Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1060: "· Yamato government system top”

There are three characteristics of smart people: one is to persuade others to do things by themselves; the second is to never do things that go against nature; the third is to tolerate the weaknesses of people around them.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

"Report to the Emperor of Kyoto?" Bai Feng's eyes slightly condensed, and said with a slight cold: "Emperor Zhengzhencho of Kyoto is just a puppet with a name. Our Yanhuang family's internal affairs, it is necessary to report to him. Report it?"

"The protagonist, whether Emperor Zhengqincho is a well-known puppet, he is the loyal object of all the emperors and warriors of the empire; as long as our Yanhuang family is part of the Yamato Empire, we must maintain his due respect, This is our law of survival."

"Southern gentleman, as far as I know, the Kyoto where Emperor Masako-cho is located is now in the sphere of influence of the Oda family; if our Yanhuang family reported the matter of dividing Oshu to the Emperor Masako-cho, wouldn’t this matter be autonomous The power is given to the Oda family?"

Seeing his family governor say something like this, Nanxin believes and immediately understands: "Princess, Mu'ao Kingdom is the territory of our Yanhuang family. This is well known to the world; therefore, we want to do it in Mu'ao territory. Nothing will be blamed."

"However, this kind of non-blame does not mean that the Yanhuang family's rule over the Mu'ao Kingdom is legal; on the contrary, before the protagonist, you have not been granted the Muyushou or Lu'aojie by the emperor as far away as Kyoto, our Yanhuang family's The rule of Austria is irrational."

"It turns out that the emperor still has such a role. No wonder that the emperor Oda Nobunaga must keep the emperor as the decoration." Bai Feng, with a faint smile on his face, sighed: "Take the emperor to order the princes, see There is no world difference!"

"Take the emperor to command the princes?" Southern Faithfulness and Sanada Nobunaga, who had never heard such brilliant words, froze at once.

Bai Feng, who did not intend to waste time on the topic of Oda Nobunaga, pulled the topic back and said: "Nanjun, since our Yanhuang family has no legal basis for the rule of Mutsu, why no other family has put forward our rule Do you question?"

"Princess, do you think that the Ida family of Shigeno, the Uesugi family of Echigo, the Takeda family of Jiafei, and the Hojo family of the General Manager, these families ruled their families under the rule of the country, and they will be under the control of the Oda family. Is Emperor Qincho's approval?"

Bai Feng, who almost didn't laugh out loud, held back his smile and joked: "In this way, besides the Oda family who controls Kyoto, the big Yamato Empire has no so-called rule of law?" "

"No, the protagonist, Oda Nobunaga, the governor of the Oda family, is not a rude and unscrupulous husband without vision." Nanshin Shinji gently shook his head and denied: "The Tokugawa family in Tokaido and the Shimadzu family in Hokkaido, both Is a strong ally of the Oda family."

"Long distance and close attack is indeed the only choice for a family to go stronger." Bai Feng first nodded slowly, and then asked the southern faith: "Southern Jun, I am curious now that the emperor Zhengqincho has the right to legal principles , Really willing to be a puppet?"

"Protagonist, whoever has the choice, who would like to be a puppet with no freedom at all?" Meiyu seemed to reveal a hint of excitement in the southern faith, saying amazingly: "This is not necessarily for our Yanhuang family Not a great time to really rise!"

"It is indeed a good time, but it may also make our Yanhuang family become the target." Bai Feng squinted his eyes irrefutably: "Before that, I want to know what the official duties of the Oda family family governor Oda Nobunaga, this But it's a big question about the emperor's attitude."

"The principal official, the current official position of Nobunaga Oda is the two right ministers under the Taizheng." After that, Nanbu Shinji added: "Although the two right ministers are one of the highest-ranking official positions in the empire, they are not The most powerful official."

"It turns out that our emperor, our emperor, has left a hand for himself!" Bai Feng, with a playful smile on his face, leaned slightly on his seat and told the southern faith: "Southern king, tell me about the empire Official system, I don’t know much about it yet."

"Hey" Nanfang believes in a detailed explanation: "The empire's central government system is based on two officials and eight provinces. Under the emperor, there are **** officials who serve as court sacrificial priests and princes who administer the state, and the actual administration under the princes. Shared by eight provinces with different functions."

"Of all the empire officials, from one to four senior officials, they are basically the family officials of the empire, or they are the governors of the powerful family; from the four to the five priests, there are emperors. Power officials, but they need to be communicated."

"The six to eight officials are all official officials of the emperor who have official seals and uniforms, but they are also small officials who have no right to see the emperor; Officer, it’s better to say that it’s an official than an ordinary man.”

"The ranks of officials at all levels are clear." Bai Feng smiled slightly: "Southern Jun, you continue, talk about the specific functions of officials."

"Hey!" Nanbu Shinto continued by order: "The Taizheng official is the highest organ in charge of the court. Its chief has a minister of the Taizheng, two left ministers and a right minister; the second official has three big ministers. Speak from three of them; their judges have census officers from four down, five on top, five on top, and five from under five."

"From a minister of politics, the highest official of all official positions, it can be said that he is an honorary position of the emperor master. After he resigns, he will be given back as the right one; because there is no qualified person, it should not be set up. There are many vacancies in official positions."

"Another reason for the vacancy of the official was determined by the special relationship between the Emperor and the Minister of State; when the Emperor was young, the Minister of State was presiding over the government and called the Regency. Exclusive to the power of the emperor."

"The two right ministers, all the affairs of the chief prince, the ceremony in the palace, etc., are the de facto highest responsibilities of the court; no family superintendent has held the post; the same two right ministers, although they are second seats, have permission Same as Minister Zuo."

"When the Ministers of the Taizheng and Zuo can’t go out of the dynasty or serve as Guan Bai for some reason, the right minister will act as the president’s government affairs and ceremonies; therefore, the powerful right and left ministers are also called the left and right ministers. , Also known as Zuofudian and Youfudian."

"From the two inner ministers, who are outside the establishment of the Taizheng, the permission is the same as the former two; because the Taizheng and the left and right ministers are not permanent, so when the current three are not set up or cannot go out, the minister will act as president. Political affairs and ceremonies of political officials."

"The three great ministers are the chief subordinates of the Taizheng officials. They are responsible for discussing world affairs with other ministers and discussing the appropriateness of the emperor's orders. They are also the important duties to convey the words of the upper and lower levels; when the other ministers are away, they can also act as the Taizheng officials. Part of the power."

"According to the three Zhongyanyans, it is the second official of the Taizheng. The position is basically the same as that of the Chief Vice-Chancellor, but they cannot act as ministers. If other ministers are absent, Zhongnayan has no right to decide any major affairs. Yes, we can only wait for the ministers to return."

"The participation under the four members is an official position to consult with ministers and Na Yan, and is a heavy duty following the Na Yan. The conditions of appointment are very strict; non-noble secretaries or members of powerful families are not eligible for appointment. Participate in the deliberations and participate in imperial government affairs!"

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