Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1081: "·Honma reinforcement"

Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

The land was surprisingly smooth, not only allowed Obuwano to capture the city of this small family without any effort, but also allowed the Ito Marines at sea to completely capture all the warships of this small family; within a day, this room The number of warships under Yonghui changed from the original one closed ship and four small early days to the current one closed ship and nine small early days. The overall strength has nearly doubled!

Another small family who received the news of the destruction of this small family, while frightened and began to prepare for the battle, while anxiously asking for help from the Honma family behind them; the eyesight people know that the Honma family will never sit back and watch the rise of the Ito family Regardless of.

Sado Island is the Sado Island of Sado Pirates. Sado Pirates is the first pirate force of Hokuriku built by large and small pirate forces. This is a fact recognized by all Yamato Empires; what is unknown to outsiders is that Yumao County, one of the three Sado County, is the Yuma County of the Honma family from the beginning to the end. The rule of the Yuma family on the Yuma County has lasted for hundreds of years!

One hundred years is not long, and short is definitely not short. It is enough for our family to manage Yumao County as their family's forbidden; but there is no enduring rule in the world, nor is there longevity. With the decline of the ruling power, this family is no exception.

A hundred years ago, the Honma family was not only the ruling family of Yumao County, but also the only family power in Yumao County; the Yumao County after 100 years is still within the sphere of influence of the Honma family, but the number of families in its territory is no less than ten .

How were these dozen or so small families born in Yumao County under the rule of Honma family? In the final analysis, it is still the role played by the Yamato Empire's segregation system; all the Yumo-gun families, including the Ito family, are new forces formed by the Honma family's segregation of the heavy ministers who have great credit for their families, and finally they become Threatening factors affecting the family's dominance.

After receiving a letter of assistance from the second small family, Kengo Motomi, who was quite a wealthy man, didn’t know what happened to the Ito family who had originally kept himself safe, but he did not delay it and immediately dispatched his family’s Support the army!

An army of Honma family consisting of 500 warriors and 5,000 foot soldiers on the land, like a tide, flocked to the Ito family city; an ocean house consists of an Anzhai warship, six large customs ships, Twelve closed ships and fifty early Hyundai family fleets are also irresistibly rushing to the Ito clan’s naval port.

The Honma family, which moved by sea and land, obviously wanted to take this opportunity to overthrow the increasingly powerful Ito family and reshape their absolute hegemony in Yumao County; unfortunately, Brent on the sea and Obwa on the land Connaught, will not give this family a chance.

The reason why Obwano was able to lead one hundred elites under his command and defeat the thousands of soldiers of the first small family was not blindly overwhelming, but flexible tactics; one hundred elite warriors who performed their duties, Unusually terrifying combat power broke out.

Thirty elite longbowmen, their task is to use Lenghuai longbow's range advantage to kill the enemy's strong combat effectiveness and regular equipped light troops; twenty elite crossbowmen, their task is to use the The crossbow's lethality advantage kills the enemy samurai who serve as the mainstay; finally, fifty elite warriors rushed up and slashed the enemy peasants and soldiers whose fighting will was weak.

The tacit cooperation between the longbowmen and the crossbowmen killed more than forty enemy warriors and more than two hundred enemy troops, which seriously damaged the main resistance of the enemy; the soldiers who followed up, Only hundreds of enemies and peasants were killed, and the enemy with no intention of fighting was defeated.

Using one's own small-scale elite to attack the enemy's local area is a good way to deal with the Yamato army that contains a large number of peasants and soldiers; Obuwano, who succeeded once, concocted the second time and defeated the second Thousands of soldiers of the family captured the opponent's city.

The two highly victorious battles have made Obuwano a god-like presence in the eyes of the soldiers of the Ito family; even those ordinary people who have been talking about Obuwano have already begun to use the "God of War" Describe Obuwano to show their awe.

With the rapid destruction of these two small families, the Ito family followed the thousands of captives captured behind the Obovano department, all of them were incorporated into the Ito family army; Ito Yuheng is not a fool, he knows this The Honma family behind the two small families will definitely take the opportunity to come forward.

In addition to this, Ito Yuheng can also be sure that with his own name of Sado’s first navy sergeant and the strength of the Ito naval force that cannot be underestimated, this family will not waste such a good time. Send a main fleet of Yumao Marines to the battle.

Although the Yumao navy of the Honma family occupies an absolute quantitative and qualitative advantage compared to its own Ito naval force, Ito Yuheng believes that the Yanhuang family fleet remaining in the inner sea of ​​Yumao will definitely not sit back and watch the main efforts. The Yumao Marines attacked their own Ito Marines.

Even if the Yanhuang Family Fleet did not intercept the Yumao Army in time, Ito Yuheng was fully confident that he and his Yonima’s fleet would hold the main force of the Yumao Army and wait for the Yanhuang Family Fleet to arrive in time to end the victory A war already doomed.

Therefore, Ito Yuheng, who is not worried about the menacing Yumao Army, is most concerned about fighting on land; if the army of the Honma family rushed into the city of the Ito family before the Yanhuang family army landed, Then Ito Yuheng would suffer a big loss.

Even if Ito Yuheng has brought all his family to his flagship, it does not mean that he is willing to abandon the city that his family has been painstakingly managing for decades; otherwise, he will not take all of his family’s army , All left to Obuwano.

Obuano, who won the title of "God of War" with two clean and neat victories, no one questioned his land combat ability; even Ito Yuheng himself had to admit that Obuino was his own The generals who have been good at fighting land warfare.

The only thing that made Ito Yuheng curious is that he didn’t know what position Obuwano could play to this level in the Yanhuang family; if Obuwano had a high status in the Yanhuang family, Ito Yuheng actually It is unbelievable, because the other party only came to themselves with hundreds of people, no matter how strong the fighting power of those 100 people is, they are only 100 people after all, right?

If Obuwano’s status in the Yanhuang family is really not high, it can only show that the talents of the Yanhuang family have reached a terrible point; this is not a happy thing for Ito Yuheng , Because many talents mean fierce competition!

Ito Yuheng wanted to use the thighs of the Yanhuang family to go to the vast world outside Sado to make a fortune. But he is used to being respected and standing in a high position. How can he really be willing to start from the bottom?

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