Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1058: "·Recruitment"

The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

"Strictly abide by the teachings of the Bishop!" Shinada Sanada, who was full of longing for the future, burst into excitement with both eyes.

Compared to the energetic Shinada Shinada, the old-fashioned southern trustworthiness did not show abnormal emotions; he was calm and as usual, he made a strong commitment: "The southern trustworthiness of the lowly, willing to be the principal and family, always staying in the flames. Earth!"

The faithful attitude of the South is enough to show that not everyone is full of longing for the far side of the ocean; for most people whose ancestors lived in the Yamato Empire, they were born and died in the country, and they created value by creating merits. The supreme pursuit of their lives.

Of course, the Yanhuang family needs not only the general who is full of expectations for the outside world, but also the loyal officials who are willing to stay behind for the family; the Yanhuang family who has both these officials Really become stronger and stronger!

Otherwise, all the important officials of the Yanhuang family went to the Tianlong Continent. Who should give the Yanhuang family control in the territory of the Yamato Empire? Who can lead the army to suppress those remnant forces that have been wiped out by the Yanhuang family, but they have been strangled?

Even if it is really the day when the Yanhuang family unites the Yamato Empire and becomes the sole overlord of the Yamato Empire, it is impossible for Baifeng to take all the troops and all the ministers of the Yanhuang family to the Tianlong Continent; it is more difficult to start a business than to start a business. Baifeng, who has experience Know better than anyone.

With the Yanhuang family backed by the Roman city, the reunification of the Yamato Empire is only a matter of time; the question is, how can the Yanhuang family rule over the Yamato Empire for a long time? You know, China has never lacked a dynasty that died in one lifetime!

In view of this, Bai Feng never thought of taking all his army and all his ministers from the Yamato Empire; the killing of chickens and eggs was not done by the Baifeng Conference. What he wanted to do was to develop the construction of the Yamato Empire into the Yanhuang family’s most. Important overseas territory.

At that time, the Yanhuang family, who ruled the 50 million people of the Yamato Empire, could not only provide a minimum of 500,000 soldiers for the Roman city, but also continuously transport a variety of resources to the Roman city, pushing the Roman city towards Stronger, more prosperous future development!

Bai Feng, who was satisfied with the statements of Sanada Nobuyoshi and Nanbu Shinto, nodded and began to return to the real question to Nanbu Shinto: "Southern Jun, large-scale recruiting has been carried out for half a month, how much have you recruited here Recruits?"

"Prince Qijun, after our vigorous propaganda for half a month, there were 4,500 young and strong applicants in the three-home city, and 13,800 young people came from other cities in central Mu'ao. There are 100 people, but only 8,500 people meet the recruit standards."

"In addition, more than 65,000 young people have signed up for application in various refugee towns and villages; almost all of these young refugees who have applied have experienced the real test of life and death, and have a firmer will than ordinary young people. The words of the army will be more appropriate."

"Southern Jun, do you mean to leave all the more than 65,000 refugees who have signed up for the application?"

"The protagonist is not deliberately recruiting a large number of refugees and young men to join the army, but the refugees and young people who apply for the application are indeed much better than other ordinary young people who apply for the application; you can ask Xinfan, he is a recruit with me Recruited."

Seeing Nanbu Shinji pulling himself into the topic, Sanada Shinfan had to make a statement: "Princess, the Southern Master's words are true; those young people who actively apply for applications do have a stronger and stronger physique and firmer than ordinary young people. Will."

"In this case, then recruit all the 65,000 refugees and young people into our Yanhuang family standing army." Bai Feng from Jianruli made a decision immediately: "The 40,000 recruits needed for the expansion of the Yanhuang standing army, First select directly from these young refugees."

"Princess, I have a new suggestion about the expansion of the Yanhuang Standing Army." There is no southern trust with the Yanhuang Standing Army, and it interjected: "It is better to have more than 40,000 recruits into the Yanhuang Standing Army. Thirteen thousand recruits entered."

"Southern Jun, the reason why I decided to expand the Yanhuang Standing Army to 60,000 soldiers is not only because our Yanhuang family has a serious shortage of troops, but also based on the new establishment of the Yanhuang Family standing army." Bai Feng said first. Explained one sentence, and then told Shinada Shinda on the side: "Xinfan, you specifically talk about the new establishment of the Yanhuang Standing Army for Nanjun."

"Hi! Southern Masters, our new establishment is: ten foot teams for squads, ten team squadrons for 100 squadrons, five squadrons for 500 squadrons for squadrons, four squadrons for 2,000 squadrons for squadrons, five squadrons The 10,000 teams of the team are enough for the brigade, and the 20,000 brigades of the two brigades are the division."

I haven’t told anyone about the new system of Yanhuang Standing Army, which has been disclosed by Shinada Shinto. He explained in great detail: "The Yanhuang Standing Army in the full state will have three independent combat divisions; in the future, the division will become the main body of the Yanhuang Standing Army. Combat unit!"

"Not only the Yanhuang Standing Army." Bai Feng added in a timely manner: "It is not only the Yanhuang Standing Army that is about to be expanded, but also the other standing troops of our family; after the expansion is completed, the newly formed division will become the standing army of our family. The main combat unit!"

"Princess, with a full 20,000-strong division as the main combat unit of each standing army, wouldn't it be that the number of soldiers in each standing army should exceed 20,000?" The shocked southern trustworthiness, hitting the blood with one shot: "We Can the Yanhuang family afford so many troops?"

"At this stage, the Yanhuang family can't afford to support it, so I will provide funds and food to support the expanded army." Bai Feng vowed: "But it only takes three months at most, our Yanhuang family can rely on Support yourself to the expanded army."

"Southern monarch, what you need to do now is to recruit as many recruits as possible for the upcoming army; more than 73,000 recruits in the district can only meet half of the recruits needed for the army expansion, which is not yet Including the addition of fallen soldiers from all armies."

"Thirty-three thousand recruits are only half of the expansion required?!" Nanxin Trustlessly said: "Princess, how do you plan to expand the army?"

"The Yanhuang Standing Army, the first batch of expanded troops, will be expanded to 60,000 soldiers in three divisions, as you already know; the next second expanded army is your Southern Standing Army and the Quanshan Standing Army of Quanshan Jun, these two The general will be expanded to a division of 20,000 soldiers."

"The last batch of expanded troops is the Sanada Standing Army, the Nine Household Standing Army, and the Yanqingshui Standing Army fighting the enemy on the front line; after the front line battle is over, the Sanada Standing Army withdrawn from the rear will be expanded to two divisions of 40,000 The generals, the standing army of nine households and the standing army of Yanqingshui will be expanded to one division and another brigade of 30,000 soldiers."

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