Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1059: "·Priority Supplement"

Everyone lives for hope, because with hope, talents have the courage to live.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

Seeing his family governor arbitrarily telling the specific scale of the expansion of the army, Nanxin believed that the expansion of the family army was a foregone conclusion; although his southern standing army was one of the smallest troops after the expansion, he did not No frustration.

The reason is very simple. The largest army after the expansion is the Yanhuang Standing Army. As the first army exclusively organized by the Yanhuang family in the true sense of the family governor, the name of the Yanhuang Standing Army determines that this army has a very special status.

Immediately following the standing army of Sanada, it has always been the most powerful army among the six standing army of the Yanhuang family; no matter how large the scale of the standing army of Yanhuang, no matter how large the size of the standing army of Yanhuang, there is the honor of Sanada, the standing army of Sanada is the same. Steady Yan Yan standing army.

Unless one day, the Yanhuang Standing Army can really make a huge battle on the battlefield that will convince everyone to take it; otherwise, no one will ever recognize the combat strength of the Yanhuang Standing Army. You can never be true!

Compared with the southern standing army and the Quanshan standing army, the Nine household standing army and the Iwamiki standing army are not even rooted; because when the southern Xinzhi and Quanshan Gukang served for the Yanhuang family, the Nine households Kangzhen and Yanqingshui Righteousness is still a member of the Spo family.

Why did they surrender to the Jiuhu Kangzhen and Yanqingshui Protestants of the Yanhuang family? Southern Faith is not a fool, he knows better than anyone else!

Sure enough, just after the specific expansion scale of each family army was mentioned in the front, Bai Feng then said: "Southern Jun, the expanded Sanada Standing Army, the Nine Household Standing Army, and the Yanqingshui Standing Army will leave the Mu'ao Kingdom and will go to our Yanhuang family. Of Shimoya and Hokuriku are stationed; you and Quanshan Jun’s army will continue to stay in Mutsukuni and defend Oshu for our Yanhuang family."

"Please rest assured that as long as one of the soldiers in our southern standing army is alive, no enemy can kill our family in Oshu!"

"With your own personal commitment, I will naturally rest assured." Bai Feng, who is very confident in southern trustworthiness, will never question the commitment of southern trustworthiness; so he returned to the topic and said: "Southern gentleman, required by the army expansion How long does it take for recruits to be recruited?"

"The protagonist, the 73,000 recruits currently recruited are far from enough for the expansion of each army; if the supplement of the fallen soldiers of the front lines is included, at least 80,000 new recruits will need to be recruited in order to meet the expansion of each army. Required."

As he spoke, he believed in the rapidly calculating southern part of his heart. After a pause, he gave a specific reply: "Considering that large numbers of new recruits are no longer available to refugees, it will take time for young and strong men from all over Oshu to come to Miho City. It also takes time to select qualified candidates from the young recruits; therefore, it takes about three to four months to complete the recruitment of 80,000 recruits."

"Yes, then I will give you four months!" I expected Baifeng, which was originally three months, to relax the southern trust without hesitation for a month; because in Bai Feng's view, after all, Southern trust is better than himself To understand the actual situation of Yanhuang family and Austria.

Bai Feng, who thought that the expansion of the various military forces had ended, just started to talk to Nanfang Xinzhi about another important thing. I saw Nanxin Xinzhi once again said: "Princess, I still think that we should directly select 53,000 recruits to add Yanhuang Standing Army."

"Oh?" Bai Feng raised his eyebrows softly when he heard Nanxin Trust mentioning the matter again: "Why?"

"Because of the 10,000 Yanhuang Standing Army generals commanded by Nobuyuki, there will be casualties after rushing to the front line; and the Yanhuang Standing Army, the first to complete the expansion, will also participate in the following battles." Nanxin Shinko said seriously: "Once the war starts, casualties It is inevitable."

"The Yanhuang Standing Army with 60,000 soldiers in the three divisions will pay the cost of casualties in the next series of battles. We don't know; but in my opinion, instead of adding new recruits to the Yanhuang Standing Army after the war, It might as well add more recruits this time."

"Princess, I also think that the proposal of the Southern Masters is indeed more beneficial to our Yanhuang Standing Army." This time, without waiting for Bai Feng to speak, Sanada Shinfan couldn't help but take the remarks: "Veterans who have undergone battle training are better than New recruits are stronger!"

"More than that?" Bai Feng, who didn't know Sanada Shinfan's careful thought, just looked at him with a smile, but did not directly break it.

"Hey, I know you can't hide you, the hero." Sanada Shinto, who smiled awkwardly, said the truth: "Princess, I just think that 47,000 soldiers are not easy to organize. It is better to fill up 60,000 directly in the three households. Warrior; this is more convenient, what do you say?

Bai Feng, who did not refuse, thought for a while and said: "It is not impossible to supplement the Yanhuang Standing Army to the full state in Sanhu City, but the three thousand Yanhuang Standing Army veterans who remain in the port must be independent and form a new team based on them. The port garrison."

"Furthermore, the 10,000 Yanhuang standing soldiers under Xinxing's command will be used as an independent combat force in the following battles, and will no longer be affiliated with the Yanhuang standing army; when the battle is over, the extra soldiers of the Yanhuang standing army will also be added. The other armies."

"This..." Knowing that she was thinking carefully about Sanada Xinfan, who was seen through by his supervisor, he could only helplessly say: "Care to the hero's order!"

Looking at the unhappy face full of Sanada Shinfan's face, Bai Feng, with a smile on his face, could not help but tease him: "Xinfan, if all the best recruits are selected by you first, after the war Yan Huang Chang Beijun still has super-edition phenomenon , I’m afraid that Sanada will strike you!"

"This...father shouldn't be so violent." Shinada Shinada of the heart said, confidently.

"Haha..." At this moment, Bai Feng and Nanbuxin couldn't help but laughed.

After the original serious atmosphere in the conference room was diluted, Bai Feng, who was slightly relaxed, suddenly opened his mouth to the south and asked: "Southern gentleman, if you say that if I re-divide Austria into five countries, you feel that you will be in a stable situation. Is there any adverse effect?"

"Re-divide Austria into five countries?" The slightly stunned southern believes subconsciously: "The protagonist, the five states of Austria have merged into one country of Mu-Ou for hundreds of years. Why should they be re-divided into five countries?" Isn’t it good for the current Mutsu State?"

Bai Feng, who had just learned about the five Olympic countries, said bluntly: "No, it’s not that the Olympic countries are not good, but I think that the area of ​​the Olympic countries is too vast, far larger than any other sub-country, and it is governed. Not as convenient as other sub-nationals."

"That's right." Suddenly relieved in his heart, the southern faith, after a little thinking, gave a new suggestion: "Princess, it is not necessary to reclassify Austria into five countries; however, it is better to first The Emperor of Kyoto reported to avoid misfortune."

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