" I thought long ago that Shinada Sanada would have such a said Bai Feng, and asked with a smile: "Why? Why is Sanada Jun not as important to our Yanhuang family as the Southern Jun? You know, I am not Think so."

While speaking, Bai Feng also used a smiley look to stern the Southern Faithfulness; if this skimming, the Southern Faithfulness might also mistakenly think that he might not be as important as Masada Masuda in the mind of the governor, but with this Aside, Southern Faith understands everything instantly.

Looking at the bitter face of Shinada Shinada in front of him, Nanxin Xinxin said in his heart that not envy is false; in all fairness, Nanxin Xinxin who thinks he is not worse than Sanada Changxing, sometimes really envious of Sanada Changxing, who makes The other party had two excellent sons.

Although Nanbu Shinji's son Nanri Lizhi also stayed with Bai Feng, and is now appointed by Bai Feng as the squadron leader of the 1st Gendarmerie Squadron; but all the officials of the Yanhuang family who don’t know, the real rookie who is most valued by the family governor is Sanada Nobuyuki and Sanada Nobuhiro.

Sanada Nobuyuki and Sanada Nobuyoshi who haven’t been in Gangwon for a few years, no matter how much potential they have, in any other ordinary family, at most they can be the most important positions; even in the positions of the Sanada family, Sanada Nobuyuki and Sanada Nobuyuki. It's just a general.

But in today's Yanhuang family, Sanada Nobuyuki and Sanada Nobuhiro are nominally inferior to the old family and the lord of the family, but in fact command the most elite 20,000 standing soldiers of the family. ! Even their father's army under the command of Masaru Sanada is not as large as their commander's army, not to mention the elite army of their commander!

There are two sons who are highly valued by the family superintendent, Masada Masaru is naturally happy, and the revival of the Sanada family is also inevitable; his son is only the southern faith of the captain of the gendarme squadron. is normal.

"This..." Shinada, who was deliberately embarrassed by Bai Feng, could not help but answer this question, forced to help but clenched his teeth and said: "Princess, if our Yanhuang family's military strength is not strong, the father Since it is more important than the adults in the south!"

"Unfortunately, our Yanhuang family has never lacked a large and elite army; with these strong and victorious troops, no matter how good it is to recruit good generals, I am afraid it will be difficult to play a role. It’s just an outstanding general."

"Xinfan, if your complaint is heard by the generals of other families, I am afraid they will spit blood and die!" Waiting for Bai Feng to speak, Nanxinxin said with emotion: "Can command a real The elite teacher, for any general, it is the most coveted thing in a lifetime; you, but you are not in the blessing of being in a typical blessing!"

Seeing Nanbu Shinji didn’t understand what he meant, Sanada Shinto had to be patient and explained to him: "Senior Nanbu, I’m not in blessings and I don’t know blessings, I am afraid that those of us who can only fight together will sooner or later One day it will be completely replaced by the elite who can win the war without the commander-in-chief!"

"Xinfan, you don't need to worry about this." Bai Feng, who restrained the smile on his face, said seriously: "Going out of the Mu'ao Kingdom is only the first step of the real rise of our Yanhuang family; in the future, there are countless wars that need you generals Go fight for our family!"

"And, never limit your eyes to the land of the Yamato Empire; on the other side of the ocean that is not far away, that is, where I am born and raised, there is a wider world waiting for you to conquer. There Is the center of this world!"

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